Magic Hunter

Chapter 59 Isn't it a trap!!

Chapter 59 Isn't it a trap!!

Everything seems to be calm. It has just been full of monsters in the whole square, only the crystal-colored fragments on the ground. Those fragments are very beautiful, like crystals, shining in the blood-red moonlight...

In the corner of the wall, the scarred Lin stood up with some effort. He was covered with blood, but because of the dark blood, when the magic slowly recovered, the wounds of all sizes were slowly healing. At such a speed, it would not take long to fully recover.

But Lin still looked very weak and his face was very pale. Although he came step by step, he walked and stopped, but a few meters away for a long time. Then, he stopped and swept the colorful fragments under his feet, and then the covered bone sword gradually appeared in front of him.

Sure enough, the bone sword was not smashed by the shadows of Lucifer's swords just now. It is still intact, that is, the layer of white bone armor deliberately covered by the slaves was completely broken.

He didn't try to pick up the bone sword. He was quite clear about his current ability. He just felt a little strange. In a vague time, he seemed to feel a slight change in the bone sword.

He doesn't know what that feeling represents, but he can be sure that his dark blood seems to have been completely swallowed up by the bone sword. You know, he can't feel half of the power from the bone sword now.

Indeed, the dark blood is not invincible. If the opponent's power is too higher than Lin, the dark blood will also be purified. Of course, for bone swords that can also absorb power, those precious dark bloods are naturally sucked.

In this way, the saturation of the bone sword seems to have passed, and it begins to suck the dark blood again and easily suck it cleanly.

Lin should have guessed this more or less, but he didn't think too much. Then, when Xia Ya appeared beside him, he smiled hard: "How's the lively?" He was a little teasing: "...Are you satisfied with it?"

Xia Ya smiled without saying anything, but replied lazily: "... reluctantly, make do with it." With that, she tried to pick up the bone sword, which was not bad, because there was a layer of boundary, and the bone sword, which was still in a real state at this moment, did not eat Xia Ya.

Seeing this scene, Lin quickly reacted: "...Cut, there are really painful guys." In his opinion, it is really impossible to find a more reasonable explanation for the guy who intends to release such a difficult boundary on the boundary. Of course, at this time, Lin finally understood why the little slaver could control the bone sword and make himself so embarrassed.

Xia Ya deliberately looked at the bone sword in her hand. She didn't find it just now. When she looked closely, she saw that the bone sword was full of very tiny spells. If it was correct, these spells should maintain the boundary of the sword.

Xia Ya is very interested in these spells on these bone swords. How to put it, these spells are rare. They are relatively advanced spells. Generally speaking, those who know how to use these ancient spells are old monsters. After all, like the disappearance of exorcists, few people can use these ancient spells now, let alone many people can interpret their meaning.

"............" Xia Ya was ashamed: "That thing has nothing to do with you. It seems that you only borrow it and don't return it."

Seeing what Xia Ya said, Lin was still calm: "This is your fault. Pay back the money. If you have money, you still don't want to, and I don't want to."

Xia Ya smiled reluctantly. She had to admit that Lin, a child, human beings can no longer stop him.

I didn't talk nonsense with him. Xia Ya put on the bone sword, and then prepared to call the old man, saying that it was almost there. However, before calling, she couldn't help looking at Lin beside her: "" She pointed to Lin's current state: "I'm not going to be normal. Is this handsome?" She didn't understand. The battle was over, and Lin actually maintained the state of magic all over her body just now. By the way, it took a lot of magic to maintain this state.

It's strange that Lin seems to have noticed that his state has not been relieved. He was a little surprised. He thought he had already returned to normal. What surprised him more was that he didn't know why he couldn't get rid of this state.

"...Isn't it?!" Xia Ya was also shocked.

Lin nodded honestly, "...don't ask me why, I don't know." After saying that, he also tried several times in a row to disarm this state of magic, but there was still no effect, and the state was still disobedient.

Xia Ya can see that Lin is not joking with himself. This made her very puzzled. It should be said that Lin, who broke the first precept, should be able to easily get rid of this state. After all, breaking the ring is with the help of unusable magic in normal conditions. Those magic cannot be mastered skillfully. Let's put it this way, breaking the ring is a more risky and difficult thing, but restoring normal is a very simple thing, just one idea is enough.

Ke Lin is not like this. He doesn't seem to be able to recover simply by his mind, and what makes Xia Ya feel more incredible is that she has only now found that breaking the first precept does not seem to have given Lin too much counterattack. Except for the broken chain of the ghost all over Lin now, nothing seems to have happened...< /P>

Speaking of which, now, the thick iron chains formed by the ghost on Lin are slowly dissipating.

"..............." Xia Ya really didn't understand. The disappearance of the ghost chain showed that Lin had lifted the first precept, but why did the ghost disappear completely, but the state of magic pattern on Lin's body was not lifted. This...

Seeing Xia Ya's frowning look, Lin was also distressed: "Hey, hey," he even began to worry: "... What kind of expression, don't tell me, I want to take care of my sister in this state in the future. I don't want to."

............Well, Lin is really different, and he must not think about him with normal logic.

After saying that, he deliberately looked at Xia Ya's reaction. After finding that Xia Ya was still frowning, he was really anxious this time; "Hey, hey!" He was full of panic and even uneasiness: "You didn't say that you can't come back if you break the precepts. You can't cheat me like this, can you?" He is now forced to calm down, but he still knows that breaking the ring is always breaking the ring. The magic that can't be completely controlled will eventually devour himself. If at that time...

He dares not think about it any more. That result is definitely not what he wants.

Yes, although the magic power of breaking the ring will greatly increase Lin's combat effectiveness, after all, that kind of magic is not what Lin can control now. On the contrary, this powerful magic will only expand step by step. You know, this is only the first ring of the first ring, and there are eight commandments behind it.

Although Lin can still control the first ring now, he himself knows very well that when his original magic can no longer restrain the magic of the first ring, that strong magic will definitely go crazy and continue to release magic, which means that the next few levels will be broken one after another. No, no, no, don't say So far away, Lin thought that if it was only the second commandment, he did not think that he could control it as easily as the first precept.

So, Lin is very anxious now. Isn't this a trap!!

Of course, Xia Ya is also very clear about this, but she doesn't know that Lin can't be relieved of this state in the future. She even thinks that the old man may not know that Lin will be in this situation after breaking the ring.

She is calm. At least, she'd better not call the old man until she is completely sure. As mentioned above, the old man is a pervert and hates his subordinates to let himself solve the problem.

In this way, she has put her slightly glowing left hand on Lin's chest, trying to feel Lin's current magic more truly...