Magic Hunter

Chapter 12 What are you doing! No way!

What are you doing in Chapter 12? No way!

He shouted until his voice was almost hoarse, and Lin, who was exhausted, had to go back to his old house.

He is a little depressed now. It is the first time for him to find someone on the street like this, and it is even more incredible for a strange girl who doesn't even know her name.

This makes Lin feel unimaginable, and it is also very stressful. If such a strange little girl goes missing with him, he will be really scared in the next days. Anyway, because of the inexplicable angel contract, his life and death are linked to the little girl all the time...

He is somewhat regretful now. It's a little uncomfortable to put the annoying angel around, but her disappearance may not be much better, and it's even more troublesome and deadly. He is very melancholy and entangled, but there is nothing he can do. He has prepared for the worst. If he can't find the little cutie today, he may never find it.

Yes, the disappearance of the little cutie is not a good omen. It's okay to be taken away by the strange man. If he is taken away by the magical strange man, the consequences will be unimaginable. Lin doesn't have too much speculation. Once the little cutie passes away, he can't survive at the same time.

This may not be absent, but the possibility is not very great. Although Hell Street is very strange and full of ghosts, there are almost no monsters here who dare to enter easily. This is not only because the Twelve Knights and Black Hunters stay here, but more importantly, Hell Street itself has a strong boundary, and ordinary monsters can't pass such a huge guardian boundary at all.

Of course, because hell street is full of ghost fire, the appearance rate of monsters here is also quite high. Every once in a while, there will always be one monster or another from the ghost fire, and eventually become a monster that needs to constantly suck the soul.

Because of the appearance of Hell Street itself, blocking the boundary of the outside world will not play a role. It can only let the awakened monsters on Hell Street continue to wander until the day they are purified. Fortunately, some monsters will more or less inadvertently wander outside Hell Street before they are purified, and once they get out of that boundary, it is almost impossible for them to come in.

In this way, relatively speaking, although Hell Street is constantly awakened by monsters, it is the safest place. Therefore, Lin believes that it is unlikely that the little angel will be taken away by the monster, which is why he is so relieved to throw the little cutie out of the door...

But from the current situation, things seem to be a little beyond Lin's expectation. If the little cutie just scares him, it's best to play and go missing, but if the little cutie deliberately scares Lin, what if she is really forcibly taken away by the kind of monster that can be bound by Hell Street?

Lin is not sure. If any powerful monster can forcibly pass through that boundary, he should have sensed it, and until now, he has not felt that there is anything wrong with the boundary.

In this way, the little cutie seems to be really missing. You know, Hell Street is not too big. Lin shouted back and forth three or four times, and the ghost knew that he was calling the little angel.

It's true. Almost all of the few families living in Hell Street have the impulse to block Lin's mouth and shut him up. It's endless. They go crazy before it's dark. But they were still not impulsive, nothing else, just because it was not someone else who went crazy in broad daylight, but the black hunter at the end of the street.

These people have seen Lin's difference more or less, and some of them have asked Lin for help. They also figure out what Lin means and what they can't afford to provoke...

It is also quite helpless. Although Lin's crazy screams make them feel very uncomfortable, looking at Lin's familiar face, those heads of households who dare to live in Hell Street have also put up with it. They still know that if they bombard away the young people who are crazy in broad daytime, then Hell Street will become Hell Street in the true sense. It's done.

Lin still gave face. He was only crazy for more than an hour. After discovering that he might not find the little cutie, he also went home knowingly. Speaking of which, he almost shouted Hell Street to the sky, but he had never been to a place. Since that time, if he might pass the bar of the moon, this guy would take a detour. This time was no exception. Except for the bar on the street, he shouted where Hell Street could be shouted.

Life is really full of tragedies everywhere. The place I often don't want to touch is exactly what I have been pursuing...

That's it. The little cutie is in the moon bar, but Lin didn't want to go to that place and shout at all.

Finally, now, Lin, who returned in vaint, walked to the door of his house.

Then, Lin, who was a little lost, pushed the door...


At this time, he finally found that his door was locked.

"...?" This made Lin feel strange. He remembered clearly that he didn't lock the door when he went out.


His first reaction was this, but as soon as the thief's idea came to his mind, he quickly denied it and thought it was impossible. By the way, it's daylight now. Generally speaking, thieves should not be so domineering. They dare to steal to other people's homes in broad daylight.

Besides, most people living in Hell Street know such a person as Lin, and it is impossible to steal anyone from his house. That's basically tired of life.

Foreign thieves?

Wow, this is Hell Street, because those rumors become more and more outrageous, and the more mysterious rumors, few outsiders dare to come in...

Therefore, Lin felt that he should be too careful. Thinking about it, maybe he closed the door, but he didn't remember. In this way, he touched his pocket and planned to find the key, but he soon found that because he was in a hurry, the dress he brought casually was not the one from yesterday. In fact, Lin himself did not know that the dress was a few days ago.

Now the situation has become unoptimistic, because he didn't bring the key, and Lin didn't seem to be able to get in. Um, he couldn't get into his home.

He stood at the door and hesitated for three seconds. Three seconds later, he raised his right foot and planned to break in domineeringly.

Lin has done this kind of immorality not once or twice, because most of the time he forgets to bring the key and is too lazy to find a locksmith. He always kicks off his door very poorly, and then pitifully repairs the door with a hammer.

It's not difficult to see. You should understand that this door has a lot of discordant wooden strips, and the wooden strips with no beauty at all are Lin's masterpieces.

In fact, it's not that Lin hasn't found the locksmith. He has looked for it several times. But the result was not good, because this was Hell Street. Whenever Lin said the name of the place, the locksmiths immediately changed their faces and hurriedly bombarded out the guy from Hell Street, afraid that Lin would bring them anything dirty.

In the end, there was no choice but to kick off his door again and again.

What about the landlord in the month?

Er, how to put it, the landlord Yue is obviously unqualified. Except for the key of the bar, she doesn't even have any key backup to her wisteria apartment. What's more, Yue basically doesn't want to see Lin's face that makes her deeply resentful. Even if she has a backup, she may not give it to Lin. In fact, it's already very good if Yue didn't kick Lin out.

Obviously, in such a situation where he can't laugh or cry, Lin seems to have no way to get in except to kick off his door again. Then, as in the past, with a strong kick, the door that I don't know how many times it has been destroyed by Lin was forcibly kicked open again...

Lin didn't feel anything wrong. After the door was forcibly kicked open, he pushed open the crooked door, almost hanging on the doorpost, and came in calmly.

At this time, sitting on the bloody sofa with a lollipop in his hand, watching the happy little cutie suddenly look at Lin...

Her eyes were very interesting, full of puzzlement and confusion, and she was a little contemptuous that she didn't know how to explain: "...Can't you be normal?" She quietly glanced at the door that was kicked off by Lin, and then looked at Lin again: "...why did you kick the door? Won't you open the door like a normal annoy? She didn't understand. She just kicked off the door of the toilet in the morning, but only a few hours later, Lin now kicked off his door again. If this is Lin's hobby, this hobby is a little strange.

"............" Seeing the little cutie on the sofa, Lin was sterned. Next, he asked a rather low-standard word: "... Did you lock the door?"

It's okay for Lin not to ask. When he asked like this, the little cutie broke down at that time: "Please!" She stared at Lin tightly with her big eyes, and her eyes were deeply suspicious: "...Don't you close the door at home?"

"Uh..." Under the suspicious eyes of the little cutie, Lin finally giggled a few times and showed embarrassment: "...I'm not used to..." He said, "...I mean, I'm really not used to having another thing at home."

"Humph!" Hearing the word 'thing', the little cutie was immediately anxious: "You are the thing, and your whole family is a thing!!"

Lin: "............" He finally realized what a curse he had said,

"Cough!" He coughed a few times and corrected his face: "...Where have you been all these times?"

"Humph~" The little cutie snorted coldly again: "Why should I tell you!"

After saying that, she looked at Lin's eyes and became very resentful: " big bastard! Dead pervert!"

"..." Lin could hear that the little girl was still indebry about kicking her out in the morning. Yes, if it were him, there would be resentment.

He was still understandable, so when he was scolded by the little cutie, Lin also laughed, and then slowly came over and sat next to the little cutie: "Well, I'll change the question." He thought for a moment and took a look at the little cutie: "... When will you go back? Come here?"

She seemed to be in a good mood, or the little cutie felt Lin's concern more or less, so she answered coldly: "...a few minutes ago."

"A few minutes ago..." He did not doubt the answer of the little cutie. No, no, no, it should be said that compared with the little cutie, the old TV that suddenly appeared made Lin more confused: "...Bring this TV back by the way?"

"What are you doing!" The little cutie stared at Lin: "No way!"

Lin: "Uh..."