Magic Hunter

Chapter 69 Let's talk about it tomorrow, ok?!

Chapter 69 Let's talk about it tomorrow, ok?!

This is the key and the fundamental factor why Uncle Zhang is so optimistic about Ye Zi, because he believes that only the current Ye Zi can end all this.

Of course, Uncle Zhang also knows very well that this is just a legend or a beautiful fairy tale, but it is undeniable that compared with the endless reality, why not look forward to that hope? Maybe it's just to quench thirst, but at least it's easier to live. This is Uncle Zhang's idea, and it is also what many people of his age expect. They have lived until now, and more than anyone else know what an ordinary life means, and how perfect and beautiful a world without demons and monsters can be.

Therefore, Uncle Zhang would rather believe in this from beginning to end. In his lifetime, he may be able to see the coming of that day.

In this way, Ye Zi fell into chaos and gave Uncle Zhang a dose of stimulant, because it means that Ye Zi may really become the seventh generation of demon hunters in the near future and really have a chance to end all this.

This is a good omen. Although it is also taking the same risk, the hope brought by this risk made Uncle Zhang see the more and more obvious dawn. Uncle Zhang became a little excited and looked forward to it, because Ye Zi, a powerless who gradually matured, was very gratified. If he hadn't been wrong, if everything went well, if the prophecy really referred to Ye Zi, then it wouldn't take long. Ye Zi could definitely be perfectly integrated with the evil spirit in the depths of the soul. In a state of absolute advantage, enter the special college founded by the old man...

Thinking of this, Uncle Zhang looked at Ye Zi with a little more confidence. He began to believe more and more that Ye Zi was really that person, the savior in the prophecy.

"...You can do it," Uncle Zhang was a little obviously excited, and his right hands on Ye Zi's shoulder seemed to tremble a little: "I will be that person." He should want Ye Zi to understand that although his current chaotic state is very scary and deadly, this is also an opportunity and a proof.

He wants Ye Zi to believe that he will be the son of the prophecy that changes the world.

Uncle Zhang's excited and hopeful throbbing made Ye Zi not get used to it for a while. He was stunned for a while, and then he slowly recovered. The pair gradually stopped being afraid, or after he had to accept this fact, he finally became relieved.

He looked at Uncle Zhang, who was staring straight at him, and a faint smile slowly appeared at the corners of his mouth, which seemed to be a little bitter and helpless, but more, still the kind of relief mentioned above. This calm relief is not difficult to understand. After all, no matter whether Ye Zi is willing to admit it or not, the facts are already in front of her. No matter what the result will be, what he can do now is to accept and then change...

He is very clear and understands that at this time, at this moment, he has no choice. The only way in front of him is this road, and he has to go on bravely.

In this case, Ye Zi took a look at Uncle Zhang, who was still a little excited now. She smiled and was neither crying. Although there was such a smile on the corners of her mouth, she looked so reluctant and embarrassed: "...please," he laughed a little and said, "Are you just looking at it like this?" His intention is already obvious. At this time, at this moment, Uncle Zhang should not be inexplicably excited there. By the way, Ye Zi did not find that she was in her current chaotic state and what was excited about.

Unusual. For Lin, now these two bachelors are really abnormally scary. In this case, Lin Ke really couldn't stand it. Unconsciously, the corners of his mouth were also full of such a very embarrassing smile: "... hehe, hehe," he smiled very dryly. It was even more reluctant: "... I seem to have something else to do. I think I'd better flash first." He believes very much that behind such eyes, it is definitely not a good thing, not to mention the two dead bachelors who have never been optimistic about themselves.

He really planned to flash people. After saying that, he quietly stepped back half a step, but it was a pity that Uncle Zhang caught Ye Zi, who was a little flinched, and then pressed him on the sofa where Ye Zi was sitting.

Then, he stood in front of Ye Zi, with some strict and serious eyes staring at Lin, who was still smiling there. No, no, no, in the face of such Uncle Zhang, now Lin Ke couldn't laugh at all. The dry smile on the corners of his mouth was soon shocked by Uncle Zhang's majesty, and it faded a little. After a while, Ye Zi could only do this. She looked at Uncle Zhang directly opposite her nervously, as if sitting on the tip of a needle.

He seemed quite uneasy and vaguely uneasy. As mentioned above, Uncle Zhang and Ye Zi's "eating fruit" eyes at this moment always made him feel that something was wrong. It seemed that the next second, these two bastards, who didn't seem to be reliable at all, said that they wanted to play 3P with him.

Er, this taste may be a little heavy, but Lin's uneasiness is so strong now. By the way, he really doesn't adapt to Uncle Zhang and Ye Zi's very expectant eyes now. No, no, no, to be precise, he can't stand it.

Try to imagine that when the legendary Ruhua uses that standard move, digs his nose, smiles and spring on his face, and stares at you with Uncle Zhang and Ye Zi's eyes full of expectation and hope, what will you do?

Lin feels like this now. He is afraid that Ruhua will suddenly say that, handsome man, do you have time at night? He is so lonely, empty and wet...

Er, in a word, if the current Uncle Zhang or Ye Zi had a showdown with Lin in a similar tone, Lin dared to swear that he would jump off the building and commit suicide in order to protect his chastity.

What's a joke, like a flower? What's the difference between three men playing threesome? Absolutely heavy!!

Although Lin sometimes likes to play with something heavy taste, the premise is that it must be a girl. Obviously, if the person who eats fruit like this is staring at Lin is a girl with a front and back, Lin will definitely smile. But if it's a man, or Uncle Zhang and Ye Zi, Lin Bei feels pressured and doesn't even dare to show more atmosphere.

In the end, he should not be able to stand the eyes of the two people eating fruit like this. Lin swallowed a mouthful of water, and then summoned up the courage and asked timidly, "What do you want to do?"


"...You mean," after Uncle Zhang told all the things that Ye Zi was in a state of chaos, Lin Duo was more or less relieved, but at the same time, he didn't look too relaxed: "... This little white face can't distinguish the memories from evil spirits?" He was still skeptical. Although Uncle Zhang made it clear that Ye Zi did fall into that state of chaos, he really couldn't help doubting that the potential of the little white face beside him could fall into a state of chaos.

As far as Lin knows, those who generally have the opportunity to fall into chaos often have one or even several special abilities, just like Lin himself. The reason why he fell into chaos before was precisely because he had dark blood, in other words, the so-called chaos. The state is not only a further perfect integration with evil spirits, but also its own potential ability.

The same is true for the cheating writer. Wan Ruoxiang has also fallen into a state of chaos, and he also has a unique ability, which can be predicted for a few days later...

The same is true of Ye. His special ability is to control several summoning beasts at the same time...

Therefore, Lin really doubted that Ye Zi, who didn't seem to have a special little white face, had any unique ability, or why his ability did not show any form after falling into a state of chaos.

Lin is still quite clear. When they are in a state of chaos, it is like something that has been forgotten for a long time. They did not know its existence before, and until that moment, when they fall into a state of chaos, they will find their original ability.

Lin is like this, Wan Ruoxiang is like this, and so is Ye.

Of course, finding that the ability you originally had does not mean that you can control it. Controlling that unique ability is more about training and acquired efforts.

Obviously, from Ye Zi's tone, he didn't find his own ability, or he didn't know what that ability was.

This is what Lin is suspicious of. He is a person who has experienced it. No, no, no. From a very young age, he found that he was different. The chaotic state was just to make him further convinced of his ability.

But Ye Zi is not like this. He doesn't seem to find anything special about him from beginning to end...

"Okay," Lin originally expressed his suspicion, but when he saw Uncle Zhang's confident eyes, he was really embarrassed to say it. In his opinion, maybe after waiting for a few days, he might be sure whether Ye Zi had that kind of special ability that only belonged to him: "... Let'se look first... Let's talk about it tomorrow, ok "?" His mind now seems very chaotic. Sometimes the little cutie fell into the form of an angel, and another time it was the six-pointed star necklace on Tang Jia's neck. Next, he used the power of holiness. Finally, there was still Ye Zi, which was neither too early nor too late, but the power fell into a state of chaos at this time...

These things make Lin's whole head look very big, and they also need to be well sorted out.

As soon as Lin's words were finished, Uncle Zhang seemed to want to say something, and so was Ye Zi beside him. For this state of chaos, both of them were vaguely uneasy and didn't want to put it off until tomorrow at all.

But Lin didn't give it to the two. He stood up and yawned lazily: "...It's late now, okay..."

"Can..." Uncle Zhang still thinks that now he has come to a conclusion and comparison.

"What's the matter," Lin Du was helpless: "... If you can't die for a few hours, let's talk about it tomorrow, okay?"