Magic Hunter

Chapter 84 Out of control

Chapter 84 Out of Control

Then, it was still direct, and I didn't know where the strength came from. Xu Si, who had just looked weak, grabbed Lin's left arm because of his long nails, but with a little effort, Lin's skin was suddenly scratched, and then the blood flowed...

She looked very skilled. Almost the moment the wound broke, the blue nails gently 'brushed', and then took away the lost blood from the wound.

Then, she took a drop of blood on her nails, looked at Lin, and showed a slightly difficult smile: " me a favor." She moved the blood on her nails: "...I need this thing."

Seeing Xu Si say this, Lin Xian was surprised for a moment, but soon realized that if it was right, his tasteless sister planned to use her dark blood. He still understands that dark blood does have the ability to stimulate the magic of gradual paralysis. It is like a kind of kidney hormone, which can forcibly stimulate people's gradually weak bodies, and even burst out the power that can't be shown at ordinary times.

But just like kidney hormone, if Lin really 'abandon' the drop of dark blood so that Xu Si can use it, the result may bring her magic to recover quickly, but the question is whether Xu Si can bear it, although because of the dark blood, she can purify the drop on her body without much suspense. The devil's tears, but the consequence is that it is even more weak, and even an irresistible collapse. In that case, the result is almost the same, because Xu Si's state after the collapse is almost the same as that of now. No, no, no, no, it should be worse.

Therefore, Lin was surprised and felt that she, a sister, really looked at herself and wanted to use the ability of dark blood to forcibly stimulate the magic of paralysis. But he still smiled quickly. If Xu Si looked at him like this, Lin thought it was better not to let her down too much, and then, it was simply that he finally 'abandoned' the bright red dark blood on Xu Si's nails.

"...Don't say that I didn't warn you," Lin still kindly reminded: "... The dark blood abandoned can't be controlled by what I want to control. If anything happens, don't look at me at that time." He wants Xu Si to understand that even the dangerous thing of dark blood is sometimes taboo and difficult to control, and even more powerless after abandoning it. That is to say, if Xu Sizhen has an accident, he can only stand aside in a daze, which can only show that he is powerless and helpless.

It's true. As mentioned above, the abandoned dark blood is like a kidney hormone, which can forcibly wake up and stimulate the dying body, but at the same time, the damage it causes to the body cannot be underestimated. If the dosage is too strong, the result will not be much better, and it is not impossible to pass away. Love.

Lin naturally knows this, and Xu Si understands it even more, but she doesn't seem to be very worried, or she is still a little confident and powerless. It's not the first time for her to use Lin's dark blood to solve the problem, and she has some experience.

In this way, she just smiled faintly at Lin's 'kind reminder', and then said lazily, "You'd better pray," her tone sounded to be a joke, but it was clearly a warning: "... If your charming sister hangs up like this, you can only be buried with her." She said it very casually and easily, and it seemed that she didn't pay too much attention to such a dangerous thing at all.

But it was very fast. When Xu Si's short hair began to flutter slightly, her pupils finally changed, just like a demon. The originally dark pupils were suddenly red.

And what's more strange is that with the appearance of [Magic Pupil], her sealed hands also quickly appeared incredible blood [Magic Pattern]...

This kind of scene is very strange. Obviously, it belongs to human beings, but it seems to be slowly changing to a demon. Not only the more and more red eyes appeared first, but also this kind of bloody magic pattern representing the devil. If the human in front of him was not Xu Si, or just used his dark blood, Lin would definitely think that The woman in front of you is a complete demon. Don't forget that this bloody magic pattern has always been a symbol of the devil.

Yes, with the continuous appearance of bloody magic lines, Xu Si is now more and more like a human being occupied by demons as a container, but this phenomenon did not last long, but for a while, the magic lines that were just spreading dissipated in an instant. At the moment when they were about to fill Xu Si's whole arms, accompanied by Xu Si's blood The color pupil returned to normal, and these magic lines also disappeared, but for a moment, there was no trace, and there was no trace of what it should be...

At this time, as if it had been transferred, the dark green mucus on Xu Si's chest was suddenly infected by magic lines. Because of the continuous appearance of bloody magic lines, the original dark green turned into the current dark black. Then, because of the appearance of these magic lines, the devil's tears seemed to have life, and they actually squirmed slightly. When it moved, it looked very painful. The creep changed from the inconspicuous and inconspicuous at the beginning to the crazy anger now...

It tries to struggle out and get rid of those deadly blood-colored magic lines, but it doesn't have much effect. The more it squirms, the more crazy it is, the blood red of the magic lines becomes more obvious. Just like now, the dark green is no longer there, and it is a crimson like this blood now.

Almost at this moment, the transparent jellyfish on Xu Si's body also changed, like the devil's tears. The jellyfish suddenly became blood-red. The original transparency was not there, but was replaced by the now blood-like crimson.

Then, when the jellyfish were completely infected, they quickly gasified like water vapor, turned into a trace of blood-like fog, and finally dissipated with the wind...

Everything seems to be very smooth, because of Lin Na's abandoned dark blood, the demon tears on Xu Si's body seem to be successfully purified. Those completely gasified jellyfish are the best proof. Those strange and transparent jellyfish originally existed because of the devil's tears. The final disappearance of their gasification only shows that the devil's tears are about to the limit, and it doesn't take much time to be completely purified...

Sure enough, not long after the jellyfish were completely gasified, the devil's tears on Xu Si's chest were like those jellyfish, turning into a bloody fog, slowly but rapidly dissipating.

Before long, it may only take a few seconds. After all, the devil's tears were completely purified and gasified into a bloody fog. Finally, they were completely blown away in the fading wind and disappeared.

Then, the almost completely cracked ice at the foot of the forest also stopped breaking. At the same time, the original sea water quickly turned into ice, but after a while, the complete ice surface floated on the sea again.

Seeing such a scene, his nervous heart was more or less relaxed, and Lin also breathed a sigh of relief. You know, Lin was born with a fear of water. The pressure on the ice that had just cracked was beyond imagination. In fact, he was very calm and restrained when he didn't scream like a little girl. It's done.

He relaxed for the time being. Lin looked at Xu Si, who was opposite, and looked really smooth. Because of the dark blood, Xu Si finally relied on his own strength to successfully purify the 'devil's tears'.

In this way, he smiled and planned to praise his sister, but quickly. After a trace of blood on the corners of Xu Si's mouth, his smile immediately turned into the current uneasiness and worry...

————You know, while the trace of blood overflowed from the corners of Xu Si's mouth, the magic that had just calmed out suddenly burst out, completely uncontrollable and wantonly anger...