Magic Hunter

Chapter 61 Metamorphosis

Chapter 61 Metamorphosis

Tian Che saw clearly that in the blood flowing out of the monster, unconsciously, these thorny red blood blended and alternated with each other, like elves dancing in the water, like life, unexpectedly fast 'growth'...

This kind of scene is very strange, weird and scary. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Tian Che would never have believed that under such circumstances, the three-eyed monster still has such potential, which can not only inject magic into the blood, but also rely on blood to recast a new generation of entities.

It's true. Whether it's Tian Che or Ye Tong or the special forces behind them, they all clearly see that the blood of the monster flowing on the earth squirmed, from the slight ups and downs at the beginning to the crazy rise of the ground now, but for a while, the human being who was like blood and noisy. Appeared in front of them.

"...!" Seeing the scene in front of him, even if Tian Che made considerable preparations, when he saw such a blood-cast entity, he still took a breath of cold air more or less. If it was right, he believed that this was the real entity that the three-eyed monster, or the guardian of time and space should have.

He can imagine, and even find and understand that the magic required by such a huge body is no longer rare, and now such a body that is no different from ordinary people can greatly reduce the dependence on magic. Even in this state, the magic consumed by the guardian of time and space is compared with his own magic. In comparison, it can almost be said that it is a diss, and it doesn't consume much magic.

This is the problem. Until now, Tian Che finally knew why he had that kind of deep uneasiness. He should have seen it early in the morning that such a huge three-eyed monster, because of the instant materialization, did not have much time to 'repair'. Anyway, the one that has just appeared in the present world. For a moment, the ubiquitous five elements will not give him such a chance.

Therefore, at the beginning and the most helpless moment, the guardian of time and space can only show the most exaggerated form, and this form is huge because of the strong magic, and because of the inevitable huge materialization, the magic needed to maintain this body cannot be underestimated. If you continue to rely on the consumption. The big magic maintains such materialization. Even if it is a guardian of time and space, it is bound to not last too long. In other words, because of the huge body that is inevitable but consumes a lot of magic, the guardian of time and space will not last long, maybe a few hours, a few minutes, or the next second. It has to return to the inevitable form of nothingness...

This was inevitable and inevitable, but until now, Tian Che finally realized that it was not to subdue or capture the monster by himself, but that the three-eyed monster was like taking advantage of the damage at this moment, giving up the burdensome skin, and appearing in the world in such a more reasonable way. ......

Yes, now this guardian of time and space, with the continuous casting of blood, soon pieced together a complete form, like rebirth in blood, the continuous gathering of the pool of blood on the ground, and finally made this person slowly but quickly appear from the pool of blood.

It's true. Almost every power can be controlled by the instant flash, but during the instantaneous period of use, she can also use magic to cause damage to the opponent, but not many people can do it. Even if the moon with purple magic, when she uses instant flash, often They all found a dead corner and gave the opponent a fatal blow, rather than this bloody man. It seemed that at the moment before the flash was over, he quickly stabbed and gave Tian Che such serious damage.

This makes Ye Tong feel incredible, and it is even more difficult to imagine. If the man in an instant can use magic at will, then, in her opinion, the special forces here will not be the opponent of this man who seems to have regained a new life. After all, in the instantaneous high-speed operation, it is almost impossible to catch with the naked eye. His behavior, not to mention how his brain will react at that moment.

The fact is as Ye Tong imagined. At the moment of flashing, the human eye can't keep up with such a terrible speed at all. At most, you can only see a shadow flashing. In the face of such an extreme speed, no matter how fast the brain's reaction is, it can't keep up with such deadly constraints. It can even be said that the speed of the flash has. It takes more time than the brain to react.

Obviously, in the face of such a limit speed, ordinary human beings have no chance to survive at all, let alone make any inevitable reaction.

Compared with ordinary people, the super power is indeed a little stronger, but this does not mean that the super power has an excessive reaction speed than ordinary people. It should be said that because of the limitations of human beings, there is not much difference between the super power and ordinary people in the face of the moment. But the power has more chances to survive than ordinary people, not for anything else, but the kind of physical memory that precedes the brain response.

This kind of physical memory is practiced in the life-and-death wandering again and again. Even in the face of the deadly speed of flash, ordinary powers can still react more or less, and can rely on that kind of physical memory to resist the damage that may be caused after the flash.

Compared with ordinary people, this is the advantage of the power and the fundamental reason why they can survive from monsters again and again. But this time it's obviously different. The man who is completely red like blood. The instant flash he controls is not the first time to kill after the end, but can easily show his magic on the way to the flash. He doesn't give his opponent time to react, and even the physical memory that is faster than the brain can't cope with such a terrible speed...

Tian Che, who opened a few big openings in his chest and did not make any reaction, is the best proof. In front of such a man, even if he is the blue magic owner who is stronger than ordinary powers, there are not many advantages and opportunities in front of this man, because the absolute gap between strength is destined to him. All efforts are in vain.

On this point, not only Tian Che is convinced, but Ye Tong is also very clear. Even those special forces understand more or less that in front of such a man, they have little chance to resist. After all, even the strongest officer here can't easily face such a space-time guardian...

In such a situation, soon, whether it was Tian Che or Ye Tong, or those special forces, they became panicked and uneasy. The original faint uneasiness turned into the strong fear now, and now, the silent air floated with a trace of fear, deep into the bone marrow.