Magic Hunter

Chapter 76 The Array of the Tang

Chapter 76 (Part I)

This is unimaginable. Xia Ya is still clear. Because of the ghosts from Satan on his body, Lin originally lost the blood of darkness. Although the blood of darkness was later derived again, this does not mean that he can have demon attributes...

You know, dark blood is like memory. It can remember some characteristics, such as the demon attribute of magic. In this way, it can make Lin easily change the ordinary magic quietly without showing magic lines, but as mentioned above, because ghosts, in Lin's body, the memory of dark blood is all However, it has disappeared, and this kind of 'amnesia' cannot be found.

Xia Ya knows this very well. If she guesses correctly, Lin's current dark blood seems to have completed the transformation in an instant, and this change makes Lin's current magic have demon attributes.

In fact, this is not so much a transformation of the blood of darkness as another inevitable sublimation of the blood of darkness, but this sublimation is too fast and too unexpected.

It is also because this sublimation is too fast, or even without warning, that Xia Ya is so surprised. In her opinion, no matter how you look at it, Lin is far from the point where it can sublimate the blood of darkness. In her impression, the previous Lin initially sublimated the dark blood for the first time, that is, in a normal state, it could make the magic greatly exceed the limited demon attribute, or it was after he controlled the first magic martial arts. At that time, because he could suddenly greatly improve the use of magic, he also I almost ran away...

Indeed, the so-called demon attribute is relatively the moment when the magic martial arts usually show the blood pupil. At that time, the magic can greatly exceed its own limitations, and can even be understood as inexhaustible, but this utilization has an essential limitation, that is, the user's self-control ability.

Although it is said that allowing your magic to enter the demon attribute can use the magic unlimitedly, the releaser himself must bear a certain counterattack. Although this kind of counterattack is not obvious, let alone exaggerated, because the releaser uses magic every time he exceeds the limit of the body, the overloaded body will suffer some damage.

Of course, this damage can be completely repaired by the magic of the demon attribute, but it should be pointed out that this repair is only temporary. From the releaser's use of the magic of the demon attribute, his body is eroded step by step, and this erosion is a kind of depravity and runaway. You know, the magic of the demon attribute In the final analysis, it is still the power from the devil. As long as you are not careful, the releaser must be completely swallowed up by magic...

This kind of thing has not happened, but has happened many times, especially for those rookies who have just the ability to control the magic of the devil's attributes. When they first show the devil's attributes, they often can't control this charming power, and completely lose themselves and eventually degenerate into demons.

In fact, when most people turn magic into demon attributes, there will inevitably be some symbols representing demons in them. For example, when he showed the blood pupil state of magic at night and turned magic into demon attributes, his normal eyes turned into demon-like blood-colored eyes...

Of course, Lin can be quite shameless not to return it, but it is not that he can't return it if he doesn't want to. On the contrary, Lin's current situation is like constantly borrowing money from Xu Si. Although he will be very unrestrained for a period of time, the more he borrows, the more he will inevitably repay. And this is the really terrible place where the magic of the bone sword in his body is constantly derived.

To put it simply, the magic of the bone sword is like drinking poison to quench thirst, which will only bring a more terrible counterattack.

And the Death Knight, because of the dark blue magic, although the magic mark still exists, it is greatly offset, and the little magic revealed will not have much impact on the current Lin.

In this way, there seems to be no reason why Lin can control the demon attribute at this moment...

After all, the sublimation of dark blood does not mean that Lin can get this crazy magic without cost.

"............" Xia Ya couldn't think of any suitable explanation, but vaguely felt that there seemed to be an invisible power that quietly maintained the current forest. It was precisely because of this power that his dark blood was sublimated in an instant, and his magic power was quietly transformed into a demon attribute.

There is no reason for her to guess like this. You know, the more Xia Ya subconsciously feels Lin's current magical breath, the more she feels that this breath is so familiar but so strange. Her familiarity is because this magical breath comes from Lin, and her strangeness is also because of Lin...

She felt that although Lin's magical breath had not changed much, it did have a subtle change. She doesn't know if this change is due to the change of magic attributes. Generally speaking, the change of magic attributes and the magic breath will also produce earth-shaking changes, not a small change like Lin now, which is just a little subtle or even completely negligible...

She doesn't know why she has such a strange feeling, just as she is not sure whether such a subtle change in Lin's current magical breath is related to the change of magical attributes.

But she seems to be able to be certain. As Xu Si thought beside her, the change of Lin's magic attribute must be inextricably linked to the silver ivory, or it may be because the silver ivory prevents the death knight from breaking through the shackles of the blue magic, which may quietly change unconsciously. Some characteristics of Lin...

As the two of them thought, because of those familiar blue magic, in the depths of Lin's heart, some kind of restrained, bound and imprisoned power was finally released, and then these seemingly existing and non-existent forces made his dark blood sublimated in an instant and seemingly impossible to maintain. The state of demon attributes at this moment.

He was surprised. He didn't know that he still had this kind of power. No, no, no, it should be said that he didn't think that this power could be liberated so quickly. He thought it would take a lot of time to do it.

Therefore, he couldn't help but be grateful for this dark blue magic, with awe, yearning, but with a little sadness and missing that he shouldn't have...

But the corners of his mouth were hung with that smile, faint but confident, and even a little excited...

Then, he took a breath and took a look at the green array that still existed in his palms. Then even if his hands were folded, the combination of the palms finally completed the green array...

Soon, at the moment when Lin put his hands together, the cyan lightning that was originally between his palms gradually became clear, but after a while, his hands were completely surrounded by the dense cyan lightning.

But unlike the previous one, these densely appearing cyan lightning did not cause any damage to Lin. On the contrary, at his feet, a gorgeous cyan array quietly appeared...

Seeing a scene, even if Xia Ya and Xu Si had made considerable psychological preparations, they were surprised. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed that Lin really controlled the almost impossible green array.

Especially Xia Ya, who has a super talent for magic, was deeply impressed by the cyan magic array at the foot of the forest...

"...three-star level..." She couldn't help blurting out: "————guang zhi array?!"