Magic Hunter

Chapter 79 Scary Good Sister

Chapter 79 Scary Good Sister

Lin: "..." When I came outside, I found that Nima was an isolated island here, and there was no means of transportation available at all, let alone any public transportation passing through here. What he can see and can only see is this cold sea.

He should have thought that after Brother Confidence drove away the luxury yacht that time, there were no tools to reach the outside world. In this case, this is already an isolated island.

Therefore, Lin now hates the confident brother very much. He knows that there is no means of transportation, and he does not leave a boat for himself. Even if he rows, he will feel that the confident brother is so loving and thinks about himself like this before leaving.

But no, I'm so straightforward and direct, leaving nothing behind, not giving Lin any hope, as if he must trap Lin on this island.

But then again, building this villa on this isolated island is to be quiet and enjoy the nature far away from the city. It would be strange if there was any public transportation passing by.

Speaking of which, Lin was also worried by Lin Jie and Taomi. He was going to contact some ferry on the day he left, but he didn't expect that it would be tonight, which was almost midnight.

In this case, although Lin is anxious, he is powerless. In the current situation, it seems that he can only wait for the doctor sent by the old man, and he will not leave until the doctor arrives.

Of course, if Lin's brain is hot, he can swim there, as long as he is not afraid of freezing to death.

————Then, he could only look at the ocean and sigh and couldn't think of a way. Only the continuous sound of the waves proved over and over again that he was trapped on this damn island.

In the end, Lin has had enough. Instead of blowing the cold sea breeze here, it's better to go back to that villa. Anyway, the villa still has air conditioning.

It was also a coincidence. At this time, just as Lin was about to go back, a gorgeous transmission array slowly appeared on the beach in front of him. With a dazzling white light flashed by, the skilled face quietly appeared...

"...?!" Because of the appearance of the woman in front of him, Lin's face was surprised and even unbelievable. He really won't believe that she is free. At this moment, this woman appears alive in front of her.

"...Wow," the woman smiled: "...My stupid brother really hasn't changed much... He's still as stupid as ever." She came over, as usual. The little white hand pinched Lin's face fiercely: "... What's your expression... It makes you so uncomfortable to see my sister?"

Lin: "...!!" If it hadn't been for the severe pain on his cheek just now, he would have thought he was dreaming. Obviously, this is not a dream. The real pain shows that she is back. The sister, who doesn't look like her sister at all, seems to be really free.

Indeed, this beautiful woman who appears in front of Lin with the transmission array is Lin's sister, Xu Si, who should have been imprisoned in the forbidden place by the old man.

"............" He quietly looked at the extremely real Xu Si in front of him, and still had some doubts: " did you... get out?" He didn't think at all that the old man would calm down so quickly. After three or five years, his 'dear' sister couldn't come out at all, but now, it's impossible for her to appear.

So Lin was very surprised and puzzled. For a moment, he didn't know what was going on. He didn't understand at all. What was the old man thinking about and released Xu Si so easily.

For Lin's disbelief, Xu Si just smiled and didn't explain too much. Instead, he talked about other things: "... It turns out that you have come here. No wonder the old man can't find you." She looked at the isolated island isolated in the sea and thought for a moment: "... It's good here. It's a good choice to hide from the old man... It's also thanks to the pervert who has such capital to buy such a small island."

"...?" Lin Yue was more and more confused. From Xu Si's tone, he seemed to have contacted Brother Confidence: "... No... How are you..." He was completely confused. How could Xu Si know that this island was a self-confidence brother? He did not tell the old man that this island belonged to Brother Confidence.

"...Is it strange?" Xu Si looked at Lin, who was full of doubts, and smiled, "Your charming sister is still a little popular..." Speaking of this, she quietly winked at Lin: "... That pervert is not bad. Knowing that your sister was reborn, she called to congratulate her as soon as possible."

After saying that, she smiled mysteriously: "... He also mentioned you by the way."

Lin: "Uh... when did you... come out?"

"Two days ago." Xu Si answered very simply: "It should be that the old man feels that there are not enough people. I heard that even those crazy people have released a few." When it came to the last half of the sentence, her expression obviously became not relaxed.

"......What you mean...should not be..." Lin is completely confused now. It's completely understandable that the old man doesn't have enough manpower. He is more or less understandable to release Xu Si, but those crazy madmen...

Lin doesn't think it would be a wise choice to release them. Anyway, the reason why those madmen are imprisoned is because of their endless desire and desire for the soul. In fact, in Lin's view, the old man's release of those people is not to solve the trouble, but to add some unnecessary numbness. Annoyed.

In the face of Lin's doubt, Xu Si was also a little puzzled, but he still nodded slightly: "Maybe the old man has his idea. I mean, he is willing to let a few crazy people out, maybe he has other plans." To be honest, just like Lin, she doesn't quite understand why the old man released those crazy people. The result may solve some troubles, but at the same time, the troubles they cause are obviously not to be underestimated, or even more annoying.

It's puzzled, but Xu Si feels that if the old man doesn't have any necessary measures to prevent those people, he will never let go of those madmen. In other words, the old man may have any way to control those people and make them more obedient.

Xu Si is not suspicious at all, but more convinced about this point, so she is not very worried, or she doesn't pay too much attention to this matter. Generally speaking, Lin's current trouble is the top priority.

Then, just like I expected that Lin would leave the villa tonight in the morning, not only she, but also the two blue and one black motorcycles appeared with the transmission array: "... Are you not going to look for the moon?" She patted the red motorcycle next to her: "...Maybe we can talk about family later."

After saying that, she threw the key of the black motorcycle over: "...You know, that girl really doesn't have much time."

"...?!" Accurately taking over the car key thrown by Xu Si, Lin looked at Xu Si with a strong sense of puzzlement. That feeling, as if Xu Si had always been by her side, knew everything about him and what he had experienced in the past few days. Even, I don't know where to start, she left such a transmission array on this beach and transmitted it in time at this critical moment.

Lin naturally doesn't think it's a coincidence. You should understand that Xu Si even guessed that he wanted to find Yue at this time.

Therefore, holding the car key, Lin Yi didn't know whether to get on the car or not. He always felt that the appearance of his dear sister at this time seemed to be a long-planned thing.

"...Hey!" Seeing that Lin still looked at himself stupidly, Xu Si, who had started the red motorcycle, shouted a little unhappyly: "... How long will you linger like this... Please move quickly!" She looked more anxious than Lin, and seemed to be more worried about Lin Jie's upcoming transformation.

Her anxiety did not affect Lin much. This man, he still stayed in place. His eyes full of doubt and surprise quietly looked at his sister who suddenly appeared. That expression seemed to say that if Xu Si didn't explain anything, he really didn't plan to go on the road.

This is not to say that Lin is not nervous at all, but that he knows that his unscrupulous sister is generally very tasteless, and she will not help herself so kindly. In Lin's opinion, it is usually not a good thing behind this kind intention.

Yes, from the current situation, he really shouldn't care about this. Finding the moon is the most important thing, but the faint uneasiness in his heart still strongly warns him that in front of Xu Si, a beautiful sister, it is better to take it easy, so that he won't be sold by her and still count the money for her.

Well, you really can't blame Lin for this. Just like Xu Si knows very well that Lin is a tasteless younger brother, Lin still believes that Xu Si is not the kind of good sister who loves her very much. In fact, Xu Si always likes to cheat Lin most of the time.

It's just like this. After being cheated a lot, he had to avoid it. Anyway, Xu Si's appearance in time is really abnormal. By the way, this unscrupulous sister is like the legendary good sister. She seems to be helping herself without asking for anything in return...

This makes Lin uneasy and even afraid. You should understand that when a sloppy friend suddenly flatters you, he often asks you. Therefore, Lin, who firmly believes in this, really doubts what Xu Si, a dear sister, wants to get from himself.

This is the point. Believe that in Lin's view, Xu Si's current abnormality is absolute. Compared with usual, it is completely two people. If it is normal, the sister who appeared in time did not want 100,000 and eighty thousand yuan, and she would never lose the car key so easily. Self.

Of course, the hundred and eighty thousand here is just a metaphor. Lin's deposits have always started from zero, and foreign debts are pile after pile, but Lin still has something to take, such as his family's embezzled magic martial arts.

It's not that Xu Si hasn't done this kind of thing. There are really several pieces of magic weapons in Lin's room that have been cheated by her, but now, Xu Si doesn't seem to have any requirements. He just threw the key directly. It seems that it's really just the purest desire to help Lin.

This scared Lin, and at first, the surprise of Xu Si's appearance also became a deep taboo now. Anyway, Lin couldn't imagine what he wanted to cheat himself behind such an abnormal bad sister.

This is the point. By the way, when a bad sister suddenly pretends to be a 'terrible' good sister, it will always make a stupid brother like Lin speechless, at a loss, and even more uneasy and worried.

Then, because of Lin's doubts from the beginning to his very taboo eyes, Xu Si could only sigh. She also understood that if he really didn't plan to say anything, his stupid brother was going to spend all the time here until the doctor came over and then borrowed his means of transportation to leave.

She was very helpless, and she felt a little deeply sad for herself. Obviously, she just wanted to be nice to her stupid brother, and actually scared him like this. She was not sure. Can't the relationship between her sister and brother have a little love?