Magic Hunter

Chapter 73 Zero

Chapter 73 Zero

"...Oh?" Death cares a little: "A more attractive condition than the devil?" He stared at the moon quietly. After a while, he said lazily, "...isn't it just the black hunter?" It's really hard for him to guess what kind of card the beautiful woman in front of him can be so indifferent. In his opinion, there are really not many things that Yue can do, which can make him move him. In this way, Death is still doubtful. Yue's calmness now, such self-confidence is the reason. Why?

Therefore, the eyes of Death looking at the moon have changed a little inevitably. Such eyes are full of playful and have a few traces of imperceptible appreciation: "... Let's talk about it, what other scary conditions do you have that you can go back alive."

His meaning has been made clear that if the conditions mentioned by Yue next are not attractive enough, then Death will not give him a second chance. He has every reason to let Yue never return and die in his quite popular death cemetery. Er, of course, this welcome only accepts the dead.

Yue still understands the meaning of Death's words. In fact, she is still used to the warning of Death. Speaking of which, there have been several such warnings: "... I don't know if you've heard of it or not," Yue gave Death a good smile: "... The man in Qinglong seems to be about to break through the seal."

Her big soft eyes quietly looked at Death on the right. She could see that Death was a little surprised, and this slight wonder was even more curious. And this is exactly what Yue wanted, so she continued to say: "... The man is now collecting dragon patterns... If time permits, it may not take long for him to be free with the complete awakening of Qinglong and regain his freedom."

"...Ha!" Hearing Yue talk about this, the beginning of Death's little surprisedness turned into the current disapproving, even a little disdainful: "... That person can't come out. You should know better than me that it was the black hunter who sealed him in the green dragon." Speaking of this, the smile at the corners of his mouth became a little helpless: " the black Before the sex hunter hung up, the seal with that person as the eye could not be broken.

Death is right. Unless the man in Qinglong wants to die, the formation with his own eyes really cannot be broken. Otherwise, the rupture of the seal means the death of that person. Obviously, this has become impossible. Although that person has always been crazy, it is obviously unreasonable to play himself to death.

Therefore, what Yue just said, although Death was a little surprised and surprised at the beginning, then it was the disdain now. Anyway, the guy sealed by the black hunter, before Lin passed away, his possibility of regaining himself was almost zero. No, no, no, that's impossible at all. White, that kind of seal comes from the [zero] of a generation of demon hunters.

Such a seal is quite terrible and tricky. Even if it is Death himself, as a man of God, there is no such easy and casual thing for him to liberate from [zero]. In fact, a long time ago, even Satan was trapped by this [zero] for more than 40 years until a generation of demon hunters passed away. Satan barely broke through, and it took almost five years to be completely free from [zero].

Such a terrible [zero]. Although that person's ability is very scary, he still has a considerable distance from Death and Satan. In other words, even Death and Satan have some taboo 'zero'. After all, that person is just a power, and there is no such thing at all. The ability may break through. As mentioned above, before Lin passed away, he must have been imprisoned in the Qinglong.

This is an unquestionable thing, and there is not much room for bargaining. In this way, Yue seems to have used the wrong chip. Although Death is also very interested in that person, even more interested than Lin, in the case of being imprisoned by 'zero', this makes all this cloudy and in vain.

But the fact doesn't seem to be the case, or Yue dares to take the man in the green dragon, and she is quite confident. Just like now, under the clear expression of death, she still looks indifferent and her tone is as calm as ever: "... Of course, before Lin passed away, zero It is almost impossible for a seal to be broken, but this does not mean that it is completely impossible.

Death seemed to be curious, but he was not very optimistic: "...what do you want to say?" As mentioned above, Death really doesn't think that there is any way to bypass 'zero' so that that person can regain his freedom without destroying the seal.

The reason why the seal is terrible is to block all possible connections from the outside world and seal the person completely in the isolated space. Under such circumstances, all the efforts made in the present world seem so futile and meaningless... Er, before breaking the seal that isolates that person in space < /P>

This is to go back to the original topic, because that person uses himself as an eye, or can use the sealed thing as an inevitable eye, which is the power of 'zero'. The moment he breaks through the seal, it is equivalent to killing that person.

Besides, the seal of zero can't be broken if he wants to break it. Even if it's death, it will take a considerable amount of time for him to break zero. If it's fast, it may be two or three years. If it's slow, it may be the same as Satan. It will take about five years to completely break it, but don't forget that it was the death of a generation of demon hunters. In the case of going, if a generation of demon hunters still exist, it is not impossible for Satan to be sealed until now.

This is the point. This time, the releaser of the zero is still alive. Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible to break the zero if Death does not finish the forest first. But you should understand that Death has never wanted Lin to die, at least before he successfully copied Lin's soul.

In this way, there is not much suspense. The chip of the month doesn't seem to work at all.

"...humm," Yue smiled: "...Zero from a generation of demon hunters is really scary and terrible," Her smile gradually became obvious, and the initial self-confidence became clearer: "But you seem to forget a little, in each array, the way to break it is not just to break it... "

Month: "...Sometimes, the releaser himself can easily end or terminate the seal he released." Indeed, the seal itself is a magic array. It can be released by the performer, and of course, it can also be terminated by the performer. Naturally, such a powerful seal as zero is no exception.

This has become very interesting, no, no, no, which makes Death feel ridiculous. Yes, as Yue thinks, if Lin is willing to take the initiative to end or terminate zero, the person who is sealed in Qinglong can indeed get freedom, but the question is, why did Lin do this? He finally sealed the dangerous figure in Qinglong, and why did he release him now? This is for him. There is no benefit at all. In fact, in the view of death, he is willing to use the powerful seal of zero and seal that person in the green dragon that many people can't touch. Lin has no intention to free that person at all...

Death is convinced of this point, so when he said that beautiful fairy tale that month, he was a little embarrassed to laugh and cry. Anyway, it was impossible for Lin to take the initiative to liberate the seal.

This is what makes Death feel a little strange. Yue is not such a naive person. It should be said that she is still a more realistic person. In this way, there are even some insults to IQ. How can she say it?

It's like this. Death is very confused now. Obviously, she let the man she loves deeply reborn, and Yue is also very realistically knowing that this kind of thing is ridiculous, but why, who can accept reality, actually say such unrealistic words, what to let Lin Lai liberate the person in Qinglong...

This is the reason why Death did not laugh directly. It can be imagined that if it was not the current month that said this sentence, he would not be like now. It may be necessary to wait for the month patiently...

In the face of Death's suspicious eyes, Yue said that there was not much pressure. From beginning to end, there was still a faint smile on the corners of her mouth, full of self-confidence: "... Lin is not the forest in the past now," she looked at Death and saw that he did not fully understand what he meant. She continued: " ...Now Lin doesn't have the power to stop it, or control zero more perfectly..."

"............" When Yue said this, the god of death beside him seemed to understand, but he was not very sure: " mean..."

Yue smiled and did not respond directly, but slowly said, "It's not hard to imagine that the person who should have been restrained in Qinglong has now controlled Qinglong with the help of other people's bodies."

She seemed very meaningful, and the smile on the corners of her mouth revealed a hint of play: "... Although the man's posture of controlling Qinglong is very reluctant, you should understand that this is the inevitable result of Lin's power retreating to this point... In other words, the person who appeared in a distorted posture is the reason why he worked hard. Collecting dragon patterns scattered all over the place is to take advantage of the moment when the green dragon fully awakens..."

Hearing this, Death finally guessed the result: "... You mean, because the seal of zero is on the application of the green dragon. With the complete awakening of the green dragon, zero is bound to change, and then..." He can now imagine that if things really develop to that extent, the person will bypass zero without destroying zero. It is not impossible to regain freedom, but it has become quite possible.

"...After all, Lin doesn't have the ability to restrain the abnormality at that moment," Yue's smile became more beautiful and charming, but it seemed to be a little shuddering madness: "... You know, Lin is now a black hunter, he is the most Basic magic can't be used..."

Month: "In that case, even if he perceives the abnormal movement of [zero], he is helpless, because he can't exert any magic, that is, he can't use his own magic to control the seal of the abnormal movement at that moment..." Her words have clearly explained that in Lin's current state, because Qinglong Complete awakening, that kind of incomparable and unimaginable power will inevitably make zero produce a little abnormal movement. Even if this abnormal movement may be only in a moment, it is enough for the sealed person to seize the opportunity and finally escape...