Magic Hunter

Chapter 45 Great Transformation

Chapter 45 Great Transformation

When she stopped, the silver-white moonlight shone through the window, emitting a charming light. They couldn't figure out whether the Countess Lee Coster was an angel descending in the moonlight or the saint who would follow the moonlight to the heavenly palace. Her beauty is said to have been maintained for nearly 50 years, but her beauty secret recipe is really horrible...

She bathed in blood, and only used the blood of pure girls. She believes that only by soaking in their pure blood can she continue to absorb the essence and keep her young forever. Every time before taking a shower, she has to drink at least half a liter of blood, which she calls "internal washing". She took a shower and killed at least two girls. In this way, in the long and dark 50 years, a total of 2,800 girls were killed, and all the bodies were buried under her private bathroom. This is also her idea, because she believes that the souls of girls can drive away aging and dullness.

Because she often takes a bath with blood, she always has a strong bloody smell. But she never hides it with any perfume and let it go. The combination of beautiful appearance and bloody smell has produced an indescrable strange charm, which makes countless young nobles fall in love with it. For a while, the fame of Countess Lee Coster spread to the European continent, and even the French Emperor Louis XIV was thousands of miles away and fell under his pomegranate skirt.

Speaking of which, this "Bloody Mary" cocktail comes from.

It was not until later that the Great Revolution broke out. The angry crowd caught Countess Lee Coster, who was almost 70 years old. In anger, everyone burned her alive in her own bathroom. And sealed the castle. From then on, a generation of beautiful queens disappeared.

However, in the next four hundred years, every full moon night, there will be waves of resentful crying like the tide in the castle, as if thousands of ghosts cry at night, and even the residents of Budapest ten miles away can hear it.

They couldn't stand the disturbance and invited priests and warlocks to exorcise souls. As a result, even the masters of the Vatican and Jerusalem could do nothing. Finally, the Pope had no choice but to list this place as a forbidden place and prohibit the entry and exit of mortals (so far, in the suburbs of Budapest, the castle is still attached to the seal of the Pope. Not far from it, a local sign was written: Tourists are not allowed to enter).

After saying this, Yue deliberately put her cup of Bloody Mary in front of Ye Zi, with a smile on the corners of her mouth: "...and you...the next game is to try to summon this legendary beautiful but deadly woman..."

At this point, she bowed slightly, leaned against the counter, and held her cheek with one hand: "If you can summon this dangerous woman and come out alive..." Her charming eyes quietly blinked at Ye Zi: "...Maybe I will promise to help the girl who was seeded by the black moth."

Yue's words, the old man beside him was full of uneasiness, which seemed to evoke some terrible memories, and his whole face looked pale. He experienced it, and it was his own experience. That game almost killed him. At that time, if the old man hadn't passed by, maybe he wouldn't have lived until now.

After that, Uncle Zhang, who could have been an ordinary policeman, embarked on the road of no return in the special operations team.

Therefore, Uncle Zhang, who knows the danger more than anyone else, really doesn't want Ye Zi to be willing to play this game. Anyway, this game will only bring unnecessary death. But he didn't say much, because Ye Zi's performance clearly showed that he was willing to play this game and risk a fat girl. He was so firm that there was no room for negotiation...

It's also quite strange to say. Ye Zi, who should not be familiar with the fat girl to this extent, is willing to take risks for her. By the way, if the fat girl is a girl he has been secretly in love with for several years, this may make sue, or the fat girl is a beautiful woman like Lin Jie or Huang Li, in order to make the beauty smile, this may be reluctant. It makes sension...

But the fact is really not like this. The fat girl is a fat girl. She is not a beauty in the eyes of the public, and she doesn't have that kind of charm. She can make Ye Zi fall in love secretly. Besides, the two just met today. It's too early to fall in love secretly.

In this case, it's even more strange, but I've just met twice, and Ye Zi is willing to take such a risk for the fat girl. This...

If the old man hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes and didn't see that scene, he would definitely think that Ye Zi was crazy and completely crazy. He was stupidly willing to die for a girl who was a fat girl from any angle, which was really incomprehensible. But the fact is that the fat girl changed. In an instant, because of the deal with the devil a long time ago, the moment she met her heartbeat boy and was able to bear her heartbeat boy, the deal was finally completed. As she wished, she transformed into a thin girl in the hearts of the public, with no less beauty as Lin Jie. Appearance, and the perfect figure without a trace of fat...

But this momentary change is unacceptable to Ye Zi. You know, at the moment when the fat sister successfully transformed, the seeds planted by the dark attribute soul of the black moth began to germinate without any suspense. In less time, the fat sister will eventually become a puppet without self-awareness because of the seed buried deep in the soul, only It exists for the black moth parasitic in Lin Jie's soul.

In this way, Ye Zi is willing to take risks for a beautiful woman, and it seems to make a point again. Anyway, the fat girl who successfully completes the transaction with the devil, her beauty is absolutely shocking. It can even be said that she is fully capable of becoming the kind of beauty that smiles the city and the country with a smile.

But things are not so direct. The metamorphose fat girl, her beauty is very scary, but Ye Zi has not seen a beautiful woman, and he is not the kind of hero who can die for a beautiful woman. In fact, because the transformation of the fat girl is too scary, just like her amazing, Ye Zi still can't believe it. She can't associate the previous fat girl with the absolute beauty at all. By the way, this change is too big and difficult to accept. You know, it's like the legendary frog becoming a prince. Similarly, Ye Zi watched the fat girl become a beautiful woman in an instant, er, in a sharp light flashed...

The fat girl is beautiful and scared the whole fast food restaurant, but not many people left. Almost all of them have the kind of very surprised and frightened eyes to look at the beautiful fat girl now. Then, because the fat girl is absolutely amazing, you can't see any flawed angel face. Many people are male. Sex compatriots, they soon forgot the light just now, turned to appreciate it, and became even more intoxicated. They began to be infatuated because of the incomparable beauty of the fat girl.

Then, because of this very concerned uncertainty, she instinctively wanted to escape, and that's all. Before everyone could react, she just grabbed the door...

It's the same. After Ye Zi caught up, the fat girl who was stopped by Uncle Zhang didn't know where her strength came from. The thin little hand easily pushed Uncle Zhang away, and then stopped a taxi, intending to escape from this place with Ye Zi.

But she didn't succeed. Ye Zi still took a step faster and grabbed her.

At that time, the fat girl immediately lost her strength, which may be a little exaggerated, but this is the truth. When Ye Zi's natural pale face appeared so close to her eyes, the fat girl who originally intended to resist did not have a trace of strength...

She looked at Ye Zi in a daze. Her eyes flashed and she was uneasy, but she had some expectations that she didn't even know. Then, like a girl in love, her whole face was red. Finally, she didn't dare to look at Ye Zi. She turned to lower her head, but her mouth said softly, "...Go, go away..."

Wow, this sentence shyly walked away, which scared Huang Li. She really couldn't imagine that the girl in front of her, who was no different from the ordinary girl, would be the domineering fat girl in her impression. She felt that if it was the previous fat girl, she would definitely have a beautiful back fall, not like now. He said delicately, 'Go away'.

Then, she came over and stood in front of the fat girl: "......Wang Qi?" She shouted softly, not very sure.