Magic Hunter

Chapter 77 The Array of the Lings

Chapter 77 The Array (Part 2)

In this case, Xia Ya should understand that the blessing power of the array will not last long. Although it will exceed the maintenance time of the general magic mark, in her opinion, Lin must fight quickly.

Think about it, if Lin still has that ability, he can completely use the engraving on himself. In this way, his combat effectiveness is bound to rise sharply, and with the same added black blood and blue crystals, the lethality he can show is definitely not comparable to usual...

Kelin did not do so, but added the array of black blood and blue crystals, which only shows the limit of his power. You should know that with so much magic to maintain the support state of the array, it is generally impossible to fight a protracted war. After all, while the power surges in a short period of time, it also represents the weakness of the follow-up.

This is obvious. Equivalent exchange is an eternal law. No one can break it, and no one can break it. That is to say, Lin can't just increase his strength without paying the same price, er, unless he opens a plug-in (-.-!).

This is an inevitable result. The explosion of power in a short period of time must be the incomparable weakness after that. In other words, Lin only has this chance to either survive fearlessly during this period or wait for the next death.

Xia Ya is still clear about these. Lin's original game with the bone sword itself is life and death, and there will be no draw. If he successfully defeats the bone sword, then the long restless magic in his body will inevitably be swallowed up by the dark blood, and finally completely fused. Then, these will eventually belong to his own magic. They can With a slight, even very powerful, to withstand the next weakness, as well as the counterattack from the first ring...

If Lin fails, he doesn't even have to wait for the counterattack of the first ring. Those crazy magic that is constantly derived but can't be controlled, and they will still burst Lin stubbornly, just like a balloon full of gas reaching the limit, and finally being crushed by these gases...

Therefore, Lin is basically desperate now, life and death, but between the front line.

Xia Ya can understand Lin's desperate efforts. She can completely imagine that if there is no green array at this moment, even if the strength of the bone sword is incomplete, Lin's chance of defeating it is not very high. Of course, if the power of the Death Knight is not suppressed, it will not be a big problem for him to defeat the bone sword, and even the bone sword will become his boot at that time.

But Lin Dang really completely borrowed the power of the Death Knight. Even if he survived from the bone sword, he could not completely break free from the power of the dead knight. On the contrary, with Lin, a very perfect container, the Death Knight must have possessed it without hesitation. After that, Lin must be bound by the Knight of Death, just like him before, always suppressed by his own strength, and there is no hope of regaining a new life.

But the result was lucky, because of the existence of silver ivory, the dark blue magic was to suppress the restless Death Knight, and then, quietly opened the stored power of the forest.

Of course, the power of storage does not belong to Lin himself after all. From the moment it is opened, it means continuous disappearance. Therefore, Lin's choice, let alone make more choices. Now he can only rely on the power deposited on himself to burst out the greatest power in the shortest time and use the fastest speed. The game between the end of the degree and the bone sword...

This is not to say how awesome Lin is now, but that in such a magical state, it is completely possible for him to use his room full of magic martial arts. Although he can't pull out [Qinglong] yet, those magic martial arts in his house are quite the best, and a casual one is enough. It's amazing.

Then, as long as Lin can use any of the magic weapons, he can fully exert his unique advantages because of the dark blood. It should be understood that the dark blood has the special ability to absorb magic power. In the magic martial arts, its ability is magnified many times invisibly. It can even be said that as long as Lin If he can control the magic martial arts, his control and use of the magic martial arts every time is the rapid and crazy growth of power.

This is the terrible point of Lin, and it is also the fundamental reason why he has never found a good weapon. After all, because of the existence of dark blood, the usual magic martial arts will be completely absorbed and eventually become a pile of ordinary scrap iron.

Of course, except for a few special magic weapons like green dragons, his room full of magic weapons ended like this. Speaking of which, the reason why Lin collected the room full of magic weapons was the day when he could control the magic weapon.

However, I have to say that Lin still can't touch most of the magic arts in the room casually. As he once said, the things in this room are all souvenirs. If the old man doesn't agree, there is nothing he can do. In the final analysis, he is just a watcher, and the initiative has always been the master. On the hand.

But then again, Lin is not an honest person. In fact, several magic weapons in his place did not report, but collected them very well. The meaning of their existence of these magic weapons is the day when Lin can control the magic weapons.

So, Xu Si, who knows this well, really sweats for the current Lin. Fortunately, the black blood and blue crystal in his hand are not magic martial arts. She can imagine that if those two weapons belong to magic martial arts, Lin must have no hesitation to absorb them and further sublimate his magic...

This sounds very beneficial to Lin, but Xu Si knows that Lin is far from that. In fact, compared with others, Lin's control of magic martial arts is more subtle and strict.


It's very simple, or because of the blood of darkness.

Dark Blood is a double-edged sword after all, which can help Lin absorb the magic of magic, but at the same time, it can also destroy Lin. Let's put it this way. Before Lin doesn't have enough magic, he usually can't control magic martial arts. You know, dark blood is very greedy. As long as Lin decides to suck the magic of magic martial arts, it will continue to suck, not only endless...

Just like the absorption of the magic of the bone sword, Lin can hardly control it, and the dark blood, it sucks it like crazy. Fortunately, Lin was in a state of breaking the precepts at that time. He could barely use and exert the magic absorbed by the dark blood. In this way, the dark blood increased Lin's magic during that time.

But the reality is still not optimistic. Later, a large part of the reason why Lin could not remove the demonization state was because of the greed of dark blood. After all, the magic sucked from the bone sword was not fully integrated.

This is Lin's limitation. Before his ability grows, his absorption of magic power will not bring any good results. It should be like the magic from the bone sword, the dark blood is uncontrolled, but regardless of whether it can be perfectly integrated by Lin himself... ...

Such consequences are obviously terrible. In fact, if it hadn't been for the further eye-opening of the bone sword and the successful reverse absorption of the dark blood, the restless magic in Lin's body would not be in the current state, and it might have been completely broken.

Therefore, for the control of magic martial arts, Lin's requirements are higher than anyone else's. He often dares to contact magic martial arts when he is at least at least a higher level of others. Speaking of which, when Lin first controlled magic martial arts, he was two levels higher than when Xu Si and others controlled magic martial arts.

Thinking of this, Xu Si is really uneasy. Although black blood and blue crystal do not belong to the magic martial arts, they are not good news at this moment. In her opinion, whether black blood and blue crystal can withstand such a large-scale power blessing is still an absolutely deeply questionable question...