Magic Hunter

Chapter 30 I can't go back

Chapter 30 can't go back

"Angel phantom soul?" Self-confident brother was a little surprised, but at the same time he cared a little: "You mean, death made an angel to come to the world?" It's not hard to guess. There are not many people who have that ability to summon angels, and there are even fewer and few in this world. In addition, they have successfully copied the soul of angels. In this world, except for death, it is difficult for Brother Confidence to come up with a second person.

But his concern and accident is not because Death brought the angel to the world and copied the angel's soul. It should be said that what Brother Confidence cares about and surprises is the beautiful woman in front of Xia Ya, who intends to steal the phantom soul in the hand of Death. He felt more or less strange. In his opinion, Xia Ya is not the kind of person who likes to meddle in other people's affairs. What's more, she is still wanted by the old man, and she has no reason to come back because this thing that doesn't seem to have much to do with her. Confident brother thinks that this is too abnormal and almost doesn't make sense.

But he is very convinced that behind a seemingly unreasonable situation, there will always be a reasonable explanation. Since Xia Ya is willing to return to K City and come back at such a great risk, what should it be for, what kind of person, and in the impression of Confident Brother, it seems that only Lin can make Xia Ya so desperate, this What a risk. He also clearly remembers that Xia Ya, who has always been disciplined, has broken the old man's rules because of Lin. If there is anyone else who can make Xia Ya do such an unreasonable behavior, he is confident that he thinks it is Lin.

Thinking of Lin, the confident brother who had just appeared relaxed and comfortable, his face suddenly became wrong, full of solemnity and unpleasantness, and there was a little more obvious and clear hatred. If Brother Confident suppresses the hatred in his heart for various reasons, then now, after Lin Jie passed away again because of Lin, he can no longer control this more vigorous and restless hatred. Even if he knows very well that Lin Jie passed away three years ago, he also understands that the reborn Lin Jie is just the resurrection of death. An experimental product, but he will hate Lin and habitually hate the black hunter who killed Lin Jie without hesitation.

He stopped the MP3 that was playing music, took off another headset in his ear, and then he jumped down from the broken wall lightly and walked straight forward. Even Xia Ya at the broken wall did not look more, which seemed very resolute.

Xia Ya expected the reaction of Brother Confidence, but she was still a little surprised. She could see that Brother Confidence's hatred for Lin had increased. Because of Lin Jie, his hatred seemed to have become deeper, to the point that he could not hide it easily and did not want to hide it anymore.

This makes Xia Ya feel dangerous, because of the kind of absolute hatred that makes people lose their irrationality. Brother Confidence is easy to be swallowed up by this stronger and stronger hatred. Whether it is Lin or Brother Confidence, he will be in danger because of this deep-rooted hatred that will never be eliminated.

This is not Xia Ya's unfounded worries. If the reason why Confident Brother did not take action against Lin in the past is that he can suppress and restrain the hatred in his heart, now, because this kind of hatred that can no longer be easily restrained, no one can guarantee that the next second, Confident Brother will work hard for Lin.

"............" Xia Ya was silent, just like what the confident brother said, the thunder that once lived by hunting monsters, Jiang Jun, who once believed in all this, was completely broken on that day, his belief in the old man, that was at that moment, he The real passing. Xia Ya should understand that it was not Ray who betrayed everything he once believed, but the kind of faith that he once believed that completely betrayed Ray...

She looked at the current confident brother gently, and her heart was slightly but more and more sad: "...maybe," she looked a little hesitant, and her gentle eyes also flashed: "You should come back... Lin needs you, just like in those years." She didn't know if it was too cruel to Brother Confidence, but she really felt that Lin could not live without Brother Confidence, just like Brother Confidence was also inseparable from Lin. They were originally seamless partners, growing from a rookie to a black hunter and ten assassins together. Over time, the experience that kind of experience could not be replaced. The brothers who are willing to block bullets for the other party really should not turn against each other like this.

She breathed a long sigh of relief and tried to calm herself down: "I don't think Milan (Lin Jie) want to see this kind of scene, because her former brother has become what she is now..." She tried her best to smile and tried to convey the impossible hope: "You are the only two who have lived until now in [Class Four]... "

She wants to say that from the twenty-six members of Class 4, to now only he and Lin, they have lost too much. They really should not treat each other with such an enemy-like attitude, because now, only they can prove the existence of Class 4, and everything that the 24 members who passed away once believed in. .

Confidence Brother didn't say anything. He knew the meaning of Xia Ya's words very well. He also knew that he should not really resent Lin, just as Milan was willing to die at Lin's hands as a person. Maybe he should also accept such a good ending like Milan.

He has tried it countless times, but he can't do it, and he can't do it anyway. He doesn't allow the person who ends Milan with his own hands to be Lin. Anyone else can do it, but only Lin can't. The three of them are the final proof of Class 4. He can't accept that the three people who once vowed to accompany each other without hesitation will be killed by another person...

————"I can't go back."

Leaving this sentence, in the cool autumn wind, the confident brother gradually went away, and Xia Ya did not try to keep it from beginning to end. It's not that she doesn't want to, but she knows very well that, as Brother Confidence said, once something happens, she really can't go back.