Magic Hunter

Chapter 71 Professional mismatch

Chapter 71 Professional mismatch

Uncle Zhang: "............" Seeing the scene in front of him, Uncle Zhang figured out, um, this is love.

By the way, this is a scary luxury ward. The environment is natural, elegant and gorgeous. The decoration is very beautiful, the space is also very empty, and the lighting is also very good. The sunlight from the large floor-to-ceiling window fills most of the room, making the whole ward more quiet and elegant.

And at the window is the one, er, two hospital beds, one lying on the fat girl who is already a beautiful woman, and the other one is Ye Zi, who just moved in.

Uncle Zhang now understands that Ye Zi is strongly asked to help the luxury ward to rest not only because of the mayor, but also because of the fat girl who is still in a state of confusion.

"...Congratulations," Standing next to Ye Zi's bed, Uncle Zhang smiled very implicitly: "... This rich and powerful daughter seems to really like you." He seemed to be a little jealous. Looking at Ye Zi's eyes, he revealed a little dissatisfaction, and this dissatisfaction was really a kind of envy and hatred: "... I just want to say that men who are wanted to be raised are always very happy."

Ye Zi: "............" Uncle Zhang's joke made him speechless: "...please!" He glanced at the old man beside him who really wanted to eat soft rice, with contempt in his eyes: "... When will I take care of it? Don't talk nonsense, okay?" It's also quite interesting. Ye Zi has always hated people saying that he eats soft rice. Although he is a little feminine, his temperament is definitely a pure man, and it has nothing to do with the little white face.

It's like this. Although Ye Zi is a little bit taller, thinner and thinner, and his pale skin is a little whiter, he is not the kind of man who lives on his face. In fact, he still despises this kind of man.

Tut-tut, young people are impulsive, and it is difficult to mix with a little white face. It is also a kind of ability to be mixed into a little white face. How can you despise it? Then you should look up with a worshipful look. Understand that the little white face is the king.

Speaking of which, Uncle Zhang has always admired the little white face very much. In his opinion, the little white face is synonymous with handsomeness and strength. Without any real material, the real ability of Qijiro in one night is absolutely impossible. The most important thing is that those rich women who are willing to take care of them, but it is easy for them to struggle for a few years. To more than ten years...

This account is earned no matter how it is, just like Ye Zi now. If he wants to, Uncle Zhang can guarantee that he will be able to get to the level of director before he is 30 years old.

So, Uncle Zhang's jealousy, he worked for dozens of years to get into the position of director, and Ye Zi's future was bright in an instant because of a daughter, which made Uncle Zhang's psychological imbalance all of a sudden, and his words naturally became sour: "... I tell you," He stared at Ye Zi closely and said I'm not kidding, but very serious: "... If you are developed, you will leave me, the former leader, aside. Don't doubt that I will definitely discredit you."

Er, well, Uncle Zhang is no longer as simple as jealousy or envy. If it's right, this is simply a threat.

For Uncle Zhang, who is still an inexplicable threat, Ye Zi's head is full of black lines, which makes him look like a little white face: "...Uncle!" He looked very polite and helpless: "... You really think too much."

After saying that, he didn't care what Uncle Zhang wanted to say, that is, he turned around and said what he cared about most now: "... Yue... What's her next plan?" He wanted to know more clearly what he would do in the next month. If necessary, he could make some psychological preparations.

Seeing Ye Zi say this, Uncle Zhang smiled and said with a relaxed expression: "...If that's right, she should have taken action." He was very sure that when he communicated with Ye Zi whether to put the seed in the dark earth back into the depths of the fat girl's soul, the elderly leftover woman had already expressed something. In fact, Uncle Zhang felt that even if Ye Zi did not agree to put the seeds back into the fat girl's body, she was bound to be tough according to the personality of the moon...

In this way, after looking at the puzzled Ye Zi, Uncle Zhang said quietly, "... Now you just need to put the seeds back into the fat girl's body... Then, wait." Uncle Zhang should be clear that this kind of waiting will not be long, and it should be in the next few days.

Ye Zi also saw this more or less, but he was still a little worried, but this worry was soon restrained by that kind of determination. For Ye Zi, there is no way back now, and she can't turn back.

Then, he struggled to sit up from **. Because he was too weak and felt weak, he felt dizzy as soon as he got up. It was dark in front of him, but it was still fast. After about two or three seconds, the dizziness and the darkness in front of him quickly faded, and he felt much better.

" it okay?" Ye Zi's reaction made Uncle Zhang very worried. He hurried up and helped him: "...If it doesn't work, let Yue..." He felt that if Ye Zi was really too reluctant, it was better to let Yue put the seed back into the soul of the fat girl. There was no good result for such reluctance.

But Ye Zi just smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm okay." Then, he waved casually, and the dark soil appeared quietly. Because of sucking the seeds, the originally dark soil showed the current reddish brown: "...I want to do it myself."

"But..." Uncle Zhang is still a little worried, because of the appearance of the dark soil, Ye Zi now looks more tired and pale.

Ye Zi looked at Uncle Zhang, who was a little worried: "...I can do it." He tried his best to smile. He wanted Uncle Zhang to believe that he was okay, and even more, he wanted Uncle Zhang to understand that this matter had to be done by himself.

"............" Uncle Zhang stared at Ye Zi's reluctant smile. He wanted to persuade him again, but finally he gave up the idea because of Ye Zi's firm eyes. Then, after all, he loosened his hands holding Ye Zi...

Ye Zi smiled, and then said to Uncle Zhang gently, "...thank you."

Next, he came to the fat girl in a few steps. Because of the clearer and clearer magic mark, the fat girl looked very haggard and should have a beautiful face. Now she is pale and can't see any blood color.

She really became very beautiful. Ye Zi didn't notice it at the beginning. It turned out that the fat girl sleeping quietly was so cute and charming. But after all, because of the magic seal on her forehead, her beauty was quietly broken and replaced by a chilling gloomy and even terrible.

"............" Looking at the magic seal on the fat girl's forehead, Ye Zi frowned, but in only a few days, she didn't expect that the magic seal, which was originally very empty, was now so clear, just like on the skin of the fat girl. In this magic seal, even You can see the blood vessels you shouldn't have.

It's still quite strange. Now the fat girl's face is very pale, but the demon mark on her forehead, as if the blood has been completely absorbed by the magic seal, looks like blood-like crimson.

Yes, except for the more and more blood-red magic seal, the fat girl's face did not have a trace of blood at all.

This makes Ye Zi's worries more real, and also makes him believe that the fat girl really won't have much time left. Then, he didn't hesitate much. After taking a look at the red-brown dark soil in his hand, the purple and blood-red pupils eventually mutated, just like the cat's eye. The original normal pupils moved quickly, turning the blood-colored pupil into the shape of the current raised crescent moon.

The change of the pupil looked very relaxed and casual, but Ye Zi felt that the pressure doubled, as if carrying a thousand catties of things, her whole body trembled a little, and even the right foot could no longer bear it and suddenly fell to the ground.

He is now full of cold sweat, but as soon as he showed his spiritual eyes, he felt the difficulty of breathing in the moment. Every breath was like a kind of suffering, as if there was a sharp blade invisible to the naked eye in his breath. The blade brought by breathing easily scratching the chest and lungs, bringing out endless pain. That kind of deadly feeling can It is said that life is better than death.

It's still fast, because this feeling of life is not as good as death. The body is already very weak, but now it is in a state of collapse. If Ye Zi continues to maintain the state of spiritual eyes, the next second, he is bound to faint because of the limit of his body.

But it's okay. At this moment, with the fading of the reddish brown, the dark soil on the magic seal of the fat girl slowly changed back to the original black state. At this time, in Ye Zi's cat-eye-like pupils, he clearly saw that the blood-like bright red seed was finally successfully integrated into the fat. In the soul of the sister's dark attributes.

Speaking of the dark attribute soul of the fat girl, through Ye Zi's spiritual eyes, you can see that it is the soul that is tightly bound by countless dark chains, but trying to struggle. Then, because of this instinctive struggle, the sound of the nihilistic chain 'jingle' seems to be faintly heard...

In the end, after witnessing the seed integrate into the soul of the fat girl again, Ye Zi, who could no longer support it, suddenly lost her balance and fell to the ground heavily. Subsequently, the cat-eye-like pupil returned to the shape that human beings should have.

Uncle Zhang hurriedly came over and reached out and pulled it: "...Are you all right?" He looked at the current Ye Zi with worry. Because of the fact that he had just shown his spiritual eye, Ye Zi's current pupils seemed to be very lax.

In fact, Ye Zi doesn't see Uncle Zhang in front of her at all. It's like a camera that has lost focus. All he can see is a vague outline: "... It's okay... It can stand it." What he said was a little laborious. Such a simple sentence made his already short but weak breathing more rapid.

Next, for about three or five seconds, as the out-of-focus pupil gradually returned to normal, his breathing slowly stabilized. Finally, the recovered eyes finally allowed him to see Uncle Zhang in front of him.

"...Hmm," Ye Zi smiled softly: "What kind of expression do you have... like constipation..." Seriously, seeing Uncle Zhang's full worries at such a close distance, Ye Zi is still a little unaccustomed to it. As he said, Uncle Zhang's worries are like constipation, which makes people laugh and cry.

After being teased by him, Uncle Zhang, who was a little uneasy just now, laughed and said, "...Bad boy!" He was not polite at all. He didn't care whether Ye Zi, who was so weak now, could bear it or not. He was so direct. As usual, he patted the back of Ye Zi on the head, saying that as a follower, he was the boss.

But in this ordinary way, there was nothing at all. Ye Zi actually 'crossed' and only felt that her throat was hot. A mouthful of dense blood immediately spit out, and then her whole body suddenly fell down...

It can be imagined that if Uncle Zhang hadn't been supported like this, Ye Zi, who had just got up, would have fallen to the ground again.

Ye Zi's reaction really scared Uncle Zhang. He hurriedly helped Ye Zi sit down in that illness, and then planned to call the doctor, for fear that Ye Zi would have a chance.

"...Hey!" Ye Zi shouted: "... I can't die yet... Those doctors... the profession is not right..." With that, he wiped the remaining blood on the corners of his mouth, and then tried to look up at Uncle Zhang a few steps away: "... Tell Yue... I did what I should do... I hope she... can also do what she should do... must Let the fat girl survive..."