Magic Hunter

Thirty-eight tastes a little heavy

Thifty-eight flavors are a little heavy

It's still quite strange. Although it looks like a ** posture from the side, from a positive point of view, you will find that the right hand of the confident brother who mastered the dark blood did not reach into the still sleeping spirit cat, but in an extremely nihilistic form, as if the real spirit cat had a few waves of ripples. It is in this incredible microwave sparkling that the confident brother can easily store the dark blood in the body of the spirit cat.

Speaking of which, if he didn't know the terrible consequences of waking up the sleeping spirit cat, he would not have personally stored the dark blood in the spirit cat's body. Generally speaking, this kind of thing is done by the little mythical beast itself.

Helpless is a little helpless, but the self-confidence brother also understands that this is also a choice, just like now, Lin's serious eyes are staring at him closely. His eyes at Lin, just like what was said above, confident brother was full of helplessness: "..." He wanted to laugh, or he should say something, but he didn't know what to say for a moment. He just gave an awkward expression that he didn't know whether he was laughing or not: "...not...that..." He should understand Lin's upset. By the way, this is the second time that Brother Confidence is threatening Lin.

Confidence Brother is very clear that Lin hates being threatened, not to mention being threatened twice in such a short time. Therefore, he is now a little taboo and uncertain. Behind Lin's serious eyes, or behind the serious eyes that appeared because of extreme unhappiness, what terrible things he will do. Love,

In this case, the confident brother was also quite conscious, with an expression of 'big brother, I'm wrong': "...hehe," he smiled very dryly: "Isn't it something I can't do..." He tried to make himself look pitiful, and his tone was naturally full of helplessness: "You also know, do our industry sometimes. Involuntarily," he smiled more politely. Well, it's not so much polite as a compromise. He also understands that if he doesn't express it again, Lin Ke will really be angry: "... Well," He looked at Lin Jie and Taomi lying on the ground: "I'll lend you here for a few days... I mean, this It's very safe. The old man may not find them. Confident Brother is not casually saying that this is an independent island, covered by sea water. Although the old man's ability is pervasive, he is helpless in the face of such a strong water element. In fact, the old man has not yet sensed the existence of Lin, which is the best proof.

Lin should also understand this, so when the confident brother said that he could eat and live here for free, his displeasure was more or less light, and even a little embarrassed. Yes, such a luxurious villa, even the whole island belongs to private territory, which is unimaginable for Lin. He should have never dreamed that one day, he could live freely in such a paradise-like villa for a few days...

This is very cool. Whether Lin is willing to admit it or not, he is very tasteless. Indeed, for an iron rooster who regards money as life, such a villa is absolutely impossible to refuse. In Lin's view, if he refuses, it is simply a crime, just like when a girl says that he is empty and lonely, you say that you are not in the mood, not the ordinary scenery.

No underwear?

Er, it's like this. Although there are a lot of underwear in that big wardrobe that haven't even taken off the trademark, Lin feels that this kind of thing close to his second child is more reassuring. Who knows what bad reaction there will be if you wear these underwear. Besides, these underwear were not as normal as expected. Lin almost cried at that time. He didn't know that men's underwear could also be as domineering as thongs. Your sister, can this little cloth wrap the second?

Lin can completely imagine that if he wears more women's underwear than women, the moment he takes off his trousers, the girl will definitely seriously doubt his completely normal sexual orientation...

Therefore, Lin believes that instead of wearing this kind of domineering underwear domineeringly, it is better to wear nothing and feel comfortable.

That's it. Lin, who didn't wear underwear, went downstairs, and Confident Brother, he has been waiting there for a long time.

"............" Then, when he saw the dark Lin's domineering side leaking down, he could hardly believe that the eyes staring at Lin were full of accidents. It seemed that, damn it, the guy in front of him was really that bad bastard?

Well, this is not to say that the confident brother was scared by Lin, but by the clothes Lin wears on his body. By the way, this kind of dress with lace is really too good, or is it that Lin's child has always had a dreamy princess complex?

Finally, at the moment when Lin came to the confidence brother, the confidence brother couldn't help laughing: "...Damn are cruel enough..." He didn't seem to believe it. After really looking at Lin's clothes and trousers with lace edges, his smile was even more exaggerated: "Haha, ha Haha... Dude... You are absolutely domineering..."

He had no scruples about the confident brother, and even more unscrupulously. Lin said that he was under a lot of pressure. If he could, he really didn't want to wear this kind of clothes with lace, but there was nothing he could do. You know, these two clothes and trousers on him were the most normal. If Lin changed to something else, it would definitely be shocking. It's certain to scare people to death.

So, now Lin began to think that maybe it was a better choice for him to continue to surround the white sheet.

But he couldn't help it. It should be said that he really didn't expect that the clothes in that house would be so domineering, so domineering that he had no choice. Speaking of which, Lin began to feel that the confident brother, who was still smiling, was completely intentional. He knew that the clothes there were very scary, and he was very generous to let him change his clothes.

"...still laughing?" Lin was unhappy: "Damn it, you dare to buy this kind of clothes."

"Wow!" Confident brother was suddenly excited: "Don't frame me..." He pointed to Lin's clothes and wanted to laugh again: "Ha, haha... These clothes are not my taste." Speaking of this, he suddenly had a feeling of being open, and Lin's eyes also became understandable: "I'm just saying, why do you still like to wear underwear with strawberries... It turns out that you really like girls' things... The taste is a little heavy."

Lin: "..............." He was also too lazy to explain and gave a word directly to Brother Confident: "...get out!"