Magic Hunter

Chapter 5 Er, is this a compliment?

Chapter 5 Er, is this a compliment?

Near dusk, the gloomy sky finally cleared up. The sky was particularly clear, and the warm golden yellow of the sunset infected the earth, like a beautiful oil painting, quiet, peaceful and lazy.

Dewdrops drip from the golden leaves, and people come and go on the road with accumulated water, reversing the color of the sky. There was still a slight rain on the glass, and the remaining drops of water slowly slid through, and finally slipped quietly, leaving the last trace.

Under the golden light, the city, which had just looked dead, seemed to be awakened all of a sudden. The neat streets gradually became active, there were more people coming and going, and the footsteps seemed to be no longer in a hurry.

Cars come and go, crowds surged, the heavy rain stopped for a while, and the street became lively and prosperous again.

Then, the little girl, who didn't know where she came from, suddenly appeared on this street corner, and her big innocent eyes stared at the forest that seemed to see a ghost...

"............!!" Seeing this innocent girl with a lollipop in her hand, Lin Man's face was shocked and seemed to be scared. He didn't think much about it. The moment he saw the little girl appear on the corner, he turned around and ran. The speed was as fast as he could.

Passers-by naturally found the strange existence of Lin. Understand that in their eyes, it was the little girl with a lollipop in her hand who abruptly scared away Lin, a strong man.

Yes, they only saw the little girl slowly chasing after her, but Lin seemed to be crazy. He didn't care about the call of the innocent little girl to her and ran desperately.

In such a scene, passers-by are more or less strange. They began to feel that whether this eager young man who runs so eagerly was chased by someone. The way of running like running like a group of gangsters with machetes. They have to play more lives. By the way, this guy doesn't even have a hint of a red light. Looking at it, he rushed into the traffic so desperately that he was almost hit several times...

"Wait for me! Big brother!"

But they have to believe that it seems that the young man was completely scared crazy just because of the little girl who was slowly chasing.


He was still a little frightened. Hiding in the corner of this alley, Lin slowly took out the pack of cigarettes in his pocket with some trembling hands, and then also trembled and put a cigarette in the corner of his mouth.

Dang~~ After smoking a cigarette and taking a deep breath, Lin felt a little better, and his pounding little heart seemed to be more stable.

Wow~~~ He exhaled a deep breath of smoke, and his face full of panic just now was more or less normal: "... Damn it, it's so scary!" He was still very taboo. When he spoke, he poked out his head intentionally and looked around nervously.

Fortunately, it seemed to completely get rid of the scary little girl. Lin glanced around and did not find the figure. Instead, it attracted a little doubtful eyes from passers-by. This finally let Lin's hanging heart down. When he thought about it, if he scared the girl again, he would swear that he would really be scared to death.

Next, he hid for about three or five minutes. After smoking the frightened cigarette, Lin planned to leave this dangerous place and return to his old nest.

That wooden table is also normal, with several attractive adult magazines, an old phone, and some scattered things.

Seeing all this familiar, Lin was more or less indifferent.

After making sure that there was nothing abnormal, he finally walked out of the room to see what was wrong.

There is nothing wrong with everything. Everything seems to be very normal. Except for the lollipop that I don't know when to put it on the sofa, there is nothing special.


After all, Lin felt that he was fine. When his eyes fell on the lollipop, he had just recovered a little bloody face and became whiter.

At this time, there was still a familiar voice behind him.

It should be an instinctive reaction. Lin subconsciously turned his head, and his face was full of panic...

Then, he saw Xu Si with a surprised face.

"You..." Xu Si was a little puzzled. What does Lin's ghost-like expression mean: "...Are you all right?"

For the first time, it's really the first time. Xu Si's concern, which doesn't seem to have much effect, actually makes Lin suddenly have the impulse to cry. That's called touching.

It's still quite surprising. There is no warning. Now Lin is like an injured little boy. With a wow, he rushed into Xu Si's arms and cried wildly.

"...?" Xu Si was shocked by Lin's sudden crying: "...What's wrong with you? What's the matter?" She was really a little curious about how much he was hit and how wronged he was. Lin turned out to be like this now. He cried loudly and didn't have any reserve at all.

It's okay if Xu Si didn't ask. When she asked, Lin's sadness was like a broken dam, and the tears really flowed.


Shocked, it's really shocking. Lin actually called Xu Si 'sister'. This is really incredible. Is it the end of the world? Is it really the end of the world?!

Of course, Xu Si was also shocked. She didn't think at all that one day, Lin would cry in her arms and call an absolutely impossible 'sister'. By the way, this is very scary, okay?

Yes, it's already strange for Lin to fall into his arms and cry. If there is such a shocking sister, if her heart is not good, she will really be scared to death by him.

Therefore, Xu Si hurriedly stared at Lin for a while and seemed to be unsure. The man in front of him, who was very similar to Lin's chief, was whether it Lin or not, and whether it was her poor stupid brother: "...Can you ask?" She was very confused and began to be unsure: "...Who are you? "

Wow~~~ It should be injured again. Lin, who just seemed to stop crying, suddenly cried loudly. That's miserable.

This made Xu Si unbearable. No, no, no, she really didn't like Lin's crying appearance, so it was also quite straightforward. With a crack, she slapped Lin: "... Does it hurt?"

It seemed to have some effect. Lin, who had just cried out, stopped crying all of a sudden. Those transparent tears kept sliving in his eyes, but his expression was still 'I'm very wronged'.

There was not much hesitation, 'pa', and another slap: "... Does it hurt?" Xu Si asked very seriously, and those soft eyes quietly stared at Lin.

At this time, it should be really a little painful. Lin Chongju nodded...

But the result was not good. With another crack, Xu Si slapped him again: "...Does it really hurt?"

This can really annoy Lin. As a grumpy man, it's okay to be slapped by a woman. Just take it as demeanor. Two slaps are acceptable. Good men don't fight with women, but three slaps make the grumped Lin bear it.

There was no suspense. He just looked pitiful and heartbroken. Lin, who was 'I'm very wronged', suddenly disappeared the tears in his eyes, replaced by the current anger, full of anger: "...shit! Don't think I'm a handsome man and don't beat women!" He stared at Xu Si fiercely, saying that he was not joking. If Xu Si slapped him again, he would really lose his temper.

In the face of such a bullying Lin, Xu Si looked very calm. No, no, no, it can be completely understood as a kind of appreciation and comfort: "...That's ridiculous," she gave Lin a nice smile: "... Even women have to fight. This is the absolutely tasteless stupid brother in my family!"

After saying that, she thought for a while and answered, "The kind of man who leans on a woman's shoulder and cries is not suitable for you at all..."

Er, is this a compliment?