Magic Hunter

Chapter 65 Too dangerous things, I won't do it

Chapter 65 Things that are too dangerous, I won't do it

He was wrong. When he said that the demon mark on the fat girl came from the evil mage, Yue did have an idea to find the demon that disappeared after the [moon eclipse], which was an old account that should have ended long ago, but she seemed to care about something else, or the sudden appearance of the evil mage, and And tried to forcibly take away the dark attribute soul of the fat girl. This demon, who should have stayed in the dark, seemed to be a little unusual...

Yue's feelings came out. It should not be a coincidence that the evil mage, who has never had any news, appeared at this time, and his attempt to forcibly take away the soul of the fat girl also made her very concerned. If it is right, Yue felt that the evil mage who appeared at this point in time, his goal was the one with Lin. Lin Jie is missing together.

It's easy to guess in these months. Anyway, a large part of the significance of the existence of the evil mage is because of Dong Shao. If Dong Shao cannot be allowed to come back in a limited time, his existence will only become more and more illusory. You should understand that this is not a demon that appears in the world through the gate of hell. It depends on the power given by Dong Shao, the big demon. In other words, because of the limitation of the container itself, the evil mage will not have much time to continue to exist in this body, and in this short period of time, if he can't bring Dong Shao in time, it is natural to be forced to return to hell...< /P>

Therefore, the evil mage must allow Dong Shao, the defeated demon, to have a perfect container for a limited time, and the ice cream will finally come.

Obviously, this container is not someone else. It is Lin Jie, who is still alive and the parasitic black moth has grown to a quite good level. In fact, under the condition that the parasitic black moth has developed to such a situation, the evil mage wants to make Lin Jie a perfect container. It will not be a big problem, but it is still light. A loose little thing.

It's like this. The evil mage only needs Lin Jie now. Even if the parasitic black moth has not reached the point of metamorphosis, he is completely confident. As long as he finds this girl, the arrival of Dong Shao is not impossible, but only a matter of time.

Therefore, Yue should see that for some reason, the evil mage, like the old man, can't easily feel the existence of Lin Jie. Even if he has the strong induction ability of the devil, the stronger the magic, the stronger the induction ability, but the evil mage is still powerless and unable to Feel the existence of Lin Jie...

In this way, the moon can imagine that the evil mage found the fat girl and most likely wanted to use the unstoppable connection between the seed and the parasitic black moth to try to find the exact whereabouts of Lin Jie, and finally make Dong Shao come.

These are all understood by the moon, and she can understand the intention of the evil mage, but what she doesn't understand is that the seeds in the fat girl's body were obviously successfully and completely extracted by Ye Zi. But why did the evil mage take away the fat girl's soul? What should I say if I lost the seeds, even if the evil mage got fat? My sister's soul doesn't have much effect. It's just a pure broken, even completely broken soul...

But understand that these demons who successfully appeared in the world through the cracks of the gate of hell are not higher-level demons, but the lowest-level demons, such as ghouls and so on.

Obviously, this kind of little devil, they absolutely don't have the courage to challenge the old man. Although the old man is old and not as sharp and powerful as when he was young, the title of purple hunter alone is enough to scare off these little demons, not to mention that, they also push the old man to that point.

Of course, it is inevitable that some little demons will grow rapidly during this period, or the demons who are still sealed in a certain corner of the world suddenly wake up. For one reason or another, they want to find this old man who has been having a hard time...

It was because of this that Yue was not very sure at that time that it was the evil mage who forced the old man into such a demon.

Now, because Uncle Zhang informed that the demon mark on the fat girl came from the evil mage, and these two things happened within two days, Yue felt that it was an indisputable fact that the devil who attacked the old man that night was the evil mage.

On this point, Yue became sure, but she still didn't understand why the old man told the evil mage why he told the evil mage the fatal news, and also, the seeds of the fat girl were completely taken away. Why did the evil mage want to forcibly take away the fat girl's soul without hesitation...

These two problems could not be understood for a while, that is, because of this incomprehensibility, Yue's hesitant reaction surprised Uncle Zhang on the opposite side. He thought that the moon meeting would happily agree, but he didn't think that the moon meeting would hesitate at this time.

Uncle Zhang was very surprised. In his imagination, because of that man, Yue should have accepted it regardless of the consequences, but he didn't expect that she would be so hesitant and uneasy, and even a little taboo.

Yue's reaction completely confused Uncle Zhang. It made him no longer believe in love. Obviously, he should take risks for love and revenge for love. How could she hesitate so much? It's very disappointing, okay?

Uncle Zhang's evaluation of the moon is still in place, but this does not mean that he knows the moon. Even if he has known each other for several years, he is not as clear about the moon as he imagined.

Yue will indeed retaliate against the evil mage because of hatred, but Uncle Zhang does not know that Yue is not such an impulsive person. It should be said that Yue is more careful than anyone else, and this is the fundamental reason why she can live until now.

Indeed, before she is fully sure, Yue will not be casually overwhelmed by hatred, and in the meantime, she will take risks with anger and full of blood. What she wants is revenge, not death without a brain.

In this way, Yue's current reaction is not only not wrong at all, but also in line with her personality.

But this obviously made Uncle Zhang confused. He, who was originally full of self-confidence, suddenly became not as confident as at the beginning, and even a little guilty: "" He wanted to say something, but when he came to his mouth, he still didn't say anything. No, no, no, he didn't know what he should say now. .

It's the moon in the bar. After all, she said, "... It's not impossible for me to help you." When she spoke, her beautiful and charming big eyes stared at Uncle Zhang tightly, because of some purple purple pupils. Her eyes were full of charming breath, which made people afraid to face it. She was afraid that she would sink in it if she was not careful...

Uncle Zhang is almost the same. No matter how many times, he still can't get used to the beautiful but very dangerous eyes of the moon.


Yes, Uncle Zhang has seen such a look as Yue several times. He should know it at night now. Instead of solving the trouble as easily as he thought, he seems to have caused a lot of trouble for himself.

Then, he couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and his usual indifferent eyes were full of uneasiness and taboos at this moment: "... I'll declare first... I won't do anything that is too dangerous."