Magic Hunter

Chapter 47 Broken Mirror

Chapter 47 Broken Mirror

Then, in the mirror, the fiery red candlelight became more and more bright, but for a while, the whole mirror was blood-red because of the blood-like candlelight, such as crimson, as if the mirror dripped blood at any time.

At this time, the moving candle finally stopped, stopped in the center of the mirror, and continued to burn faintly...

"............!!" Ye Zi's nerves were tight and she didn't dare to move. The pupils, which were highly tightened because of extreme fear, stared at all the different small movements in the mirror.

He wanted to escape, but he didn't know why. It seemed that there was an invisible hands that grabbed his feet so that he could not move, as if his feet were not his own. No matter how hard he tried, it was like being nailed to the ground, his feet would not move...

But it's strange that he actually has some expectations. Although he is extremely frightened, he is looking forward to something. Just like the panic at this moment is just the beginning of a surprise, which makes people extremely uneasy but very unreasonable to expect, even a desire. This feeling is very strange and subtle. It's like watching a horror movie. It's obviously scared and taboo, but I'm looking forward to the more scary and scary scenes next.

Ye Zi now can't figure out whether he has this strange expectation because of the fat girl, or because of this gloomy horror that prompted him to have this expectation. Just like now, he can't be sure whether the wall in the mirror is flowing blood or the wall in reality is flowing out, which makes people shudder. With terrible blood, he soon couldn't figure out what reality was and what was the illusion in the mirror.

It's true. Ye Zi was just very sure that she was in reality, but now, he actually found himself in the mirror, and the one outside the mirror sneered at him with blood on his face, and that smile was full of madness and absolute ferocity.

He was scared by his unimaginable terrible smile. After all, he could no longer calm down. Fear easily occupied his reason, prompting him to do some reasonable but very crazy things. Just like at this moment, in the mirror, his whole face looked scary because of fear. He hit the mirror crazily. Zi, it seems that he wants to break this mirror that doesn't know whether it is true or false, and wants to return to reality from the world in the mirror.

He beat hard, harder and harder, more and more crazy, but it was useless at all. The mirror seemed to be strong steel. No matter how hard Ye Zi was, it was intact and still intact.

The situation is not very optimistic, because Ye Zi's crazy blow, in the world outside the mirror, in reality, the bloody Ye Zi elegantly took up the bloody Mary who did not know when she appeared in the air, and then took a very enjoyable sip...

This is very deadly. Although he only drank the glass of Bloody Mary that he didn't know when he took away from Ye Zi's hand, just as he gently took a sip of Bloody Mary, Ye Zi, he suddenly felt a stuffy chest, his throat was hot, and a mouthful of dense blood spewed out...

He felt that it was true, real, and he saw with his own eyes that the mirror that had just been splashed by his mouthful of blood seemed to have some incredible ability to suck the blood on the mirror slowly but quickly, as if it easily swallowed the blood from Ye Zi.

At this time, Ye Zi, who fell to the ground, felt like the moment she fell to the surface of the water after diving, took a fresh breath, and then regained consciousness...

He seemed to be confused for a moment. He lay on the ground in a daze, thinking whether he had reached the legendary hell or heaven or something. It's pretty fast. When he found that this was not a hell paradise, but the toilet just now, he sat up and touched his neck in disbelief...

No wounds, it's okay, I'm still alive, I'm still alive!!

Clearing this point, Ye Zi immediately stood up, as if she wanted to fulfill her last wish just before her death, and she didn't know where the courage came from. Even if she planned to find the blood-faceded self...

But he found that the toilet had not changed, and it was no different from when he came in. The candle was still in front of the mirror, quietly lighting up the toilet with the lights off...

Well, speaking of the mirror, at this time, Ye Zi finally found that she didn't know when the mirror was broken...