Magic Hunter

Chapter 8 Little Angel

Chapter Eight Little Angel

The next day, Lin, who was sleeping soundly, was woken up by the harsh noise. He tried to ignore the harsh noise and continue to sleep, but the result was not good. The kind of harsh sound that made people's hair numb, like a knife scratching the glass, not only did not weaken, but became more and more sharp as if he was doing it right with him, and even exceeded the limit that human beings could bear.

Lin obviously couldn't stand it. Because of this terrible noise, his sleepiness disappeared in an instant, and his open eyes were full of displeasure. Without much hesitation, he lifted the quilt, got out of bed, and put on the pink slippers with a cute Snoopy pattern. Lin walked out of the room, regardless of whether he was only wearing a cute but domineering strawberry boxer shorts now, he just walked towards the source of noise...

He came out of the room and turned around the hall. Soon, in the toilet, the noise became stronger. Even if it was Lin, he couldn't stand it at all. He had to plug his hands in his ears, so that he felt a little better.

Then, he hurried over. He wanted to use his hand, but after thinking about it, he still kicked open the door of his toilet. Then, the little girl who was brushing her teeth in the toilet suddenly appeared in Lin's sight...

It's still very polite. No, no, no, I should say that this little Lori is really too calm. The door of the strong toilet was obviously kicked open by Lin, but the girl looked at Lin, who was almost crazy at the door as if nothing had happened, and said 'good morning'.

At the beginning, Lin wanted to lose his temper, but he soon found that the harsh noise seemed to have stopped. Sure enough, when he slightly loosened his hands covering his ears, he didn't hear the terrible sound that made people want to die.

It didn't take long. When Lin thought it was okay, after all, Little Lori brushed her teeth again. She made the terrible noise that almost made people want to die immediately...

Lin can see clearly and doesn't know what brand of toothbrush the little Lori is using at present, or whether the little Lori's teeth are made of glass. Every time she brushes her teeth, she always brings out the high-decibel sound that is sharp enough to break the eardrum, which makes Lin have to cover her ears again. Duo, then, with almost no warning, he immediately rushed to the girl and picked up the girl who had not brushed her teeth without saying a word.

"............?" The girl didn't quite understand what Lin wanted to do, so her big watery and innocent eyes stared straight at Lin, who was full of resentment, as if she was very naive to ask Lin, what do you want to do?

Lin basically ignored the little girl who was picked up by himself and walked quickly towards the gate. Then, he opened the door and threw the girl directly out of the door.

Next, he closed the door heavily with a loud bang.

It was not until this time that the little cutie who was locked out of the door didn't know what Lin had done to him. She was anxious at that time, and her little hands knocked heavily on the wooden door: "Bastard! Stupid!! Idiot!" She shouted loudly, "How can you do this? How can you lock me out of the door... Open the door! Hurry up and open the door!!"

This made Lin a little concerned. You know, since he woke up, he didn't hear any wrong sound, and the thick door did not hear the fluffy knock at the beginning.

He looked at the wooden door directly opposite, as if he was wondering whether he should open the door now. Finally, he should have made a choice. Although there were some taboos and lingering fears, he still came over and opened the wooden door slightly...

"...?" No, when I opened the door, I found that the little Lori, who was supposed to be at the door, was not here now.

Lin was a little confused. He took a few steps forward and looked around. In this deserted street as always, he didn't find the girl's figure in the few figures: "...where did he go?" In Lin's opinion, this unknown little angel doesn't know anyone except him, and he can't go anywhere.

He began to think carefully and imagine the possible situation of the little cutie, and then he finally came to a reasonable conclusion - strange.

Lin thinks that the worst case should be that the innocent little cutie was taken away by the passing monster. If so, she should now be locked up in the legendary terrible little black house...

Thinking of this, Lin You was not worried, but a kind of blessing. He felt that he should really thank the strange man for taking away such a big trouble. But it didn't take long for him to become the current uneasiness...

This kind of uneasiness or worry is not only because of the little cutie itself, but also because of Lin himself. It can be imagined that in front of this little angel, the strange silky in Lin's imagination can't be a little cheaper. Maybe it will be disabled by the little cutie...

This is not a joke. The little cutie still has some means to deal with ordinary people, although she doesn't have the original power of holiness.

In this case, Lin obviously can't calm down. No matter what, he is also a 'guardian'. By the way, it is responsible for the disaster caused by the little cutie.

Yes, although Lin hasn't been in contact with the little cutie for a long time, she has more or less learned about her dark personality. If it's right, the little cutie will pitifully tell the police uncle that it was his tasteless brother who sold him to the strange man who locked her in the small dark room...

The more Lin thought about it, the more scared he became. The more he thought about it, the more scary he became. It was not found by the police uncle. But if he was accused of that kind of unnecessary charge, he would still betray a little Lori. How can this make Lin fool around in the future? How can he look up and be a man in front of Xu Si? Understand that for such things like gossip, it will come true if you say too much. At that time, the explanation is just a powerless cover-up, and it will be compared with the middle finger.

What's more, compared with the innocent little Lori, Lin has no advantage from the beginning. In comparison, because of her age, the little cute belly black is more credible.

So, Lin is really anxious now. It doesn't seem to be a wise decision to kick her out of the door so domineeringly a few hours ago. In his opinion, this dark-bellied girl will definitely try her way to revenge...

About this, Lin has no doubt at all. He can even imagine that even if she is not cheated away, she will be deceived...

Lin didn't dare to think about the rest. The terrible scene of losing his reputation in the hands of a little Lori made him feel scared for a while and under a lot of pressure. Then, he didn't think much about it. Lin hurried into the house and changed his clothes and ran out. He began to try to call little Lori all over the street.

But at this time i...

It was also quite embarrassing. At this time, Lin found that he didn't know the name of the little cutie...

It's killing me. I don't know the exact name. How to call it? Is it called 'little sister' or something?

Are you kidding? If you really call her little sister or something, the few passers-by in the past don't regard him as a lonely monster. What a pervert is strange.

This made Lin entangled for a long time, but later it seemed to have found a way. Finally, Lin began to call 'little angel' all over the street.

The few passers-by were shocked at that time...

————Little angel? Shit, is this guy crazy!?

It's still quite tragic. He was not regarded as a strange or a pervert. Lin directly regarded him as a sick madman under the taboo and uneasy gaze of passers-by, or a serious psychopath. By the way, Lin shouted that the 'little angel' in his mouth was a little heartbroken.

This can't be blamed on Lin. At first, it was quite normal for him to shout, but after a while, especially when he found that people looked at him with the eyes of a monster, Lin suddenly had an impulse to cry. If he could, he really wanted to run up and explain it to these passers-by A and B, and asked them I believe that I am absolutely normal, not the kind of madman you imagine.

After all, Lin is not crazy yet. If he is really excited and goes up to explain, he is really crazy.

So, Lin, who feels very aggrieved, can only shout more and more miserable, and the more he screams, the more creepy it is...

"Little Angel~~~~" He is really going to cry. If it goes on like this, he is not a madman, and he will be forced into a madman by the monster-like eyes of passers-by.