Magic Hunter

Chapter 94 Dimensional Space

Chapter 94 Dimensional Space

The huge war eagle took him to this seemingly abandoned dock...

The forest fell to the ground, and the war eagle quickly dissipated. It should have fulfilled the instructions given by the old man. It completely disappeared, leaving only a few scattered colorful fragments to the ground quietly, proving that it existed.

Lin is quite familiar with this pier. He has heard from rumors that this once prosperous pier leads directly to hell, or there is a former tunnel to hell.

A lot of things are abandoned here, and several single-shaped and down-down boats can be seen on the dock. With the ups and downs of the microwave waves, they make a subtle but clear 'squeak' sound...

Most of those ships have been abandoned, the wooden hulls have been in disrepair for a long time, and many of the hulls have been submerged in the sea. The rotten wood exudes a unique fragrance in the air, which is not obvious, but as every burst of cool sea water blows, it can always make people smell a little fresh, and even smell good.

On the other side of the dock are large and small warehouses. I don't know how long these warehouses have not been used. Most of the originally closed iron doors are rusty, and many iron gates are not reliable. Maybe they are man-made or natural forces. Most of the iron gates are crooked and open. In the silk moonlight, you can see Go to a few dilapidated shelves inside.

Those shelves or wooden boxes that are more than half a person high are mostly dilapidated and crooked, which is obviously deliberately destroyed.

It seems to be dark here. It seems that the corner has been forgotten by the bustling city. The street lights that should have been neat are more or less dilapidated. Only the last few lights barely shine there, but they are bright and dark, and they appear from time to time.

Under such a faint street lamp, the figure not far away walked slowly, graceful...

That figure looks tall. Although she can't see her face too clearly under such a street lamp, she is obviously a woman with a very good figure.

The figure, or the woman, is wearing a pair of blood-red high-heeled shoes. In this quiet abandoned dock, every step of her brings a clear 'da-da' sound. The rhythm is neat and consistent, not in a hurry or slow, and she looks very confident.

She is wearing a white shirt, and the neckline is very deep. I don't know if she is wearing a bra or chest patch or something. From the deep neckline, most of the women's jade rabbits are exposed, white and smooth, and even the two points of the shy person are almost completely exposed.

But it is very tempting. Although with every movement of a woman, the slightly shaking jade rabbit may completely disappear at any time, there is always no danger every time. Not only does it destroy the moment's sexiness because of the two points that may be revealed at any time, but it makes people infinitely reverie. It is stronger and more deadly than the usual girl. Attraction is even eye-catching, and it is impossible to look away from such a beautiful jade rabbit.

A woman's lower body is a short black skirt, which can only barely cover the thighs. It seems that every time a woman starts, as long as there is a little bit above, she can see the infinite scenery under the skirt, but it is always just right. Every step a woman takes looks so staggered, like a model, very beautiful.

Then there is her upturned buttocks. The short skirt looks tight, showing the arc of the woman's buttocks vividly, swinging left and right but not frivolous. The buttocks line is so charming and full of women's unique amorous feelings.

She wears black stockings, not the type of connection, but independent from left to right. Long stockings up to her thighs, but it is a few centimeters away from the short skirt. It is not completely covered by the eye-catching short skirt. Instead, it more reflects the sexy and beauty of women invisibly.

Finally, there is a pair of eye-catching blood-red high heels under the feet, which make the woman's slender legs more long and beautiful.

Women's sexy and intellectual dress is very suitable for Lin's appetite. From the beginning, Lin's eyes full of 'appreciation' have not been removed from women.

Soon, as the woman approached, Lin could see her appearance clearly.

It's very charming. It's a standard goose egg face. The exquisite facial features are more outstanding and perfect on her face, but such a perfect appearance makes people wonder if such a beautiful face really belongs to human beings?

The corners of the woman's mouth rose slightly, showing a beautiful appearance. Then, elegantly she took off her light blue sunglasses and said lazily, "... It's really not easy." Her smile gradually turned into a bitter smile: "Because you almost hung up, I didn't expect that it was because of you, the old man actually let me out alive." Her tone was very interesting, a little surprised, a little happy, but there was a little obvious upset, as if the man in front of her made her love and hate, and was very entangled.

Seeing the woman say so, Lin felt a little embarrassed: "First of all," he looked at the woman: "I'm very surprised that the old man let you out." At this point, he sighed and shook his head: "Second, don't get me wrong. I didn't ask the old man to send you to be my partner... I That is to say, I don't have the courage to ask the old man to send a beautiful woman like you to be my partner.

After saying that, he immediately smiled bitterly: "... What are you going to do this time? Our summer beauty is going to kill a few assassins domineeringly to show the old man?

When the woman listened, or Xia Ya listened, she suddenly had a feeling of being regarded as a donkey's liver and lungs. By the way, who did she kill those assassins at that time, not because of the tasteless bastard in front of her. But Lin is good, but it's a performance that it doesn't matter to himself.

This made Xia Ya feel very helpless: "... I regretted it at that time. I didn't know what was wrong at that time, and I would offend the old man because of you." Speaking of this, her helplessness turned into now full of regret: "If I die because of you, I think I will die." Her meaning is already obvious. Lin's ruthlessness now really makes her very sad. Anyway, she took the risk of death to help Lin. This is good. Lin not only did not mean to be moved at all, but teased, which made Xia Ya's heart cold all of a sudden, and it was still cool.

Lin Xiaoxiao: "...I think so," he shrugged his shoulders and said, "...No matter what, no one can offend the old man, can he?"

After saying that, he thought about it again and felt that he should add another sentence, so he continued, "... er... except for the smuggler."

Xia Ya smiled and agreed. In her opinion, the world has the ability to avoid the old man's pursuit, and only the confident brother who is quite successful in escape.

"...It's almost done." When she spoke, Xia Ya snapped her finger slightly, and suddenly, a dark passage between her and Lin quietly appeared.

He is not unfamiliar with such a channel forest. The last time he found the craftsman Aji, he also entered such a different-dimensional channel.

He didn't hesitate too much. Lin took a look at Xia Ya and then stepped into this dark, whirlpool-like passage.


Evil~~~ is very imageless. Just through the dark passage, the forest that appeared in the dimensional space vomited rudely, which looked very hard.

Xia Ya frowned slightly and minded a little: "I said, is it necessary to do this, but it's just a 'cross' passage..." She was a little surprised. Crossing such a channel forest is not once or twice. If she is a novice, crossing the channel for the first time and vomiting like that, Xia Ya is more or less understandable, but Lin, she doesn't have I can understand whether this guy has retreated to such a level that he is not even as good as a novice.

Xia Ya is right. She has more or less heard that Lin's strength quickly regressed after the lunar eclipse, to the point where he could not even exert basic magic, but there is no need for Lin to exaggerate so much. Even if he can't use any magic, there is no magic to maintain his own 'balance', but anyway, Lin is also experienced. Even if you get used to it, you should get used to it.

"...... Stand and talk without back pain." After finally breathing, Lin couldn't help but despise Xia Ya beside him: "... If you have the ability, try it, the feeling of being turned around by the whirlpool... Let's see if you can vomit..."

Hearing Lin say this, Xia Ya was puzzled: " this so?" She really hasn't tried to cross the channel without magic to maintain 'balance'.

Lin was speechless at that time. Sure enough, the full man didn't know that the hungry man was hungry. It should be difficult for Xia Ya to understand the feeling of being turned around by the Ferris wheel without a seat belt. In fact, Lin felt that it was very good not to be dizzy by the whirlpool when he didn't have any magic.

Yes, ordinary people can't pass such a channel. Without the protection of magic, it is easy to be swallowed up by the whirlpool and don't know which dimension space to be taken to. Speaking of which, if it hadn't been for Xia Ya's leading the way, Lin would have really not been so confident that he could 'walk' out of the whirlpool.

He was speechless, but Lin didn't bother to argue with Xia Ya again. He finally took a breath, but he didn't want to be fainted by Xia Ya again. Don't forget that Lin basically couldn't get anything in the battle with Xia Ya. In fact, from meeting Xia Ya to now, Lin didn't say that he had won and was stunned. It's everywhere.

In this way, Lin still recognized the form and immediately changed the topic: "... How sure are you?" He looked around and finally looked at Xia Ya: "...Can it be done?"

Lin's words made Xia Ya laugh, and this kind of smile was obviously contemptuous: "If I understand correctly," she looked at Lin gently: "Do you want me, a weak woman, to protect you?"

"How can it be!" Lin was excited at that time, and then said righteously: "Are you kidding? How can I need protection... I just think... Sometimes it's not too shameful to stand behind a woman."

At this point, he glanced at Xia Ya and deliberately emphasized: "... You know, behind a powerful woman, there is often a good man who pays silently."

"...cut!" Xia Ya obviously didn't think so: "If this man is you, I think I'd better forget it."

After saying that, she waved casually, and the magma-like [phoenix feather] quickly transformed, and was completely displayed on Xia Ya's right hand in an instant. At this time, the dimensional space was almost exactly the same as the dilapidated dock in the world. On the red land that seemed to have been barbecued by the fire, there were countless skeletons. Breaking through the ground, the empty but red eyes stared at the intruder who broke into the territory and made a 'clucky' sound.

It's not so much that the skeleton warrior makes a 'cluck' sound, but only the mouth of the bone is open up and down to bring out such a strange sound...

Such a cuckling only lasted for a while. When the dense skeleton warriors completely surrounded the two people, the cuckle stopped abruptly, replaced by skeletons with a big knife swarming up, bringing out a more harsh 'click' sound, like the violent friction of two pieces of metal. .