Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Missing Waltz III

Three Eight College Ball

The restaurant "Crystal Forest" of the Holy Moonlight College was arranged as a ball venue. The originally quite spacious hall was crowded at once. The students changed into various dresses and stood casually in every corner, as if they were welcoming an upcoming sacred festival. However, tonight's protagonist is not them, but Xilu, Keke and other members of the swordsman group standing in the center with the college president.

Of course, only seven of them have really made contributions... However, this will also be regarded as the overall honor of the swordsman group, so at this moment, they have become heroes together without regard to each other, and they are heroes who have made the supreme merit of "saving the princess". This also made the students who had the original idea of joining the swordsmen's regiment but failed to be strongly jealous.

Baymont cleared his throat and motioned the students present to calm down:

"Well, everyone should be very clear about the significance of holding this dance, and I will no longer waste your precious time. At tonight's grand event, everyone can relax freely and enhance their relationship with their beloved opposite sex... But! If a young man is seen touching the ass of a female student casually, he will be punished the most severely!"

There was a burst of laughter in the hall. Everyone has long been used to the habit of unconsciously starting to talk nonsense when he said a few words on a serious occasion. His performance today did not disappoint everyone.

"Well, before the dance begins, first pay tribute to your heroes! They are not only the pride of the college, but also the pride of Haier Milan!"

There was a burst of cheers and applause in the hall. This time, completely out of respect and envy, the president of the college nodded with satisfaction:

"It's really a blessing for young people to be energetic... If I were still 16 years old, I would definitely get such applause for some achievements... So everyone! Cherish the time that belongs to you! Cherish your youth! Don't lose to these hairy kids behind me!"

There was applause for the second time in the hall, and Xilu and others, who were crowned as "hairy boy", could only respond with a wry smile. However, their embarrassment did not last long. With the sound of melodious music, everyone came to the center of the hall in pairs. Before the members of the swordsman group could find their dance partners on the court, they were surrounded by a group of female students.

So in a blink of an eye, only Xilu and Keke were left alone. Xilu hid in the corner because she hated being surrounded by boys, while Kick shook her head boredly because no one invited:

"So I hate this kind of activity the most!"

"Are you unwilling because no one wants to dance with you?"

Sulu responded sarcastically and handed him a glass full of juice. Kit took a drink:

"I can't help it. Juice is not as delicious as wine. Speaking of which, why are you also alone? What about partnering with others?"

"Loed... He is neither a student nor a nobleman... So he can't participate."

Xilu sighed lonelyly, and then poured juice cup after cup. If there is wine in the glass, I'm afraid she will be drunk on the spot.

"What an extremely boring rule... That guy is a real hero... Although we are too, he can't go to the dance because of his identity... Will he be very sad?"

"He should not be that vulnerable... but he will definitely feel unhappy."

"That's right. Maybe he is drinking alone in the room now. Obviously, he has made contributions but can't enjoy the glory he deserves... The partner is really pitiful.

Seeing Xilu standing alone in the corner, some male students came forward and invited her to dance with her, but she declined. Occasionally, some people who refused to give up easily also fled with Kik's fierce eyes.

Slowly... This corner has become an isolated island outside the world, and the shuttle students no longer seem to pay attention to these two lonely figures. The dull air made Xilu feel extremely suffocated, and looking at the Kik around her who was still uninterested, it was even more irritable:

"Nah... Big stupid bear... Don't you feel tired standing like this?"

Ah? How could it be! Originally, I didn't think I was a popular person. The ball or something has nothing to do with me, so I don't have to feel like this or that.

"This kind of words is really discouraging... By the way... Although I don't think it's appropriate... Don't you want to invite me to dance?"

"Oh? Will you agree if I invite you?

"Maybe not...but it's not impossible to think about it..."

Looking at Xilu's awkward appearance, Kick said "hey" a few times:

"So, I don't want to touch your bomb. Moreover, yours and I are so different that I'm worried about throwing you out as soon as I turn around.

"It's really a bear's style... It's really boring. But scenes like this... I really can't stay."

Seeing that Xilu lifted her skirt and was ready to leave, Kik grabbed her shoulder:

"That's too rude, little girl. You are the protagonist of the dance."

"You don't care about me! Where you can't stay, you can't stay! I don't want to pretend to be a lady here!"

"So you are going to find a partner?"

"What? Even if you just talk to him, it's more interesting than boring here.

"Then you'd better wait here... I'll bring my partner here."

"Ha? Do you have any way to bring him in?

"Of course! You have to trust the wisdom of the staff! Then just wait here and don't go away!"

Kick swaggered through the crowd and left the dance hall from the gate. Seeing his confident figure, Xilu was also a little excited in addition to doubts:

"Maybe this guy can really do it... But I don't want him to come here... I just think it's unfair to him... Give him some comfort and reward when he comes..."

"So what reward are you going to give him, Miss Xilu?"

The unintentional self-speaking was actually eavesdropped, which made De Xilu nervous for a while. Looking up, it turned out to be Lulu, and her beating heart gradually calmed down:

"Yes... it's you, Miss Lulu..."

Today's Lulu is dressed as usual... It should be said that she is more enchanting than usual. Her fair skin and perfect figure look more attractive under the background of a tight dress...

This guy exists to overwhelm me in size! Xilu was disturbed by this inexplicable idea.

What's more... The crystal earrings given by loyd to Lulu also seem to be demonstrating to her, dancing pleasantly beside Lulu's earlobe, which makes her feel even more irritable...

"What's wrong, Miss Xilu? You are today's protagonist. Why are you so uneasy?

"Don't ask knowingly..."

Xilu replied angrily, and Lulu laughed softly:

"Really, I won't give up as usual. But at least let's take a truce today, otherwise it would be too rude for us to quarrel at the dance.

"It's up to you... Anyway, I'm not interested in it today..."

Lulu looked around and then pretended to be suddenly enlightened:

"Ah... It turns out that Loyde is not here. No wonder you are so unhappy."

"Who...who is unhappy because he is not here! I just think it's a little unfair!"

"Because he made meritorious service but couldn't attend the dance because of his identity? This is really a real problem. That's why I hate this style of aristocracy.

"It sounds good to say... But aren't you also a nobleman? And I heard that your father is still a lord.

"Is it strange that the lord's daughter came here as a teacher because she hated the noble style?"

"At least ordinary people think so... I don't care about this kind of thing..."

"Then let them talk about it. I'm not living to satisfy their curiosity. At least, unlike someone, I want to do something, but I try my best to find some inappropriate excuses..."

"Who...who is looking for an excuse for himself!"

Xi, who was stabbed by Lu Lu's poisonous tongue, argued with a red face. Seeing that she even raised her eyebrows, Lu Lu's smile was even brighter:

"I didn't say that that person is you, but there's nothing you can do if you admit it. But... I just admire honest students."

"You... did you come to quarrel with me on purpose?"

Fee that she had been teased repeatedly, Xilu bit her lips tightly to prevent herself from bursting, but Lulu did not intend to confront Xilu, but changed into a sad look:

"Actually... I still envy you the most... Although I feel unwilling when I think about this..."

"Envy me...what?"

"Your youth, your vitality, and... you have such a great knight."

"Those things... are not enviable."

Although saying this, Xilu's heart is still full of the smell of honey.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not deliberately pleasing you... It's just that everyone thinks so. A person who can make the 'Kick of the fierce bear' obedient, a person who can make such a meritorious as saving the princess, a person who can have the legendary guardian knight... It seems that all the luck has come to you! I don't know if I will get some good luck by touching you..."

"That... what's the saying! It's not as exaggerated as you said..." Xilu took two steps back in a panic and dodged Lulu's outstretched hands:

"And... this is not luck! This is strength!"

"Strength...? Ha! Whether it's charm or figure or appearance, you can't compare with me! What strength do you have to achieve these honors? The most hateful thing is that you can have a knight like loyd... Ah! It makes people feel angry when they think about it!"

Lulu spoke louder and louder, and finally attracted everyone's attention, and her eyes looked at their corners like sharp swords. Xilu quickly filled her juice to hide her embarrassment, but Lulu was the type of person who was surrounded and had no scruples, and continued her nagging:

"That - a guy! No matter what I do, I will only ignore my existence! However, he always pretends to be so gentle! Last time in Libita Lake... he dared to hurt me! They were ready to let go of everything at that time! But he can only say those cold words... and then run to the lake alone to find you! I'm really unwilling! At that time, I would have sunk to the bottom of the lake with him..."

It was an ordinary business, but it became extremely ambiguous as soon as it came to her mouth. Although Xilu could understand her nonsense, she was still embarrassed, and the onlookers who did not know showed strange smiles without suspense, and then waited for Lulu to reveal more wonderful inside information. But Lulu stopped talking about this:

"Let's not care about the guy who can't be there... Is it better for everyone to have a truce?"

"You were the only one performing there just now! He also said a truce or something... Are you drunk?"

Lulu's drinking capacity is completely inversely proportional to the wine. Xilu has long been used to it, so I don't think it's strange to see her talking nonsense here while she is drunk. On the contrary, Lulu shows a confused look:

"I didn't drink today... because there is no one who can drink with me. The college president can only touch my ass, so I don't want to get close to him..."

"Speaking of which...except for the head of the college, all the other teachers..."

"Because I couldn't find a dance partner here... So they all got together for a drink. When they went out, they were unhappy and said that this kind of dance was really annoying..."

"That's right... I'm starting to agree with you. This kind of aristocratic style..."

"That's right... Anyway, are you going to stand here alone until the end of the dance?"

"Actually... That guy Kik said he had a way to get loyd in, so I'm waiting here..."

"Ah... It turns out that there is still a hand left, which is really surprising... But in this way, we need to fight again..."

"Ha? What...what do you mean?"

"Dancing! I'm looking forward to who he will choose to be the dance partner when he arrives! The unselected party will withdraw from the hall of the ball... Is that OK?"

What "exit from the dance hall if you are not selected"! In fact, I want to say "leave his side without being chosen"! Who will be such a boring fool of you! Xilu bulged her hands to her waist:

"There is no need for this kind of boredom! Because...because he will definitely choose me!"

"Are you really confident... Or do you want to hide your guiltyness by speaking loudly?"

"You are so guilty! I just... I just don't want to fight against a person who is bound to lose! Then she will be too pitiful, won't she..."

"Ah...poor? At that time, people who are deceived by such self-confidence will be more pitiful. Maybe someone will stain my quilt with tears in my room..."

"Humph... You should feel honored that kind of quilt can be blessed by my noble tears! And... if you have the ability, find a suitable knight by yourself! You haven't been married yet. It seems that you are an unacceptable type... Wow--!"

It seems to have hit the other party's weakness... Lulu suddenly stretched out her hand and squeezed Xilu's face hard:

"How dare you say... If I don't teach you a lesson, you don't know what necessary etiquette is?"

The onlookers began to coax about the chaotic scene, and Xilu struggled with dance:

"Wow...bad panic (Let go)... Crying surprise (sudden attack) is too companion (despicable)... All right... I turn (contach)..."

The pink and broken face was deformed under a strong twist. Xilu was so painful that tears overflowed. Seeing that the other party was soft, Lulu let go of her hand contentedly:

"Next time I dare to talk nonsense like this, I can't forgive your tender little face!"

"You have done enough violent woman!"

The pinched place is hot, and it must be swollen... Thinking of being so humiliated in public, Xilu's eyes burst into Mars...

Seeing that a violent farce was going to be staged at the scene of the dance, the students also turned from their original laughter to worry... The main door of the hall was opened again, and everyone looked away, and then they burst into exclaimed. The two people who were looking at each other angrily couldn't help turning their heads, and they also marveled in a low voice.

Loed changed into an aristocratic dance dress and was walking towards the two of them through the crowd...

It's also strange to say that although it is Loed himself, after a simple dress, he radiates a strange aristocratic temperament, as if his whole body shines with a noble luster... And it is not a simple ordinary aristocrat, which simply makes people feel that this person comes from a royal family with pure blood... I'm afraid this is not a simple sentence. "People rely on clothes" can be explained, but it comes directly from himself...

So this guy has this temperament... Why can't I usually find it...

While doubting her eyes, Xilu nervously waited for the other party to come to her... However, before she could consider the next plan, a group of girls had already rushed to the front and surrounded loyd. Xilu suddenly blushed:

"Those guys... dare to treat my knight..."

"It doesn't seem to be too popular... But is this guy such an attractive person? I thought I saw a prince just now... Is he really loyd?"

"It's him... Not to mention you, I never found him like this... I can't believe it..."

"Yes... I really envy you... You really got a baby..."

Lulu's words were full of unwillingness, but Xilu did not argue with her anymore, but walked straight to the knight surrounded by the fragrance with her skirt, and then stopped outside the crowd and said generously:

"Guys...sorry, it's my time."

The girls protested with dissatisfaction, but they still consciously dispersed. After confirming that the person standing in front of him was the real loyd himself, Xilu raised her head dissatisfiedly:

"It's too late...stupid...Do I have to wait for a long time..."

"It's really rude..."

Loide saluted apologetically, then grabbed her little hand and gently kissed her. Xilu's heart trembled:

"And...what happened with these people just now?"

"Well... They just want to confirm whether I'm the person... Even I just felt..."

"Really... Then I also want to confirm... Are you really loyd?"

"Why do you even ask that?"

"That...what do you say...I just are...more than before..."

Xilu's high head hung down, and her voice immediately became blurred:

"Well... I'm just a little surprised... So you're like this... that..."

"I just don't think... such clothes don't fit... because I'm just..."

"I think it's very good..." Xilu shook her head:

"And... you will always wear such clothes in the future..."


Loide showed a confused expression, and Xilu quickly "hummed" to open the topic:

"'t you going to invite me to dance? It's all here..."

"As long as Miss Xilu is willing... it's a great honor."

"Don't say that... How can I not... It's your words..."

Xulu leaned over her petite body, and loyd gently hugged her slender waist, felt the fragrance from her body and the slight trembling from her skin. Suddenly, the definition of "happiness" surged into her heart, and then unconsciously hugged her tighter...

"Wow..." Xilu called softly:

"It's too hard... I can't dance well like this..."

"Ah...sorry!" Aware of her rudeness, Loed quickly loosened the hand around her waist. Xilu shook her head, grabbed his hand and put it back to her waist:

"I didn't want you to let have to catch me well...anytime..."

"Sorry... I'm just thinking... Can I really hold you like this... I'm just your knight... Although I'm dancing now..."

" can only do this when you can't be too complacent..."

Xilu reminded her insincerely, but she was unwilling to break free from his hands. Loyd responded to her steps while thanking him for the kindness brought to him by the ball:

"Speaking of which... being able to dance with you here... It's really like a dream... I thought... I would never have such an opportunity..."

"So...thank me well...if it weren't for me..."

"But...when I hold you by my side... Xilu is really small..."

It's just a little joke... Xilu's eyebrows also shook a little...

"Real... I'm sorry that I'm small..."

Xilu stepped on his feet like lightning, and then quietly continued her dance steps. The pain from her high heels made loyd dare not joke casually, but only immersed himself in the music of the ball. Lulu, standing behind, stared at the pair of dancing figures and sighed lonelyly:

"As a result, I was still preempted... I'm really less and less confident in my charm... But... What on earth am I tit-for-tat with that kid all day long..."

What kind of existence does loyd have in my mind? Why on earth do you feel incredible about him? This seems more difficult to understand than deep magic...

In the dance floor full of happy chapters, only she was hanging... Lulu suddenly felt inexplicably sad, and then prepared to find wine that could relieve boredom. At this time, Loed, who should have been lingering with Xilu on the dance floor, suddenly appeared in front of her:

"Miss Lulu... If you can, would you mind dancing with me?"

"Hey? Hey?"

The surprise from the sky made Lulu unable to react for a moment, but made an inexplicable voice.

"Ah...if you don't want to..."

"That's it! There is no such thing! I'd love to!"

Lulu hurriedly took his hand and handed herself into his arms. Her skin clearly conveyed the joy from the heart through the thin dress in loyd's hand:

"I'm really surprised that you invited me... But I'm also very happy... Didn't you dance with Xilu just now?"

"In fact, it was Xilu who asked me to invite you to dance. And I also think it's rude not to do so..."

It turned out that she was still tricked by her! There was a trace of dissatisfaction in Lulu's heart.

But... don't think about anything now. Let's dance well with the person in front of you... But... Xilu, don't think I will thank you if you do this! On the contrary... I was stirred up by you...

Lulu swept in the direction of Xilu with provocative eyes... Although Xilu leaned against the wall alone, her face was full of happy smiles, which made her jealous...

Today I sent you a favor... Don't think I'm showing weakness to you! In fact... I won't even give you a hair of him! Because he is my guardian knight!

While thinking like this, while recalling the image of dancing with loyd just now, his breath and body temperature still seemed to haunt her, making her already calm heart begin to play a cheerful movement again.