Magic Hunter

Chapter 47 Select

Chapter 47 Selection

What else can I do? Although I feel crazy, Lin felt that this seemed to be the only way in front of him: "...Okay." He made a very difficult decision: "But I'll make it clear first. If you make any big trouble, go and explain it to the old man. Don't involve me."

Xia Ya smiled honestly: "It's impossible." She refused and looked very relaxed: "... If you don't want to, I suggest you find the old man. I mean, the old man must have a better way to solve your troubles." What she said is true. It's not a big deal for the old man to solve the troubles on Lin. He can even take the initiative to communicate with death and solve it very peacefully.

But the problem is that both Xia Ya and Lin know how much it will cost to find the old man to solve the problem. It is no exaggeration to say that the old man will definitely treat you well and let you deal with more troublesome things.

This kind of thing is done by the old man. He is not the kind of kind-looking and kind old man. He also hates the younger generation to come to the door when he comes to the door for a little big thing. Then, it almost becomes an un written rule. Whenever someone finds the old man to solve the big thing, and in the old man's eyes, after this big thing is solved. He will definitely give a very deadly task...

Lin has tried and tried many times, so it is impossible for him to find the old man to solve the problem again, which is absolutely impossible. Therefore, for what Xia Ya just said, Lin felt that it was completely a disguised threat. Of course, in Xia Ya's own opinion, this is just a kind reminder.

But Lin immediately did not compromise. He felt that such a risk was too great, but the next second, he still compromised. Yes, if another self is really copied by Death, it is very difficult for the old man to give it. In fact, no matter what kind of situation it is, it is not easy to give, but Lin feels that maybe the chance of risking to be angry by the old man will be less. In this way, he glanced at Xia Ya quietly, and then nodded silently: "...Beauty, you won."

Xia Ya smiled and didn't make too much fun of it. Then, she came over a few steps and stopped in front of Lin: "By the way, be careful."

"--Uh?" Lin didn't know the sentence 'be careful'. Xia Ya suddenly tore open his T-shirt, and then, it was so quick. The phoenix feather, which had been almost purified, quietly appeared. Then, Lin only saw a gorgeous 'firework' passing by, and then there was a slight heat in his chest.

He instinctively looked down and found that Feng Yu did not pierce his skin, but stayed a few millimeters. The molten fire flowing from the center of the dagger dripped down his chest, as if there was life, and he 'drawed' a small array on his chest.

This method is portrayed on the skin. Even if Lin has dark blood, it seems that because it is the melting inflammation of Fengyu, the wound cannot be repaired. In this way, the palm-sized method is perfectly formed.

" this?" Looking at the small magic array on his chest, Lin was a little surprised. If he guessed correctly, this should be the fusion array.

The array of fusion? This is exactly where Lin is surprised. You know, the fusion array is specially designed for the soul.

He couldn't help looking at Xia Ya, a little uneasy, but he looked like a forced smile: "...girl, you shouldn't think..." He was very polite, and he didn't dare to have a little temper. In some ways, his life was in the hands of the woman in front of him.

Xia Ya didn't explain much. In fact, she completely ignored Lin's uneasiness: "Well, that's about it." When she spoke, the gorgeous phoenix feather in her hand quickly dissipated and finally disappeared.

She clapped her hands and had a slightly relaxed meaning: "...It's okay... Fortunately, there was no excessive reaction." In her guess, because of the dark blood, even if the fusion array portrayed by Feng Yu may be recovered or even swallowed up, it seems that the dark blood is not as domineering as Xia Ya imagined, or that the current Lin has not really exerted the absolute power of the dark blood.

Although this is not good news, at this moment, Xia Ya is glad that Lin did not fully awaken the dark blood. Obviously, because of this, the fusion array she portrayed on Lin's chest was successful.

Then, when the fusion array gradually disappeared and slowly merged with Lin's body, she finally breathed a sigh of relief: "... I didn't expect it to be so smooth." She couldn't help looking at Lin, with a smiling arc hanging on the corners of her mouth: "It seems that it's not entirely a bad thing for you to become weak."

Lin listened, and laughed neither crying nor: "Don't play with people like this..." He didn't care whether Xia Ya praised him or made fun of him just now. In short, he asked the question he was most concerned about now: "...Is this...really okay?" Although the fusion array was very successful, he was still a little worried: " won't involve my soul, will it?"

Xia Ya had no pressure on Lin's worries and doubts. She didn't think about it and said directly, "The ideal result is like this."

".........reason, ideal result?" Lin was under pressure: "... Well... can you penetrate it a little bit?" He stared at Xia Ya: "How ideal is your so-called ideal result?"

Xia Ya smiled and said, "It's hard to say," she thought for a moment: "It mainly depends on the soul of the dead. If he is honest enough, it will not involve your soul." At this point, she glanced at Lin: "Of course, if he is not honest or the soul of the flaming beast, he will successfully swallow it... You know It's the result."

Lin: "............" Xia Ya said it very lightly, and it was even more a stroke. But for Lin, this is a very terrible result. If he is not careful, he will also be swallowed up by the fire beast like a dead soul.

This is not a joke. In the final analysis, it is still because of the host relationship of the father. Because of the existence of this, the dead soul is swallowed up, and his soul can't escape the relationship. Now, there is a deadly fusion array...

You should know that the fusion array exists to strengthen the connection between the soul and the soul, and even closely related. Let's put it this way, if the soul of the dead is now slapped by Xia Ya, then Lin will feel the same way, and his cheeks will feel the same pain and damage as the soul.

If it's just a host relationship, the effect is not so obvious, and because of the fusion array, even if the dead soul farts, he can easily feel it.

So, this is also why. At the beginning, Lin Hui was so hesitant and uneasy. After all, the disappearance of the soul of the dead, maybe he will also disappear with it. No, no, no, it's not possible, but for sure.

Of course, Lin still has a chance to regret, as long as he refuses the soul of the dead. Yes, although the fusion array has taken shape, just like Lin's refusal to invade his body, as long as he refuses, the soul is powerless. In this way, the fusion array will not be effective.

Of course, Lin knows this, but he knows better that if he refuses the soul of the dead, he will always be copied by the flaming beast.

How to put it, the replication ability of the flaming beast must have a soul as pure as white paper, and this soul is the dead soul. Of course, the soul of the dead is born from resentment. He is not the soul in the usual sense, but a small part of the soul. It's like ice. When the complete ice is broken, it will always become large and small fragments, which is one of these fragments. It exists by resentment, and then gradually derivates, and finally becomes the soul of the dead...

The soul of the dead is related to the original soul. In fact, the flame beast necklace on the neck of the forest, the soul in it, the soul of the dead can be easily felt, just like the soul that is gradually copied into the forest, the soul can also feel the existence of the soul of the dead.

Then, they all want to get free souls and souls of the dead. Their purposes are simple and consistent, and they don't want to be replicas of others. After that, as long as they are given a chance, the soul is bound to break free.

Yes! Opportunity!

Obviously, the dead soul is the only opportunity for the soul. As long as he can recover or combine with the soul, the flame beast must not be accepted. As mentioned above, the replication ability of the hot beast requires a pure soul, and like a dead soul born with resentment, when he recombines with his own soul, the result is naturally to pollute it and finally abandoned by the hot beast...

This is how Lin prevents himself from being copied.

But the soul of the dead alone cannot meet his soul through the protection of the beast. Therefore, the fusion array left by Xia Ya on Lin's body, as long as Lin accepts, the soul of the dead can rely on his strength to try to break into the world of the beast necklace.

Such words came back again. Even if Lin accepted the dead soul, it is still unknown whether he can successfully combine with his soul, and it is even unknown whether it will be easily killed by the fire beast.

The risk is too great. If you accept the soul of death through the fusion array, the soul of death can indeed be stronger, but at the same time, what Lin has to bear is life and death. The failure of the soul of the dead also means that his failure, or even disappears forever.

So, up to now, Lin still hesitated. He didn't know whether the choice he made would make the trouble easier or more difficult.

Because of Lin's hesitation, Xia Ya beside her shook her head: "Young man," she pointed to the watch on her wrist: "You don't have much time. If it's after midnight, I think you don't have a chance to have a choice." She is right. The monsters arranged by Wan Ruoxiang are about to appear. Their arrival will only bring a fierce battle. Even if Lin can survive tenaciously, Lin must be exhausted and bruised at that time. That is to say, it may be a few weeks later if Lin wants to integrate the souls of the dead again, and during this period, Yan The beast is enough to completely copy his soul.

In addition, it is the night of the full moon after tonight. Lin doesn't even have time to rest. It is absolutely unwise to waste power to integrate the soul of the dead.

Therefore, Xia Ya should let Lin understand that in less than 20 minutes, he had better make a choice.

Because of Xia Ya's intentional reminder, Lin became more hesitant now. He thought he still had a way out, but he found that there were cliffs on both sides. As long as he made the wrong choice, he must be smashed to pieces if he fell off the cliff. But it's not easy to choose. No matter which one you choose, the result seems to be a dead end.

" still have fifteen minutes." Xia Ya reminded again.

It's still the same. The passing of time only makes Lin's choice more difficult and dangerous.

————"...ten minutes left."

——"...five minutes."


At this time, Lin, who hesitated for a long time, finally made a decision...