Magic Hunter

Chapter 14 Xia Ya

Chapter 14 Xia Ya

The woman's expression gradually calmed down, and she was just a little surprised or uneasy, which was brought by the current smile. This kind of smile is a kind of belief, but also a kind of affirmation from the bottom of my heart. In her opinion, some things are not applicable to Lin. No, no, no, it should be said that things that are usually very effective, once used on Lin, are far from as good as expected.

It's not difficult to see, just like Satan's ghost. Generally speaking, three years have passed, and the ghost has been enough to devour it, but the result is obviously not like this. Until now, Lin is still alive. In this way, the beautiful woman in front of her doesn't seem to believe that even the ghost can't completely restrain Lin. What's the advantage of the bound holy power?

She believes that if Death really puts the good drama on Lin, the ending he sees should not be the comedy he arranged, but the last tragedy he wants to see.

She believes very much that Lin is such a complete madman. He will always find ways to look very crazy in one way or another to give Death a big surprise.

Speaking of that time, it was the same. Lin seemed to be desperate to integrate the purple crystal into the heart and forcibly control the magic of the third ring. On the one hand, he did not die because of Lin Jie, who woke up, and on the other hand, it was Lin himself, or Lin Jie chose to die and successfully stopped the inevitable counterattack of the third ring.

Lin Jie chose to die not only for Lin, but also for herself. She knew the price to be paid for the resurrection of death. It was because she knew what the price was that her choice disappeared without hesitation. And Lin, who clearly planned for the worst, easily survived because of Lin Jie's sudden awakening.

This is not to say that Lin survived because of Lin Jie. The woman is very clear that even without Lin Jie, Lin can still survive. Of course, the process will be painful and entangled. As the old man expected, Lin needs to use the forbidden technique to suck the soul. Only in this way can he resist the counterattack of the third ring. You can survive successfully.

In that dimensional space, wandering souls can be seen everywhere. As long as Lin swallows one or two of them, it is not too difficult to survive, and the fatal question is whether Lin will resist that kind of drug addiction, the endless desire for the soul that cannot be forgotten.

This is exactly what women believe. She feels that Lin always does some crazy things, crazy behaviors, which can always surprise their opponents, feel incredible and unimaginable.

She still knows Lin. The bad man always likes to do bad things, and Death is no exception this time. If he really rushes Lin, no one can guarantee whether the naughty child will go crazy again. Anyway, Lin is almost the same madman as the old man.

In this way, the woman sighed and shook her head: "How can I explain..." She looked at Death beside her and thought for a moment. She looked a little entangled: "... Maybe you don't know much about that man," she smiled at Death: "In general, the general problem is always on him. It will look very different... I mean, maybe you should find more angels and try a few more times.

Yes, in the eyes of that forbidden genius, everything that has been infected by magic and demons is evil. What he pursues is absolute holiness and purity. Even if he forces himself into such a monster, he will not hesitate, because he believes that if that A perfect world without magic and no demons can only succeed by bleeding into a river, so he is willing to be the first to bleed.

He is not a bad person. He thinks he is the savior, saving human beings in deep water, and cleaning up this increasingly corrupt and beautiful world. He has such ability, such ability, and absolute self-confidence to be proud of being the savior.

Well, not so much that he has the ability to become the savior he imagined, but because of the more distorted but more powerful power, he made him think so, which made him begin to believe that he was right to do so, and he was the one sent by God...

Then, maybe he really wants to give himself a reason to keep killing people. After all, he began to feel that he is not only the savior, but also God. He is an all-empersible God. No one can stop him, and no one can stop him, because he is God. The person who created all this is supreme. God.

In the end, the old man may have had enough. Although it was a pity to give up such a genius cultivated by one hand, when he even began to kill the powerlessly, the old man had to give up and had to abandon such a vicious dog that even bit his owner. That's it. With the help of the old man, Lin Chenggong sealed the forbidden genius who thought he was God in the green dragon...

At present, this beautiful woman is very clear about this. In fact, she was also one of the witnesses who sealed it at that time. She understands the conceit of the forbidden genius very well, and believes that even if it is death, the madman may not pay attention to him, let alone the bad ideas made by death.

Yes, she didn't know why Death was so persistent in releasing the madman, but as mentioned above, she didn't think that Death could get anything cheap from such a madman. On the contrary, if the madman was annoyed, Death would obviously not be too good.

Thinking of this, the woman looked at Death again, sighed, and showed a little helplessness: "... You are also a madman." She is still quite sad for herself. Now when she thinks about it carefully, it seems that she has never met any normal people, but the madmen are one after another.

Seeing the woman say so, Death felt funny: "Let's be with each other," he looked at the woman: "You are not much worse than me." Speaking of this, with a click, he gently snapped his finger again, and then the puppets beside him quickly dissipated. At the same time, the white feather fell gently and finally fell into the palm of Death's already spread out: "... I'm ready for what you want," he shook the feather on his hand: " ...Maybe you should show me what I want."

Seeing the feather, the woman actually began to hesitate, but this hesitation was fleeting.

It should be a little reluctant, but the woman still waved casually, and then the seemingly old-looking coin appeared in the palm of her hand out of thin air. She finally took a look at the [coin of fate] in her hand, and finally bounced high to death...

While waving the feather, Death gently took the fate coin with skeletons and roses. He looked at it slightly and should be determining whether it was true or false.


, after determining the authenticity of the coin of fate, Death gave Xia Ya a very professional smile: "...I hope we have another chance to cooperate next time." Speaking of this, he looked a little worried: "If you can live to that time." He more or less understands that although the angel's feather can cover up the woman's magic to hinder the purple hunter's perception, this does not mean that she is safe. Anyway, using magic to perceive existence is just one of the more common means of the old man.

Women naturally understand this, but she doesn't seem to care much. After integrating the angel feather in her hand into the palm of her hand, she smiled at Death: "...Should I thank you for your concern?"

"That's not necessary," Death behaved very easily: "Our next meeting is inevitable. The only difference is whether you live like now or die."

Speaking of this, he tried his best to show a warm smile: "...You know, I'm very interested in a soul like you."

The woman listened and just sneered. Then she turned around and walked towards the edge of the top floor. She should not plan to spend any more time with death. She has been here for a while, and the old man should have been aware of her existence.

In this way, she did not hesitate too much and said 'goodbye' to Death, that is, she fell directly from the top floor.

Next, when Death came to the edge, he found that the woman had disappeared.

He is not very surprised. It should be said that he is full of expectations. He expects that the woman who has left can tell Lin everything she has just told her. It is better to tell Lin intact. In that way, the game will become exciting.

Death did not doubt that this woman would not do this at all. In his opinion, this beautiful woman, or Xia Ya, would be very enthusiastic to tell Lin everything she had just said.

So, he smiled and looked forward to it...