Magic Hunter

Chapter 10 The Use of Angels

Chapter 10 The Use of Angels

The little cutie should not be puzzled. Those beautiful big eyes are full of doubts: "...Is that so?" She didn't understand how Yue's two opposite existences of good and bad people are sometimes the same.

It should be that I don't want to explain too much, or even if Yue says little cutie, she may not understand. In this case, Yue smiled and said something else: "... Who is that human... I mean, the person who signed the angel contract with you."

Yue's words stunned the little cutie for a moment, and then there was a little hesitation: "..." She quietly stared at the moon in front of her. Because of her height, she raised her little head high. Such eyes, with some deep doubts, but more were the initial taboos and worries.

She doesn't know whether she should believe in the human in front of her. Now she can be sure that the moon is not an ordinary human. If she says the human who signed with it, she can't guarantee whether it's because of Lin. She is not sure whether the moon is a monster or a power in front of her. Will it be right? Do it yourself.

The little cutie still knows Lin's identity. In fact, it is precisely because of Lin's identity as a demon hunter that she signed a contract with him. That's the point. The little girl is not that naive. Anyway, Lin is also a black hunter who is hated by many monsters and even powers. If this very unpopular human 'confess', the little cutie thinks she will be more dangerous.

Thinking of this, she looked at the moon closely and thought, "...I...I won't tell you." She didn't say it very loudly. She should be a little scared. After saying this, she didn't dare to look at Yue's deep eyes again. She was afraid that if she was not careful, she would tell the truth completely because of Yue's extremely cold eyes now.

For the same person, there are some things that should be said, and some things that should not be said. The little cutie still believes in this, not to mention, in front of a stranger like Yue.

She didn't care so much. When she said goodbye to the moon again, she turned around and planned to leave. She doesn't care whether Yue is the good person she imagined or not, but it's definitely not the wrong choice to leave here first.

She was in a hurry and left in a hurry. She didn't know if the moon behind her would 'regret' and stopped her like she did just now. Speaking of which, the little cutey's quick steps are quite interesting. Originally, he was buried in moving forward, but before he took a few steps, he turned his head frequently to see what the moon would do and react.

It seemed to be very smooth. The little cutie walked to the door easily, only a few steps away from the way out.

Then, without much hesitation, she pushed open the door that was still huge for her with her small body...

But the result is not ideal. The gate is like a thousand catties of stone. Even if the little cutie tries his best, the gate has no movement, which can be said to be motionless.

This made the little cutie a little anxious and uneasy. She slowly turned around. Her big eyes, which looked a little innocent and aggrieved, looked at the moon in front of her faintly, full of puzzlement. Now she is not sure whether she regretted the human who had just given her freedom, as she guessed at the beginning, Thoroughly purify or devour yourself.

Her uneasiness and fear flocked again. Looking at Yue's eyes, her already red eyes were now full of tears again. It seemed that as long as Yue scared her again, she would leave tears immediately.

Seeing such a little cutie, Yue felt very helpless and a little entangled: "...Maybe you should understand a little," she tried her best to use a kind tone: "Your existence often represents trouble, or the kind of big trouble that makes people a headache."

At this point, she took a few steps and sat on the bloody sofa behind her: "Although my sister is not a bad person, she is not a good person," she gently looked at the little cutie at the door: "I mean, if you come to the world because of the devil or the devil's apostle, I think I really should Take good care of you..."

There was a faint arc at the corners of her mouth, which seemed to be a smile: "...Before you make more trouble, you'd better send you back to where you were."

After saying

, she thought for a while and then added, "Children, the earth is very dangerous. You'd better go back to a paradise full of love quickly. That kind of place with love is suitable for you as a little angel. This world is not suitable for you at all." She is trying to make the little cutie understand that because of her special identity as an angel, even if she doesn't want to care about it, she has to care about it. After all, it is not without a purpose that a little angel like her can appear in the world, or that whoever will summon it should be quite ambitious.

Although Yue is not very clear about the purpose of who brought the little cutie into the world, she can almost be sure that there are only two cases of the arrival of angels, one is sacrificed and the other is sacrificed.

It is not difficult to understand that the essence of sacrifice is to express loyalty, gratitude, repentance and trust to God by sacrificing some or all of your own interests. The more things you can give up, the more confidence you have. If you just say it, anyone can do it, it's hard to really give up what you get.

In the Old Testament era, Christians sacrificed objects, while in the New Testament era, believers gave their whole life, life, and everything about you to God, which was called "as a living sacrifice"...

And in that era (from the point of view of the Bible, that is, the Old Testament era), sacrifice was not made of sheep alone, but also with cows, pigeons, turtledoves, etc.

It turns out that Jesus is like a sheep, offering himself to the altar to atone for the sins of the world.

People sacrifice for the sake of sins, but the value of sheep is much lower than that of people, so every time a person commits a crime, he must slaughter a sheep to atone for his sins. And Jesus is the only son of God. His value is naturally more noble and noble than that of human beings, and the kind sheep cannot be compared with it.

Therefore, as long as Jesus dies once, he can atone for all the sins of all the people in the world.

We don't have to slaughter sheep and offer sacrifices. As long as we accept the fact that Jesus was crucified for my sins, our sins can be forgiven. So we often say, believe in Jesus and accept Jesus as your personal savior, that's what it means.

But unfortunately, now this world is a world without faith. Because of the loss of faith, the sins that people put down cannot be redeemed by Jesus. Therefore, some human beings who sell their souls to demons try to cleanse their sins through sacrifices to angels.

Angels represent holiness, goodness, the messenger of God, the spirit of service, and the believers who are sent to serve God. With their sacrifice, they can naturally wash away the unforgivable sins.

To put it simply, those human beings who have traded with demons and sold their souls don't want to go to hell after death. They try to enter heaven, a beautiful place that only accepts holy souls.

This kind of thing has never happened. For a long time, there have always been some little angels who sacrifice to little cuties, hoping to be forgiven and accepted by God...

This is actually very contradictory. God is a compassionate god, and he should not allow such a cruel ritual. But he seems to have always accepted that from ancient times to the present, as long as the sacrifice of a guilty person is equal enough, it can be redeemed, even if the sacrifice is a believer who is full of faith in him.

I have to say that this is a kind of sad and compassionate god who is willing to accept the bloody sacrifice of evil people to good people.

But this is the reality. Whether you believe it or not, the reality is always so painful.

And those who have successfully sacrificed angels, they have really been forgiven by God and have really entered a paradise that should not belong to them.

And what's the difference between such a result and being sacrificed?

How to put it, the sacrifice is very similar to the sacrifice, but the object is different. The guilty person is not an angel, but himself. They do not believe in God. Their faith is Satan from hell. Because of their faith in Satan, they are willing to sacrifice themselves and become a real demon.

But there is an absolute premise, which is an angel. Only by aggravating their sins with the absolute souls of angels can they be reborn and become a real bloodthirsty, dark and terrible demon.

It should be pointed out that in this kind of sacrifice, angels will not die, but fall into fallen angels.

In this way, whether it is sacrificed or sacrificed, the result is not ideal, and the most profitable is the guilty human being.

Yes, if the guilty human beings can enter heaven through sacrifice, they will often fall again and eventually fall into hell again. Then, the originally unpure souls, because they are baptized by the power of holiness, they will naturally become another fallen angel, who can control the holiness at the same time. A strange demon of power and magic.

Therefore, Yue dares not be careless about such a little angel who suddenly came to the world without warning. This is not to say that she cares about the sacrifice or being sacrificed by a guilty person, let alone about the possibility of demons or fallen angels. What she cares about and taboos is still those invisible endings. In her opinion, the angel's It is so useful. It is not only used for sacrifice, but also can sometimes transform and copy the soul. Don't forget that angels have absolutely pure souls like white paper.

This is where the moon is really worried. If the little angel in front of you is just sacrificed or sacrificed, most of the monsters produced cannot exist in the present world. They either exist in heaven or wander in hell. In other words, because of the closed door of hell, even Satan can't appear in the present world. Those evil It is naturally impossible for demons or fallen angels.

As for heaven, generally speaking, angels like to be superior and will not easily appear in the present world, let alone save anyone.

Moon naturally won't worry about this. What she cares about is still the powerful people who exist in the present world, but have passed away or been sealed...

She can more or less imagine that if there is a pure soul like an angel, it is not difficult to resurrect those lost souls and break through the seal. Understand that the holy power of angels, as long as it is such a powerful existence like death, there is some research on the resurrection, what people or monsters they resurrect, become The probability of work is bound to be greatly improved.

And the seal, the seal of the world is generally cast by magic. Angels have the holy power to perfectly restrain magic. It is obviously easy and simple to use such power to break through the seal.

In this way, Yue has to worry. If the powerful monsters who can't be driven away and can only be sealed in the present world are released again, it is not a matter of course that she wants to live a relaxed life. Anyway, those terrible monsters who hate everything, since ancient times, they have never I want to destroy the earth once.


This question is actually very simple, because they are created by God. Because they are dissatisfied with the sins of the world, the mighty God always likes to purify the world and try to reshape the world.

Of course, this probability will not be very high. If the world is really over, those demons or guilty human beings will have nothing to look forward to. Anyway, the world has always been their playground for relaxation and happiness.

But Yue has to guard against it. There are still crazy people in the world. God knows if those crazy people will do this.