Magic Hunter

Chapter 30 Diligent Right Hand

Chapter 30 Hard-working Right Hand

What a tragedy. Like Uncle Zhang, after doing this job, the girl did not hesitate to abandon, er, leave him to pursue a more ordinary and reasonable and peaceful life. This is normal. Ye Zi can still understand this job. Not to mention the uncertain time, she has to risk her life. By the way, the special department chosen by Ye Zi, that is, the 13th Brigade, has the highest casualty rate here, and there is a failed hero almost every year.

It's quite sad to say that he sacrificed his life, but he can only declare that he died one by one, either heart disease or high blood pressure, diabetes or endocrine disorder, and even a small cold can kill people. Then, such things happened more often, and the 13th Brigade also had such a title, 'Unexpected Thirteen'...

There is nothing you can't think of, nothing they can't say, even a cold can die, and even the body can't be found. This accident is surprising enough.

People have doubted, but they always have no way to start. There is almost no information about the 13th Brigade. What they can see is just some official information that is useless at all, and deeper information, such as what the 13th Brigade does, is a top-secret document. Ordinary people do not have such authority at all.

In this way, the Thirteenth Brigade has added a lot of mysteries invisibly. Some people say that the Thirteenth Brigade is a strike Miss, er, no, no, no, it's a defelt woman. You know, this kind of thing is about national security secrets (refer to X and X for details), and human beings can't help but intervene.

Some people also say that the 13th Brigade is a branch of urban management. They always like to run out when they have nothing to do. They usually can't see a few people in the whole office, and from time to time they really catch a few innocent uncles and aunts for you. What's more, some people say that the Thirteenth Brigade is the legendary relevant department, because there are too many things to deal with, and it's more about state secrets. The casualties can only be carried in one go, either by accident or accident. Now there is a unified law within the police. All the personnel who hang up in the 13th Brigade should be dealt with by accident. Of course, if these people still keep the bodies.

For these reasons, when Ye Zi told the former sister that she stood out from hundreds of people, the girl was silent for three days. After that, the girl never appeared in front of Ye Zi again. If it was right, she was scared away by the "accidental thirteen" brigade.

Then, since joining the 13th Brigade of Accidents, it was difficult to find a sister, Ye Zi, because of the identity of the coroner. Of course, he could no longer find a girl. He could only be lonely and poor. Speaking of which, all male compatriots in the thirteenth brigade are basically single, as for the few. The female compatriots are also quite contrasting. They basically have boyfriends, and they often give you a few new tastes.

In this way, Uncle Zhang and Ye Zi are deeply resentful, and they don't understand. Obviously, in the same department, why is the differential treatment between men and women so large? Isn't men and women equal recently? But they have to accept that the reality is still as painful as ever. If you want to do it in this department all the time, you can only make a difficult decision to be single for a lifetime.

Of course, for the sake of their lower body, er, the sexual happiness of the rest of their lives, some people chose to leave, especially newcomers. It has almost become commonplace to come and go. Many people were even scared off on the day of doing things and directly submitted the transfer application.

Yes, there are not many newcomers in the 13th Brigade, and it should be quite few. Although the number of people coming in every year is still objective, as mentioned above, there are few people left. In fact, the real backbone of the 13th Brigade is still the older generation of Uncle Zhang...

These people are also about to retire, and they don't know whether the 13th Brigade still exists after their retirement.

Of course, the 13th Brigade is just a small branch of the special operation group. At that time, some people may be sent to continue to maintain the 'accident 13' in K City. But the overall situation is not ideal. If there are people in the special operation group, the 13th Brigade will not be supported by the older generation of Uncle Zhang...

is also very easy to understand. After all, the special action group is a hinsightly organization, and many records do not have their existence. In this way, they will not be able to openly select new people from the society like the civil service examination, and more importantly, because of the necessary secrets, they can choose new people. There are very few newcomers who will choose to take risks, which eventually leads to the current embarrassing situation.

Then, in such a situation that it may be revoked at any time, those who are willing to choose to enter the special action group also have considerable hesitation. In the current desperate situation, it is naturally even worse.

Speaking of which, Ye Zi was also cheated in by the shameless Uncle Zhang at that time. When he retired, it was when he sat in his position.

This sounds very powerful. At that time, it was also because of this that Ye Zi did not hesitate to join in, but soon he found that this part had no future at all. Although Uncle Zhang's position had the title of director, the treatment was very poor...

In fact, it doesn't mean that the treatment is poor. In terms of the rules of the game, the director's treatment is almost the same. However, due to the shortage of funds, or the 13th Brigade basically spends taxpayers' money on the place where it should be spent, so there is no extra money to eat and drink with public funds, let alone go abroad for inspection.

There is nothing we can do about it. It's not that Uncle Zhang doesn't want to spend some public money. It can only be said that their money is spent on the blade and replaced with the necessary equipment.

This is easy to understand. The so-called equipment here must be the kind of support weapon on Lin. This kind of thing is very expensive, let alone permanent. Although the procurement is only an intermediary quality and can be used for a period of time, almost every month, as long as the funds arrive, they have to replace the [expiry] package. Prepare...

Well, it doesn't mean to be the director of this bureau. There is no oil or water at all. In fact, it was precisely because of this that when Ye Zi told his sister that she was the director and there was actually nothing to get, the girl who couldn't see the future left him after all.

Next, it's almost the same. Many girls who like Ye Zi, knowing that he was working in the legendary 13th Brigade of Accident, was also very rational and gradually decreased, and finally slowly faded out of Ye Zi's life.

Uncle Zhang doesn't seem to have any pressure, but he still smiles, and his strength subconsciously aggravates a little...

Then, witnessed by the past girls, these two men, one old and one young, abruptly robbed the completely innocent RMB. At this time, these girls immediately decided that a pervert with yellow trousers came yesterday, and two more came today. They felt that it was necessary to communicate with the security guard at the door. How could they casually let these strange people in?

It's the same. Under the girl's very taboo eyes, looking at the RMB torn in half, Uncle Zhang and Ye Zi suddenly felt embarrassed. The girls were surprised and puzzled, and they thought that there was something wrong with the two of them. Suddenly, they were at a loss. In the end, they could only cough twice, which showed embarrassment...

Next, the miserable single duo, who still knew what shame was, lowered their heads one after another, buried their heads and moved forward in a hurry.