Magic Hunter

Chapter 61 Element Control

Chapter 61 Element Control

Xia Ya didn't explain much. She just mentioned Lin a little about the bone sword, and then put her hands together and wanted to use the spell to restrain the bone sword.

Then, because of Xia Ya's magic, around the bone sword, four gorgeous rose and red beams of light lit up dazzlingly: "Prickly teeth." With her soft call, the beam of light standing around the bone sword quickly responded. However, after a while, through the beam of light as gorgeous as a rose, countless thorny vines came alive and wrapped around the bone sword. No, no, no, no, it should be said that the final bondage of those vines was still the huge gathered little by little. The figure...

Indeed, as more and more colorful fragments are swallowed up by the bone sword, at the hilt of the bone sword, the growing tentacles are rapidly entangled together, and soon they gradually transform into a familiar outline.

Lin was very surprised at the figure now wrapped in countless vines. He could see that he felt that it was a slave, the poor monster that was obviously purified by Lucipher.

"...How come?!" With doubts, he couldn't imagine that the purified monster would appear in this form. But he still calmed down quickly. You know, although the vines from Xia Ya were very entangled, the increasingly obvious and clear figure kept struggling, and his figure was growing at an incredible speed. Then, the figure that had just been entangled by the vine easily broke through the shackles because of the enlargement of his body.

The scene was very bloody. The sharp thorns that went deep into the bone marrow of the vine brought out a few pieces of almost rotten flesh and blood as the slave broke every time. In such a situation, it didn't take long for the slave who was almost completely out of bondage. In its huge body, it was full of terrible wounds, big and small. ......

But the slaver didn't care, because of the incomparable magic. With every point of the increase in his body, the wounds on his body also healed quickly. Until now, when the ferocious face of the slaver completely appeared in front of Lin, no wounds could be seen on him, not even the scars he should have left. .

Roar~~~ The reborn slave roared crazily. Its roar is very harsh, but it is full of domineering. Even in this roar that ignores everything, both Lin and Xia Ya can clearly feel the dark and cold magic.

These overflowing magic are terrible, like the thousand-year-old ice, not only cold, but also gloomy, as if the two are now in the thousand-year-old ice prison, and they actually feel a trace of despair deep into the soul.

The two of them didn't care too much about this despair, especially Xia Ya. At the same time as the slave roared, her hands were folded again. With the soft call of [wood prickly teeth], the last few thick vines that barely bound the slaves quickly hardened, and then, like ancient trees, those The spikes that pierce the slaver's body grow and germinate quickly. In a few hours, those spikes that grow and germinate like seeds burst out of the body, and take the slaver's body as the soil to grow several huge ancient trees.

These ancient trees are absolutely huge. The relatively large slaves have become extremely small at this moment. Their bodies are swallowed up by several ancient trees. From a distance, you can only see these ancient trees with lush branches and leaves.

"Ice crystals." He called gently, and suddenly, on the earth thorns that wrapped the slaves in Xia Ya, the vine just now quickly froze, but for a while, like the body of a giant python, the dark but transparent ice crystals forcibly reinforced the dangerous earth thorn a little, and the thorn that was about to collapse was tightened in an instant, hardening the slave inside. Get bound by life.

This is obviously just the beginning. When the slightly transparent black ice crystals filled the whole square, Lin loosened the seal, and then, when he looked at Xia Ya beside him, he should have smiled triumphantly.

"...Is this?!" Xia Ya was a little surprised, but at the same time, she still understood Lin's smile just now. She saw it clearly, because Lin's ice crystals covered the whole square, and the colorful fragments attracted by the bone sword were frozen one after another, even the bone sword itself.

In this way, it seems to work. The layer of black ice crystals easily prevents the bone sword from continuing to devour the colorful fragments on the ground.

Xia Ya didn't believe it. Obviously, the facts were in front of her, but she really wouldn't believe that Lin could stop the bone sword just by this kind of low-level spell.

But soon, she found how unusual this seemingly ordinary spell was: "...two elements?" Although it is not obvious, Xia Ya felt it more or less. In that layer of black ice crystals, there are not only water elements, but also earth elements. Because the perfect combination of these two elements has turned the ice crystal, which should have been transparent, into the current strange state, but I have to admit that it is precisely because of this strange state that the ice crystal exerted by Lin seems to exert unimaginable power, as if to prevent the devouring of the bone sword.

Finding this, Xia Ya's eyes towards Lin became very different, with doubts, but more accidents. She also made it clear that between different elements, because of the innate strong rejection, it is impossible for people whose magic has not reached a certain level to manipulate the two elements at the same time, and use magic to perfectly offset the exclusion between the elements, and finally merge together...

What's more, it's not someone else, but the forest in front of him who doesn't seem to have fully recovered to the peak state. In fact, in Xia Ya's impression, although Lin's control of the elements at that time was much stronger than ordinary people, he also controlled three elements at most. But now Lin, obviously just broke the first ring, and he could actually control two elements at the same time. This...

It is worth mentioning that just like controlling one element and two elements, the distance between controlling three elements and two elements can be said to be very different, that is to say, there is a fundamental difference between the current forest and the peak state of the forest.

So, Xia Ya is very surprised. Now Lin is not to mention the same as before. Even if it is herself, she doesn't think that Lin can be better than her control of the elements. Even if Lin has dark blood, this innate advantage is very helpful for fusion elements, but for the control of elements, in the final analysis, it is still magic...

Yes, only when the magic is strong and strong enough can you control two or more elements. Obviously, Xia Ya felt that now Lin, even after breaking the first precept, he still has a considerable distance from himself.

This makes Xia Ya more and more confused: "...why?" She asked directly, "I mean, how did you do it?"

Xia Ya's surprise made Lin a little surprised: "Is it strange?" He was a little confused himself: "It's just a casual control, and then... that's it." What he said is true. In fact, he didn't think about controlling two elements at the same time, just habitual use.

Of course, it was this natural habit that Lin suddenly came up with that idea and used the spell to prevent the absorption of the bone sword.

At the beginning, he was not very confident, and he was not sure whether the ice crystal could stop the bone sword, but there seemed to be a voice, a voice from the depths of his heart, what he was quietly talking to Lin, and then it was so inexplicable, because Lin himself did not know whether it was a hallucination sound. He actually controlled two elements.

Speaking of which, Lin didn't know that he could control two elements at the same time at the beginning. It seemed that after that sound, water and earth elements appeared inexplicably in the palm of his hand, and then, in front of his eyes, the two elements easily merged...