Magic Hunter

Chapter 10 Magic Crystal

Ten Chapters Magic Crystal

After tossing around for almost half an hour, Lin finally lay down on this little ** as he wished, with a bitter and satisfied face.

Can it not be bitter? He obviously only brought a password box, but it seemed that he had brought a few big boxes. Lin Jie was really busy enthusiastically, and this completely unreasonable busyness was Lin You's impulse to cry...

Try to imagine how painful it is when a small bed with nothing at all is moved from the window to the door, then from the door back to the window, from the window to the door, and then from the door back to the window. By the way, Lin has been tossing back and forth for the past half hour.

Lin doesn't matter in the first place. As long as you can sleep in the bed, where is it so important? It doesn't matter whether it's good or not.

But Lin Jie refused. Starting from a very professional symmetrical aesthetics, she strongly asked Lin not to be so casual. The decoration of the room is a person's heart, and she must not be too rash.

Lin was shocked at that time and felt that Lin Jie was too ridiculous. But the fact tells him that Lin Jie is not only very good at talking, but also talking about a set of things, asking him to put the small bed in a position that makes the whole room look perfectly symmetrical. In her words, it is more pleasant and comfortable.

Then, just because she wanted to look more comfortable and pleasant, Lin helped the damn small bed back and forth for more than half an hour. He is already very grateful. If Lin Jie is still dissatisfied and has to toss around, he definitely has an impulse to jump out of the building. Damn it, it's too torture.

So, when he was lying in a comfortable large font **, he looked satisfied, and this satisfaction was ultimately due to Lin Jie's satisfaction.

Speaking of which, it also makes Lin speechless. This damn broken bed moved around and finally put it in the original position. There is almost no gap. However, Lin Jie explained from a very professional perspective, saying that the distance between the small bed and the window is two centimeters more, and the angle is fifteen degrees less. According to the golden ratio, the ratio of 1:0.618 is the most beautiful ratio.

Lin has read some books and knows what the golden ratio is, but he really doubts whether Lin Jie is playing with herself. By the way, didn't she pursue perfect symmetry at the beginning? How did you get to the impossible golden ratio of symmetry!

And how complicated is it for Lin Jie to divide this bed from the whole room...

Lin really can't imagine asking him to take a ruler and divide a chopstick into gold. He still has no pressure, but he wants to make a golden partition with three-dimensional objects in three-dimensional space, which...

The most tricky thing is that no matter how Lin looks at it, he can't see it, but he moved a few centimeters of the bed. What's the difference between Nima and just now? Is it really more beautiful? Do you really have it?

He was very suspicious, but Lin Jie was very sure that in terms of the mechanics of physics, %%...*((((¥##@. The explanation from calculus is %%%...##@@@%&&. Proof from quantum physics............

All in all, that's it.

Well, Lin Jie won, and the victory was confusing, incomprehensible, and even worshipful. Lin is almost the same. He now begins to deeply doubt whether he and Lin Jie are from two worlds. Damn it, the gap is too big, and he can't communicate at all.

Lin is also very cooperative. He waved his hand and then said almost powerlessly, "Bye."

Then, when Lin Jie finally left, Lin suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and then sat on the edge of the bed: "...It seems," he seemed to have a feeling: "It's not necessarily a good thing to live with a beautiful woman." By the way, it's just been in touch, and it's been less than an hour.

Thinking about it, Lin could only sigh and shake his head.


, he took the silver password box next to him and opened it. There is a black pistol, a freely retractable sword, and a crystal-like object in it.

Lin first picked up the crystal and looked at it, a little helpless: "Magic crystal?" He never thought that one day, his magic could not be used, and he needed to borrow the magic stored in the magic crystal.

This made him feel sad for himself, but he had no choice. If there was another chance, he would still do so without hesitation. Even if he lost the magic, he could restrain Dong Shao, who succeeded in the blood sacrifice, and the price was still worth it. In fact, if he hadn't listened to Wan Ruoxiang's warning and used the magic sword...

Thinking of those things, Lin smiled bitterly and could only gently put the magic crystal into his pocket. Then, he checked the black pistol, loaded the accompanying bullet, and finally put it on his waist.

As for the long sword, it was still easy to handle. Lin completely contracted it and put it in the black cloth bag that was distributed, and hung it skillfully around his waist. Because this black cloth bag is very much like an ornament, with some silver chains on it. In fact, it is through this small chain that Lin hangs this cloth bag on jeans. In this case, this is not an ugly cloth bag that shows personality. It is not too surprising that it hangs around its waist. At least, they will not be contacted. There is a long sword in it.

The preparation was almost the same. Lin took a look at Lin Jie at the window who had already walked to the exit, and finally left the room...



Leaning on the motorcycle, the confident brother who stopped in this remote alley and clicked a cigarette. Because the alley was slightly dark, his action of lighting the cigarette was very obvious, especially when the lighter emitted a blue flame, it was very eye-catching, slightly illuminating the self-confidence brother's not the assassin's clear face.

This alley is very dirty, wet, and the ground is full of insects and ants. Under those dim street lights, you can see that they are eating garbage that has not been disposed of for a long time. It is also because of this that the whole alley should be smelly with rotten smell.

But the confident brother doesn't mind very much, just like the mice that shuttle through the garbage and squeak, think that this dirty alley is simply a paradise under the rotten city, or behind the gorgeous city, this is the true face it should have.

Cigarettes are smoked, and the red light of cigarette butts becomes bright. Then, with a hout, the smoke that had just been sucked in slowly floated out. In this windless alley, it twisted through his fingertips, rising quickly but slowly in the faint light...

After a while, when the cigarette in the self-confidence brother's hand was half smoked, the smoke that was still rising in a straight line produced an undeserved distortion. At this time, the corners of the confident brother's mouth rose slightly, showing an expected smile.

Sure enough, when a mouse stopped moving and stared at him, the mouse quickly darkened, as if swallowed up by the darkness, and finally disappeared. But at this moment, the darkness expanded rapidly, but for a while, the shadow that had been following the confident brother. , easily and completely in front of him.

Because of the appearance of this shadow, Brother Confident threw away half of the remaining cigarettes and looked at him with interest: "Do you need this?" He was a little helpless: "... I'm just a living. Why do you do this?"

The shadow was not in a hurry to respond. After the red eyes quietly stared at the confident brother for a while, he spoke quickly and not in a hurry: "... dragon pattern." His voice is very strange and a little noisy. How to put it, it's like the night when he showed his blood pupil and entered the state of magic. His voice had a high overlap, as if two people were in une voice at this time.