Magic Hunter

Chapter 46 You are not human!

Chapter 46 You are not a human!

"No!!" Sooner or later, I don't know when the little cutie appeared. In a word, she is now in front of Lin and Tang Jia. Her angry eyes are staring at Lin, looking very angry.

She pouted, and her big dark and bright eyes looked at Lin fiercely: "How can you do this!" She expressed her strong dissatisfaction: "How can you seduce other people's women!!"

"...?" Uncle Zhang and Ye Zi were first surprised at the sudden appearance of the little cutie. They didn't understand why the little sister roared at Lin angrily, and even had a little sour taste. But soon, when the little cutie blurted out and said very firmly that she was Lin Future's wife, the two were stunned. The big mouth seemed to be stuffed with a big egg.

Then, after the shock, the two looked at Lin almost with that extremely contemptuous look...

They know that Lin is a tasteless man. Almost all the girls don't refuse to come, and sometimes they will overdo it, but what they didn't expect at all is that this tasteless man would be so tasteless. It's okay to deceive such a simple girl as Tang Jia. Damn it, why is such a little Lori? I won't let it go. What the hell? They haven't come of age yet, okay?

This is a crime. This is a naked crime at all!!

The more they think about it, the more angry they are. The more they think about it, the more they feel the seriousness of the matter. If it's someone else, they should only laugh at the 'wife' of this little Lori or something. They think that the child is so cute, but for Lin, they have to believe that in their opinion, this kind of immoral thing, Lin is absolutely Yes, do it.

Convinced of this, Uncle Zhang was immediately excited. Then, he suddenly had a feeling that he wanted to put the forest in place. The impulse of law.

But it's not bad, or at the moment when the little cutie said that she was Lin's wife, Lin, who was almost speechless, cried. Then he looked at the three people who were stunned and angry. With that very helpless eyes, he said very sincerely: "... It's really not what you think, this little The child has a fantasy. He tried to make the three people understand, especially Tang Jia, who almost kissed him. Lin really didn't want her to misunderstand her serious love. Pedophilia, what shameful thing did to this little Lori who claimed to be his wife?

Yes, at the moment when Xiao Loli said that she was Lin's wife, she felt a little funny and thought that the child was really precocious, but quickly, because the object was Lin, Tang Jia couldn't laugh immediately, but was a little nervous. As Uncle Zhang and Ye Zi thought, for Lin, who had an extremely poor reputation in front of him, he He is skeptical and expresses a high degree of uncertainty. I don't know if the little cutie's anger seems to be real. Is it an unbelievable but real tragedy?

Then, Tang Jia's eyes naturally became curious and confused, and she was a little more afraid. She felt that Lin might be worse than she thought, and she would not even let go of such children.

The three looked different, but the eyes staring at Lin expressed the same meaning, with surprise and shock, and there was a little deep contempt, even that kind of discrimination.

In the face of the eyes of the three people, even the relatively thick-skinned Lin can't stand it. As the saying goes, people want a face tree and skin, and they can be shameless, but they are absolutely not allowed to misunderstand that they are shameless, not to mention such a ** and obscene thing. In this case, it was very helpless. Lin could only smile bitterly there and said that it was really not what they thought. All this was just the wishful thinking of this little cutie all the time, and it really had nothing to do with him.

But the result was obviously not good. It's okay if he didn't explain it. In this way, the three people who discriminated against him very much suddenly became more contemptuous. They felt that Lin, a bastard, not only had no taste, but also had no seed. He had done it, and even wanted to quibble...

In this way, the three of them looked at Lin's eyes, and their anger suddenly increased a little. It seemed that as long as Lin's performance made them a little more dissatisfied, the three of them would fuck the brick and smash it to death.

Unfortunately, when the little cutie was jealous, poor and didn't know why they cried, the three of them could no longer forgive such Lin and gave him almost no chance to explain. The little cutie said that when Lin said that when she was 18 years old, Uncle Zhang and Ye Zi, and even the quiet Tang Jia, he They suddenly couldn't control their emotions, especially Uncle Zhang. He roared at that time and said very angrily that Lin was a beast. No, no, no, it was so irresponsible. Even the little Lori could do it. Saying that he was a beast was simply to lift him. In Uncle Zhang's opinion, Lin was not as good as a beast.

"Your sister!!" Uncle Zhang felt very unhappy. His eyes looked bigger because of the staring. Some of them showed a few traces of blood in the whites of their eyes because of the anger that went straight to the forehead, and they looked a little red: "You are still not a man! It's still not a man!!" He roared. The sound, the volume, was not ordinary, just like a loudspeaker, beyond imagination: "How old is she? How old is she!! He is not even ten years old, okay!! It's less than ten years old!!" The more he spoke, the more angry he became, the louder he shouted, and his emotions became very excited: "...You are not as good as a beast!!" It seemed that this was not enough to express his anger. After a pause, Uncle Zhang stared at the innocent Lin fiercely and sent out these two words: "... You are not a human being!!"

"............" Lin was speechless and quite aggrieved. He never thought that one day his reputation would be because of a girl, or the little sister who seemed to eat sugar at present, which made Lin feel a lot of pressure, and this kind of pressure was more helpless and innocent. By the way, if the fact is really like this, he will admit it, but the reality is really not like this. He was shot while lying down. In essence, he is the most innocent victim.

He wanted to explain, but as soon as he opened his mouth, the little white face next to Uncle Zhang couldn't stand it anymore. He felt that Lin was too embarrassed to talk at this time, and he didn't accept criticism at all with an open mind. No, no, no, this was already a kind of spiritual transformation to solve the inner hunger and thirst. Er...

Cough, in a word, it's very inappropriate for Lin to speak now. It's like having to explain to a bandit what is human rights and private property. If you say more, it's wrong. If you say it, it will attract more inhuman treatment.

This is the situation now. Seeing that Lin had the meaning of opening his mouth, Ye Zi immediately shouted and was full of breath. Those eyes stared at the already confused face because of resentment, and said very domineeringly, "Be frank and lenient, resist strict." His tone is short and capable. Although he is not as excited as Uncle Zhang, it can even be said to be relatively calm, but it is undeniable that such thorny words can hurt Lin's fragile heart more than Uncle Zhang's roar just now. Anyway, from Ye Zi's tone, he has convinced that Lin is a bird. Beasts, or even beasts are not as good as beasts.

Then, Ye Zi pointed to the little cutie who was still crying there. The same eyes that looked at Lin and treated the enemy never changed; "She's just a child," Speaking of this, he frowned and looked at the little cutie not far away, because Xiao Ke was still sobbing there. Love, his resentful look gradually turned into a deep sadness at this moment, but when he looked back on Lin, his sadness instantly turned into the beginning of anger, no, no, no. In comparison, this anger is deeper and more obvious than just now, and has even changed from anger to a kind of anger. Of course, hatred: " can you do it?! She is just a child!" He seemed to be trying to restrain his emotions, but his whole body trembled slightly, and it seemed that he could vent this anger and resentment at any time against the giggled forest, which was not ambiguous at all.

"You are so human!" He revealed full of justice: "The law will punish you!" He has made it very clear that if what the little cutie said is true and what he says is true, then Ye Zi will represent the righteous party and bring Lin to justice as an example.

Listening to Ye Zi's resentful warning to herself like this, it doesn't seem to be a joke at all, which doubles the pressure of Lin Dun. Now he is neither laughing nor crying. It seems so embarrassing. Even if a faint smile is squeezed out of the corners of his mouth, this smile looks so reluctant, even It's a smile that is worse than crying.

He looked at Uncle Zhang, looked at Ye Zi, and finally looked on Tang Jia again. He hoped that Tang Jia could understand himself. No, no, no, to be precise, Lin really didn't want Tang Jia to think that he really did something very shameful to the little cutie who was still crying there like Uncle Zhang and Ye Zi.

Therefore, his eyes looking at Tang Jia now have become a little different, full of helplessness, but at the same time with some obvious expectations. Such a slightly complicated look, it seems to say to Tang Jia that as long as she believes in herself, he is quite gratified, otherwise, he really wants to die.

This is not a joke. In Lin's opinion, there is nothing wrong with being misunderstood by a man, but if misunderstood by a girl, it will still make the girl immediately lose confidence and interest in herself, and even a little contempt for the obscene incident. Lin can't accept it in any way. In other words, Lin, who is still a failure, has always been Looking for that poor self-confidence in the girl...

Of course, generally, the male compatriots who generally feel that they have failed are because of girls. In this regard, Lin has not been too unsuccessful, but I have to say that in Lin's world, girls are like *, only more or less. If there are no girls, then' The poor life will easily make Lin lose confidence in the fucking life in an instant.

In this way, Lin looked at Tang Jia's eyes and became very expectant, because Tang Jia still had that kind of skepticism, and the behavior of not easy to speak seemed to convey a little message to Lin, as if to say to Lin again, should I believe you?

Reading these meanings from Tang Jia's hesitant eyes, Lin was excited at that time, and the smile at the beginning of his mouth, which was more ugly than crying, suddenly became very exaggerated, er, or because of the excitement that could not hide his inner joy, the smile at the corners of his mouth became obvious. In addition, he focused on it. A nod is to make that smile a little exaggerated.

In the face of Lin's smile, Tang Jia is under pressure. In his opinion, Lin's smile is simply a kind of strange expression, and even a little self-imposed. After all, Lin's exaggerated smile is really hard to believe that he is not the beast, and he is still crying there. Cute, a big beast that does that kind of bad things.