Magic Hunter

Chapter 41 Dead Soul

Chapter 41 Souls of Death

After groping in the corner for a long time, I finally found the switch. With a crisp sound, the light turned on. At this time, Lin saw the layout of the room clearly, which was very simple, a bed, a lamp and a counter close to the bedside.

"...!" He noticed the photo: "" He walked over and picked up the photo frame on the counter next to the bed, which was a photo of Tang Jia and a little boy. In the photo, Tang Jia smiled happily. She put her arms around the boy's neck and made a winning V gesture on her cheek. The little boy looked very unhappy and his mouth was pouted, but Tang Jia's eyes were full of sweetness. At that time, Tang Jia looked still childish, and her figure was not very prominent. Obviously, she had just developed. Her clothes are not comparable now. They are not only gorgeous but also delicate. At a glance, you can see that it is a valuable top brand...

Lin can naturally guess that this should be a photo taken a few years ago. She was still taken by a daughter. Of course, he didn't care about this. What made him interested, or surprised him, was that although the little boy in the photo felt incredible, he always felt that he had seen him somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while, but he just felt very familiar.

This feeling is very strange, and he can't explain it. Generally speaking, he has never seen Tang Jia's brother, but the reality is that he should have seen it, but he can't remember it all of a sudden.

Therefore, he took the photo and began to look carefully, hoping that the blurred picture in his mind could be seen a little more clearly. But the result was not good, and he still couldn't remember. He had no choice but to put the photo frame back on the counter...

But at this time, the moment Lin put down the photo frame, he saw the little boy's head move. He couldn't believe it. He rubbed his eyes to determine whether he was blindfolded or not, and the fact told him that he was not blindfolded, and the little boy in the photo was smiling at him, right, that kind of unscrupulous smile.

"...the soul of the dead?" He asked himself secretly, a little surprised and reasonable. As far as he knows, souls swallowed up by charms or other monsters, in general, will disappear without a trace. But some, very small parts, their remaining extreme resentment will slowly turn into another existence, that is, the evil spirits (ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, ghosts are commonly known as evil spirits) that should be controlled by [Queen Frosebina].

This is where Lin was surprised. You know, the current dead soul attached to the former objects does not seem to have been accepted by the Empress Frosebina, but has been exiled and stationed in the present world. This is unimaginable. Unless there is any irresistible force that prevents the dead soul from entering purgatory at present, otherwise, as the queen of purgatory, it is absolutely impossible to let go of such a resentful ghost. You know, the deeper the evil spirit resentment, the greater the ability to the queen, the more she does not It should be even more impossible to miss the soul of the present...

Therefore, Lin was a little surprised. He felt that the reason for the existence of the soul of the dead at present was not abandoned by the Empress Frosebina, but by what power was guarded by what power, and the power that could help the soul of the dead reject the Empress Frosebina was the real reason for Lin's surprised...

"...a saint?" He believes that if there really is that power, there is only the protection from the saint. But this doesn't seem to make sensible. After all, the saint who has not yet awakened should not have that ability.

The more Lin thought about it, the more wrong it was, and he couldn't explain it. The seemingly reasonable reason seemed to be completely unreasonable. Just like now, the little boy, as a dead soul, finally broke free from the shackles of the photo frame and quietly appeared in front of him.

Lin did not dare to neglect, deliberately stepped back half a step, and deliberately kept a certain distance from the almost transparent soul. He also made it clear that there was no essential difference between the souls of the dead and the charm. They were only attracted by pure souls, and then, because they wanted to be freed from the extremely strong resentment, they instinctively devoured these souls until one day they regained their freedom and survived again in the form of the dead or [slave].

Although Lin Zi thinks that his soul is not pure, this does not mean that the current soul is not interested in himself. If he is right, the reason why the soul awakened is because of his contact.

Yes, it was because of Lin's contact that the dead soul sleeping in the photo frame was awakened and appeared in front of him in this nihilistic and weak form. How to put it, there are many times when Lin's special and unique dark blood always gives him a lot of unnecessary trouble, just like now, inadvertently, because of the dark blood, the soul of the dead is easily revived.

This is very deadly. If he can, he really doesn't want the soul of the dead to be awakened. You know, why the soul of the dead awakens, then that person must be the absolutely suitable host of the soul of the dead. This is actually very similar to the devil. In the final analysis, if objects that do not belong to this space want to continue to exist in this space, they must rely on a living host, and Lin, obviously, inadvertently, is a trick. Therefore, he is very depressed now, wondering whether his bad luck should be so exaggerated. When he encounters something bad, he has to meet the soul of cheating his father.

"...little brother," he was a little frightened: "If you have something to say, I actually don't want to be like this. It's an accident. It's purely an accident." He is very entangled now and inexplicably becomes the host of this soul. If he insists on it, although he can completely purify it, the problem is that he has a necessary connection with the soul. If the soul disappears, he doesn't know whether he will die with it. In this way, he can only hope that the soul of the dead can be a little more harmonious now, and if he has any great grudges, he may be able to do a little bit of a favor.

But the result was just as Lin expected. This seemed to be a little naive, and he wanted his own body. Of course, Lin refused. As a hunter, he was possessed by the soul of the dead, and he would not fool around in the future. Therefore, almost at the moment when the soul of the dead rushed over, he put his hands together, and suddenly, a gorgeous golden light covered his whole body. Then, when the soul of the dead touched Lin's body, the golden light forced him back half a step, and even because of the contact just now, his right hand was quietly burning... ...

Lin was also shot while lying down. Because of the burning of the soul's right hand, his right hand was the same, which was swallowed up by the golden flame. He hurriedly dumped it twice. Fortunately, the flame was really extinguished by him: "...Brother!" He wanted to cry: "Stop playing. Please be honest. I won't be a container for you."

The soul of the Dead looked at Lin with some doubt. He seemed to know that the container he chose was very unusual and should not be easily occupied by himself. After a moment of hesitation, he did not act in a hurry, but floated in place and looked at the forest where the golden light gradually integrated into his body.

"..." Lin couldn't stand it. The innocent childlike lonely and helpless eyes at this moment made him feel very sorry. Even because of his gradually red eyes, he was a little soft-hearted: "" For a second, he thought about selflessly giving his body, but he quickly dispelled it. This crazy idea is even more deadly: "...Don't play this with my brother... I won't sympathize with you..." He said hesitantly, but pretended to have a very firm expression.

The soul of the dead gradually lowered his head, and then he glanced at Lin with resentment...

Those eyes are full of unwillingness, and they are very helpless. He didn't say anything. He quietly 'walked' back to the photo frame, and finally disappeared completely and disappeared.

Lin: "............" He couldn't figure out the situation for a while: "...this, so good?!" He thought that the soul of the dead would fight with him. At worst, both sides would lose, but what he didn't expect was that he went back like this, leisurely, calm and silent. He was really surprised. Isn't the soul of the dead a deep resentment? Why is this soul of the dead...

He couldn't figure it out, and he had no clue.

Then, he walked over again and deliberately pushed the photo frame on the counter: "...Hey, hey..." He carefully moved the photo frame: "...come out, come out... talk..." He felt that it was very necessary for him to communicate well with the soul of the dead. His grandmother had to untie this Mo. It's a wonderful host relationship. But there is no reaction. Even if it is called several times, the photo frame is still a photo frame, which is often ordinary and does not produce any variation.

This makes Lin a little crazy. This little boy clearly plays hooliganism. After eating 'tofu', he flashes people. How can the tempered Lin endure...

He picked up the photo frame and raised it high: "Don't force me," His momentum was very scary, like a domineering side leak: "...Do you believe that I smashed this photo frame?" I have to say that Lin's move is quite cruel. After all, the only place for the soul of the dead is him and the frame. If Lin really smashes the frame, the soul of the dead who loses the shelter will eventually lose the ability to exist in the world and eventually disappear. This is not a joke. Even if it is a demon, there is no place for the host, and it is inevitable to disappear in the space that does not belong to them.

The situation is still quite serious. No, no, no, it's very terrible, but the photo frame still has no reaction. It seems that the soul is still indifferent, as if he is quietly talking to Lin, whether you smash it or not, it's up to you.

"............" Lin was speechless again. Now he is obviously threatening others, how do he feel that he is threatened?

He didn't do that. He hesitated again and again, and still put the photo frame back in place: "... If you have the ability, don't come out for the rest of your life!" He was still a little indignant: "Let's see who has played!" He made up his mind to see who consumed whom.

But after only three seconds, he regretted it in just three seconds. No, no, no, he really couldn't afford it: "Brother!" He was helpless and intimate again: "Please come out, okay? Let's discuss it. Isn't it just that you need a container? Can't I help you find one!" He is sincere and becomes a container for the soul of the dead. He is really under a lot of pressure. He knows very well that if this kind of thing is not solved for a day, he can't sleep well for a day. Anyway, the soul of the dead is also a kind of evil spirit. If he accidentally shows a real and strong side, he can't eat it and leave. And now the dead soul, who has just woken up, although he still looks very harmonious and well-behaved, he is not sure when he will lose his temper. If that's the case, Lin can only be tough.

As mentioned above, Lin inexplicably became the host of the soul of the dead. Obviously, he could not destroy the soul. The best result was to temporarily imprison it, and the worst result...

Lin dare not think about it any more. The result or consequence is definitely not what he wants.