Magic Hunter

Chapter 5 Pride

Chapter Five Pride

Han Xiaoxin should understand this, so she stood aside quietly, with some transparent tears in her big red eyes.

"...I'm sorry...I'm really sorry..." She said softly, and crystal tears came out of her eyes, sliding across her regretful face.

Wan Ruoxiang didn't say anything. He sat down with a hard time, and his face was full of sadness that had never appeared.

He hated himself, just like he hated Han Xiaoxin. At that time, if he could last a little longer, just a little longer, even if it was only for a few seconds, Tang Jia, a kind and simple girl, she would not lie here now...

Sick**, Tang Jia, with a slightly pale face, lay there quietly. There were drops on her right hand, as if she was sleeping peacefully wearing the oxygen mask. Every time she breathed, she could leave some white fog on the oxygen mask...

Next to her are those necessary instruments, and the very regular 'Didi' sound is endless, reflecting her normal but very weak physiological state every minute and every second.

Wan Ruoxiang sat next to Tang Jia and watched quietly. His eyes are full of sadness and reluctance, but there is a little imperceptible gentleness, and this gentleness, obviously, is a kind of love buried in the bottom of his heart.

But it is also because of this gentleness that should have been forgotten that the pain and struggle in his heart are so clear and profound. If reality allows, he is willing to lie here now, not Tang Jia, not this stupid girl who is willing to forgive in the end...

"............" Looking at Wan Ruoxiang like this, Han Xiaoxin beside her really wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say, because she knew that some mistakes must be made and would not be easily forgiven.

So, after opening her mouth several times, Han Xiaoxin still stood aside quietly and was silent after all. But she wants to make up for it. If there is a chance, she is really willing to make up for the choices she made at that time. No matter what, no matter what she wants to do, as long as she can do it, no matter how risky it is, she is willing to try.

She never thought that the consequences would be so serious that she almost killed Han Xiaoxin's life. She just wanted to be selfish for a while, but she didn't expect that her seemingly selfishness would bring such fatal harm to Tang Jia.

She regretted it. In fact, from the time she made that decision, she began to regret it...

But so what? There is always a price to make a choice, but the silly Tang Jia helped her bear the painful price without hesitation.

Yes, it was supposed to be her who was lying in the hospital bed, but because of Tang Jia, she survived...

Then, she got everything she had pursued, and the price was Tang Jia, who had almost no hope of waking up at this moment.

She should be happy, but she couldn't laugh anymore. She originally thought she was a shameless selfish ghost who could use everything around her to give up and betray everyone. But it was not until Tang Jia paid the price for her dream that she really realized that compared with the illusion she pursued. Meaningless things, how important is Tang Jia to her?

As she hopes now, if she can give up everything she has now for Tang Jia, she will not hesitate, let alone regret it.

Yes, what usually doesn't seem important doesn't understand what it means to you until you lose it. What you have chased, after getting it, you find that it is not what you want, and often at this time, the simple possession that used to be no longer there...

Han Xiaoxin seemed to understand this crooked reason that she was not optimistic before. She thought that this was just some people's diseaseless moaning. Enjoy the present and unwilling to use the ordinary happiness at this moment to play with greater happiness. Now she understands, but after all, she has lost some happiness and happiness that she should not have lost.

"............Can I do something?" After a long silence, Han Xiaoxin asked in a low voice. She felt that Wan Ruoxiang might have a way to wake up Tang Jia. She saw that Wan Ruoxiang's ability was beyond ordinary people. Therefore, she naturally thought that Wan Ruoxiang, with such ability, must have some incredible way for him. Just like TV, even if she gave half or even all of her life, she was willing.

But the result is not like this. If it can really be like what Han Xiaoxin thought, Wan Ruoxiang will definitely do so without hesitation. But after all, he is not a god, and it is impossible to enter the field of life...

There is nothing he can do now. As the old man said to him, whether the saint can survive depends on herself. No one can help her, and no one can help her.

Wan Ruoxiang naturally knew this well, so he just glanced at Han Xiaoxin, and in his eyes, because of endless hatred, he also brought out strong anger. But he is still rational and clear that this anger and hatred can't help anything, which will only make things worse and more difficult.

Then, he stood up with a little struggle and walked slowly towards the door without giving Han Xiaoxin any response.

"............" Han Xiaoxin should also understand now that even Wan Ruoxiang, who is different from ordinary people, can't do anything. She was a little disappointed, even a kind of despair.

Wan Ruoxiang left, but before leaving, he still said: "... With the regret and guilt of dying, live hard and live well. This is the last comfort left for you by Tang Jia..."

Wan Ruoxiang: "Since she is willing to die for you... Please live up to this silly bravery... live proudly..."

"..." Han Xiaoxin burst into tears. She really wanted to cry freely and cry happily, but she was stubborn and did not cry, just as Wan Ruoxiang told her. Since Tang Jia had such stupid courage, why couldn't she live proudly with this courage?

She should be proud. After all, not everyone has such a good fortune that others can die for themselves without hesitation.

——————Yes, how many people are willing to have such pride?


Leaving Tang Jia's ward, Wan Ruoxiang did not return to his ward, but forcibly pulled out the drip. With this scarred body, he resolutely left the hospital...

And at the gate of the hospital, he finally saw the man - the smuggler, Li Jun.

Li Jun, er, or self-confidence brother, this guy leaned lazily on the motorcycle. After seeing Wan Ruoxiang come out, he waved to him casually.

Then, Wan Ruoxiang, who was still wearing a blue ward, came to him.

"...Wow," Confident Brother smiled happily: "...This kind of body... Are you sure you won't take care of it for a few days?" This sentence sounded like concern, but Wan Ruoxiang could see that the confident brother smiled so proudly. He just asked provocatively.

Wan Ruoxiang ignored it, just glanced at him a little, and then asked quietly, "... have you found it?"

Confidence Brother looked very confident. He spread his hands and smiled, "Of course..." Speaking of this, he looked at Wan Ruoxiang at this moment and naturally showed a few doubts: "The problem is that you can't do it."

He seemed to be kind once and deliberately said, "Do you want to listen to my advice?" That woman is not easy to deal with. I mean, you don't seem to have anything valuable to deal with her. He is not talking nonsense, but an objective fact. Even if Wan Ruoxiang finds the woman, there is nothing to exchange for him, but it's just in vain. Anyway, the woman will not do a loss-making business.

Wan Ruoxiang should understand this, but he didn't seem to care much, but said quietly, "The money has been transferred to your account... The rest, after confirming that woman, I will make it up."

Seeing Wan Ruoxiang say so, Brother Confident still believed it: "Of course! I have no doubt about your financial ability. He still knew very well that although Wan Ruoxiang was poor, he still had some necessary economic strength in the case of selling his magic martial arts. In fact, it was he who introduced Wan Ruoxiang to sell Mo Wu to that person.

Convinced of this, Confident Brother also threw the motorcycle key to him very cheerfully: "...I wish you a long way."

After taking the key, Wan Ruoxiang didn't think much about it. When he turned on the motorcycle, he drove crazily towards the address provided by Brother Confidence.

And confident brother, he is still standing where he is...

————Looking at Wan Ruoxiang, who was even reluctant to drive a motorcycle, confident brother shook his head frequently, as if he was so regretful and incredible: "I really didn't think about it. This guy is willing to pay so much for a woman... Is this love?" He asked himself secretly, not sure.

He seemed to think it was very funny, and the smile on the corners of his mouth was full of meaning: "He died because of a woman... After rebirth, he took risks because of women... This guy is really not an ordinary love."

After saying that, he should have guessed the end of the story. After watching Wan Ruoxiang finally disappear from his sight, it was reasonable to sigh silently for him...

It was at this time that the mobile phone in his pocket rang. He was very straightforward. He slid open the cover of the mobile phone and picked it up directly: "Commodity house."

"...Ah," Knowing what the other party wants, the confident brother is still calm: "Of course, all you have to do now is to transfer the money to my account... Three days... In three days, I will contact you..."

Hanging up the phone, Brother Confident finally took a look at the hospital, and then, it was a little interesting. An inconspicuous smile rose from the corners of his mouth: "...This really here."

He cares a little, but he doesn't pay much attention to it. He has always been very confident about running away. In fact, this is his way of survival. In this way, after he put on his helmet, he started the motorcycle and rushed out like the wind...

Sure enough, in the dark corner of the hospital corridor, there seems to be an inconspicuous shadow. This shadow is a little strange. Even if there is a light shining, it can't illuminate it. It's like a black hole, even the light is completely absorbed.

Of course, this dark shadow is not under the light, but always in the shadow of people. It's just that when the confident brother found him, for a moment, it passed under the light...

But in the end, after chasing the shadow for a distance, he still lost his self-confidence brother...

This shadow didn't seem to mind very much. He stood in the dark corner of the street corner. Then, he quickly folded his hands and made a few knots. Then, the mythical beast that was as dark and empty as him quietly appeared. This is a mythical beast like a mouse. It is not very big, even a little smaller than the usual mouse...

Then, the mouse squeaked a few times to provide the information that the shadow wanted.

"...Is it there?" Sure enough, the shadow soon found the confident brother who had just lost.