Magic Hunter

Chapter 56 The Equivalent of the Book of Seals

Chapter 56 The Equivalent of the Book of Seal (Part I)

The situation is already obvious. Tian Che's approach is quite dangerous. As he thinks, this is an adventure. If you are not careful, you will fall off a cliff, smash your bones, and there is not much possibility of survival.

This is what Ye Tong is worried about, and it is also what she is afraid of and cares about. She feels that Tian Che's single-handed adventure is likely to not go back. If so, he might as well take a partner, so that the probability of taking risks will be considerably reduced.

Obviously, the partner Ye Tong thought of Tian Che was not someone else, but herself.

Therefore, Ye Tong did not hesitate much. After discovering that Tian Che was going to take a risk, she also said simply and came straight to the point: "Take me..." She seemed to be quite serious. Her beautiful eyes gently stared at Tian Che in front of her, and her eyes were full of fortitude, and she didn't seem to joke at all: "...You need a partner." When she spoke, she had pulled out the black pistol at her waist. She wanted to convince Tian Che that she had no intention of flinching at all, let alone saying it casually.

For the clear expression with Ye Tong, Tian Che did not doubt the firmness in it at all, and also believed that Ye Tong was an absolutely reliable partner. But he doesn't seem to have such an intention, or instead of letting two people take risks, it's better to let him come alone. For him, the partner is not used to block bullets, but should try to ensure her safety.

Therefore, Tian Che did not have much expression. It was simple and accurate, and it was even more clear that he did not need any partner at this time, and he would not take Ye Tong, a rare partner, into the fire pit that he didn't know if it was a trap.

"Stay here," Tian Che showed that smile, because that resolute face and eyes made this ordinary smile seem to bring a little domineering, and could not allow others to refuse: "... The partner is not for death." He is saying that it is enough for him to try to contact the three-eyed monster alone. If the monster is really subdued, this is naturally a happy ending, but if the monster is subdued is just an illusion. Even if he brings a partner like Ye Tong, he may not be able to survive. In the end, it is just an extra one. It's just a funeral that shouldn't be.

Such a result is obviously not what Tian Che wanted, so he obviously affirmed that Ye Tong should stay here. If he really has anything wrong, she, the adjutant, should give the necessary instructions as soon as possible.

Ye Tong should understand what Tian Che wants to express, and also understand that the existence of her adjutant is that the officer is not an alternate in the future, but this does not make Ye Tong feel that there is anything wrong. You know, she is not the only adjutant here. In fact, Ye Tong thought that Tian Che's words just now were not convincing at all. Although the adjutant was an alternate to the officer, there were several adjutants, and he was the only officer here.

In this case, Ye Tong showed a trace of smile, which seemed to be similar to Tian Che, because that firm eyes made her beautiful smile a little obvious domineering and could not tolerate other people's rejection: "Isn't the partner the right time to take action?" The smile at the corners of her mouth became more obvious and more beautiful: "If you hang up like this, partner, it will become incomplete." She is saying that a partner is like love, often not a matter of one person, but two people.

Speaking of this, she didn't care so much, but went straight to the monster 100 meters away: "...Hurry up and follow up," She didn't look back, but Tian Che behind her heard clearly: "I don't want to die without a partner."

"............Hey!" Tian Che finally smiled bitterly, with such a smile full of bitterness: "I'm an officer..." He followed: "Why are you older than me?"

He doesn't seem to mind Ye Tong's choice so much, or he also knows that he can't stop Ye Tong's plan. In this way, it seems that he can only accept it, because of this helpless acceptance, he also smiled helplessly: "... I tell you, you are commanding beyond authority. As an officer, I will be very I like it." He revealed a little sincere 'care'. That sentence should be that he is a superior officer anyway. Why doesn't she, an adjutant, give face at all? There are still quite a lot of younger brothers here. By the way, it's very difficult for him to step down, okay?

Tian Che's helplessness obviously did not move Ye Tong much. From beginning to end, Ye Tong was filled with that faint smile. He didn't take Tian Che's bitterness too much in mind: "Now it's not about the level." She looked at Tian Che around her and seemed to smile: "The partner has never been big or small. ...What's more, you are a man. You won't be so bad about me, a little woman, will you?"

As soon as Ye Tong's words were finished, Tian Che just had the impulse to cry. From her words, it seemed that women had privileges, and men should treat women equally.

Then, he could only sigh, crying and laughing. He had known Ye Tong for some years. In front of this woman, he always couldn't raise his head. If something happened, he could always feel the civilian status in front of her.

"Okay, okay," he couldn't laugh, but reluctantly showed a smile on the corners of his mouth: "If we can go home alive this time, you can take the position of the officer. Anyway, the official hat has been useless in front of you."

"Is that so?" Ye Tong pretended to be surprised: "I always thought that you were a good officer who didn't like to press people with an official hat."

"............" Ye Tong's words made Tian Che speechless for a moment: "Come on," the reluctant smile on the corners of his mouth seemed to become more reluctant, and he seemed to want to cry more or less: "Don't put a high hat on me all day long. If you can't take it off one day, it's all your responsibility." He is trying to convince Tian Che that tall hats are not easy to wear. In fact, he has never liked others to wear high hats.

But I have to say that he really can't refuse Ye Tong's high hat. Generally speaking, men who refuse Ye Tong often don't have a good end. Those male compatriots who once dared to abandon Ye Tong and later went to the hospital are the best proof. Tian Che knew more or less about this, so he was very knowledgeable. For Ye Tong, a woman who was sometimes more man than a man, he thought it was better to take it easy, so as not to become another victim under the pomegranate skirt.

In this way, Tian Che could only smile bitterly there, and finally said quietly, ", I really can't afford to provoke you."

It seems that Tian Che's comments on himself can be accepted. Ye Tong smiled and responded lazily: "I'm really happy that you can realize this so clearly."

Tian Che: "Ha ha ha..." He smiled very hard.


During laughter, the two finally approached the three-eyed monster who was now bound to the ground by silver hope. They did not rush forward, but stood three meters away, and they still seemed to care a little.

Looking at the huge three-eyed monster a few meters away, both of them can even feel the clear breath of the monster now...

Tian Che doesn't look relaxed at all. The conversation and laughter just now have become the current vigilance.

"...What's the plan?" Ye Tong was almost the same. The smile just now was not there. Instead, he was full of solemnity on his face now. Those eyes, which seemed to be thick and uneasy, stared at Tian Che, who was also not very relaxed beside him, and asked quietly.

She was not sure what method Tian Che wanted to use to prove the state of the three-eyed monster at this moment, or that she was in further communication with Tian Che. Even if she had a general idea in her heart, she was still more vigilant and asked more questions.

In the face of Ye Tong's inquiry, Tian Che frowned, and his eyes full of resoluteness had been staring at the three blood-red eyes of the monster, as if he wanted to see something from the three different and even more strange and gloomy eyes of the monster. But it seems that nothing has been found. The three eyes of the monster can look in different directions, which are full of endless anger and endless desire for blood. Except for this, Tian Che did not see anything else.

The eyes of monsters should be relatively normal. There are ten*. Monsters targeted by special forces will always show more or less such unpleasant eyes, expressing their deep dissatisfaction and deep dissatisfaction. It seems that as long as it is given a chance, it will kill all the annoying flies here in one go.

Therefore, Tian Che is not very surprised by the eyes of the three-eyed monster at present. It should be said that it is still a common thing, but the normal eyes of the monster still make Tian Che feel more or less uneasy. In his opinion, at this moment, this is the guardian of time and space that seems to be subdued, and the more it behaves. Normally, Tian Che felt that the more abnormal it was, and vaguely, the feeling of danger became clearer and more obvious. It seemed that the normal reaction of the monster at this moment was just the tranquility before a storm.

On this point, Tian Che should not be very suspicious. No, no, no. It should be said that he would rather believe that the bad feeling that has become deeper and deeper at this moment is not easy to believe. This monster, which is tightly bound by the silver fine net, is almost perfectly captured by them, so easily.

In this way, it is reasonable. After staring at the huge three-eyed monster three meters away for a long time, Tian Che finally looked on Ye Tong beside him, and then said quietly, "I think we'd better take some necessary defensive measures now."

"What do you mean..." Ye Tong may have felt something from Tian Che's eyes and tone. She was a little surprised, or surprised that Tian Che actually planned to use the sealed book.

It's true. Ye Tong completely guessed Tian Che's idea. At that time, Tian Che put his hands together, and dense runes and totems suddenly appeared on the normal road. However, after a while, the array representing the foreshadow of the book of seal [unfold] suddenly appeared. , appeared at Tian Che's feet in an instant.

"...Is it really necessary?" Ye Tong was more or less worried, and there was some obvious uneasiness. She knew very well that although it was not difficult to show the sealed book, the opponent was such a three-eyed monster, the guardian of time and space guarding time. Even the sealed book may not be able to completely purify it.