Magic Hunter

Chapter 52 Fool

Chapter 52 Fools

"Drive!!" Once again, seeing that Xiao Xiao was still at a loss and staring at himself, the man who seemed to have regained some consciousness and looks shouted hard. This sound was not very loud, but it could be heard that this was the limit that the man could achieve. You know, when he shouted like this, the dense blood on the corners of his mouth was spit out.

Xiao Xiao saw it clearly. Although the man covered his lips tightly with his already purple-looking right hand, the blood still overflowed from his fingers, but for a moment, the whole right hand was red. That kind of bright red was like a bloody rose.

Then, the blood dripping along his fingers also dyed the man's blue and white sick clothes, and suddenly invaded the clothes on his chest red until now the deep blood color...

Seeing such a scene, Xiao Xiao was really scared. For a moment, she didn't know how to react. Now she can only stare at the man who seemed to be dying in front of her. But it was still fast. With the footsteps of a slight earthquake, as the huge three-eyed monster approached step by step, Xiao Xiao, who felt the crisis, finally came to her senses. Finally, she looked at the man next to her and looked at the empty driver's seat in front of her...

She seemed to have a trace of intention, but after all, she was still flat-minded, or knowing that this was the last choice to escape, she still crossed the seat and sat in the driver's seat without guardrail protection.

At this time, the man's just recovered look quickly faded, and what appeared on his face was still the original paleness. No, no, no, it should be said that compared with the past, the whiteness brought by the man's face at this moment was more obvious and fatal, so even his lips were already dark purple. Bai, it is already clear that this man will not have much time. Maybe the next second, he will completely disappear in front of Xiao Xiao.

It's true. As the colorful fragments floating out of the man's abdomen became more obvious and dense, the man obviously couldn't stand it. In addition, he showed that part of his strength in such a reluctant state and forcibly pulled down the guardrail of the driver's seat. For the man now, if he was at this time The loss of consciousness is most likely to represent the kind of death he doesn't want.

He knows this very well, and he believes and understands it, but he has nothing to do, or he has really reached the limit now. Although he doesn't want to, from the current situation, whether his little life can exist depends entirely on the girl who has started the car.

Maybe this is the most helpless choice, or this man really has no idea. After he showed that kind of magic again and forcibly 'pull' the car in front of him, there was not much suspense, and the man quickly fainted.

The scenery around his eyes finally became blurred and unclear. Finally, when Xiao Xiao in front of him became so lax in his sight, the man gently closed his eyes and leaned against the back seat, not knowing life or death.

But before he completely lost consciousness, the man still said to Xiao Xiao gently but strongly: "... Hell Street." He is expressing whether Xiao Xiao is willing or not, if she really wants to save his trouble, then Hell Street is the last and only hope.

"...Hey!?" Xiao Xiao was a little anxious. Looking at the man whose abdominal wound was still bleeding, she was a little unbearable. It should be said that she was at a loss as usual. Although she knew very well that in such a posture, it was not surprising that the man lost consciousness and finally fainted. But what she didn't expect was, or she didn't think at all that this man would faint at this time...

Understand that although Xiao Xiao has passed the driver's license, she has not passed until now. In other words, she has not been very confident about driving.

It was precisely because of this point that she hesitated just now. She didn't know that she could barely distinguish what the accelerator was and what the brake was, and whether she could drive the car smoothly. In fact, she knew that she was half-hearted, but she dared to sit in the driver's seat. On the one hand, it was naturally because the three behind her was already close. Eye monster, and more importantly, she still put part of her hope on the man behind her. She felt that it was not very far from Hell Street, about a few blocks. As long as the man could hold on, as long as she kept conscious for a few minutes, she might really be safe to Hell Street...

But the current situation is obviously not like this. When she found that the man who had just seemed sober was dizzy, she was suddenly confused, and the courage that just appeared suddenly disappeared. In her opinion, it was almost impossible for her to successfully reach Hell Street without the help of that man.

Yes, as far as Xiao Xiao's technology is concerned, it will not be a big problem for her to drive in a straight line and turn the aisle accompanied by the coach. However, without the escort of the coach, the child will always seem very unconfidence. Although she usually does well, at the critical moment, especially when turning, she There are always mistakes. Either hit the wrong gear or step on the wrong accelerator. There will always be one problem or another.

This makes things very clear but very embarrassing. If Xiao Xiao regards that man as a coach, then now the stunned coach, what he brings to Xiao Xiao is not the sense of security at the beginning, but the current doubt and uneasiness. The past experience and failure naturally makes her begin to doubt. Whether you can succeed or not, even if the car has been started, Xiao Xiao is not as expected at this moment. He naturally stepped on the accelerator under his feet, looking hesitant and panicked...

It's true. Although the three-eyed monster behind is approaching quickly is really scary, Xiao Xiao doesn't think it's better to drive. In her impression, every time she takes the driver's license test, she always makes a tragedy of crying and laughing for one reason or another. If it's better. It's just crashing the car, but it's a pity that this doesn't happen very often. Most of the time, I don't know how to do it. The child always drives the coach car and rushes straight to the coach outside the field. Then, I don't know if it's God's will, but she is so domineering. She can always send one coach after another to the hospital and let them rest in the hospital for a few weeks.

Later, Xiao Xiao's heroic deeds naturally spread in that circle. In the end, as long as she went to take the exam, those coaches could always disappear without a trace, just like a strike, which gradually made her exam a luxury, um, or, those The coach was scared, and even they had a sense of cherishing life and staying away from madmen. Obviously, Xiao Xiao is one of the list of those crazy people.

Under such circumstances, it is understandable that Xiao Xiao will be so hesitant. After all, she really doesn't feel that she has the ability to drive the car safely to Hell Street without hitting anyone or anything.

In this way, Xiao Xiao didn't mind going to Hell Street very much. No, no, no. It should be said that the current situation left her no choice. The man said so clearly that he would go to Hell Street, as if this was his last hope. She could feel this. Although she didn't know what the strange hell street meant to this man, she believed that the man definitely had such a reason to insist on hell street as such an ordinary existence.

Yes, Hell Street is a terrible existence, just like the three-eyed monster approaching step by step behind, giving people the feeling that it is always full of gloom and terrible, and even represents an inevitable death. But as mentioned above, since he decided to save this man, Xiao Xiao still believes that he should be a good person to the end. No matter what, the now trouble is the trouble he asked for.

It's also quite strange. Xiao Xiao never seemed to want to give up such a man. From beginning to end, the content that came to her mind was how to save such a man and make this man survive as much as possible.

This should make many people unable to understand. They feel that it is possible to save a stranger who has never known to him in the case of putting his own life. It is really unbelievable, and he doesn't understand what a fool like Xiao Xiao who takes risks to save people has in his head, or her thoughts. Is vitamin logic normal or not? How can you do such a stupid thing that doesn't seem to be good for you at all?

Yes, if the man represents a large amount of cash, maybe Xiao Xiao's behavior can be very easy to understand. After all, people die for money, birds die for food. This kind of thing is common and not surprising for a long time, because seeing more, it has become a very habit of nature. Under such a premise, Xiao Xiao, who seemed to have nothing and no purpose, became very unnatural, and it could even be said that it was a strange scene...

But I have to say that it seems that many people have forgotten that the original help is not in return, but just a kind of kindness from the heart, that's all. Xiao Xiao is almost the same now. A large part of the reason why she wants to save the current man who doesn't know life and death even if she takes risks is because of this kindness from the heart. Even if this kind of kindness puts her in a more dangerous situation, she doesn't think she can do it if she watches this man dies. Arrived.

Perhaps Xiao Xiao's behavior is very stupid, and it's even more inexplicable. He is willing to take risks for that worthless goodwill. In this world where money is measured everywhere, goodwill also needs to be priced. If goodwill gets a good RMB, then in the eyes of many people, such goodwill is completely Acceptable...

On the contrary, when goodwill becomes pure and does not hook up with money, such goodwill is incomprehensible by many people, and it is even more stupid and ridiculous, and finally becomes a kind of ignorance.

Well, in some ways, Xiao Xiao, who doesn't know how to use that goodwill, is really stupid or ignorant, but it doesn't seem to be bad. Imagine what everyone wants to get before paying, how many people will be willing to accept other people's's efforts?

Such a result will only make people indifferent, because there are fewer fools who don't ask for anything in return, and more smart people who know how to calculate gains and losses. No one wants to be a fool. Many people want to be a smart person, and then, those fools who were stupid and didn't ask for anything in return, under the dogma of those smart people, they eventually became smart but indifferent fools.

This may not be bad, and it can't be said that anything is right, but for Xiao Xiao, she is more willing to stick to such a unique stupidity, and is willing to risk her life to try to save a stranger who doesn't know what big trouble it will bring to her, and does not ask for anything in return.

She has always been such a girl. She is very kind, and this kindness is the courage she now has to drive this taxi.

Yes, when the three-eyed monster almost 'caught' the taxi, Xiao Xiao did not hesitate after all, stepped on the accelerator and drove quickly in the direction of Hell Street...