Magic Hunter

Chapter 72 Under the real state of chaos

Chapter 72 The Real State of Chaos (Part 2)

Sister Meilin really shouldn't have done this. Her behavior pulled his eyes like a prompt for Ye Zi.

Ye Zi is not a fool either. He immediately saw the clue. Every step Sister Meilin takes, her bra will swing up and down. Although Sister Meilin's figure is very hot, it is not normal for such a walking 'jade rabbit' to be able to "beat" up and down like running.

"...Does it really matter?" Ye Zi deliberately reminded Sister Meilin that he could see that Sister Meilin's bra had to fall off if it went on like this.

Sister Meilin was even more aware of this. After a little hesitation, Sister Meilin ginded at Ye Zi. Ye Zi understood it, and he helped Sister Meilin walk to the park a few meters away. Finding a more secret place, Ye Zi turned around and looked at everything as Merrill Lynch. And Sister Meilin also quickly wanted to fasten her bra.

But at this time, Merrill Lynch found that her bra was not detached from the button, but broken by something. After thinking about it, Sister Meilin simply took off her bra and put on Ye Zi's coat on him directly.

As soon as Merrill Lynch put on Ye Zi's coat, she felt wrong. The clothes were still too long, just like the ultra-low V-neckline, a large part of her jade rabbit was exposed. Of course, Sister Meilin has tried to button all the buttons, but the problem is that several buttons on Ye Zi's coat are broken...

That's right. Ye Zi has been wearing this coat for more than two years. It's strange that it doesn't break anything.

After waiting for a while, Ye Zi saw that Sister Meilin had not come out yet, and he shouted. Soon, Merrill, who protected his chest with one hand, came out with a trace of rare shyness.

Staring at Sister Meilin now, Ye Ziling was there. This is the first time he has seen such a gentle and delicate side of Sister Meilin, who is usually very "too sister".

"What are you looking at! I haven't seen a woman!" Sister Meilin was used to beating Ye Zi's head, but she forgot that this hand was to protect the extremely 'restless' jade rabbits on her chest.

Sure enough, because of Merrill Lynch's action of knocking on Ye Zi, Ye Zi easily saw Sister Merrill's delicate jade rabbits that were almost two-thirds exposed.

Sister Meilin soon found her 'gaffe'. She quickly straightened her face and protected it in front of her chest again: "Bad boy, I haven't seen it yet..."

Sister Meilin's word "enough" had not been said yet, and there was no warning at all. Ye Zi suddenly picked up Sister Meilin. Sister Meilin was really shocked by Ye Zi's sudden 'bride hug'...

"You..." She just wanted to say something, but when she saw Ye Zi's firm eyes, Sister Meilin suddenly felt so safe and happy.

"Don't worry! I can still hug you!" Ye Zi smiled and was full of self-confidence.

Sister Meilin was stunned for a moment, but finally smiled sweetly. She put her hands around Ye Zi's neck, and her little head leaned against Ye Zi's strong chest...

Plop! Plop!

Listening to the strong heartbeat, Sister Meilin felt the sense of security from Ye Zi...

"...Ye Zi."


"Does this count as eating my tofu?"

"Ah? I...that..." Ye Zi really wanted to explain something, but on the other hand - if you talk to your sister, you will only die worse, absolutely!

"Sleep?" Bingyue looked at the time, and it's only three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Ah! You know, as long as Ice Tooth sleeps, even if his head is cut off, he won't wake up... That guy is really, knowing that there is a task at night..."

"Forget it, that guy Bingya is just like this. Just get used to it." With that, Bingyue stepped out the cigarette butt and walked into Uncle Tian's office.

Uncle Tian is a little helpless. He also understands that Bingyue is not much better than the ice teeth who love to sleep. As expected, as soon as I turned on the computer, Ice Moon started to play 'stealing vegetables'... very serious...


In the community clinic, she changed her clothes, and Sister Merrill's injured left foot has been dealt with. The situation is not very serious. After this drip, it will be enough to take a rest for three or five days.

"Don't go to the store in the next few days. Yayi and I can do it." Sitting next to Sister Meilin, Ye Zi said so. He knew that Sister Meilin wanted a strong personality, but he couldn't help reminding her.

Merrill Lynch took a look at Ye Zi, and her smile was a little bitter, but there was an indescribable beauty: "Bad boy! How can those little boys come if I don't go to the store... Do you raise me?"

Ye Zi giggled. It's good that he can support himself.

"Health is important. Money can't be exchanged for health."

Sister Meilin smiled badly: "In this case, just take care of your health, and the salary will not be paid."

"Hey!" Ye Zi is very helpless. She is so serious that Sister Meilin always jokes.

"That's it! Money can't be exchanged for health, which is not suitable for us.

"............" Ye Zi was speechless for a moment. Sister Meilin's crookedness really couldn't find anything to fight back. After a while, Ye Zi said, "Let me pick you up in the next few days."

"Do you want to pick me up?"

"Sister Meilin~~"

"Ha ha, just kidding."

It was like this. After about half an hour, Sister Meilin's bits and pieces were finished. When Ye Zi helped Sister Meilin back to her door, they saw the middle-aged police officer who had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Ye Zi and Merrill Lynch, the middle-aged police officer immediately extinguished the cigarette in his hand: "I'm sorry, the idiot who made the record is a newcomer. Please cooperate again." He apologized a little, but he was more anxious.

Ye Zi and Merrill looked at each other - then, they were busy again.

"It won't waste too much time. Just ask a few key questions." The middle-aged police officer hurriedly said.

Sister Merrill: "Let's talk about it later."

Sister Meilin and Ye Zi sat aside, and the middle-aged police officer sat opposite them: "Then I'll come straight to the point... What's wrong with that Alto?"

The middle-aged police officer felt that there were too many doubts at the scene. The Alto should have been exposed to a huge and violent impact, but the result of their investigation was that they could not find the 'source' of this power, as if the Alto flew out of the air...

Hearing what the police officer said, Ye Zi also felt wrong. Yes, how did that Alto car fly so far? There was no accident there?!

Sister Meilin had a headache. At the time of the record, she did not fully tell the truth, especially about the woman with ice moon.

Are you kidding! If Sister Meilin really told the police that a woman snapped her finger casually, and then Alto would fly out more than 20 meters...

If Sister Meilin really says so, the mental hospital is not fake.

So, Sister Merrill said at that time that she was very scared at that time and didn't know what was going on with the Alto.

The police also have a headache about this case - according to the investigation, no car passed by at that time, except for a jeep. But the jeep did not collide with Alto. Besides, even if there was a collision, Alto could not fly more than 20 meters. That is to say, the robber's Alto flew out of thin air...

This! Didn't you see the hell!!

What gives the police more headache is that some witnesses are like 'group hallucinations'. They actually say that the reason why the Alto 'flys' is because Alto himself 'wants to fly' - although the confession is somewhat different, that's roughly what it means.

Sister Meilin looked 'innocent'. She still insisted that she was too afraid to remember what happened at that time. Ye Zi wanted to say something, but the problem was that Alto had already flown out when he arrived.

Seeing the confusion of Ye Zi and Sister Meilin, the middle-aged police officer also asked several times, but in the end, he had no choice.

"Call me if you think of anything." With that, the middle-aged police officer took out two business cards.

After receiving the business card, Merrill Lynch and Ye Zi nodded. After that, the middle-aged police officer said something and left in a hurry.

It's already 7 p.m. to say goodbye to Sister Merrill Lynch.

On the way back, Ye Zi has been thinking about such a question - ringing her fingers!

When she left, Merrill Lynch deliberately asked a question. She said how powerful a woman's ringing fingers were.

Ye Zi was a little confused at that time, but he soon associated it with the 'flying' Alto from the flashing look of Merrill Lynch.

............ Power?!

Ye Zi was puzzled. He didn't know how to understand what Merrill Lynch said. Although Ye Zi has the Eye of Hell, to be honest, he has never shown the power of the Eye of Hell at all, let alone how to show it.

(Well, let's ask the devil. Maybe she knows something.) Thinking about it, Ye Zi accelerated the speed of the bicycle.

Running to the sixth floor in one breath, Ye Zi gasped a little. Open the door, and it was dark inside - er, did you go out?

Turn on the light. Sure enough, there was no rain in the small living room.

"...Where have you been?" Ye Zi thought that the demon of Yuqing should not have many friends in this world. Where can she go at this time?

Hey hey, Ye Zi underestimates the rain. There are no friends in the world. Isn't there in hell? Of course, this does not mean that the rain has returned to hell. She can't go back for the time being in these three months. She went to the devil who did face-to-face service like her. Isn't she idle at home?

After searching the whole apartment, he knew that Yuqing was really not in Ye Zi's study. He didn't want to miss his homework. Besides, he had to tutor Xu Yiyi next week.

Time flies, unconsciously at ten o'clock in the evening. Feeling a little tired, she stood up. Ye Zi thought of taking something to drink from the refrigerator, but at this moment, he was scared - Yuqing's girl, and she crawled out of the TV like Sadako.

With a helpless sigh, Ye Zi took out two bottles of coke from the refrigerator: "Do you want to drink?" He handed another bottle of coke to Rain, who had crawled out of the TV.

Rain smiled and took the coke with a smile: "I'm sorry, are you scared?"

"Well, it's okay." Opening the Coke one after another, Ye Zi said lazily.

Yuqing was a little sorry. She lowered her cute little head and unconsciously crossed her hands: "I'm sorry, I wanted to get out of the toilet, but I came out of the TV faster, so..."


Ye Zi thought that if he happened to detoxify, and the rain just appeared at this time, then...

Shake your head quickly, it's too shadowy!!

"By the way, what kind of form is the power you mentioned? I mean, is it possible for a woman to fly a car with a snap of her fingers?" Thinking of the business, Ye Zi hurriedly asked.

Yuqing looked at Ye Zi, and Shuiling's big eyes had a trace of doubt. She didn't understand why Ye Zi, who didn't want to have anything to do with the power at all, suddenly asked this, but Yuqing still said that there are many forms of power, which are also different. If a person can hit the car away just by snaping his finger, this A ringing finger should be a power [starting action]...

"...Speaking of which, such a power belongs to a kind of power." Yuqing continued.

"Is it really a power?" After all, Ye Zi didn't see it with his own eyes. He was skeptical.

Yu Qing's lovely eyebrows frowned slightly. After thinking about it, she finally decided to ask: "What happened? Why are you suddenly so interested in the power?

"...It's okay, just ask."

"Oh." Knowing that Ye Zi was prevarcaing herself, Yuqing did not intend to ask. She felt that Ye Zi didn't want to say that there was always his reason.

Gulu~~ There was a protest in the stomach, and someone was hungry.

It is not someone else who makes this sound, but the rain. Ye Zi has eaten it at Merrill Lynch.

Yuqing was at a loss. She stared at Ye Zi, then lowered her head, and then her little face became more and more red. Ye Zi unconsciously raised a faint smile at the corners of her mouth - what a simple girl, very cute.

"Do you want to eat fried rice with eggs?"

"Ah? Ah!" As soon as Yuqing raised her head, when she saw Ye Zi's doting smile, she hurriedly lowered her little head again, and her cute little face turned red again.

Isn't it too simple?!

Ye Zi can't laugh or cry, this girl...

For a moment, Ye Zi served a bowl of fragrant fried rice with eggs. It looks good, golden and yellow.

Yuqing was so hungry that her nerves were so big that when she came back, she found that she hadn't eaten anything today.

Ye Zi turned back to the kitchen again, and he planned to wash the pot. It was so many tens of seconds, but when Ye Zi came out, his full bowl of fried rice with eggs was empty, and there was not a grain of rice left.

Ye Zi: "..."

After a long time, Ye Zi finally came to her senses.

It's just...

"Well, can I have another bowl?" Yuqing lowered his head and asked timidly.

Ye Zi: "..............."


After eating another bowl of fried rice with eggs, it seems that the rain is not enough, but after thinking about it, I also feel that it should be satisfied.

Ye Zi beside her smiled bitterly...

"There is still a sandwich in the refrigerator. Do you want to eat it?"

" it okay?" Yuqing's beautiful frost eyes stared softly at Ye Zi, full of anticipation.

Ye Zi really can't stand Yuqing's eyes. Even if he has seen it many times, he still feels a little hot on his face. Turning her eyes in a hurry, Ye Zi opened the refrigerator and took the last sandwich. After thinking about it, she took another bottle of juice.

"If you feel thirsty, drink this."

"Hmm." The rain nodded timidly.

Opposite the top floor, Hei Xue frowned and stared at Ye Zi's window. Although the curtains were pulled, Black Snow's snow-like eyes saw clearly.

This is a very cold and gorgeous woman, especially the snow-like eyes... That kind of eyes, even in the hot summer, will make people feel like the cold in winter.

"BOSS!" The finger was pressed on the left headset, and the black snow was respectful.

"...Yes." After receiving the instructions, Hei Xue smiled coldly. She stepped back a few steps, stared closely at Ye Zi's window, bowed, and then black snow's left foot suddenly kicked back...

Click! With a crisp sound, the slate on the top floor broke slightly under her foot, and then the body of the black snow suddenly rushed forward. The slender body drew a beautiful arc in the air and easily crossed the distance of at least 40 meters between the two floors. The window in front of him was getting closer and bigger...


The broken window made a loud noise. Ye Zi and Yuqing didn't know what had happened, and a dark shadow rushed in. The situation was very fierce. The window was pierced in an instant, and the fragmented glass overflowed everywhere. The shadow 'smashed' fiercely, but rolled sideways on the ground, and then stood up suddenly. Before she could stand firm, a handful of exquisite * suddenly appeared...