Magic Hunter

Chapter 86 Incomplete Test Items

Chapter 86 Incomplete Test Products (Part I)

"...I really can't see it," sitting on the blood-red sofa, Yue smiled at Xu Si opposite: "It's incredible that guy is playing for you like this." Speaking of this, she showed some unexpected shock: "... He won't really treat you as his sister, will he?"

Xu Si: "..." She was a little speechless: "Hey, hey," she looked at the shocked moon and showed a little displeasure: "What does it mean to really treat me as a sister? I'm the stupid sister, okay?" She didn't understand. Why do these people so question half of the blood relationship between her and Lin? They don't look like siblings?!

Er, it's strange that it can't be blamed on Yue. It can only be said that her sister is too different from her sister, and her brother doesn't look like a younger brother at all. It's better to say that they are both bad friends who don't care much about each other.

It's like this. When there is a good thing, both of them will never think of each other, and when there is a bad thing, they can always consciously find each other.

Therefore, Yue really can't believe that these two siblings who don't seem to have any 'love', Lin, a silly brother, is willing to take such a risk to solve Xu Si's troubles. In Yue's view, this is simply the biggest anecdote of this century, and even if it is on the news, it is not an exat all.

But the living reality made her have to believe that it seemed to be really the same thing. For the sake of Xu Si, Lin almost ruined his hands.

"It's so strange," Yue expressed her absolute doubt: "... This is really strange... How can that guy be..." Even if the facts were in front of her, she was a little unbelievable, just like Xu Si and Xia Ya were willing to take risks for Lin that night.

Xu Si can completely understand the shock of Yue. Speaking of which, if she hadn't witnessed and experienced it in person, she would have been like Yue now. In addition to shock or shock, she would never believe that Lin would do this and help herself so desperately.

In this case, she also smiled bitterly and shook her head: "...Maybe he took the wrong medicine," she raised her eyebrows and said, "... Otherwise, his brain will be broken, or he may really not want to live."

At this point, she thought for a moment, and then nodded confidently: "...Maybe he really doesn't want to live..." She moved her left hand and should have wanted to express something: "Uh... People who want to die will always do some strange things... such as spending all their savings before death."

Listening to Xu Si's words, Yue felt the same. Lin's guy may really want to commit suicide, otherwise, this violation of 'commity' is really difficult to explain, but she was not very sure, so she gently asked, "... Why does he want to commit suicide? That kind of guy, who is thick-skinned, should live a very strong life. In Yue's view, Lin, who often owes rent, is full of foreign debts. It is almost possible for this guy to commit suicide. By the way, if he didn't have a strong 'self-esteem' beyond ordinary people, this bastard would not have lived until now. He had long chosen a domineering suicide because of that endless shame to die. Thank you.

"Hmm," Yue's response made Xu Si laugh: "...You seem to be hiding something," She stared at the seemingly calm moon quietly. After a while, she became quiet, and this silence penetrated with obvious sadness: "...If that's right, you may still Because of him."

Referring to the man, Yue's relaxation obviously flashed a strange color, and then she gradually became heavy, and her eyes, because she lowered her head slightly, blocked her long blood-red hair, which made people unable to see clearly for a while: "... Don't you care? Or, you didn't want him to come back to life at all. Her voice seemed lonely, but this kind of sentimental loneliness was somewhat obvious jealousy and unwilling.

Xu Si fully understands Xu Si's loneliness, and also understands her jealousy and unwillingness, because they love the same man, the [Fly] with beautiful blonde hair.

At that time, they were still freshmen, Fei and Xu Si and Yue. The three of them were good friends who said nothing until Fei chose Xu Si.

Fei and Xu Si were together, which made Yue unacceptable. In order to get close to Fei, she asked Xu Si to introduce them to each other, but in the end, Xu Si also fell in love with the man, and the man also fell in love with Xu Si.

At that time, Yue was hit hard. It seemed that love and friendship, these two things that she valued so much, betrayed her in an instant, which turned her once belief into endless confusion, and also made her unable to get out of this shadow for a long time.

Later, the three of them seemed to get back together again, but the damage and cracks in them always existed. They all felt that there would be no previous frankness and nothing to say to each other. Most of the time, they were more willing to put their thoughts in their hearts.

This situation lasted for several years until the [Fire Rain Incident]...

He flew to death. He died to protect Xu Si and became Satan's sacrifice. Speaking of the 4,440 sacrifices, a large part of them were like Fei, all subordinates of the old man, or chess pieces.

At that time, Xu Si could not accept it at all. In the first few days, she almost killed the devil like crazy. She wanted to know from the devil's mouth who sacrificed more than 4,000 people, and the devil completed the sacrifice.

She didn't get any information, and she didn't even know the demon who completed the blood sacrifice. Later, she hid in the room every day, looking at the flying photos in a daze, laughing and crying, sometimes muttering to herself, and sometimes silent, like a madman...

But the moon at that time was not like this. She vowed to resurrect Fei, no matter what the cost was. After that, when Uncle Zhang first met Yue, she tried to trade with the devil to resurrect Fei, but as a result, like those resurrected souls, the demon was only a monster, which made her not Monsters that don't have to end with their own hands...

But after that, Yue never gave up. Knowing that resurrection was an almost impossible taboo, she still did not hesitate. As mentioned above, regardless of paying any price, she also wanted to let Fei resurrect.

Xu Si later found out about these things. At that time, she made it clear to Yue that there would be no good result in the resurrection. It just put the flying soul in pain again and again.

But Yue did not listen. She still insisted on resurrecting Fei. From the beginning to now, it has not changed, and there is not even a trace of shaking...