Magic Hunter

Chapter 35 Own Magic Martial Arts

Chapter 35 Own Magic Martial Arts

Hearing this, Lin's face was not very good-looking: "Even so, Liu Xueer is still a dangerous witch..." He was a little uneasy. Witches, like evil mages, should not exist in the present world. Anyway, they also belong to demons, and demons, they must need spirits to survive in the world. Soul, in fact, a large part of the reason why the devil yearns so much for the present world is that there are countless pure and powerful human souls in the present world...

The power of the soul is unimaginable. It is necessary food. While supporting the existence of magic, it will also suppress the excessive restlessness and disappearance of magic. More importantly, for demons, devouring the soul is really a shortcut to magic sublimation. They don't need to be like human beings like Lin, only through the devil. Only through training and learning can we enhance the magic that should not belong to human beings...

This is the biggest difference between demons and powers such as Lin, and it is also doomed in essence. Demons are far more powerful than superpowers. After all, demons' magic is innate. They only need to devour the soul to improve their magic power in a very short time, instead of completely controlling the necessary demons like the superpowers. Power, and then borrow the power of magic to fight against it. In fact, the powers who have lost their magic are like war eagles who have lost their wings, and there is not much threat to demons.

There will be no mistake. The strength of the power of the power comes from the control of the magic martial arts. Many powers are very clear about this. They all understand that the magic weapons that establish a contract with themselves are their second life. The loss of magic weapons represents the inevitable death, and absolutely put themselves in a dangerous situation.

So, that time, the moment Wan Ruoxiang decided to sell his magic martial arts, the confident brother was very surprised. In his opinion, Wan Ruoxiang was simply looking for death. Anyway, the power who lost the magic martial arts was really not as powerful as expected. Even if it was the lowest-level ghoul, could the power still be a Big problem.

But the confident brother seems to be understandable, or because of Tang Jia, Wan Ruoxiang feels that all he has paid for it is worth it and what he wants. Wan Ruoxiang will not regret it. Speaking of which, when he dares to make this suicide-like decision, there is no chance to regret, and there is no way out. You know, there will be no second chance after the perfect integration of selling magic martial arts, which is very harmonious with his soul fluctuations. After this perfect integration of only one opportunity is forcibly interrupted. .

Yes, if there is a chance, Wan Ruoxiang can do another magic martial arts, but you should understand that magic martial arts that can be very similar to the fluctuation of your own soul is the same as finding the so-called true love or something. The probability is, but it will not be very high. By the way, it is good to find the magic martial arts that can be used, let alone the fusion process. Almost perfect magic martial arts.

Every magic martial arts has its own fluctuations, and everyone has its own soul fluctuations. When the soul fluctuations between the two are far apart, even if you have enough ability, you can't control it. Such a reluctant result will only destroy magic martial arts. If you are slightly careless, even the fluctuation of your soul. Will be involved...

This is the place where Lin was surprised and puzzled. It is really difficult for him to imagine that an ordinary girl like Liu Xueer has any reason for her to become a witch and a twisted monster that can only survive and exist only by constantly sucking the soul.

Therefore, even if the confident brother said that Liu Xueer, the witch who appeared because of the old man, is different from the witch in the usual sense, Lin still can't laugh. The witch is a witch. No matter what the process is, the result is the same.

Self-confident brother should understand what Lin is worried about. If it is right, Lin should be taboo on the day when Liu Xueer gets out of control. At that time, Liu Xueer will eventually become a demon. After all, the final destination of the witch is to pass away or become a demon.

But Confident Brother didn't think so, or he felt that Lin's taboo was a little superfluous: "Relax, it's not what you take for granted." He looked at Lin and slowly raised a confident smile at the corners of his mouth: "Although Cher is a witch, she has a normal and pure soul like a human..."

The smile at the corners of his mouth became more obvious and more confident: "That's the point... It's not impossible for Cher to become a demon... But before her soul is distorted, the probability is almost zero..." He also made it clear that there was only the soul of the dark attribute (the soul that established a contract with the devil or made a deal) It is possible to degenerate into a demon. If it goes well, as long as Liu Xueer does not make any transactions and contracts with the devil, the possibility of her degenerating into a demon can be said to be impossible.

Therefore, the confident brother was full of confidence. Looking at Lin's eyes, he didn't feel anything wrong. Instead, he thought that it was very reasonable for the old man to make this choice: "You should know and understand the old man better than me. He is the kind of person who likes to take risks. As long as there is a chance of success, he is willing to try, and it turns out that The old man's adventure has always been worth it. He not only successfully sealed the door of hell, but also casually cleaned up the remaining demons in the world..." Speaking of this, he said a little to applaud the old man: "This old man is not simple. His adventure is not casual, but he has considerable confidence, although he looks crazy. , but it's really admirable..." When he said this, he was a little embarrassed, or Lin in front of him was a living example of the old man's failure: "Uh, except for you..." He also knew that at the lunar eclipse, almost all of the old man's imagination in the awakening Lin, after all because of the self-confidence brother's troubles. As a result, Lin became in the current state.

Speaking of which, Brother Confidence also felt a little embarrassed. When he made a deal with Death, he didn't feel anything until Lin became this state. He more or less understood that Death integrated [Dark Blood] into the blood of Death that he stole, not only to weaken the power of Dong Shao, but also more. Maybe he still wants to use Lin's strength to suppress Dongsha. At the same time, Dong Shao also played a role in suppressing Lin...

Then, Death won, and the victory was quite wonderful. It not only successfully destroyed the almost completed blood sacrifice, but also made Lin become the current tragic situation...

In fact, that time, if Death could successfully replicate Lin's soul, its victory would be absolutely perfect. Unfortunately, Death did not like it, because Tang Jia's younger brother, that is, the dead soul, the Yan Beast did not successfully copy Lin's soul, which directly led to the embarrassment of Death now, and did not successfully kill Lin in this state with the imaginary copy.

Yes, Death is not only as simple as copying another forest, but also wants this replica to replace the real forest.

This is not whimsical, but it is completely possible. Imagine that if Death really copies another forest, then, in that weak state, even the use of magic has become a kind of reverie forest. He will not be the opponent of that replica...

Confidence Brother is not sure what the intention of Death is to copy another forest and replace it, but one thing he can be sure of is that Death should think. Control the forest, or use the forest...

In this case, the replica grown from death is really a good choice--Lin Ke doesn't want to be controlled and used by others. The old man is enough to make him big, and he doesn't want to have another one.

In this case, the confident brother also smiled and said that he was also fooled by Death. He didn't know that this would bring such serious consequences to Lin.

Of course, Lin doesn't believe the sincere and apologetic smile of the confident brother. In his opinion, this guy is cant to hang up by himself.