Magic Hunter

Chapter 58 Array of Gods

Chapter 58 Array of Gods

The next day, the haunted house.

The purple motorcycle stopped here, took off its helmet, and got out of the car with a familiar face. She looks a little helpless. If she can, she really doesn't want to come to a place like a haunted house.

Then, she brushed her long blood-red hair, which was a little messy because of the helmet, sighed, and came in.

The haunted house looks no different from usual. As always, it is deserted, the small store is empty, and you can't see a few people. But it seems to be a little different. Although the strange spells on the wall still exist, they are a little different, which immediately caught her attention.

Yue can see that because of the appearance of the decadent man last night, these spells have inevitable abnormal movements. They are no longer the usual ink-like ink black, but like the charms pasted in four directions, blood red, becoming very dazzling, obvious, and even a little strange.

The moon does not pay too much attention to the movements of these spells and runes. It should be said that there is no need to worry too much before they are completely broken and disappeared. And what made her care, or a little curious, was that in this small haunted house, it actually covered the [God's Array], which even God was a little taboo.

It is not difficult to see. At this time, at the foot of the moon, every step of her progress sensed a silky spell on the ground. It was these unparalleled and unimaginable powerful spells that made Yue realize something wrong.

No, no, no, it should be said that, like many people, she never felt that there was anything wrong with these spells under her feet. She thought that the spells under her feet should appear slowly with the passage of time, leaving the mark of time, but now, she finally realized that Ping I don't care about these spells. They are part of the array of gods. In other words, it is precisely because these arrangements are very regular now, no longer like the chaotic bloody spells before, and gradually show the true face of the spells and totems that make Yue begin to understand that this is almost the legendary array of gods.

Indeed, the God's Array, like many powers, has only heard of the tutor in the former 'technical school', but has not really seen it. In fact, the God's array has not been shown for almost hundreds of years. It is said that for hundreds of years, only the first generation of demon hunters have successfully shown this kind of strength. It's so big that people have no temper at all.

On this point, Yue is convinced that she is a little successful in the battle, and she can control the [Green Array], but she still said that she was under a lot of pressure.

She should know that the God's array is not something that can be shown if it wants to be shown. At the same time, it needs the absolute powerful magic of the releaser. At the same time, it also needs the soul of the releaser. In other words, the God's array is to take the soul of the releaser as a unique eye. Only in this way can the God's array be perfectly presented. But the risks are naturally self-evident. Using your own soul as the eye requires not only extraordinary courage and self-confidence, but also familiarity and control of the array of God.

Let's put it this way, it is not difficult to show the array of gods. Generally, at the point of reaching the moon, those who have some abilities in the green array can show the array of gods, er, in theory.

But this is not the case. So far, only a generation of demon hunters in the formation of God has been successfully shown, and in the next hundreds of years, it has hardly been shown again by any human being.

Speaking of which, this is not surprising. It should be understood that no one's soul can be so strong that it can not only forcibly change to the same frequency as the array of gods, but also make the perfect integration between the two...

As mentioned above, everyone's soul fluctuations seem to be similar, and everyone's soul fluctuations are fixed. Once the original soul fluctuations are forcibly changed, it is the so-called accidental death. In any case, the so-called death is a change beyond the limit of the body or soul, which eventually leads to the end of life. It should be pointed out that this limit will not have too much space. If the limit fluctuation representing death is 1, then this limit can only be less than half of 1 at most. That is, 50%. Generally speaking, if you exceed the limit of 50%, there will be the separation of soul and body, that is, the soul out of the body. If this phenomenon is not restrained and stopped, it must be a precursor of death.

There is no doubt about this, and the reason why the array of gods is difficult to show is here. It needs the soul. Only the soul that leaves the body can become an array of eyes, but the out of the soul must be the limit of the body, that is, a kind of syncope. In this way, the body that has lost consciousness can no longer be used and controlled. Magic, while the soul is out of the body, it can also integrate the soul with the god array as much as possible.

In fact, without the help of a third party, it is difficult for the out-of-body soul to return to the body again, that is to say, if you don't pay attention to the array of gods, it will bring death as a matter of course.

This is the terrible part of the God's array. Just like the power it has, it can make the releaser die easily, but at the same time, the successfully presented God's array. Before it is broken, the opponent can't hurt the releaser. Within the scope of the God's array, the enemy can kill only one stand-in after another. In fact, the real body of the releaser is the array of gods...

In this way, it is not unreasonable that the array of gods will be the most powerful defensive array.

At that time, the evil mage was like this. At such a limit distance, he could feel any subtle action of the old man and any abnormal magic fluctuation. But when he thought he had successfully killed the old man, he was very surprised to find that he did not know when he would cut it by himself. The old man in the throat is just a dispensable and harmless stand-in...

The evil mage was very surprised and even shocked. At that time, he didn't feel the old man's magical fluctuation, but it was so incredible that he killed an old man who seemed to be a stand-in from the beginning.

The evil mage was also very confident. In front of his eyes from the devil, he could see the soulless stand-in clearly. In this way, he was very convinced at that time that when he put the magic sword on the old man's neck, the old man would never be a stand-in.

But the reality made him have to admit, as if in an instant, when he scratched the magic sword over the old man's neck, the old man with almost no time and opportunity successfully showed the absolutely impossible double...

At that time, the evil mage was suddenly stunnered. He didn't understand what happened, but it was still fast. When he found the ordinary spells under his feet that could have been ignored, he finally found that because of his appearance, from the beginning, these seemed to have no lethality and were more like a kind of messy spells. It began to be quickly pieced together and formed. It didn't take long before the evil mage killed the old man...

Speaking of which, the old man himself was also very surprised. He originally thought that he was going to fight with the evil mage with this life, but when he found that the usual meaningless spells were recombined, he finally understood that this divine array from the first generation of demon hunters was ultimately instantaneous because of the appearance of the devil. Activation.

This made the old man suddenly feel at ease. That's why, in front of the evil mage, the old man showed no sign of resistance, but was abnormal and easily let the evil mage put the magic sword on his neck.

The old man was very successful. Even if he didn't use any magic power in the array of God, he still appeared again almost immortal. Then, he finally realized how terrible the array he had entered. When the evil mage realized this, his pure magic was quickly controlled, as if the roaring in his body. The beast was bound to death. At that moment, he could not use a trace of magic.

Well, this is another terrible reason for the array of gods, especially for demons, the array of gods from the first generation of demon hunters. The reason why he developed this array was originally prepared for demons, and it is natural that it can bind the pure magic of demons.

In this way, because of the bondage of magic, the magic lines shown by the evil mage quickly faded. At the same time, the magic sword in his hand could no longer be controlled, and finally completely disappeared. At this time, how could the old man who seized the opportunity let it go? He was about to pierce the heart of the decadent man with the holy weapon dagger used by the [exorcist], and wanted to use the sacred weapon to completely purify the body occupied by the devil...

But the result is not very good. Although this body was injured by the sacred artifact, it did not cause total damage without the help of [The Exorcism Text], but only had a strong mutual exclusion between the evil mage and the body.

Speaking of which, at this time, in this case, demons who can't enter a state of peace with this container for a while, exorcists often seize this opportunity to use their power to believe in God and use the absolute pure divine power to purify the human being occupied by demons.

But the old man is not an exorcist. Even if he reads those exorcism scriptures, it has no effect. He just read these words once, instead of giving full play to the power of the words like an exorcist with absolute faith, and finally the demon is expelled and the distorted souls of human beings are purified. .