Magic Hunter

Chapter 77 It's really crazy!

Chapter 77 is really a madman!

Because she was in a hurry, Ye Zi came by subway, but the subway carriage was deserted. Even if she got off the bus at the station, it was silent around. For two minutes, Ye Zi didn't see a living creature.

The address given by Bingxi is not difficult to find. After walking for about five or six minutes, I found the destination.

This is a pedestrian street in the business district. Obviously, this is also a 'unfinished area'. It's funny. At that time, the newspapers boasted every day that a world-class business district would be built here, but it didn't go away later. Everything around seems to be beautiful and decent, but in fact, it is not popular at all - so deserted that you can't even see ghosts.

A huge pedestrian street is *100 meters, but Ye Zi can see her head at a glance, and there are almost no shops open. Most of the shops are empty and depressed - it's too... a little gloomy.

After walking half a street, Ye Zi only saw two shops that were still open, one was a cafe and the other was a KTV... This made Ye Zi laugh and cry - please, this place, come to have fun.

What makes Ye Zi laugh bitterly is that there is actually a car washing and repair shop in the pedestrian street...

Pedestrian street driving? Do you have such an idea? Or is this location so cheap that it makes people feel like a finger?

When Ye Zi passed by, he found that the car store was still open. A middle-aged man in work clothes, a dark green cap on his head, and full of oil stains, had a cigarette in his mouth. He looked at Ye Zi passing by the door with slightly curious eyes, but there was a strange smile on the corners of his mouth. Buddha has a hint of fun.

Ye Zi came to the end and finally found the address.

This is a bookstore, but there is no environment that a bookstore should have. Like a bar, this bookstore is full of lights...

Ghost Book House?

Ye Zi is a little curious - is there anything special about the books here?

Looking at the name of the bookstore, she was stunned for a while. With a trace of curiosity and puzzlement, Ye Zi gently pushed the door open. In the jingling bell, Ye Zi walked into the deserted store and looked around. There was no guest in the huge bookstore.

At the back door of the counter, a gray-haired old man held a cigarette in his hand, a strange ancient book in his hand, squinted his eyes, and was obsessed.

Ye Zi walked up and stood for a few seconds, but the old man didn't notice him. His slightly squinted eyes flashed, as if he was seeing a wonderful place.

Ye Zi couldn't help but be curious. He went up and took a look...

This is amazing. The group of moving fonts that Ye Zi saw seemed to have life. They jumped back and forth on the book very fast. Suddenly, because of these strange words, he felt dizzy, and then...

With an 'evil', he vomited.

Fortunately, Ye Zi turned around in time, otherwise, the vomit on the ground would vomit on the old man who was now unhappy.

"Bad boy! Make trouble for me as soon as you come!" With that, the old man clapped his hands. Suddenly, the book in his hand disappeared, and finally fell accurately on the bookshelf in the distance: "... Don't touch anything here, let alone read it randomly. It will kill people."


He took the tissue on the counter and wiped the corners of his mouth. Ye Zi smiled bitterly: "...I will pay attention to it in the future." He didn't bother to ask why he would vomit when he read that book. He felt that if he asked, it might cause unnecessary trouble. After all, this old man didn't look like that kind type.

The old man looks similar to the usual old man, but it is a little different, especially when you look closely, you will find that his skin looks more delicate, unlike the average old man who is rough and dull, but has a little full luster. But his expression is really not good, stinky, as if Ye Zi owed him a lot of money.

"...little boy!" The old man snorted, "If it hadn't been for Bingxi's face, I wouldn't have messed up with you."

Ye Zi could hear that the old man was a little unhappy with him, but he was not angry - the old man was also old. God knew whether he could still see next spring, and it was not an exaggeration to let him call 'little boy'.

An old man and a young man, after that brief communication, they didn't talk to each other. They stared at each other and watched each other. The old man's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, as if he wanted to see something from Ye Zi's eyes, but after staring for a long time, Ye Zi's eyes did not retreat at all, but tit-for-tat.

"...Bad boy!" The old man laughed and scolded, and his tone was much more amuch angry: "Just find a place to sit."

Ye Zi was also vague and sat on a sofa by the window.


Just extinguished a cigarette, and the old man lited another cigarette. At the same time, he handed a cigarette to Ye Zi. Ye Zi shook her head to show that she did not smoke.

"No smoking?" The old man smiled and said, "...Let's be in this industry. Sooner or later, you will need cigarettes." He didn't care whether Ye Zi really didn't smoke or not. In a word, he threw that one to Ye Zi.

"My name is Luo Xiang. You can call me Master Xiang." When the old man spoke, his tone was clearly a little disdainful and impatient. The feeling was as if he had given him a lot of face when he talked nonsense with Ye Zi.

Ye Zi was a little unhappy at first, but considering the old man's age and identity, he still felt that he should put up with it.

"Bingxi told me more or less that although I'm not a bad person, I'm not a good person... Believe me, I won't protect you, and don't mess with the damn [caster]." Mr. Xiang's words were very direct and not ambiguous at all.

Ye Zi doesn't matter. He hasn't thought about who's protection he needs. However, he was still a little curious about what the old man had to do with Bingxi, or [craftsman], and why did Aunt Bingxi work for this strange old man.

"What do you want to ask?" Seeing that Ye Zi wanted to speak but stopped, Master Xiang said so.

"...I...Well, I'm just here to work... I don't care whether you are from [craftsman] or not. I just want to live an ordinary life." Ye Zi said the truth.

"Aha!" Mr. Xiang smiled, and his slightly squinted eyes looked at Ye Zi: "It's quite personal... Bad boy, you, Mr. Xiang and I have nothing to do with [craftsman], and it's just a 'business' exchange... We are absolutely neutral, that is, not a craftsman or a founder. We are us, purely selling the soul and getting it. You have to be a power from hell.

"That's good." Ye Zi was relieved: "Well, excuse me, my job is..."

"Don't worry." Master Xiang took a deep breath of a cigarette and slowly spit out a cigarette ring: "Although I don't want to fight with [the foundry], I don't want to fight with the [craftsman], so you have two choices now..."

Ye Zi: "............" (These people like to play multiple-choice questions so much?!)

"Well, let's talk about it." He is a little helpless.

"First, get out of here immediately. Never let me see you. Get out of here as far as you can." Master Xiang said carelessly, but with unparalleled warnings and severity.

He took a look at Ye Zi and saw that Ye Zi didn't seem to have the intention of leaving, so his expression softened a little: "Second, stay here honestly to work, and don't leave without my permission... I mean, you have to come whenever I want you to work, even if you are having sex with some MM."

Ye Zi smiled bitterly. This is not a multiple-choice question, but simply to get away from the horse.

"Working hours are eight hours a day. If you work overtime, you need to pay for overtime. If you work after midnight, you need to pay for mental loss." Ye Zi tried her best to find all reasonable reasons - his grandma's! Don't lose too much!!

However, Master Xiang rejected his request: "Bad boy! Where do you think this is? China! Great dynasty! It's still overtime pay. Dream about you!"

"" Ye Zi really wants to say something, but think about it, Master Xiang is reasonable. Great heaven, thank God for not defaulting on salary.

He sighed and compromised: "...What exactly is work?"

"That's it!" With a gloomy smile, Master Xiang waved aggressively, "It's this bookstore!" Damn it, I can finally get rid of these life-threatening broken books... I didn't want you to come so early, but a few people died in the southern suburbs. [Craftsman] It's not easy to do it, and only we old antiques come out to clean up the mess... I don't know how long it will take to come back.

After saying that, he glanced at Ye Zi with a trace of uneasy in his eyes: "I don't know if you can do it, these books... Oh, forget it, just ask for more blessings."

... Ask for more blessings?!

Thinking of the book I vomited just now, um, Ye Zi suddenly had a very ominous premonition.

He thought for a moment: "Well, these books should not eat people, ah ha ha... Just kidding..." He just said casually, but Master Xiang stared at Ye Zi very seriously. His eyes seemed to be saying to him - stinky boy! You guessed it right!

................. The smile gradually stiffened, and Ye Zi was completely dumbfounded.

After a while, Ye Zi slowly came to her senses. At this time, he made a difficult decision: "Sorry, I'm sorry to bother you. It's nice to meet you." He wants to dodge people. What's the joke? He can eat people. No matter how high the salary is, he won't spend his life.

However, he had just taken a step, but his body was petrified and could not move. Immediately, Ye Zi realized that Xiang Ye's masterpiece at this time.

"I gave you a choice, so you don't have a choice now." Master Xiang smiled happily with a trace of kindness. But in Ye Zi's opinion, Master Xiang's smile is simply a knife hidden in the smile. There is no blood when killing people. If you want to be more cheap, you can be more cheap.

Master Xiang gently exhaled a mouthful of smoke: "If you don't want to die, you'd better be obedient."

Guru~~Ye Zi swallowed a mouthful of water. He knew that Master Xiang was not joking. The old man was serious.

Yes, at this moment, Ye Zi's body starts from his legs and is turning into an inanimate stone little by little. Under such circumstances, he will become a stone statue in less than dozens of seconds.

Finally, Ye Zi, who didn't want to die, could only compromise.

"That's right! There is always a price to make a choice. Master Xiang said lazily with a sermonish face.

He took out a notebook from under the counter. It looked very new. It should have been bought recently: "This is what I wrote last night. According to the rules above, you will be fine." After saying that, he threw the notebook to the helpless Ye Zi.

I opened the notebook and found that there are three rules on it: don't touch it, don't **, don't look at it.

Ye Zi thought for a moment: "These three rules? It doesn't seem to be difficult." Then he looked at the bookshelf that covered the whole store and couldn't help laughing: "I'm not interested in these ancient books of unknown age."

"Humph! Don't be happy too early. Do you think it's that simple? Master Xiang shook his head and sneered, and then coughed softly: "The treatment is just like what I said, two thousand and eight yuan a month, including food... It's better to do nothing when I'm away, even if I see a beautiful woman stripped and waiting for you."

"Oh!" Ye Zi nodded. Although he didn't quite understand what Mr. Xiang meant, he thought it was better to listen to him.

"Don't promise so frankly. You should pay attention not only to these books, but also those old customers - those old customers are very troublesome. You should be careful to serve them. If you annoy them, you will suffer.

With a crack, Mr. Xiang, who stood up, shook his hand and a bunch of keys fell in front of Ye Zi.

"The door of the store, the warehouse in the back, and the cashier counter... I'm lazy to introduce to you. Anyway, the keys are there. You can do it yourself."

Master Xiang just walked to the door, but stopped and said quietly, "I won't go out for a long time, but I'm not sure... Er, if I haven't come back by the date of pay, you can go to the safe to get it by yourself."

Ye Zi stared at Master Xiang with a strange face...

Can this set of keys be opened even in the safe? What's wrong with the old man's Alzheimer's disease?

"Oh, right! It doesn't matter whether this bookstore is open or not. It doesn't matter if you don't come to class. However, on the 4th of every month, you have to open the door. Even if you don't see a guest, it will be open until twelve o'clock. A second can't be less... Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious... Well, it's the 4th the day after tomorrow. Remember to open the camp. Even if it's twelve o'clock at midnight, you can't see a guest. Speaking of this, Master Xiang took a special look at his feet: "...clean up the 'thing' you vomited. It's disgusting."

Ye Zi was shocked. He stared at Xiang Ye leaving the bookstore...

Do you still do business like this? Is 2012 arrived?!

She sighed softly, turned around and looked at the empty bookstore with only one living person. Ye Zi couldn't laugh or cry. It seemed that the crazy old man really handed over the store to him.

"These people are really not normal human beings. They are crazy one by one." After clearing up her vomit, she pinched the key left by the old man. Ye Zi planned to wander around and familiarize herself with the environment.

I really can't see from the outside that this bookstore is quite big. There is a kitchen in the back, several rooms on the second floor, and opposite these rooms is the office.

This office is really not good. There is no computer, no phone, and it doesn't have everything that modern equipment should have, but there are a bunch of strange books. Ye Zi didn't care about this. Compared with these, the big locked box in the corner of the wall aroused his interest more. Well, there was also a note on it, with three big characters written crookedly - the safe.

Please! Is this a safe? I'm afraid that people don't know how to stick a piece of toilet paper - is this old head really normal?

Ye Zi hesitated for a moment. He looked at the key in his hand and looked at the safe that didn't look like a safe at all. Finally, she was driven by curiosity and decided to open the safe. Since the old man believed in himself so much, he could not live up to his kindness and satisfy his little curiosity. Right. Ye Zi comforted herself like this.

After trying several keys, finally, with a click, the sixth key successfully opened the safe. But as soon as she opened the safe, Ye Zi was shocked by a burst of golden light - gold! That product is definitely gold!

The three-layer grid is full of crazy gold.

Grung~~Ye Zi swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Even if Ye Zi's family used to be rich, all this in front of him still made him stunned.

One, two, three, four... forty-nine, fifty-his grandma's! There are actually 50 pieces of gold?!

Ye Zi was afraid of admitting her mistake, so she picked it up and thought about it, and finally decided... This product is gold, pure gold bricks! Each piece looks about one kilogram.

That is: fifty kilograms?!

Take a deep breath. It's okay. I can hold it. What can make Ye Zi crazy is that there are some colorful and crystal clear crystals under the third layer of gold, which are messy and put aside, just like unwanted waste.

Ye Zi doesn't know if these things are diamonds, but she can be sure that they are definitely not glass - bullshit! Who is full to put the glass and gold together!

If these 'glass' are diamonds...

After roughly estimating the value, Ye Zi jumped up from the ground on the spot - he was stunned for a few minutes before he slowly recovered.

"Crazy! That old man is absolutely crazy!" Ye Zi thought, it's not impossible to buy all the nearby properties with these 'glass'!!

Who would have thought that such a bookstore that could not see a customer for a long time and could close down at any time would have such a fortune. This is terrible!

Ye Zi couldn't help laughing bitterly - did the old man believe in himself too much, or was he really Alzheimer's disease? He handed over the safe key so easily. Isn't he afraid that he would run away with the money? The things in this broken cabinet can be run to any corner of the world. Even if you live the most luxurious life, I'm afraid you can't spend it for a few lifetimes.

It's really a madman! Absolutely crazy!