Magic Hunter

Chapter 12 True Mirror

Chapter 12 Real Mirror

Bitterness is depressed, but the confident brother has no choice. He even began to consider whether he should change his identity or simply be a professional thief. This idea has emerged, but it is fleeting. Confident brother is still very principled. For him, career is like a wife. It doesn't have to be beautiful, but it must be absolutely suitable. Confident brother is quite certain. Compared with thieves, adventurous smuggling is more suitable for him.

Understand that the so-called smuggling is to escape the shackles of the current rules and make profits by doing business and trading in a sneaky but aboveboard way. You can make more money. Of course, this is a reason why Confident Brother chooses to smuggle, but in fact, because the kind of thing that can break the shackles of the routine and do dirty thing in a righteous and open way, this kind of stimulation is like cheating behind his wife's back. The stimulation and ** are not a little bit, or even crazy...

Of course, this can be completely understood that the self-confidence brother is a complete pervert. Therefore, perverted thinking must not be measured by common sense. Such a result will only make you puzzled and completely confused. Finally, you begin to doubt whether the world is crazy or you are crazy. It's not impossible. Imagine that when you measure the world with your perverted eyes and ideas, you can always find that the world itself is perverted.

This should be easy to understand. For example, when a pervert exchanges RMB with the broken paper he brings with you, what will your reaction be?

It's the same. In the eyes of perverts, your behavior is also suspicious. In this way, when you try to understand perverts and look at the world with their eyes, you will find that the world is full of Nima's crazy people, and the craziest ones are often the most proud. From another perspective, the so-called perversion is just another normal manifestation, just like right and wrong, which is not an opposite relationship in the first place. Because of their respective interests, there are right and wrong in their eyes...

Cough, in a word, as a normal person, never try to understand the world with abnormal eyes, because as mentioned above, you will really doubt whether you are crazy or the world is crazy. How can there be so many completely unreasonable things?

On this point, the confident brother is determined. As he often says, in the world created by others, they always like to treat others as fools. Generally speaking, don't argue with fools casually, because they will pull your IQ straight to the same level as them, and then fight with rich experience. Defeat you.

Well, this should be why there are so many unreasonable things in the world that seem to be taken for granted, because those with IQ are silent. Anyway, it is really difficult for them to argue with these geniuses, because the world is theirs.

————Well, the bricklayer is powerful, called the beast is powerful. Therefore, the confident brother who knows how to be silent but can only be silent, he really can't be a normal person, so he has to calm down to be a tasteless pervert.

In this way, the confident brother glanced at the black fog in front of him and said with a little regret, "... I'm sorry, I've been a little busy recently. I mean, my schedule is very full, and I may not be able to make time." In his opinion, the shadow that dares to challenge the green dragon in front of him is too domineering. Even if the soul will be eroded, he dares to control the green dragon with such a reluctant posture.

"Wow!" Brother Confidence is really getting more and more interested. Speaking of which, he is still a very curious guy: "Let me guess..." He crossed his hands on his chest and lowered his head slightly, while his black-and-white eyes looked at the dark shadow intentionally or unintentionally: "...Is that so? You want to wake up Qinglong, and then use The fully awakened Qinglong tries to save himself, and the people who can control Qinglong, except for Lin, you don't seem to believe in the old man.

At this point, he smiled more beautifully and felt more exciting: "But you understand that it is impossible for Lin to control Qinglong at all now, so you want to rely on this reluctant posture to hold on until all the moment when the dragon patterns are all recovered. I hope that at that time, Lin will have staged growth and can drive successfully. The fully awakened green dragon.

He applauded gently, and the original crisp crackling sound appeared loudly in this silent alley: "... I admire your courage. Really, I put all the chips on Lin, a completely unreliable fool."

"............" Jingjing listened to what Brother Confident said so much, or as before, the shadow did not say anything, and said another thing as usual: "... I can give you a bargaining chip that has absolutely a reason to do so."

Seeing the shadow say so, the confident brother casually answered: "...Absolutely a reasoned chip?" He smiled, and his smile gradually turned into a kind of disdain: "I'm not Lin. Money is just a measure for me. That doesn't mean that the higher the price you pay, the more interested I will be." His meaning is obvious. If the black fog just referred to RMB, he would not be interested.

Even if the self-confidence brother said it so clearly, the black fog was still calm and seemed to be quite confident: "...the real mirror."

————"You are really night!" If he was still suspicious at the beginning, then now, he has every reason to believe that the black fog that can provide the [real mirror] is definitely night. Self-confident brother is still very clear that the night before the lunar eclipse, the old man gave the real mirror to the night...

Then, it was clear and further confirmed that this point. Confident Brother's eyes looking at the shadow really changed. That kind of eyes were full of expectation: "... the real world... disguised magic martial arts that can break all illusions... You won, and I just need this thing."

Speaking of which, the real realm can not only break the fantasy, but more importantly, it can see the sealed ontology. Let's put it this way, the essence and horror of the real mirror is that it can instantly find the location of the magic array [eye].

Whether it is a fantasy or a seal, in the final analysis, they all belong to the array, and the value of the existence of the real realm is exactly where it can easily and truly reflect the location of the deadly array.

It was the same last time. He got the real situation from the old man, just wanted to check the eyes of the magic array in the green dragon, and the eyes of this deadly magic array was exactly [that person].

This is the terrible thing about the high-order sealing array. If you want to break this seal, it is completely impossible without absolute power, and if you want to use the array eye to break it, then the sealed thing becomes an array eye, which has undoubtedly become an absolute threat. After all, breaking the seal is nothing more than wanting to release the sealed. If they are damaged or disappear, breaking the seal will become meaningless...

Again, if they can be killed or completely destroyed, they will not be sealed. In this way, if they want to be killed or destroyed, it will naturally become impossible.

Therefore, if it is sealed by such a high-level seal array, it is almost impossible to break the seal unless the ontology itself changes or they are willing to disappear.

Of course, there is such a power that can forcibly break the seal, which is another matter. Just like the [Moon Curse], those dangerous ghosts from purgatory but sealed in the present world, they are forced to break free by their own strength, thus destroying the whole seal.

But it should be pointed out that the fundamental reason why ghosts can break free from the curse of the moon is that of the magic, that is, the saint. If the saint hadn't awakened, the seal of the Moon Curse would have been abnormal, and it would have been impossible for the ghost to break free.

It is obvious that before the old man passed away, the man did not want to break free from the seal of Qinglong at all.