Magic Hunter

Chapter 84 Home

Chapter 84 Home

The cooperation between the two is quite perfect and even seamless. The seemingly independent fight is striving for absolute opportunities for each other. It is completely conceivable that if Xia Ya hadn't attracted the attention of the slave, Xu Si would not have been so easy to restore his magic and exert the sword spirit of [instantaneous killing]. Of course, without the unique sword spirit of Xu Si, the wounds left by Xia Ya on the slaves will become meaningless.

It is also reasonable. After confirming that Xu Si's deadly sword spirit was integrated into the slaver's body, Xia Ya no longer entangled more. After taking the opportunity to avoid the slave's huge bone sword, she made several leaps one after another, deliberately opening a relatively safe distance from the slave.

"...Is it all right?" Standing beside Xu Si, Xia Ya asked gently.

Of course, it is certain to get a response. Xu Si confidently changed the fog-like instant killing back to the blue physical state, and soon, because her seemingly light move was so painful for the slave. It began to feel that the rich magic inside the body, for some reason, they suddenly became disordered, and this disorder was like entering a state of magic out of control. Those magic suddenly became extremely irritable, trying to break free from the shackles of the body, as if they wanted to regain freedom...

This makes the slaver a little at a loss. It can't understand, let alone believe that the magic that belongs to itself is like the magic invasion of others, so that its magic is in a state of mutual exclusion, and this more obvious and serious state of rejection, it brings to the slaver is absolutely The pressure can't be ignored.

Unexpectedly, for a while, the slaver who felt that the magic was wrong fell into a crazy state. The more it pressed and restrained these restless magic, which was like a spring effect, producing the equivalent reaction force. Because of this magic that can no longer be controlled, the extremely strong magic of the slave has become a burden at this moment, like a balloon that has been stretched. This magic makes the slaver's huge body suddenly huge...

The scene is still a little violent, constantly 'growing' slaves. It soon can't stand the surge and surge of magic. With the surge of the blue veins on the body and face, with a muffled sound, there is no ability to resist. No matter how powerful the slave is, it can't control these powerful demons. In the case of force, it still ends easily and is completely swallowed up by the magic from the bone sword...

Then, it seemed to be a frightening rain of flesh and blood. The body blasted by magic was fragmented, and a little gray blood fell down in twos and threes with the internal organs of the same interference, and finally sprinkled all over the ground.

Seeing this scene, he raised his right hand, and the phoenix feather in Xia Ya's hand quickly dissipated: "...Will it be too bloody?" She glanced at the limbs and internal organs all over the ground, and looked at Xu Si beside her curiously: "Isn't it a gorgeous end? Or is your taste really getting heavier? In Xia Ya's view, Xu Si has the ability to make the slaves disappear, and the soul and body turn into fine sand-like colorful fragments, instead of the current taste is a little heavy and self-detonation.

Er, in fact, Xia Ya still cares about the colorful fragments of the slaver after the illusion. What, her cute little mythical beast still has a big appetite. The most important thing is that this little thing is to feed it with these fragments. Therefore, she feels a pity now, because of the heavy taste of Xu Si, and the rare snack of the little mythical beast is like this.

Xu Si should know what Xia Ya is thinking about again, and she doesn't care much about it, or she thinks that Xia Ya really deserves to be satisfied: "... If I remember correctly, your little mythical beast who doesn't have enough to eat just had a big meal tonight... Are you still not satisfied?"

Yes, because of the call of the book of seals, the monsters full of a square were completely purified at that time, and finally collected by the array of purification. Xu Si thought that even after two or three years, it was enough for this little mythical beast to slowly digest.

Seeing Xu Si say this, Xia Ya smiled and said, "You can't still this little guy," she also showed a little helplessness: "I have raised it for more than three years, and there is no sign of growth at all. On the contrary, my appetite is getting bigger and bigger."

After saying that, she glanced at the little mythical beast that fell on her left shoulder, a little crying and laughing: "I don't know if I was cheated by the old man and bought such a living treasure." By the way, if it weren't for the money that hasn't been paid yet, it really wanted to give up this mythical beast without any advanced meaning, but for the sake of that huge amount of money, she put up with it, and this patience was three years.

She has no way back now. There is no need to think about returning goods. Since she has been paid in installments for so many years, she can only continue to supply this little mythical beast that can completely buy a high-end apartment in the downtown, and then pray that her investment will return one day. Of course, Xia Ya's hope for this is not very great. .

Hope is not great, which does not mean that there is no hope. She is still a little lucky. Maybe she will swallow the slaver, or the puppet with a bone sword. After all, this mythical beast will meet that standard and give a surprise. It is possible to grow up like that.

I can see that Xia Ya is a little dissatisfied with Xu Si's behavior. But she also understands that if it were herself, she would not hesitate to do so. Since the slaver chopped the forest into mud, she also wanted to repay each other.

She doesn't say anything more. It's a pity, but if she can make Xu Si feel a little more comfortable and vent the pain in her heart, she still thinks it's worth it.

Don't be fooled by Xu Si's seemingly indifferent performance. She just habitually buried the pain in the bottom of her heart and disguised herself as strong with that natural mask. Xia Ya still understands very well that it's not that they like to pretend to be strong, but that they can only be strong. Cowardice is like tears. They don't need or want to have it.

They know clearly that cowardice will only bring harm. Whether it is themselves or the people they care about, if they are cowardly, this kind of useless thing will always be used by others, and unfortunately, the old man they have always listened to, and he likes to catch their cowardice...

Therefore, they can only be strong, even if they pretend, even if they lie to themselves, they have to pretend to the end, because this is their law of survival, from the moment they are reborn by the old man. Strength is often accompanied by indifference, which is why the people around the old man are often so cold-blooded, which makes people shudder and dare not approach at will.

There is nothing we can do. After all, survival of the fittest is a cruel game in itself.

Since they are willing to play the old man's game of sitting in the village, they have no choice. They must adapt and become indifferent or even cold-blooded. Only in this way can they protect themselves and others.

This may make people feel a little incredible or even difficult to accept, but this is the truth. Whether you admit it or not, sometimes love is incomparable indifference.

Xia Ya accepts this, not to mention that she is willing to take risks for it. Xu Si to Lin, that kind of sister-brother relationship is no different from that of ordinary people, but it is a different expression.

"...What's the plan?" Xia Ya was a little more serious and looked at Xu Si's eyes with a little more sincerity and sincerity: "Wandering around the world, or communicate with the old man?" She should understand that wandering around the world is the best choice, but not the most reasonable way. After all, no one can escape the control of the old man. It is not difficult for him to find someone.

It is obvious that there will be nothing good to communicate with the old man. Anyway, Xu Si violates the old man's confession. Even if he voluntarily surrenders, the old man will be frank and lenient.

The old man is cold-blooded. It's not that Xia Ya alone thinks so, but that the people around him unanimously think so. He is truly indifferent, like an emotionless animal. He treats anything so calm, so calm that it scares people. Understand that the old man's calmness has always followed the rules. No matter who you are, because of what, since you have violated some rules and rules, you must be punished, and the old man's punishment is never a hasty thing, but a serious matter. If you don't make some blood, you will feel sorry for this beautiful society.

Xu Si naturally knew the old man, but she was worried that it didn't seem to be herself, but asked a somewhat interesting question: "...How about you?" She smiled with a strong fake smile: "What's the plan?" She didn't think Xia Ya was much better than herself. On the contrary, because she killed the three assassins herself, the punishment she received might be greater and more deadly. In fact, she didn't think that Xia Ya could see the old man alive.

This is not true. The old man's few principles have such a similar principle: killing for life. Of course, killing here refers to the old man's people.

For Xu Si's rare concern just now, Xia Ya said that she was under a lot of pressure. She wanted to laugh, but she really couldn't laugh. In the end, she could only sigh and shake her head: "I should have finished..."

She felt a little unwilling, or she actually found it incredible to hang herself for Lin, a tasteless man who still owes her a lot of foreign debt. She thinks she is crazy, otherwise, she really can't find any suitable reason to explain this completely unreasonable behavior.

"...If there is a medicine for regret," she finally laughed. Although the smile was very helpless, it was true: "...I think I will regret it." In fact, the moment she ended the assassin, she regretted it.

"...What do you think... people like us...where will they go after death?" She was not sure: "Hell? Heaven? Or... like those ghost fires, there is no destination and no purpose? Speaking of this, she still laughed at herself twice and felt that she still wanted to do this now, and she really had no future: "... I don't know if I can afford it... I heard that the cemetery has been scary recently."

"I think so," Xu Si made a good suggestion: "Let's just be more chic and sprinkle the ashes on the sea?"

Xia Ya listened and smiled: "It sounds good. I prefer the Aegean Sea..."

"Is it so emotional?"

"Please, that place is very beautiful, okay? Don't tell me that you haven't been there yet?"

"I haven't been there." Xu Si replied very honestly.

"Ha?" Xia Ya was really curious: "Thanks to you still going abroad all day, I'm curious. Where did the old man arrange for you to go?"

Xu Si thought for a moment: "...Africa...East Africa...Er, and the South Pole..."

"............" Xia Ya was ashamed: "...Okay..."


They have a good chat. They have known each other for so long, and they have never talked so happily like today. Unfortunately, this long-lost friendship may be the last time for each other.

They are not afraid. It should be said that there is a good guy to talk to them before they die, which is really much better than passing away alone. For them, this is even a rare happiness.