Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

One of the four golden dreams

Fourth Fairy Prince

In the early morning before the sun completely dispelled the moonlight from the earth, a simple carriage stopped in front of Lafard's mansion. The servants who had been waiting outside gathered to the door of the car while shouting "The Return of the Count". As the door opened, Rams's strong body landed steadily with his powerful footsteps, and the servants immediately began to tidy up some scattered clothes for him.

The 37-year-old count exuded the heroic spirit of a middle-aged officer. Although he only returned home, there seemed to be a posture of commanding the army and horses between his hands and feet. After the servants tidyed up his clothes, he carefully combed his hair and beard, and gave the scepter and sword in his hand to the servants around him. The driver drove slowly to the backyard in the carriage, while Rams walked towards the inner house accompanied by the servant.

After receiving the notice from the servant, Mrs. Sofia simply cleaned up and came out. Due to lack of sleep, her face is full of tired sleepiness. After kissing his beloved wife, Rams combed her long hair with dissatisfaction:

"If you are not in good health, just have a good rest in your room. There is no need to run to the door to greet me."

"I just want to see your face. If there is no mistake, we have been separated for two months and twelve days.

"Well... you still like this kind of children's game. In fact, we have already passed this age. It will be ridiculed if seen by subordinates.

"Don't be bound by those secular etiquette. Isn't that what you often talk about? Moreover, the servants here know my habits and will not be confused about it.

"Then do it as you like. Where are Fei Linwen and Xilu?"

"I'm still in my sleep. One of them is prone to insomnia, and the other is just growing, so I didn't wake them up.

"This is the best way to let them sleep a while. Did your two daughters cause you trouble during my absence?

"That's not true, because Xilu listens to her sister more than me, so I don't have to spend too much time on her, but Fei Linwen has worked hard for a while."

Rams helped his wife to the living room, and the servants were about to light the candlelight when Sofia shook his head:

"The sky is bright enough now. Go down and have a rest first. I have something to say to the count."

After the servants retreated, Sofia began to make tea for the count while asking about the news in the royal city:

"Is there anything bothering you in the royal family and the army recently?"

"It's boring as usual, which is the most annoying thing for me."

"Doesn't that mean that the world is peaceful? There is nothing more reassuring than this."

"Well... this is indeed an appropriate statement. Boring daily work is always more enjoyable than annoying wars and political disputes. By the way, I will retire from the military from next month.

Is it a resignation? Or are you dismissed?" Sofia quietly brought him tea.

"It's a resignation."

"Do you resign before the age of 40? Is there any special reason?

"That's just because it's not an easy job to be a lord. And in the next few months, Raspud may affect the harvest of the whole year due to bad weather. So I must first focus all my energy on the governance of the territory.

"Is this the prediction of the Magic Research Institute... That's really not an easy job. Well, the children also hope that you can stay at home to accompany them. Xilu won't talk about it for the time being... Fei Linwen asks about you every day."

"Speaking of Fei Linwen's physical condition... Is there any improvement?"

"It's still the same... It can only temporarily contain the disease. This poor child... She is suffering from the disease on my behalf... If I can share it for her..."

Soja put her hand on her chest and muttered to herself in a sad tone.

"You don't have to blame yourself too much. Everything is God's will... Since this is the case, what we can do is to alleviate the torture caused by her illness... It just seems that she got married..."

" can only be cancelled... Such a physical condition can't be someone else's bride... That is to say, she has to be single until the end of her life..."

"Really...for a 16-year-old child... there is nothing more sad for her than this..."

"That may not be... The child said to me happily, 'In that case, I can always be with my father, mother and sister.' What an understanding child..."

"Well... it's completely inherited from your strengths. On the contrary, Xilu... is more worrying to me..."

Rath stood up and walked to the window. The sunlight outside the window gradually began to clear, and smeared his handsome face with a dazzling light through the window. Sofia stared at her husband's tall back and unconsciously showed little girl-like admiration:

"Because her temper seems to be inherited from you, she is so capricious. However, as long as Fei Linwen is there, we don't have to worry about her going astray. And... Since Ferrinwen can't inherit the Lafard family, this heavy responsibility will fall on Xilu's shoulders.

"That's right... Whether it's the title or this territory... so it's necessary to be stricter with her."

"You are strict enough. It will annoy her to exert pressure like this."

"Even so, there is no choice... Many things need to spare no effort to implement even knowing the possible results. But I think finding a suitable son-in-law for her is the top priority.

"She is only 12 years old. Isn't it inappropriate to be so urgent?"

"At least we need to ensure the possibility of the future first, and only in this way can we help her operate this famous family with a long history. But you can rest assured that I will never find a son-in-law who can't match my daughter in any way. In fact, I already have a very suitable candidate now.

"Your action is really lightning, but don't you think it's necessary for us to ask Xilu's opinion first? You don't know that child's temper... If she is disgusted with your decision, it will lead to serious consequences.

"Of course I know this, so I will deal with this problem in a more appropriate manner. And before that, it should be more appropriate for the two young people to meet, and that young man will definitely become Xilu's most ideal partner.

"So...who is this young man? I can see that you admire him very much. The person who can get into your eyes should not be an ordinary role, right?

"You should have heard of this man's name. He is the eldest son of the famous Yulian family, the son of Lyon who just won the title of 'Silver Knight' a month ago."

Twelve-year-old Xilu is in a period of energy. Recently, she has been fascinated by swordsmanship practice when she gets along with her sister Fei Linwen, so she gets up early every day and secretly practices in the backyard with a small wooden sword for half an hour. After a month, I have practiced well. Of course, no one knows about this matter except Fei Linwen.

Today, she was woken up in her sleep by ** in the front yard, so she got up at least half an hour earlier than usual. Seeing that Fei Linwen, who had insomnia, was still sleeping soundly in her dream, Xilu gently got down to bed:

"Good morning, sister... Xi showed up to practice."

After greeting her sister in her heart, Xilu changed her clothes with the lightest movements, washed them casually, took out her hidden wooden sword from the box by the wall, and then gently opened the back window and jumped out. However, Fei Linwen, who had been sleeping, suddenly opened her eyes and said to herself with a smile:

"It's getting earlier and earlier. This child is really enviable..."

An inconspicuous corner of the backyard is surrounded by several tall trees and turned into a place not favored by the sun. This is the place where Xilu secretly practices. Because of the lush vegetation and the dark sky, it is difficult to find such a petite figure in it, so Xilu can boldly wave her weapon here.

Although it is only the most basic exercise, Xilu still meticulously made every move the most standard. From her serious little face, it can be inferred that her love for swordsmanship is not just five minutes of heat. She has been doing these basic movements every day for a month without getting tired of it, so that people can be completely sure of what she can achieve in this regard. In fact, just now, her basic skills are quite solid. In the process of wielding her sword, if she cuts the misaligned branches around her, she can cut them out of a flat cut, and if she touches the withered leaves, she can also neatly divide them into two halves. I believe that whoever sees this scene will be shocked by her talent.

Half an hour passed quickly, and the delicate arm became extremely sour and soft. Xilu wiped the sweat from her forehead and began to think about how to sneak back to the room. And the sudden applause at this time shocked her:

"Who...who! Who is there!"

The grass around her trembled, and Xilu subconsciously put the wooden sword in front of her... Then a stranger emerged from there. This is a black-haired teenager who is taller than Xilu and about two years older. Although his clothes were covered with leaves and mud, they did not damage the handsome smell from his body. Xilu looked at the strange stranger carefully. When she saw his slightly remaining childish but heroic face, she couldn't help sighing, "It's so handsome", and then the blush hit her cheeks.

But... even if the other party is so handsome, we have to figure out his origin. Xilu settled down and then pretended to be serious:

"Excuse me...who are you? Why did it appear in my yard?"

" the goblin in the garden."

The teenager bent down with a smile, and Xilu's face turned red in an instant:

"Ha? The goblin in the garden?

"Yes. Because this lady practiced here early in the morning and woke me up.

"Den me less! There is no goblin like you!"

"Why can't I be a goblin?"

"Do you still need to ask! Because the goblins are all girls!"

"Of course, there will be boys in the goblins, otherwise who will those beautiful goblins marry?"

"And! And the goblins are so small that they are only the size of flowers!"

"If it is the prince of the goblin, he will be as tall as me!"

"And! The prince will not be covered with dirt like you! Anyway! If you are a goblin, prove it to me!"

"So how do you need me to prove it?"

"If it's a goblin, it should be able to fly, right? Then fly to me!"

"What a pity... Because I'm still a young goblin, I can't fly yet. However, I can prove it in another way.

"another way? What kind of way is it?"

"For example, you can attack me with your sword to see if I can avoid it. Because every goblin is as light as a swallow, he can definitely avoid all your attacks.

"Good! Then I'll try it! But don't be careless. Although I've only been studying for a month, I'm not easy to mess with!"

Xilu cut it with her best, and the teenager easily dodged aside:

"It's too slow, miss, it can't hurt anyone at all."

"I want you to take care of it!"

Xilu waved the wooden sword in her hand desperately, but the teenager seemed to cooperate with her almost messy performance, shuttled through the shadow of the sword like a bird. Xilu finally understood that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't touch even the corner of her opponent's clothes, so she threw the wooden sword aside with regret:

"Today, today is just because I just practiced and I'm too tired... So..."

"Even when you are most physically strong, you can't touch me, because you don't know how to use a sword at all."

"Ha? Do you think I don't understand? I'm practicing hard every day!"

Xilu shouted at the other party unconvincedly, and the teenager couldn't help laughing:

Practice and actual combat are two different things. Your basic skills are indeed very solid, but there are also great flaws. For example, you will always cut off those branches when you wave your sword, which looks powerful, but no matter how you swing your sword, you won't hurt anything but the target.


"Also, when you attacked me, you did not carefully judge my next mode of action, nor did you keep the right distance from me, let alone master the angle and strength of swinging the sword. Such a skill can only scare laymen, and people with a little skill can easily dodge."

"Hmm! Because I was lucky enough to avoid my attack, I was proud! You can try to attack me! I will definitely avoid it all!"

"That's good, but if it hurts you accidentally, don't cry."

"Who will cry! Anyway, you're welcome! I won't be hit by a person who can only play with his mouth!"

The teenager smiled and picked up the wooden sword next to him, and then hit Xilu's head.

"Wow! This...this kind of sneak attack doesn't count!"

Xilu touched her painful head and then paid close attention to her opponent's movements, but with a "pop", her shoulder was hit again, which made her scared:

" fast! I didn't see his movements clearly at all!"

The next "pop" sound is becoming more and more frequent. Xilu's hands, body and legs were firmly hit a few times. Although she tried her best to dodge, the other party's wooden sword seemed to stick to herself and did not give her a gap to escape at all. Xilu became more and more discouraged and scared, and finally sat on the ground abandoning herself:

"All right... All right! I admit defeat! You are a goblin!"

"Hahaha... So your basic skills just look very solid, and I can see every move clearly. If you want to hide it from the goblin's eyes, you have to make several times more efforts now.

"So... are you really a goblin prince?"

Xilu's round eyes were full of curiosity. The teenager cut his hair and then bent down:

"I am a goblin prince attracted by a beautiful girl on earth. I lost myself while admiring her beautiful face in the trees in the morning... Please forgive me."

"Well...nothing happened...I'm not beautiful at all..."

Hearing the unintentious praise of the other party, Xilu blushed with shame. The 12-year-old girl still can't hide her inner feelings at all, so she quickly increased her feelings for the "goblin prince":

"So... Your Highness, may I ask your name?"

"Because goblins can't get to know human beings, I can't tell you my name. But if you can hit me one day like I just hit you, I will marry you as my princess.

"King...prince concubine or something... they are completely..."

Xilu buried her feverish head between her arched knees, but enjoyed the sudden sweetness in her heart. Although it is too abrupt for the other party to propose to marry himself as a prince, I'm afraid no one can resist being praised for his beauty by such a handsome and powerful person.

"Then it's time for me to say goodbye. I hope we have a chance to see you again, miss. At that time, you would have been better than you are now.

"Hey! Wait, wait a minute!"

When she heard that the other party was ready to leave, Xilu quickly stood up:

"Well... can you teach me swordsmanship? Because...because if I want to beat you, I can only learn your skills!"

"It's really disturbing to say this... Teach you my skills and then defeat me... It seems to be a tongue twister! Hahaha!"

"No... Don't laugh at me! I'm very serious! My sister is in poor health and can't practice with me every day, so I can only ask you!"

"In that case... Isn't it enough to find a swordsmanship teacher?"

"It doesn't work either! Because...because I practice secretly without telling my father and mother... If they know it, I will definitely oppose it!"

"So... Hahaha, you are also very hard. Well... But I can only teach you for half an hour today, at least, I can tell you some basic elements."

The teenager turned around and returned the wooden sword to Xilu:

"Then I'll teach you what basic footwork judgment is first. This is the first condition you can hit me."

"What is footwork judgment?"

"That's what I just said. You have to correctly estimate the distance between me and you before you can hit me. First of all, you must always focus on my feet and determine your actions according to my footsteps. When my footsteps are approaching, you have to judge how far you can withdraw to avoid being hit by me. When my footsteps are backwards, you have to judge whether I am tempting the enemy or really retreating. If you are tempting the enemy, you can't be light. Easy to follow up. If you retreat, you have to take a few steps forward to hit me without my counterattack..."

"Wow... it sounds so complicated..."

"These are just pure theories. In actual combat, you can only judge based on intuition, because no one will only keep their eyes on each other's feet when fighting. So you must rely on your eyes to master basic skills before you can turn into the most reliable intuition. Now that I'm slowing down, you can have a good experience. Focus your eyes!"

Xi Luyiyan focused her eyes on his feet...

"No! It's not for you to stare! How can your mind be used for thinking? Relax! Let your brain judge faster than your eyes!"

The teenager's footsteps suddenly moved forward, and Xilu subconsciously took a big step back, but fell on her back because she was too hard.

"So, you don't use your brain to think about the next action at all. In the case just now, your most correct way is to move to the side, because I have taken such a big step that you don't have time to dodge no matter how far you retreat. Then do it again."

Although she was beaten miserably before and now she has been criticized repeatedly, Xilu, who usually has surprisingly high self-esteem, is not angry at all, but single-mindedly follows the requirements of the other party...

This may be based on trust in him, right? Because this person's strength is worthy of her wholehearted trust... Maybe this is only based on her simplicity, but such simplicity will definitely bring her ideal results... What's more, his appearance also took Xilu's heart from the beginning. At the age of 12, she did not have enough resistance to all this...< /P>

The teenager's feet moved again... Because this is only a small step, Xilu made a judgment in the shortest possible time. First, she retreated, and then stepped forward. The wooden sword in her hand actually hit the other party's shoulder... However, the teenager's fist also hit her shoulder at the same time...

"Oops! I hit it!"

"But this is a very dangerous practice! It is equivalent to the result of the same end! You are really an adventurous girl!"

"What does it matter! At least I can do it!"

"You really refuse to give up... Well, this time it's your turn to attack and see if you can keep up with me."

The teenager took a step back, and Xilu immediately followed closely. As a result, he tripped to the ground before he could wave his sword.

"I'm just seducing the enemy this time. It doesn't matter. Don't be discouraged no matter how many times you fall, but please remember my way of action, and then review it ten times, twenty times, or even a hundred times, a thousand times in your heart, so that you can understand what instant intuition is.

So, move forward and retreat. In this repeated movement, the two young figures exchanged each other's positions. Although Xilu is rolling and crawling, her heart is full of strong fighting spirit and inexplicable joy, because after 30 minutes of practice, she has hit the other party more and more times...

"Then that's all for today."

The teenager wiped the sweat on his face and carefully patted the dust on his body:

"To be honest... you are really a genius. I have never met a person like you who can become so skilled in 30 minutes... Hahaha, it seems that I am very right to choose you as my princess!"

When I heard the word "Prince" again, Xilu's face, which had turned red because of fatigue, seemed to be hot:

"Your mouth is really bad... I just talked about the prince when we first met... I don't even know who you are..."

"Didn't I just tell you that I'm the prince of goblins?"

"It's not! And... a goblin prince like you... There must have been many princes and concubines!"

Because you are so handsome... Xilu wants to say that, but she still feels shy. The teenager seemed to understand her voice and scratched his head shyly:

"That's because... you can't become a prince just by being beautiful."

"What does that mean by...?"

" least she wants..."

Xilu was expecting the prince to say words that moved her, but the sudden footsteps nearby forced the teenager to interrupt the conversation:

"Someone is coming, so I should go too. Although I don't know when we will meet again... I hope you will be stronger and more beautiful than you today next time.


Xilu just wanted to ask, "When will I see you again", but the teenager's figure has disappeared into the flowers. Even so, she did not completely get out of the bombing of sweet words, and her heart beat faster when she thought of the other party's handsome appearance and gentle conversation.

Unfortunately, I didn't ask the other party's name or when he would come again... But since he is the prince of the goblin, he must be hiding here to peek at me all the time... Then I have to become better and surprise you! Although I haven't thought about what to do... but I will definitely defeat you one day!

The competitive spirit defeated the previous shyness, and Xilu felt that her fatigue seemed to be swept away, so she was ready to practice for another half an hour... The plan was soon dispersed by the servant's call. Xilu replied angrily in the direction of the voice:

"What are you doing! Wake people up early in the morning!"

"Yes...I'm sorry! Because the count is back... So my wife wants you and the young lady to prepare quickly..."

"I know! Go away and don't bother me!"

Soon to see her father, who had been separated for nearly three months, Xilu actually behaved with great interest... It seemed that the embarrassment between father and daughter had already laid a deep foundation when she was young. The servants were not surprised by the reaction of the second lady. They then prepared to carefully wake up Fei Linwen, who might still be asleep... The eldest lady would jump up happily when she heard the news of her father's return.