Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Elves of Libianta Lake 2 out of 10

After the first battle of the Two Ten Swordsmen' Group

Kick was like evaporating from the world. The boring people talked to Xilu and asked about the story that happened after she left the sun, but they were blocked by her understatement of a "secret", and then they turned their eyes to loyd:

"Oh, loyd, we don't know what is your family background?"

"About this point, it was stated last time that because it has been deprived of the name, it cannot be mentioned to anyone."

Everyone was more interested when they saw the expression "I don't know" on Xilu's face:

"Are you also secret from Xilu? It's like a national spy! So why were you selected to be her guardian knight?

"Because this also involves the secret order of the Wang family, it cannot be easily disclosed."

"What! It's not a masquerade party, with such a mysterious appearance! So it's not difficult to answer this question next. What were you doing before you came here?

"Well...if you insist on saying the truth..."

Loyde looked at the sky and meditated for a moment, as if he was hesitating where to start. Xilu and everyone were also waiting for his answer with great interest.

"Before the age of 14, he wandered everywhere to survive... After the age of 14, he began to carry out various tests to restore the knight's position... Maybe that's it."

"Let's talk about it in detail! For example, what content have you been tested for?

In fact, everyone wants to ask "how you wander", but this is a little hurtful... Although we are nobles, we are not as unsympathetic as those ignorant civilians say.

"How to put it... Because the tasks accepted are relatively complicated, it can't be explained clearly... In short, there is no special content to eliminate mountain thieves and monsters alone. However, he still didn't get the title of official knight in the end.

"Hey? Isn't that just teasing people? Or just treat you as a free subordinate!" Xilu felt indignant.

"I didn't think so... Maybe the task was completed unsatisfactorily."

"It's not an ordinary task to clean up mountain thieves, monsters and so on! Do they still have to be picky? Anyway, what kind of monsters are you dealing with? It shouldn't be a terrible guy to finish it alone, right?

"Well... I don't think it's very scary...Ogre, Stone Gorem, Fierce Griffin... It's quite impressive to me..."

"Ha?" Xilu almost jumped up:

"Isn't this terrible? If we change, we will have to form a team of at least five or more swordsmen to dare to accept this kind of task! Griffin, who is arrogant and alone, is easy to deal with. The ogre likes to attack in groups! The boulder Rem is still invulnerable! I'm afraid you can't be explained by 'luck' to survive!"

"To say so... I also think it's a little incredible..."

Although it tells the frightening past, loyd's tone is like depicting an illusory picture, and Xilu can't help feeling inexplicably angry:

"So say it! The royal family deliberately wants you to die! I always give you this kind of task full of deadly threats! What on earth motivated them to make such a terrible decision! And you really promise with less roots!"

"That can only be said... At least this is the only way to confirm that you are still alive."

Loide sat down beside Xilu, and an imperceptible sadness appeared on his face:

"Everything in the past... is a picture that you can't imagine. Even if it's just for a copper coin or a small piece of black bread, you have to work hard... More often, you can only imagine whether you will have good luck tomorrow... More than once thought about 'give up your ideals to be a thief'... When you are besieged by ogre, you also think 'Maybe it's a relief to be eaten by them'... But fortunately, I persisted. Now think about it, I really have to thank myself for my persistence at that time, otherwise I would not have met Miss Xilu.

"Oh?" Xilu's face turned red.

"It is a life that has never been imagined in the past to enjoy such a rich meal in the 'Crystal Forest' and live in a warm and spacious room. Therefore, being obsessed in a difficult situation is not necessarily a bad choice..."

"Don't say that... It's not a big deal..."

Xilu hummed and lowered her head, secretly over his gratitude. And the students who learned some common sense in "Kick's Romance" just now ** caught her abnormality, looked at each other knowingly, and began to make a collective coax:

"Then love your master well! Knight!"


What's this line? Xilu raised her head in a panic and then was stabbed with hair all over her body by countless strange eyes.

"Yes, yes! It's completely righteous that the knight loves his master!"

"Yiyiyiyiyi...What a ghost! You idiots!"

In the wave-like noise, her panicked voice was too insignificant.

"If the master feels lonely, hold her tightly without hesitation!"

"The knight's sword and the knight's chest are the safest port for the master!"

"If you can't do this, you don't even deserve to be called a man!"

"Don't worry about the taboos between identities and remove all obstacles like defeating Griffin!"

With a loud noise, a meteorite-sized ice hit the field in front of them, pulling the carriage that had slipped into the abyss of chaos. Seeing that Xilu was clenching her teeth and clenching the magic wand, and even the air around her became cold, everyone found that they had made too much jokes - Xilu and Kick were really different types! If it were Kik, he would definitely laugh with excitement now...

"Don't make such excessive jokes... You should have such awareness, right?"

Every word burst out of her mouth like an ice gun. Everyone nodded in fear. Xilu then withdrew her weapon and put on a serious expression on her face:

"But! It is natural for knights to be loyal to their masters! With this kind of consciousness, don't accept that kind of task to engage with terrible monsters at will! Loyd!"

"To put it this way... now I think Griffin is the cutest of the monsters I'm familiar with."


Seeing that her answer made Xi look confused, loyd smiled at her:

"Because Griffin's personality is exactly the same as yours."


Xilu stood up and kicked loyd to the ground, and all the people watching the good show were full of heart.

"Compal the master to a monster... you rude guy!"

A guy who doesn't know good or evil... Let's kick it first! Although it is likely to be taught by him after returning to the room... He did it... But this is no longer the key! Xilu was desperate to carry out her plan, but her left foot was tripped over by loyd's sword, so she screamed and weighed heavily on loyd. After a moment of fransion, there was another burst of enthusiastic cheers.


Being ashamed penetrated her mind, Xilu jumped up angrily, but she didn't know how to end it next. She could only repeat the tone of the trill. Instead, loyd stood up unsurprisedly and tidied up his messy clothes:

"Well, everyone, it's almost time to continue training."

Ah? Is that all? At least it's time to kiss?"

"If you want to be kissed by Xilu's ice gun, you can bring it up."

Bad... If you continue to anger this self-respecting young lady now... Will you get a few holes in the ice gun?

With the same excitement, everyone stood up together, then shouted the command and began to repeat the basic movements just now. It seems that due to the blessing of the farce just now, the fatigue on the body was swept away, so the movement of swinging the sword was particularly neat. Xilu disdainfully swept away her messy hair and hummed heavily:

"Even if you shout so loudly... it can't cover up your fault just now!"

The intention was easily broken by her, and everyone's foreheads were sweating coldly, but no one dared to slow down. They couldn't help praying that the young lady had calmed down and had calmed down...

"Everyone waved their sword 500 times!"

Xilu's roar and the students' tragic echoed in the sky of the square for a long time.

"What's wrong with you...?"

Kick returned to the training ground with a smile and was shocked to see 20 students lying on the ground.

"Hey! What are you doing lying on the ground? Get up quickly! You guys!"

No one answered. Looking carefully, some people's legs and feet are still twitching, and some people have already foaming at the mouth, which is really miserable.

"What the hell is going on? I just let them wave their swords a hundred times..."

"I just added 500 times." Xilu flashed out from the shade of the tree on one side and combed her scattered hair as if nothing had happened.

"Five...500 times? You really want to exhaust them, Miss!" Kik scratched his head and looked "the end of the world".

"If none of this can be done well, how can you be a qualified swordsman?" Xi didn't raise her head and began to tidy up her clothes for some reason.

"Before becoming a qualified swordsman, you will kill them first! And by the way, where have you been?"

"I went to the tree to rest with loyd for a while."

"Take a break... Will it make your clothes and hair so messy?"

Kick suddenly laughed "haha":

"Do you mean you and him... Wow ha ha ha! You are still full of initiative! I was impressed..."

"Idiot! What are you talking about! We just had a comparison there!" Xilu blushed and retorted half angrily and half shyly. Kik looked up and walked down from the tree with Xilu's sword and towel, sighing with some disappointment:

"I didn't do anything! This is really disappointing! Be bold when it's time to be bold, miss! That's the truth about feelings!"

"Who wants to listen to what you stupid bear say! You'd better think about how to go further with that country girl first!"

Worse! In a hurry, I actually told this secret... This is going to be done in secret! Xilu panicked and quickly grabbed the towel handed over by Loed and wiped her face vigorously. Keke on one side showed a puzzled look:

"Country woman? Which one is it? Shouldn't it be Shirley?"

"And...who else! Don't think we can't see that you like her! Although you are rude and brainless... but don't worry! We will support you well!"

Anyway, the plan has been leaked, and it is simply broken... Xilu immediately completely turned the perfect plan that had just been brewing for less than an hour into a positive attack, trying to blow the big stupid bear dizzy. Kick was stunned for a moment and suddenly laughed again:

"Wow hahaha! Your joke is so funny! Shirley and I can't date at all!"

"Oh?" Xilu and several students who barely sat up behind her - of course, those lying down - opened their eyes wide.

"What kind of expression is that? This is not strange. She is my sister, didn't I say that?

"You didn't say that!" Not only Xilu, but also the students behind her shouted together.

"There's really nothing we can do about it... Hahaha! It's really my negligence to make you misunderstand. But there is nothing we can do about it. We can't reveal her identity! Shirley is indeed my sister... She is just an illegitimate daughter of an old man and a civilian, so she can't get a legal name... The old man is embarrassed to come forward, so I will take care of her... Hey! Don't tell anyone about this secret! Otherwise, I will knead you all into meat!"

"That...that's what you said...the old man named Kluve..."

"Of course, he is not my own grandfather! In fact, it's her adoptive father, just because he is old. This secret is also hidden from the old man, and you are not allowed to say it! Otherwise, I will cut you all into meat patties!"

"But... but there is a big difference between the two brothers and sisters!"

Xilu finally squeezed out a sentence, and her mood at this moment turned into a pot of porridge. The rapid bankruptcy of the perfect plan is not the most critical now. The problem is that the hope of completely isoling Shirley and loyd has been completely lost. Isn't you in a crisis of fighting on two fronts again? If Lulu also takes the initiative to get involved... The third-line battle is really miserable!

Of course, Kik didn't know the ghost ideas in her heart. He frowned at the other party's strange reaction:

"What do you mean by this? But yes, I inherited an old man, and she inherited her mother! That's also a beauty, but she passed away too early. I didn't meet Shirley until I came here. I really didn't expect that she didn't hate us! What a gentle sister..."

"I don't hate you... It's probably pretending! Who do you really think would be so reasonable? It's good that she didn't cut you, big stupid bear!"

"I also know this... I won't dodge if she wants to cut it."

Kick suddenly became melancholy, and this grace made everyone sick for no reason.

"Of course I know... She just doesn't want hatred to spread endlessly, so she tries to put on such a smiling face every day... The old man really likes to get into trouble... Such a good daughter is enough for him to repent. To be honest, my brother... When I see my sister, I think she is really amazing..."

"Of course! So you are so different!"

Shirley in Xilu's heart also suddenly became taller. Since childhood, she has been under the notoriety of "ilden daughter". Her mother died early and lived with her unrelated grandfather, but she can eliminate hatred in her daily smile... Thinking of this, I feel how humble I had beaten her for no reason before... that why she will like loyd! Because they have a similar background, it is no wonder that they attract each other... No! This is the only thing that will never work! No matter how great you are, I can't give in on this issue!

Silo's heart jingled and planned the next strategy, but Kik turned his attention to loyd:

"Partner! Shirley is very interesting to you! Rest assured! I support you!"

"Wow! No way! Absolutely not!" Xilu stood in front of Loyd's body and danced.

"Ha? Why not? Didn't you say you wouldn't like your knight?

"That...that's two things! Anyway, no! He is my knight!"

"There is no law that knights can't like others! It's unreasonable for you to do this! Anyway, partner! I'm definitely on the side of you and Shirley! Hello! The same goes for you!"

"That's right!"

A loud response came from behind, and Xilu turned around angrily:

"You traitors!"

Because they were punished for swinging their swords 500 times, they all stood on the side of the big stupid bear... The helpless Xilu almost cried out. If I had known that I had asked loyd to sign the magic oath paper just now...

"But isn't there something more important now?"

loyd's words really turned the tide. Xilu immediately calmed down and pretended to be calm:

"That's right! Big stupid bear, talk about what you know! Hello! You all come up!"

The people sat in a circle, and Keke spread a drawing in front of everyone:

"Look, this is the map of the arsenal..."

"Are you ready for this? The brain is not bad yet!"

"Of course, little girl! Don't forget what I came from! Look carefully, these circled places are the stolen places..."

On the simple map, the names of each room of the arsenal are written in detail, among which the "warehouse", "storage room" and "organizing room" on the left side of the central corridor are circled in red.

"The first time was stolen from the warehouse, and seven daggers and three swords were lost, and the total price was about 20 silver coins; the second and third time were in the storage room, and six pairs of armor were lost, with a total price of 40 silver coins; the fourth time was in the sorting room, and small items such as oil lamps, candlesticks and ropes were lost. A total of 25 silver coins; add up..."

"There is less than a gold coin! What an incredible thief! It seems that he is really so poor that he came to steal something and exchange some change!"

When someone heard this judgment, Xilu shook her head disapprovingly:

"It's not that simple. You should find at least two problems. First, how can these things, especially those huge armors, be secretly taken out without being noticed? Second, what was stolen is not even a small object like an oil lamp. If it can't be interpreted as 'really poor and crazy', it can only be interpreted as 'this is completely planned'!"

"That's it!" Kik also nodded and agreed:

"We can make such an assumption: first rule out the possibility that the guy is a poor man. If it were you, what would happen after stealing swords, armor, oil lamps, ropes and so on?"

"The stolen things are so complete, of course there will be bigger actions next!"

"That's right! So the second question, since they steal only a very small part of the arsenal, and each theft is different, it means that their real purpose is not something in the arsenal, but to make necessary preparations for a certain plan! So, what kind of plan will make them dare to take risks in the college?

"'Rovard's Day', probably only this possibility."

Xilu's judgment made everyone in an uproar.

"But is it too thin to rely on this equipment alone to destroy the celebration?"

"You guys! Do you really think that destroying work and frontal confrontation is the same concept? However, it is no wonder that serious aristocratic families are not familiar with this word. Listen, the so-called destruction is the most effective effect within the most reasonable limit, thus causing global riots! If they all wear armor and wave around with weapons, you can see the problem with a little brain!"

"As Big Benxiong said, as long as there is a certain degree of riot within the college on the day of the celebration, it may cause quite serious consequences. Don't forget that Her Royal Highness will come in person! This is the most critical part! I don't need to talk about the rest!"

"Wow! What the hell should we do?" Aware of the seriousness of the situation, some people can't calm down. Xilu stood up angrily:

"Please use your brain too! Don't let people say that we will become fools if we pick up the sword! And even fools can see what they are going to steal next!"


"You're right! There is only one thing left! You can't do anything without money!"

"But... if you want to steal money, the arsenal is the most unreasonable choice, right? Isn't it more appropriate to go directly to the college's financial warehouse?

"Idiot! There is a magic barrier set up by the head of the college himself. Who can get in except himself! And I'm confident that I will definitely do it tonight!"

"Why are you so confident? Even time..."

"Because I just spent 3,000 gold coins there!"

In the end, it only cost 1,000 yuan, but Xilu deliberately exaggerated it three times... It should be said that she was going to spend 3,000 gold coins... But this seems not the whole reason for her to do so...

"In that case! What do you think should be arranged, Miss Xilu!" Everyone's fighting spirit is excited.

"Don't worry! Of course, I will arrange the most perfect plan...but..."

Xilu's round eyes suddenly turned into triangles, and everyone suddenly felt chills.

"As a reward for the traitor... wave my sword until dark!"

"Wow ah ah——————"

Since dusk, the air has become heavy, blowing in the wind in the college with the smell of rain. After dusk, the air was as suffocating as if it had frozen. At midnight, it finally began to pour into the pot.

Without the moon, pedestrians can't shine; the sound of rain is sad, covering the small footsteps.

After being tortured by Xilu, only six of the 20 people were still able to move normally. While complaining, Kik divided them into two groups responsible for reconnaissance of the front and rear doors, and he hid in a corner of the house. Xilu originally wanted to take loyd to lurk around the counter, but loyd seemed to have planned to hide somewhere else.

The coldness brought by the midnight and the coldness brought by the rain made the thin clothes shiver. But more importantly... she is afraid of this dark place without lights.

Because the consequences of getting lost in the countryside when I was a child were chained. She is not only afraid of hunger, but also afraid of darkness, and hates the countryside... Maybe this is one of the reasons why she hates Shirley, a "country girl".

If loyd is around... you can lean on him to get warmth. Even if it's a big stupid bear, although you can't lean on it, at least you will feel safe... But now you are alone.

Xilu hid in the corner, holding her shoulders and trembling all over, and all kinds of strange prayers kept coming out of her mouth:

"The great goddess Faris... the great first president...the great Celine and Lance...the great sister Ferrine...the great Lord Knight...Protect the weak Xilu...I will never be capricious again...I will never lose my temper again...I will never curse stupid again..."

"Even so... it can't protect your life..."

A gloomy voice suddenly sounded beside her. Just as the soulless Xilu was about to shout, her mouth was covered:

"Don't be afraid! It's me! I'm Shirley! Miss Xilu!"

Xilu, who recovered, nodded desperately, and Shirley let go:

"Really, I was so scared. Miss Xilu is really timid."

"Shut up, you country girl! And what are you doing here?"

"I also want to see if I can help!"

"What can you do for me!"

"What a rude! I also have a little self-defense ability!"

"That kind of thing is useless at all!"

"It won't be useless! Such as..."

Shirley pulled down the already spacious neckline a little, and her plump breasts suddenly made Xilu blush:

"What...what are you doing, country girl! This kind of cheap thing..."

"It's very effective against men! You can earn a lot of tips at once! If you lift the skirt up a little, you can get a lot of information..."

"Now we are not dealing with those stinky men! It's time to catch the terrible thief! Your ability doesn't work at all!"

"That doesn't matter... If it's used to deal with you, it's enough..."


Before she could react, Shirley pressed up. Xilu was pressed on her back, her hands were tightly embedded on the ground, her legs could not be stretched under the strength of the other party's knees, and even her lips were kissed by the other party. Xilu's eyes flashed with fear, and she twisted her body desperately with all her strength.

No... This is not Shirley! That country woman will not and dare not dare to do such bold and cheap behavior! And I just felt that there was something wrong with her chest size...

Shadness, fear, surprise, anger, equivalent to the feeling of being violated, not to mention that she also read the chanting spell in the wriggling of the other party's lips:

"Do you want to put me to sleep... This guy is indeed..."

In a hurry, Xilu's teeth bit the other party's lips hard and put her knees on the other party's lower abdomen while the other party loosened her strength slightly due to pain.

This is really not a glorious tactic, but now I can't take care of this. After finally getting out, Xilu Huoran got up and pulled out a weapon:

"You that the thief!"

"Thieves? It's really rude. At least call me a teacher.

The other party's voice suddenly became so familiar... and asked me to call her teacher?

"There's really a way. Although it didn't recognize my identity in time, it was qualified to escape my seamless attack that day..."

"You are so lameless! Who the hell are you?" There seemed to be heat coming from Xilu's head. The other party smiled and lit the oil lamp on the counter, and then waved the magic wand in front of him. With a mist-like illusion, Shirley's face began to twist...

" Lu... Lulu!" Seeing the other party's appearance, Xilu couldn't help exclaiming:

"What's going on! Are you the thief?

"What thief? It didn't exist from the beginning. It's just a test, test! Although your performance is not mature enough... but you are basically qualified!"

"'s really good at teasing people...but...but..."

The violent trembling caused by the impact of all kinds of disturbing emotions turned into the power of the final explosion:

"But that's my first kiss————"