Magic Hunter

Chapter 32 Far Away Relatives

Chapter 32 Mayor Wang's brother's brother's sister's sister's husband's second uncle's son

After getting off the elevator, Tang Jia hurriedly ran to the door of the hospital, but at this time, Han Xiaoxin had long disappeared. All she could see was a stranger with different looks, coming and going, and had little to do with her. She was a little disappointed. She should know that maybe after this time, there will really be a second chance to be close to Han Xiaoxin like now.

The little nurse also hurried over. When she found that Tang Jia had not met the rival, she was immediately relieved and felt that fortunately, the beautiful lady walked fast. Otherwise, she would really stage a sharp but dog-blooded little drama.

She came over and stood beside Tang Jia, but at this time, she found that Tang Jia's eyes were red, and some transparent and crystal tears were rolling in her eyes. She was a little shocked and surprised. She now finally understands that maybe that beautiful girl is really not a rival to Tang Jia, or a very important person.

She wanted to comfort her, but she couldn't open her mouth. It was Tang Jia. After finding the little nurse coming, she immediately showed a smile, and the tears in her eyes gradually faded and were deeply hidden: "...Let's go, it's not good for you to see." She tried to make fun of the atmosphere so that the atmosphere would not be so awkward. Anyway, the little nurse's worried look now was not what Tang Jia wanted to see.

Maybe Tang Jia's teasing played a role, or the little nurse understood why Tang Jia was laughing now, and then her just worried seemed to be a little lighter. She said gently, " optimistic," She gave Tang Jia a smile of hope: "Maybe at the next intersection, you will meet that..." She thought for a more, "Uh, rival in love." She felt that since she was determined that Han Xiaoxin was Tang Jia's rival, it would be easy to make a mistake to the end.

Next, she patted Tang Jia on the shoulder with certainty and said quietly, "Since she is willing to hide from you, it means that she still cares about you. As long as you have the heart, you will meet sooner or later." She didn't say it very loudly, and Tang Jia also heard it clearly. Strangely, when such words came out of the mouth of the little nurse in front of her, Tang Jia just felt very twisted. Instead of being infected, she laughed out loud.

She smiled very easily. The depression and sadness brought by Han Xiaoxin just now seemed to have diminished a lot. She looked at the little nurse's eyes and became very meaningful: "Can you tell me?" She asked 'carefully': "Where did you hear these words? Or who?" She was somewhat curious. At present, how did the little nurse say such a vicissitudes of life? By the way, this is not suitable for her age at all. The feeling is like an uncooked egg, and the taste is not ordinary.

Tang Jia's words stunned the little nurse at the beginning, and then she also smiled: "What!" She pretended to be angry: "I'm comforting you and making fun of me..." She felt very innocent: "I'm kind to be a donkey's liver and lungs. I'm leaving."

"Okay, okay," Tang Jia took it as soon as she saw it was good, and pulled the little nurse a little: "It's my fault..." Speaking of this, she was really curious, so she asked quietly: "... Hey, seriously, where on earth did you learn that kind of words?"

Little nurse: "............"


Staying by the hospital bed, in Wan Ruoxiang's ear, Tang Jia gently talked about some interesting things that happened today. Sometimes she would be giggled by these things, and more often, she would be like now, silently looking at him quietly because of the unresponsive Wan Ruoxiang.

"..." Looking at the time, she felt that it was almost the same. Tang Jia stood up: "Well," she smiled at Wan Ruoxiang, who was sick: "I'll come to see you tomorrow. Let's go first." She said this, just like every time before, how she hoped that Wan Ruoxiang would respond to herself gently and say 'see you tomorrow'.

But as before, Tang Jia's expectations were disappointed again and again. Sick**, Wan Ruoxiang still had no reaction, just like a dead person, only the weak breathing in the oxygen mask, and the white fog that appeared from time to time proved that he was still alive and tried to live...

She was disappointed, but she ignited hope again. Tang Jia looked forward to tomorrow. She looked forward to it. Maybe tomorrow when she said goodbye, Wan Ruoxiang, who was sick, would react and say 'goodbye' to herself. Then, she smiled hard and waved her hand to Wan Ruoxiang, who had no reaction to her illness, and then turned around and planned to leave.

But at this time, Tang Jia, who turned around, did not find that the sick Wan Ruoxiang's body was gradually turning into a vision, becoming transparent and nothing. However, for a while, like a miracle magic. Wan Ruoxiang, who had just really existed in the disease **, actually disappeared completely and completely disappeared...


Naturally, because of the disappearance of the patient, the instrument that detects the heart rhythm makes such a 'drop' sound without a trace of rhythm change, and the line shown on the instrument is a straight line without any change, and the numbers next to it suddenly show zero.

Because of this harsh sound without rhythmic change, Tang Jia was stunned. Next, she should realize that something was wrong, and Tang Jia, whose whole face was pale, turned around...

"...?!" She couldn't believe what she saw. Wan Ruoxiang, who had just been sick, really existed. Now the hospital bed is empty, and there is no familiar figure. This made Tang Jia realize that something was wrong, but she didn't know how to react. In the end, she could only stare at the bed where there was no longer Wan Ruoxiang, and couldn't believe all this in front of her.

I don't know how long it took, maybe for a long time, maybe just a moment. When Tang Jia came to her senses, those doctors and nurses had rushed here, but the scene in front of her finally made the doctors and nurses preparing for first aid dumbfounded and couldn't understand why the patient of this disease ** disappeared. .

"...what about people, people?" The middle-aged doctor's face was full of surprised. He asked Tang Jia gently and felt that the only one who could explain all this was the girl who seemed to have not recovered at present.

Of course, the result was not good. Tang Jiamu, who was also surprised and doubtful, shook his head and said that he was also confused.

This completely confused these doctors and nurses, especially the middle-aged doctor, who has been a doctor in this hospital for almost ten years. It is the first time that the patient has disappeared out of thin air, and it is still a vegetable who can hardly wake up...

They were shocked and couldn't come to their senses for a long time. Finally, it was the little nurse who said timidly whether they should call the police.

A word woke up the dreamer, and the doctor who was just stunned and at a loss immediately came to his senses: "Yes, call the police, call the police!" When he spoke, he took out his mobile phone and seemed to be really scared by this strange thing. His hands trembled a little when he made the phone. After connecting the phone, his tone was a little frightened.


After about ten minutes, the harsh siren sounded in the hospital, and two people's police arrived at the hospital and finally came to the ward. In the ward, Tang Jia was still there, the little nurse was also with Tang Jia, and the middle-aged doctor, he did not leave.

These two people's policemen, who were fat and thin, old and young, looked very calm. When they came over, they looked at the three people below. Then the old policeman took out his notebook and glanced at them gently: "Missing?" While talking, he looked at the three people under him again, and his eyes looked very sharp: "Tell me, what's going on?"

As soon as the old policeman finished speaking, the young policeman next to him seemed to understand immediately. Before the old policeman could say too much, he first came to Tang Jia and asked gently, "To be honest, don't be nervous, take your time..."

I don't know if it's Tang Jia's illusion or something else. He always feels that the little policeman's eyes are a little strange when he looks at him, as if he is a little lustful.

The little nurse next to Tang Jia felt almost the same. She always felt that the little policeman's eyes were polite at all, and she always looked at them intentionally or unintentionally.

"That..." In the face of such an unkind young policeman, Tang Jia felt a little uncomfortable. If she could, she really didn't want to have too much contact with the little policeman in front of her.

That is, when Tang Jia felt embarrassed, the old policeman behind him who looked calm couldn't stand it. His neat eyes opened wide and stared at the little policeman who always humiliated himself and was not honest at all.

"Comrade Xiao Mu." The old policeman shouted softly. But the young little policeman didn't seem to hear it. His dishonest eyes were still staring at the pure Tang Jia, and the little nurse with a uniform **, like a strange man, his eyes were so wandering, but always looking at impolite places.

The little policeman reacted like this, and the old policeman behind him was already pale, and it seemed that he could run away at any time. But he still couldn't help it and shouted softly again: "Comrade Xiao Mu!" He was much louder, but it was very strange. The young policeman who was adminating Tang Jia and the little nurse did not respond. Just like at the beginning, he still looked at the two female comrades in front of him with a smile.

On the contrary, Tang Jia and the little nurse, as well as the middle-aged doctor sitting in the corner, were all attracted by the already unpleasant call of the old policeman, looking at the old policeman who might lose his temper at any time with doubt and uneasiness.

That old policeman can't stand it, and he really can't help it. Damn it, if it weren't for this bastard being a distant relative of the mayor, he would never accept such a gangster-like little follower. By the way, it's simply to smear the glorious and glorious people's police.

Then, completely unexpected from Tang Jia's three people, the old policeman raised his right leg and kicked it directly without saying a word, so that the little policeman didn't respond for a moment. He fell directly to the ground and came to the mud with a gorgeous dog.

It was too late, and then Comrade Xiaomu was very angry. He stood up aggressively to see who didn't have eyes and dared to kick him. Comrade Xiaomu said very firmly that he wanted to let that person know that he was the second uncle's son of Mayor Wang's brother's brother's sister's sister's husband's sister's husband's second uncle...< /P>

Even if you dare to kick him, you must be tired of living.

But it was very contradictory. After he found out that it was the well-skilled old policeman behind him, the child's arrogant arrogance was immediately extinguished, and he laughed and respectfully: "...Uncle Yang." He seems to taboo the 'Uncle Yang' in his mouth, even if it is the son of his second uncle of Mayor Wang's brother's brother's sister's sister's husband's husband's second uncle...

This Uncle Yang just glanced at him coldly. He didn't want to care too much about the naughty child. His eyes fell on Tang Jia again. Then, he asked gently but a little domineeringly: "... Tell me what happened."