Magic Hunter

Chapter 43 Memory on the back

Chapter 43 Memories

The noon sun shines in through the huge settlement window, and the cool sea breeze seems to have a salty taste. Lin sat there, with a cigarette in his mouth and an expressionless face, staring at the blue sea not far away.

Microwave sparkling, in the bright sun, the sea is slightly bright. Every time the breeze brings out small waves, the reflection light is faint but dazzling, like a beautiful diamond, which can't help but make people intoxicated.

Lin likes this feeling. He is unrestrained and has nothing to do. He lives just to live, and there is no such burden and burden. He felt very relaxed, and he had not felt this kind of relaxation for a long time, so long that he almost forgot this easily satisfying happiness.

The sea breeze passed through the slightly open window and brushed his quiet face, like a mother's gentleness, gently soothing the scarred child. The wind is very light and soft, slightly raising his long hair, over and over again...

Wow~~~ He exhaled a deep breath of smoke, but for a while, the smoke just exhaled was taken away by the breeze, as if taking away his troubles easily, no trace, nowhere to be found.

In the distance, he could see several boats, fluctuating slightly with the waves. The seagulls are around the boat, hovering back and forth, sometimes falling on the roof of the boat, and sometimes flying away lightly, very comfortable. Then, I don't know if it's an illusion, or I really heard it. The clear sound of the seagulls in the distance, with the sea breeze, Lin seems to be able to hear a little...

Then, his expressionless face quietly showed a faint smile. This smile is nothing. It is very ordinary. It looks good because it comes from the heart, and it looks happy because it is contented.

This feeling is very good, making people feel very comfortable. Without all unnecessary fights and troubles, you can laugh and cry at ease, and it seems that you can do everything you want to do happily.

Lin leaned on the cold wall, and the gentle and comfortable sun shone on his face. The salty sea breeze brushed his face, and the cigarettes in his hand had already burned out. The waves slowly beat on the beach, and everything looked so lazy, so leisurely and comfortable. Then, Lin Jingjing closed her eyes, but fell asleep after a while.

He slept at ease, just like he hadn't experienced that kind of leisure and relaxation for a long time. He didn't fall asleep so peacefully for a long time. He didn't have to worry about anything or care about anything. He fell asleep because he was sleepy. This is an easy happiness, but it seems to be forgotten by Lin, or many people forget this simple happiness more or less, and until this moment, the peace at the seaside rekindled his contentment happiness.

Then, he dreamed of those people in the past. In that ordinary school, he was an ordinary student and went to school. Like many people, he has had his own best friend, a girl he likes, and some guys he doesn't like. He can spend almost a month's food expenses with his best friend because he invited a girl to eat, and he ate green vegetables with steamed buns pitifully in that month...

He will blush because he sees the girl he likes, dare not say a word, and even turn around and leave. He was sad because the girl he liked had a boyfriend, and even angry that the girl was abandoned by the boy.

Lin believes this very much, because they have witnessed it with their own eyes. If it hadn't been for his luck, he might have put their friends in long ago. Since then, Lin has forgotten the past, achieved the present, and became a chess piece that can live alone, just like the old man expected. He didn't know what to expect.

He has done a very successful job. From the beginning to now, it is because of the cold blood he wants that he has been able to live until now. But he lives very cold, like a piece of ice, and he can't feel any warmth. Sometimes, even he is scared by his own cold blood. But in the end, he witnessed with his own eyes that the former classmates fell into the hands of the monster one by one, and he gradually became numb. From crying at the beginning to the expressionless face at the end, he eventually became insensitive.

He is not sad, but used to it, because he knows that tears are useless, and crying is just the most powerless vent. After that, he gradually got used to turning sadness into motivation and anger into strength. Only in this way can he live. Only in this way can he prove that those people have existed and fought side by side with him.

Yes, maybe not, but Lin just carried it on his back, like a self-confidence brother, carrying his former companions, living hard and bravely, because they know that here, in this world, only they can prove their existence, and they are willing to live for this kind of proof, even if this They can't breathe on their backs all the time.

Then it was natural. Lin began to reject the so-called companions, because he could no longer bear it. At this time, his companion was just an unacceptable luxury for him. He did not dare to accept it, just because he did not have self-confidence and believed that he could protect them as much as he protected himself.

The previous facts have proved that he does not have the ability to protect, but he just thinks he is arrogant and ignorant. Therefore, he now wants something that he doesn't need to protect, and this thing may be like him, not as a companion, independent but dependent on each other.

This is Lin's appeal and the truth he has always believed in. Instead of reluctantly protecting it, it's better to give up freely. If you can live, you can naturally live. Only those who are determined can live to the end. This may seem a little cruel or cold-blooded, but in Lin's world, this kind of cruelty and cold-blooded is the inevitable law of survival. He doesn't want to have a burden, and he can't afford any burden. It's difficult enough to live alone. He really doesn't have the courage to guard anyone desperately.

He wants to be such a self, but he can't do it. Sometimes, he is still willing to do more. He knows that the result is impossible, but he still has to try. Just like Tang Jia, he can't afford it at all, but he still foolishly wants to guard...


Lin didn't know how long he had slept. When he woke up, the sun was already setting. He didn't take the initiative to wake up, but was called...

Sure enough, now beside Lin, Lin Jie, with a confused face, stared at Lin uprightly: " here?" She was very surprised. In her memory, Lin should not have such a mansion.

"...?" Lin was startled by Lin Jie's question, but then he reacted: "Ah, my home." He smiled a little awkwardly. Anyway, such a domineering home is not his home.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Lin Jie doesn't seem to remember what happened last night, and even said, how could she be here?

"...Uh," Lin thought for a moment: "'re drunk...and then that's it."

"Drunk?" Lin Jie was confused: "...Did I drink last night?"

"Of course!" Lin answered without hesitation: "I drank a lot."

"............" seemed to be Lin's unhesitant answer. Although she felt a little strange, she seemed to believe it, but she still asked weakly, "...then...why don't we go back to the Wisteria apartment?"

Lin: "Uh............"