Magic Hunter

Chapter 43 Dark Space

Chapter 43 Dark Space

The light has not been turned on inside, because the crescent moon is covered by dark clouds tonight. The moonlight shining through the window is not enough to dispel the darkness, making the room slightly dim and you can't see too much...

Tang Jia, who came in, felt a little uncomfortable. She didn't like such darkness, just like many girls who were afraid of the dark. Even if Tang Jia was relatively independent, she also cared a little and liked the kind of brightness at a glance.

What's more terrible is that the magic weapons on the wall, large and small, almost all over the wall, actually emit a faint red light in such a dark situation, just like the fierce light emitted by a dangerous jackal, representing danger and death.

Yes, in this dark house, the slightly red light from the magic martial arts can be seen everywhere, as if they are surrounded by dangerous hunters, which makes people involuntarily take a cold breath and naturally become vigilant. The same is true of Tang Jia. It was the first time she came to Lin's house at night. She never thought that compared with the strangeness of the day, this house would be more gloomy at night, even the legendary haunted house, which made people feel cold and shudder.

Then, it was also natural. Just after a few steps, Tang Jia had the intention of retreating. She felt that she might stay beside Uncle Zhang and Ye Zi. Although those two were legendary perverts, at least they were still one person, and they would still give themselves more courage, at least not like now, because I can only feel the existence of myself alone, and I am frightened and uneasy. I know that such darkness is nothing, but I will think of those dangerous but dispensable pictures in my mind...

She soon stopped and looked behind her, but now she found that the originally half-open door was closed silently. The strange feeling was as if the door had been closed from the beginning.

Seeing such a scene, her original panic became deeper and more obvious. Because of the closed door, now the house is a similar closed dark space. She can't find the direction, and she can't see a big living person, even if it's a living creature...

Next, I don't know if it's Tang Jia's illusion or reality. She suddenly found that the world became so quiet, and the silent silence, like a cemetery, made people feel depressed. Under the increasingly obvious heartbeat, this depression gradually made people afraid to breathe casually, and her facial features became surprisingly ** and clear. The surge of adrenaline makes Tang Jia feel the dead silence at this moment more clearly.

This feeling makes her more and more uncomfortable, like playing hide-and-seek with a dangerous creature. You don't know where and from what angle the uneasy thing in your mind will suddenly appear, and then bite your deadly neck...

"Zhang, Uncle Zhang..." Tang Jia tried to call, hoping to get a response: "...Ye, Ye Zi." But she soon found that it seemed to be a corner abandoned by the gorgeous but rotten beautiful world. Her call did not get anyone's response. Instead, in this empty room, her echo echoed one after another, sometimes clear, sometimes vague and endless.

That dangerous idea kept emerging, but she still tried to restrain herself and tried her best to calm down. She believed that the current restlessness could not solve any problem. The more this situation was, the more she wanted to calm down. She knew this very well, but there was nothing she could do. She tried to calm herself down, but it still didn't have much effect. The seemingly endless fear was like the darkness on her face, which made her nowhere to hide. The more she tried to escape, the more she tried to calm down, the more she became panicked by the fear that she couldn't get rid of. Measures.

Finally, it may be a long time, or just a moment. In this space where there is almost no trace of time, Tang Jia can no longer bear the darkness that can't see the end and the fear that she can't find the exit. After all, she becomes crazy and loses the best reason...

Then, she didn't care so much, like a panicked rabbit. Knowing that the back of the door was another dark space, she still opened it without hesitation...

"............!!!" It's different. When Tang Jia opened the door, what she saw was no longer herself. No, no, no. It should be said that she clearly saw that she was swallowed up by a terrible monster with three eyes, and she could even smell a little pungent blood in the air now.

Tang Jia was scared. She suddenly collapsed on the ground. Those eyes, which should have been soft, were now slowly afraid, but she did not run away, but stared at the monster in a daze, staring at herself who was swallowed up by the monster.

" me." She heard a faint cry: " me..." At this time, she found that the one who had been swallowed up by the monster with only half of her body was still incredibly alive. Those eyes, which were exactly the same as herself, but full of helplessness, stared at her, with a bloody face and crystal tears. Passed quietly.

That Tang Jia is calling for Tang Jia's help, again and again, but it is more and more weak and weak...

Tang Jia heard it clearly. She watched the green monster with a ferocious face slowly but quickly devouring Tang Jia's body, and even the bloody intestines were pulled out, which made people swallow it for a burst of nausea, like a hungry beast, leaving no scum at all.

"...Save me...please..." Tang Jia, who was swallowed up by the monster, burst into tears. She stretched out her right hand with the last few strength, as if she wanted to catch Tang Jia a few meters away, or she wanted Tang Jia to pull her and save herself from the monster's bloody mouth.

"............!" Tang Jia's helpless eyes and helpless behavior made Tang Jia, who was sitting at the door, at a loss and even scared. She cried, not knowing whether it was because she was too scared or the bloody scene in front of her. Her eyes were full of fear and tears, but after a while, tears flowed down and crossed her pale face.

The Tang Jia was still asking for help. Even though she was swallowed up by the monster with only three bloody eyes, she was still alive. Her outstretched right hand and helpless eyes were all eager for Tang Jia's help, indicating that she didn't want to die, and she really didn't want to die.

Such a strong desire to survive, Tang Jia can strongly feel that she wanted to give her a hand. She really wanted to save her, but she didn't do so, because the fear that seemed to go deep into the soul made her sit on the ground stupidly, and her paralyzed body had no strength, and more He didn't have the courage to save another Tang Jia who was swallowed up by the monster.

Then, the monster, whose thick big hand suddenly grabbed the right hand that Tang Jia stretched out and was waiting for help. There was almost no too much movement. The monster abruptly pulled off Tang Jia's right arm, accompanied by the heartbreaking and unbearable screams of Tang Jia, and enjoyed eating the bloody arm. ......

Tang Jia was scared. She kept crying and looked at the other self...

Then, under the helpless but deep resentful eyes of Tang Jia, Tang Jia watched her die, but when she died, Tang Jia, her helpless eyes were still staring at Tang Jia at the door.

For the seemingly eternal eyes at that moment, Tang Jia may never forget it all her life. This is her true meaning to see a person die in front of her, but she, because of fear and did nothing, sat on the ground indifferently, watching herself gradually being swallowed up by the monster, regardless of it. .

Soon, in front of Tang Jia, the dead Tang Jia was quickly swallowed up by the monster. In the end, only a few limbs that the monster didn't like, as well as the thorny red blood stains on the ground...

At this time, the monster finally fell the red and fierce light on Tang Jia at the door...

Roar~~~~ It was like catharsis, and it was like a warning. The monster with obvious blood stains on his face roared at Tang Jia. Then, like a sharp beast, bowed slightly and suddenly jumped up and rushed straight to Tang Jia at the door.