Magic Hunter

Chapter 88 Crazy Woman

Chapter 88 Crazy Woman

"...Let go," Xu Si was helpless: "Let him rest in peace."

"............" Yue was silent. After a while, she said faintly: "" She didn't say very loudly, but she was extremely firm: "...he can't leave like this...can't..."

She looked up and looked at Xu Si quietly with beautiful big eyes. Her slightly red eyes were full of sadness: "..." She didn't say much, but such eyes already showed that she couldn't do it anyway.

"............" Xu Si was also silent. She didn't know what she should say or what she could say. She understood Yue and understood that Yue's love for him might be deeper and more profound than herself.

She can't agree with Keyue's behavior anyway. Maybe she really doesn't understand what love is, but she has always believed that love is not a bondage, but a kind of freedom to fly...

It has passed away, and she is willing to accept this fact. Although such a fact is really difficult to accept, she must accept it, because life is still going on. She should try to live without him, live bravely with deep thoughts for him.

No one can live without leaving. This is life, and we come here step by step, and we grow up and mature slowly in this way.

Xu Si should understand this point. She will not foolishly play with martyrdom, let alone be like Yue. She insists on breaking the taboos of nature and resurrecting the people she loves deeply.

Death cannot be changed, let alone changed. It is only on the day of departure that cherishing becomes meaningful, and then can we understand what happiness is now. You don't have to worry about the past and don't care about the unknown tomorrow.

What's more, it's really hard to imagine the price of resurrection. It's not that Xu Si doesn't want to resurrect the man, but that she knows very well what the resurrection will be. It's just a distorted thing that needs to constantly devour the soul to exist.

She doesn't want that. If the flying resurrection requires thousands of souls, she would rather let the deceased rest in peace.

But Yue, she doesn't seem to care about the process at all. All she needs is the result, even if the resurrection of the fly will pay more innocent lives.

It's like this. The old man's resurrection of them is the same. They need to pay equivalent souls. In other words, Lin and others who were resurrected by the old man were stained with blood from the moment they were resurrected, and this is the price of resurrection.

Of course, although the old man is cold-blooded, he is not crazy. Most of the souls he wants to resurre come from the souls that are swallowed up by monsters and can't rest in peace.

These souls who have been swallowed up by monsters but have no souls that have been completely digested. They can't go anywhere. Hell or heaven are locked. Only purgatory welcomes these souls who have no place to return, and wait until the moment when they become ghosts because of endless resentment.

The old man obviously will not allow this kind of thing to happen. Instead of making these souls who have no place possible to become deadly ghosts, it is better to let them make the last few contributions. Whether it is right or wrong, resurrection is bound to pay a painful price.

Because of the old man, Fei was resurrected once, and for the second resurrection, Death was also under great pressure. Although he may be very faceless, Death also had to admit that the second resurrection was almost impossible.

It is impossible here to be under relatively normal circumstances. If you use that drop of dark blood, it is another matter. The result may be ideal. Not only will the man be resurrected very smoothly, but also because of the dark blood, the man will have a strong vitality beyond ordinary people, but the result will also be bad, because For the domineering dark blood, which has always belonged to the dark blood of Lin, it will instantly devour any soul that wants to integrate with it, even the god...

As for what kind of result it will be, Death can't handle it well. Although he has a certain confidence to make the dark blood as 'honest' as possible, this does not mean that he can completely resurrect the man. What's more, this is a very tricky second resurrection.

Death is still quite indifferent. Success is the best. He has a new understanding of resurrection. If he fails, it is also a reasonable thing. Anyway, resurrection is difficult enough, let alone the second resurrection.

There is almost no loss to Death. Although he lost that precious drop of dark blood, he got it in exchange for the [man] in the seal of the green dragon...

Death is quite interested in that person, because he knows that this human being, who is not a god, seems to have endless resurrection ability. Obviously, he has passed away, but he can always be resurrected again intact, as long as he can suck enough souls.

That's why Death is interested. He is really curious about what kind of soul it is. Without the help of external forces, it seems that it can be easily resurrected by his own strength alone.

Er, by the way, resurrection is different from rebirth. Although the two are very similar, they have essential differences. Resurrection is the rebirth after death, and rebirth is the rebirth before death.

Let's put it this way, even if the resurrection takes several years or even decades, as long as the soul is there, he can regenerate.

And rebirth can be forcibly regenerated before the soul completely leaves the body, and once the soul completely leaves the body, there is no possibility of rebirth.

Of course, if you want, you can also understand it in this way. There is no time limit for resurrection. As long as the soul still exists, resurrection can be anytime and anywhere, but rebirth cannot be like this. Once the limit of time is exceeded, it is impossible.

Death has the ability of endless rebirth, which is already very powerful and almost immortal.

But this is obviously more attractive than resurrection. Think about it, even if you die, you can still regenerate by your own ability, which is much more domineering than rebirth. If one day you are accidentally beaten to death by a group, as long as you suck enough souls, resurrection is just a simple matter of time.

The most important thing is that the man seems to completely jump out of the cycle of life and death, breaking the powerful rules of nature, and seems to be able to live forever, like a god...

This is the point. Although Death controls the life and death of human beings, he prefers to control the life and death of demons or gods. This makes Death very excited. If he can take away that person's soul, then, maybe, no, no, no, no, he is bound to become the supreme god, no one can match...

This is the ambition of death and the fundamental reason why death is so interested in that person.

Yue may know this, but she doesn't care. Even if this will put Lin in danger, even if Lin Jie, who has completely transformed, will become the perfect container for Dong Shao. Even if Death may really find a person to control the life and death of the devil and God, these months don't care. What she cares about is his rebirth, that man The return of people appears again in their life where they don't seem to be happy at all.

Therefore, the moon seemed extremely firm. Although those red eyes were still in tears, there was no initial sadness. Instead, it was the current resoluteness: "...don't hinder me," She seemed very serious, and her cold tone was full of warning: "... Even if it's you, I won't promise that I won't It will kill you."

"..." Xu Si looked at Yue quietly with a calm expression. She did not doubt that Yue would do so at all. In her opinion, the woman in front of her became crazy and scary crazy because of love for this kind of thing.

Then, she shook her head: "...even if he was successfully resurrected by you," her eyes staring at the moon were filled with some sympathy, even a pity: "...Do you think he will accept such a result?"

She smiled, full of bitterness: "... We all know him... Maybe at the moment of resurrection, Fei will choose another death."