Magic Hunter

Chapter 21 Resuscited Black Moth

Chapter 21 The Recovered Black Moth (Part I)

She is really angry. Taomi is always like this. He doesn't care about his own ideas at all. As long as he thinks it doesn't work, it won't work. She has had enough. In her opinion, Taomi is simply a disguised kidnapping, perverted possession, and a madman.

Then, her soft big eyes should be full of anger, and her charming eyes stared as if she were right. Such eyes can't wait to swallow him...

It doesn't matter if Taomi, or he is more or less used to it. He has seen Lin Jie's angry eyes at this moment, not once or twice. As before, Taomi directly ignored Lin Jie, still looked at Lin full of warnings, and said quietly, "... Tell her that you have something to do at night." His tone is very tough, and he even has a little command.

If it were someone else, he might be convinced by Taomi's current seemingly unrejectable order. He didn't dare not refuse at all, but unfortunately, he was not facing someone else this time, but Lin. Generally speaking, except for the old man, who dares to communicate with him in such a domineering tone basically has no good end. That's right. In other words, Lin should teach him rice well and let him believe that he should not be too arrogant, otherwise he will be struck by lightning.

Of course, Lin can't guarantee whether Lei will split or not. Just like what he thinks at this moment, he can't guarantee whether this family will go to the hospital because he will go to the hospital.

Lin didn't respond, just smiled, and his smile was calm and indifferent. His eyes stared at the rice on the opposite side curiously, as if to wonder if this domineering dwarf, if he was beaten, would he still have such incompetent arrance? Well, he was really curious.

For Lin's reaction, especially the meaning expressed by his staring at his eyes, Taomi can see that the boy on the opposite side, who should be cowardly, seems to be the same as most people. He doesn't look very afraid, but full of undeserved disdain, disregard, and even some are not easy to detect. The excitement.

This made Taomi incomprehensible. For a period of time, he subconsciously thought that Lin, who was so indifferent on the opposite side, did not take his warning seriously, might have a reason to be confident and have a calm capital. But this idea soon disappeared. No matter how you look at it, with a pair of a little outdated glasses, a little outdated white shirt, a little outdated jeans, and a little outdated canvas shoes, the whole person seems to have an outdated Lin. No matter how he looks at it, he doesn't look like a person with *. Besides, this is K city, his world, except He, Taomi feels that no one can't afford to offend himself. On the contrary, he can't offend them, and absolutely can't afford to offend...

Thinking about this, Tao Mi didn't think about it, and it was also necessary to think about and taboo something. It was quite domineering. He hooked his finger at Lin Gou and asked him to come over, and the two communicated at close range.

Seeing such a move of Taomi, Huang Li, who was uneasy, noticed it at a glance. She screamed badly, and then, almost subconsciously, she shouted to Lin: "...Lin! Come here! I have something to tell you!" She waved to him and motioned, saying that he had better stay away from Taomi now. No one could guarantee that this unedubrated madman would do anything even more terrible.

When Huang Li shouted like this, Chen Ji beside her also noticed over there, but unlike Huang Li, or, like many people present, he was still looking forward to watching the upcoming drama.

"That silly boy is over..." People talked about it and whispered, almost all of them expressing this meaning unanimously. In their opinion, when Taomi made this action, it basically means that an ambulance may be prepared next.

They are not very sad. It should be said that they are very happy. By the way, it's been a long time. It's rare to see the good drama of Tao Mi's rage. They all about to forget the fierceness of Tao Mi, and it's time to review it.

In this way, many people turn around slightly, holding glasses full of temperament, with a smile on their faces, and preparing to appreciate elegantly. The next step may not be very elegant, but also a painful picture that is not suitable for children.

"...cut!" The fat girl sitting aside was obviously not very interested in such a heavy taste. In fact, she hated this kind of bullying, but she did not intend to meddle in other people's business. Instead, she put on headphones and looked out of the window, turning a deaf ear and blind. She knows that she can't control it, and she doesn't want to control it...

And the other students sitting in the corner, they seem to be a little unable to stand it. Some are enthusiastic and want to help Lin, but they are pulled back by their companions. Finally, they have to admit that the current situation is not the case that they can't help if they want to help. What they can do is also The best choice is to call the police. As long as the situation is slightly wrong, they can only call the police uncle who will deal with the afterth...

Lin looked at the crowd around with some astonishment. Except for Huang Li, who was waving to herself and asking her to come quickly, the other people, whether out of watching a good play or powerless, were quiet or sitting or standing, without much expression on themselves. This made Lin feel very helpless. He just thought about what to do if they had too much trouble, but now it seems that they won't get in the way.

Huang Li, who was standing there, was really anxious. She thought to herself, what on earth was Lin thinking about, and she was sitting there stupidly. Isn't it obvious that she was looking for a fight? If possible, she really wants to walk over, pull the silly Lin over, and then find an excuse to send him back...

But she didn't do this, just like those people. She knew very well that she couldn't change her appearance. Taomi, a conceited man, would not give face to anyone, let alone such a need. For him, only others sell face to him, not him selling face to others.

Knowing this, Huang Li was really anxious. She almost wanted to shout out and let the fool Lin run quickly, but the fact really made her sad. Lin, who sat on the red sofa all the time, didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, and even didn't seem to put the rice on the opposite side who was already unhappy. In the eyes.

Huang Li felt that Lin's confident performance made people feel strange. Ligoriously, for a cowardly and timid boy like Lin, he should seize the opportunity to turn around and run away, instead of not taking the dangerous rice at all, looking at all, and looking like a victory.

She is very eager. In her opinion, Lin's unreasonable self-confidence now will definitely kill him...

Sure enough, after all, she just smiled indifferently at Huang Li and blinked playfully, saying that she didn't have to worry too much, and also thanked her for her kindness and curiosity. Then, Lin still sat on the sofa and did not walk over because of the domineering call of rice.

"............!?" It's very strange. For Lin's confident smile and the blink of an electric eye just now, Huang Li suddenly felt a little different, as if she should believe in Lin's strength, or his self-confidence is not without reason, but quite sufficient.

She feels very strange. It should be said that she should not have that kind of expectation for Lin. I hope that he can teach the ignorant Taomi a good lesson at the moment...

She didn't know why she had such an almost impossible expectation, and it couldn't explain it. It seemed that because of Lin's playful and relaxed blink just now, she suddenly had this expectation.

To be honest, this kind of illusion-like expectation, with the moment when Tao Mi's unhappy sneer appeared, it disappeared in an instant, like fragile glass, broken into pieces and falling apart.

"............" She was a little unbearable, and the result was not difficult to guess, which made her feel a little sad. In the end, she had to turn her face to one side, hoping that Tao Mi would be gentler and show mercy to her cousin for Lin Jie's sake. But as mentioned above, Taomi, who never sells anyone's face, will also not sell face to Lin Jie, even if she is the girl he likes.

This is the place where Taomi is domineering. In his world, whoever he likes is already quite face-giving. He will not and impossible to give face to the other party on such a basis. Besides, Lin's reaction is so face-to-face, even if Taomi, who is domineering and leaking, wants to give face, in Lin so If he wants to fight, he is embarrassed not to give him this face...

In this way, it was quite direct, but as soon as he walked in front of Lin, Taomi gave him a bright smile. At the same time, the sharp kick kicked Lin's face fiercely...

Wow~~ Many people exclaim in their hearts and feel very cool, just like they are washing rice now, just like they are kicking this ignorant boy with that foot now, the inner excitement is not a little bit.

And the students in the corner, especially the girls, couldn't bear to look at it anymore. They almost subconsciously protected their faces and didn't want to see such a violent scene. Then, someone took out his mobile phone and was ready to call the police uncle...

But they haven't typed this number yet. An incredible thing happened. It seemed that they obviously ate the rice-tasking feet heavily, and the screaming was not the imaginary Lin, but the domineering rice-making...

Many people were suddenly confused and couldn't understand what was going on for a moment. Then, when they found out what was going on, it was almost the same, full of surprise and even shock...

————How is this... possible?!

Whether it's those princes or young ladies who are watching the play, or the students in the corner, they are equally stunned. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe it... Unexpectedly...