Magic Hunter

Chapter 45 Fire Beast Necklace

Chapter 45 Flame Beast Necklace

In the face of Lin's 'questioning', the soul of the dead just glanced at him, and then disappeared as quietly as at the beginning, and finally disappeared.

Lin: "......" Really, he is not used to the sudden appearance of the soul and the disappearance without warning: "...what is this? Ignore? Despise? Or do you despise it?

With that, he looked at Xia Ya a few steps away, with a depressed face: "...Beauty, you can say something."

Xia Ya frowned slightly. She didn't seem to hear the bitterness from Lin at all. It was so direct. She said another thing: "What do you say..." She was not sure: "Does this dead soul have something to do with you?" She feels that the general soul of the dead will not be like this. Although the container is very important, it is completely unnecessary to show a state of protection. You know, the soul of the dead exists only for survival. It only has resentment, not an extremely strong protection behavior like just now.

Speaking of which, such a strong protective behavior is more like [guardian spirit], a kind of missing body that exists because of missing and reluctance. This kind of missing body is very similar to the soul of the dead, but there is an obvious essential difference between the two, that is, the protection and devouring of the soul.

Let's put it this way, because of the extremely strong resentment and the desire to survive, the souls of the dead usually devour the closest souls, that is, their relatives or friends, but the missing bodies are different. They will be called guardian spirits for the sake of protection. They will not devour any soul, just for companionship and protection until The moment when it has completely disappeared.

Yes, guardian spirits will not exist for long. After all, they are a soul form. If they can't actively devour the soul of the living or find a suitable container, their final result will also disappear completely. Therefore, guardian spirits are usually deposited on once beloved objects, so that they can slightly enhance the time of existence...

This seems to make sension. Lin found that the existence of the soul of the dead was in the photo of the soul with his sister. But this doesn't seem to make sense. Lin's contact with the photo frame awakened the soul of the dead. If he was a simple guardian spirit, how could he want his own body and inexplicably establish a host relationship...

Therefore, Xia Ya feels very contradictory, which seems to be able to explain but unable to explain, but one thing she can be sure of is the relationship between Lin and the soul of the dead. She believes that the relationship between the two must be extraordinary. Whether it is the soul of the dead or the guardian spirit, since he is willing to appear beside Lin, he has easily explained this. .

Lin himself should also know this. He knows that he has something to do with this dead soul, but he absolutely does not think that the relationship between the two is as good as a guardian spirit. Yes, he vaguely felt that he might have seen this dead soul somewhere, but at most it was only a few times. If he had a deep friendship with the dead soul, how could he not remember it, but the fact is that all kinds of behaviors of the dead soul proved that their relationship was very unusual.

This made Lin very painful. He really couldn't remember what the vague memory in his mind represented. It seemed that there was the figure of the soul of the dead, but it was not very clear, but he was very impressed by an item.

Also, what if Lin and the soul of the dead establish a host relationship not only because of the dark blood, but also because of the extraordinary relationship in life?

The more I think about it, the bigger my head is, and the more I think about it, the more difficult it is to explain. Lin shook his head and looked at Xia Ya with a slightly serious look: "... I don't have any impression... I mean, the dead soul should not have caused his accidental death." He is very sure. After all, his impression of this dead soul is too vague.

Xia Ya does not think so. In her opinion, Lin's vague memory does not mean that he has no inevitable connection with the soul of the dead. In fact, she has thought that Lin's relationship with the soul is extraordinary or even closely related. It's not difficult to see. You know, the moment the dead soul appeared in front of Lin, she noticed the 'necklace' given to him by the god of death on Lin's neck...

Maybe Lin didn't find it, but Xia Ya saw it clearly. At the moment when the soul of the dead appeared, the necklace from the illusion of the beast lit up slightly. The light was not strong, or even unnoticed, but it was this fleeting light that made Xia Ya feel that the soul of the dead would choose Lin as the host, not Jane. Because of the dark blood, it may be more because of Lin himself, or Lin's acceptance of the necklace given by Death.

But she didn't know what it represented. She just felt that she should remind Lin. Therefore, she pointed to the guardian necklace on the neck of the forest and said quietly, "Don't you think you should pay attention to the gift of death?" She glanced at Lin and said, "... Death's things have never been simple. Maybe this necklace transformed from the fourth-order fire beast is not what it looks like on the surface, just to protect you."

"...?" Lin was a little surprised. He could hear it. Tang Jia said, "What do you want to explain?"

Xia Ya was not in a hurry to answer, but talked about another question: "Although Death will summon the fourth level of the beast. I'll leave it to you, but you should not forget that the fire beast is still the fire beast. It belongs to death and does not belong to you.

Xia Ya is right. In the final analysis, Lin did not establish the contract with Yanshou.

Lin also noticed this point. He was not very surprised: "It's normal," he said, "Although Death and I are not enemies, they are not friends, but they are only temporarily allied because of Dong Shao." Speaking of this, he deliberately paused, and then continued to say, "It's not easy for Death to borrow the mythical beast, or the fourth-order mythical beast. I don't think there's anything wrong, but I think it's quite sincere." Yes, Death not only gave the Yan Beast to Lin. Although it did not establish a contract, the so-called gift here is at best a loan, but as Lin thought, it was quite sincere to be able to lend the fourth-order mythical beast. Moreover, don't forget that Death also gave the dragon pattern fragments to him unconditionally. Lin, and also promised to try their best to find the whereabouts of other fragments when possible...

For Lin, the sincerity of death is absolutely sufficient, but it is himself, and there is not much to say.

Therefore, he just laughed at Xia Ya's doubts, saying that she was too careful.