Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Golden Dream Nine

The other side of the fourth nine memories

After flying for a night, Griffin landed in a deserted village. Farnde jumped gently to the ground, said a few words to his mount, and then walked into the depths of the village.

This is a village that has been abandoned for a long time, and all you can see are broken walls and dead trees and weeds. And from the wall of the house, it has a history of at least 100 years. The whole village is surrounded by the dead silence that has reached the extreme, and you can't even see the whereabouts of mice... It makes people wonder whether this is a place where human beings have lived.

Fland ignored... or was unwilling to look at the dilapidated scenes at all, and there seemed to be deep pain on his face... In this way, he went straight through the ruins and through the dead woods until he came to a large dilapidated house in the depths of the village.

Although most of it has collapsed... but from the appearance, it may be a place similar to a church or shrine when it has not collapsed. Fland stopped at the gate, and then stretched out his hand, releasing the magic circle that closed the gate in the same way as he had previously lifted the boundary of the college showroom.

The ancient gate sighed deeply and slowly opened with his movements.

Because the roof has collapsed, sunlight can be projected into any corner of the house without hindrance. There are also no extra things such as tables and chairs in the room, and there is a strong loneliness because of this emptiness...

However, it's not really nothing... The only thing that can be regarded as existence is a large crystal standing in the middle of the wall in the house...

If you look carefully, this is a solid crystal that is higher than a person. In the middle of the crystal, there stands a woman with her eyes closed...

Like France, this is a woman with delicate beauty and long silver hair. Even if she has fallen into a permanent sleep, her soul-taking charm and pitiful weakness are still emanating through the thick crystal, which makes people wonder if this woman is a goddess who temporarily rests here... Fran De stopped in front of Crystal and stared at her with a lonely smile...

After a long silence, Fland sighed a long sigh, and then opened his mouth to the crystal with infinite love and pity:

"Elipina... I can do it right away."

The woman named Elifina in the crystal seems to have an imperceptible smile... but this may be just an illusion.

"The jade of the source, the door of red flame, the mirror of phantom... I have indeed obtained these three ancient heritages. As long as you find the last two whereabouts... I can untie your fate, and you will reopen your clear eyes on that day. Such a scene will be repeated in my dreams every night... I sealed my time and cursed my existence for this ideal... That's what they call betrayal. All this is to wait for you to open your eyes again... But then you will probably laugh at me..."

Alyfina responded to his self-contained expression. However, because the crystal constantly reflects the sunlight and changes in various colors, her face seems to alternate with various expressions.

"I don't know if it's the right choice to do that. I just believe in my will just for this simple ideal. Whether they say that I am confused by obsession, or my behavior will shake the balance of the world... I won't worry about whether I have stepped on the edge of wrong after the journey. Maybe I don't have the value of what I can do for you... But I still like to force you and your will."

With the wind flowing through the light, his slender silver hair blew up. It seemed that he smelled something abnormal in the wind, and Farnde's eyes changed slightly, but his tone still maintained the previous calmness:

"When did my will begin to change... At least at that time, I would not force myself to face the jet lag that was only momentary for us because of these trivial things... After I stopped the operation of my clock, I would be more aware of the footsteps of the world. This slowness... is so slow that it is difficult to find the specific meaning of every existence. But... now I can at least understand what theorems are based on, and then grasp the harmony of contradictions behind these appearances... Although you have been sleeping, you can still see all this in your heart, right?"

Although she talks to herself without interruption... Elifina in the crystal will not change at all. Farnde raised his head as if satisfied:

"I hope the sunshine here will always shine on your beautiful face... I must break up with you again for the time being. I can see that it is no longer far from the end of the journey... Even if we leave again, it is just a moment of an eye for us. However, before that, please let me get rid of those annoying visitors for you... Even if you are sleeping and can't feel their breath, I can't allow their dirty footsteps to invade here..."

There was a warning roar of Griffin outside the door. Frank raised his head and stared at Elifina for a moment, and then turned around. At this moment, his expression changed from the warmth just now to his original coldness. In his heavy footsteps, there seemed to be anger from the earth.

In the abandoned village, ten mysterious figures in black cloaks appeared at this moment. Although Griffin roared in front of him, they had no intention of retreating or showing a gesture of fear, and seemed not to pay attention to this powerful mythical beast at all. After going out, Farnde glanced at them casually, his face seemed to change slightly, and then he still turned around quietly and sang a spell to the dilapidated door. The door closed tightly with a heavy moan as if it was opened, and an invisible magic seal surrounded the room. After completing all this, Farnde turned to the visitor again:

"I'm really surprised by the speed of everyone's reversal... It should have been two days ago to complete the agreement with you. Have you decided to get rid of me as a dangerous person so soon?"

Sure enough... These visitors and the mysterious people who previously appeared on the La Chapelen Plain are accomplices. However, judging from their self-confidence, their strength should be above those companions who have died in battle... In response to Fland's questioning, one of them nodded:

"I'm sorry, although this is a very disgraceful act... But for us, as long as the outcome can usher in victory, no matter what despicable acts are made, it is acceptable."

"It's worthy of being a barbarian who believe in the goddess of war... Although I have completely different beliefs with you, I agree with your attitude that comes directly from your heart. Of course... You barbarians are unscrupulously waging war and destroying everything in the world for this reason..."

"Recreation requires complete destruction... This is the only theorem in the world. We just follow this simple theorem to determine our actions. No matter how such a theorem affects others or even the world, as long as it is based on the final principle, we will continue.

"That is to say... If you can't get rid of me today, your companions will continue to appear beside me, right?"

"That's right, please forgive me. In fact, out of awe of the legend, no one dares to be your enemy. Because we are not people who don't cherish our lives.

"Well... It seems that we don't have much room for negotiation, so the problem will become simpler. However, I hope you can answer my two questions... One is, for what reason did your 'adult' give me the real ancient heritage under the principle that has decided to let me disappear?

"In fact, it's not a gift. It's just because of the natural habit of 'the adult'. Even the enemy who must be eliminated must meet any of his requirements with the most kindest etiquette before the order is given. It's that simple. Of course, we have no right to question his order in any form, but this also does not change our disapproval.

"Maybe for such a character... I also need to re-evaluate. This is also my highest praise for him. So the second question... Why do you have such a strong confidence to defeat me? In fact, I really have doubts about it.

"I have to say... If we are not fully prepared, even if we have ten more people, we can't fight against you, so we can only set up some despicable tricks... Please take a look at your feet."

Farnde lowered his head... A triangle was drawn by magic under his feet, and an ancient text was engraved in the center of the triangle. After reading that text, Fland's face looked a little strange:

"Isn't this the 'mirror' that can deprive the standing people of all their magic and seal their spirit... I'm surprised that you, as ordinary human beings, can also understand the facts of our ancient civilization... And I can really feel that this is not your bluff."

"For your praise, this is also to deal with great people like you... We have no intention of offending the ancestral gods you believe in, and please don't have any resentment against us for this. After all, we just follow orders."

"That's right... This is a fair result for us."

Griffin around him roared fiercely after feeling the danger of his master and made an attack posture, but Fland waved to it:

"Don't be impulsive, my loyal friend, you don't need to fight for me today, because I must give noble punishment to these self-righteous people."

Mysterious people seemed to feel uneasy about his attitude of ignoring the powerful ancient magic array under his feet, but they did not slow down because of this. With the spell they sang together, the triangle under the feet of Flander shined with cyan light, and then surged up like a fountain, surrounding it.

"Please don't hate us, noble Riselophin! We will give you a painless sleep!"

Ten mysterious magicians sang the fireball spell together... A huge fireball gathered on their heads, two meters in diameter, and then the huge fireball rushed towards Frank, who was trapped in the magic array.

After being deprived of magic by the magic array, even the elite of the ancient ancestors could not escape this deadly attack... Mysterious people were ready to witness the great death of the first ancient ancestors they encountered, however... The outbreak they expected did not appear... The huge fireball seemed to be The invisible wind blew away and disappeared.

" is it possible!"

The mysterious people shouted in surprise, but in the magic array, there was a clear voice from France:

"Based on your etiquette towards me, I can tell you a secret. You must be very curious why this ancient magic array will lose its effectiveness to me, right?

At the next moment, the magic array also dissipated like air. Fland stood still, without even his hair scattered, and the mysterious people became more and more panicked.

"Although you can use the mysteries of ancient times, you can't understand what source our ancient civilization is based on to show the power of the ideal. Let me briefly explain to you that our ancient magic and your element-based magic are actually two systems. For us, there is no such source of power as elements, but directly driven by the power of nature, so unless you can completely destroy nature, with such a magic array alone, that is It is a product of ancient times and can't have any effect.

Flande stretched out his hand and began to chant spells... Mysterious people also made resistance gestures together, but their hands trembled together...

"In addition... Finally, I want to tell you that I'm not a person who likes to fight, so if I meet somewhere else, I won't hurt your lives... But since you have stepped into this taboo place, I can only do something against my principles... Give you this sentence: please Don't hate me, I will give you a painless sleep!"

At the moment he finished speaking, a light ball appeared in front of him that was bigger than the fireball that originally attacked him, and then it seemed that the whole world was deprived of its original color by this dazzling white light. The mysterious people wailed, but they had no time and courage to escape, and then their small bodies were ruthlessly swallowed up by the ball of light...

A few minutes later, the original noisy battlefield returned to the tranquility of the empty space. As the light ball dispersed, the mysterious people disappeared as if they had evaporated out of thin air. Farnde sighed softly:

"If you hadn't broken into this place... you wouldn't have come to such an end. Although it was only a moment without pain, I still felt extremely pity for the passing of life... However, I can't forgive anyone for disturbing Elfina's sleep, and you have also insulted our great ancient civilization... I hope you can rest on the other side of the world.

seemed to express his happiness to the powerful master, and Griffin came to him and gently rubbed his body with his head and neck. Fland also smiled and stroked its back:

"My dear friend Garrant, it's an extremely wonderful reason to have you always be with me. You always protect me regardless of your life when I am in danger, so I must also repay you accordingly. I really hope that our friendship can last forever until the end of the world... So, where are we going next?"

Griffin leaned his head and meditated for a while, then flew up in the air and looked around. After a while, it landed on the ground and pointed its tail to the east.

" it 'Lori Laihai'? I really hope to meet the legendary Miss Mermaid there... Hahaha, please don't care. I'm as loyal to my feelings as you... However, I always feel that I will encounter happy things there..."

Fland stepped on Griffin's back and turned to the room behind him:

"Alyfina... Please forgive me for leaving you here alone again... But I don't think we will be separated again soon. During my departure... please pray for me... for our future."

On the other hand, in the late night of the royal city of Heil Milan, Princess Selysia fell into deep trouble again.

After returning to the royal city, the princess had no time to rest and told her father what happened in the college. After two hours of debate and the elimination of hundreds of inferences, it was finally agreed that "only Silas can have the strength to build warships", which was a big blow to De Selysia's heart.

Lutwin, whom he loves deeply, is the crown prince of Sierras, but Sierras is now the most likely to become the enemy! Of course, this is not a fuss. Even for Horland and Gutlund, Silas has never been a trustworthy country... What's more, this is the most reasonable conclusion he agrees with! But when she thought of the stormy future between herself and Lutwen and the uneasiness lurking between the two kingdoms, her little heart couldn't help trembling.

However... If all this is really Silas's conspiracy, then some things are difficult to explain, right?

For example, was the abduction of himself not long ago also the result of Silas? Is it necessary for Silas to use such a complicated means? If he needs to be a hostage, as long as he pretends to agree to Lutwin's marriage and himself, and then detain him directly after his marriage... There is no reason why he can even think of a way he can think of, right? Thinking about it this way... Is it true that there is really another inside story?

and Lutwen... He hasn't heard from him since he separated. Shouldn't he forget himself? Although we were still children at that time...

Sericia recalls the memory of her 11-year-old...

In five years, Prince Lutvin came to Haier Milan as a peace envoy to learn exotic culture. Because Silas is located in the north and has always advocated force and ignored cultural development, everything in Haier Milan has fascinated the 14-year-old teenager. And 11-year-old Selysia secretly went to the big library where Lutwin stayed out of curiosity about the aliens...

The rumored Silas are all rude and barbaric, so Selysia is worried about whether she will be treated rudely when she meets the other prince... As a result, to her surprise, Lutvin is completely different from the native nobles she met in etiquette, and there is also the so-called "prince should have Appearance"... So Selysia's heart slowly leaned against each other...

Of course, even if Serena is only 11 years old, she has received an orthodox imperial education, and is not the kind of person who will be attracted by the other party's appearance without principle. on earth did Lutvin attract her?

What you have to say... In fact, the other party took the initiative to launch an offensive against himself! Every day, I pestered myself to interpret these interpretations for him, and secretly took myself to the garden to ask these questions. After giving myself a gift, I still had to tell him these and those... In fact, these can't be called pursuing myself at all! He is completely a nerdy prince! But I really lost my heart by this nerdy prince...

As proof that the two are indeed in love with each other... First, the two vowed to "never betray each other" in the direction of the Luna Mountains a month before their separation; second, on the day of parting, the two also exchanged tokens. Lutvin's tokens are carved with lion patterns worn by Prince Sierras. The ring, Selysia's token is the ruby music box she treasures... If it's at the wedding, it's equivalent to handing a sacred token to the person she loves! Therefore, the love between the two should be unquestionable. However, five years later, except for several intermittent correspondence, the two had almost no contact... That's why she was married to Prince Hilde of Herland, the ally...

Thinking of these past events, Selysia's face had a fever and felt faintly sad. She took out the ring hidden in a silver box in the dressing table and put it in her hand and kept rubbing it... The ring was carved with a lion pattern in gold, which was the token given to her by Lutwen...

Luthvin... Hasn't he really forgotten me? Maybe there is nothing we can do. After all, he is the crown prince of Silas, and Silas and we are enemies... Maybe he has married a woman in the name of national interests or under the pressure of the kingdom...

However... According to rumors, Lutvin is a rare rational figure in Sierras. The meaning of rationalism should include opposition to war, right? In this way, I'm afraid he will be under infinite pressure from his father and belligerent ministers! He must have lived a very painful life! Maybe he can't contact me because of this pain...

This person is still a nerd as before... Let me know if it's painful! I will also try my best to help you bear this pain! It's too difficult for you to carry it alone!

Luthvin... Please think of me at least by chance and believe me! I'm also trying to make myself an excellent princess... or a queen! That's also to realize the vows between us, isn't it? But you always like to bear it alone!

Sericia stroked the ring in her hand, and tears flashed in her eyes... It was not until the door was gently knocked that she hurriedly hid the ring back to its original place, and then calmed down:

Who is it? What's the matter at this late hour?"

"It's me."

Hearing Rollinforth's low voice, Selysia's nerves trembled...

"Please come in, Lord Luo Linfus."

Because I have begun to work hard on the path of the queen, I am no longer afraid of this teacher. After changing into such a mentality, she felt that what Rollinforth had conveyed under that harsh attitude was exactly what she should learn... So although she still didn't have a good impression, she would not have a headache when she saw him as in the past.

On the other hand, Rowlingforth was also surprised by her move. After returning to the royal city, she first ran into her father's bedroom, and then discussed opinions on the development between her country and Silas with several other ministers, including him. This sudden change almost caught him off guard, and then he was deeply moved...

Her Royal Highness finally understood some truth... Although it seems to have changed overnight and is unbelievable, this must be proof that her painstaking efforts have not been in vain... And Baymont should also make great contributions, because she said, "I would also like to thank the dean this time"...

Rolinforth pushed the door and entered. Selysia stood up to greet him, and then motioned him to sit next to him:

"It's late at night, won't the teacher go to rest?"

"The old minister just wants to talk to the princess... Why didn't Your Highness light the candlelight in the room?"

Only two candles were lit in the room... It can only illuminate a small corner. Selysia smiled:

"Let the teacher laugh. However, even if it's just candlelight, I want to set an example in saving expenses. Since there is a possibility of war with the enemy, we must prepare in terms of use..."

Rolinforth sighed with emotion:

"It is really a blessing for the kingdom to think so... However, please listen to the old minister that leading by example is a necessary means to inspire the people, but the emperor's duty is not simply to share joys and sorrows with the people, but to let the people enjoy their due rights and happiness. This is the law that you should pay more attention to. The topic."

In the eyes of the high priest, the princess seems to have been upgraded to Her Majesty... Selysia faintly felt that the old minister also seemed to be worried about her age... This made her feel sad for a while:

"I will try my best to do what the teacher said... So what exactly does the teacher want to talk to me about?"

Rolinforth coughed and sat upright:

"There is an important thing that must be told to Her Royal Highness... It's about unreliable news in Sierras."

After hearing the term Silas, Selysia unconsciously sat upright. Rollinforth hesitated for a while before he seemed to make up his mind:

"King Silas was assassinated... Now the throne has been usurped by his brother. And this new king is a strong belligerent figure..."

"That is to say... Is it quite possible for Silas to start a war?"

"If the powerful warship is indeed their new weapon... this conclusion is beyond doubt."

Although it is an impactful news... although it is still defined as "unreliable news"...

Sericia was not as panicked as she thought, and her tone was permeated with fearless perseverance:

"Then, let's start the necessary preparations for the war with my father. I only believe one thing... No matter how powerful the weapon they have developed, Haier Milan's courage and belief will not be shaken by it.

"Don't you have anything to worry about... If the war situation expands, the alliance with Heland will become more important. In that case, your marriage with Prince Hilde..."

"I know. In fact, the previous fake messenger is likely to be Silas's strategy to destroy the alliance in order to trigger the conflict between our country and Hland. However, the father will come up with a feasible solution for the problem of the alliance. As for my marriage, let me solve it by myself. Teacher, it is enough for you to devote all your energy to the place where you should invest.

"Then I look forward to what choice the princess will make for her future. And since you have said this, I don't think I have to worry about it anymore. Just...about Prince Lutwin..."

"Luthvin...what's wrong with him?"

There seemed to be an ominous factor in Rollinforth's tone... Selysia couldn't help but be a little confused.

"I'm also not sure of the truth of this news... Lutwin died in the assassination with his father, which is the news I just got."

Sericia was stunned as if she was hit by lightning. Although she couldn't see her face in the dark, Rollinforth could also guess what her expression was... He couldn't help showing a sad look:

"In a word... After all, it's just an uncertain rumor. Maybe the truth is not that bad. Your Highness, please rest early. Of course... If you are sad, please don't worry."

"Please rest assured... I won't lose my composure from an uncertain news. Even if you want to cry, you must confirm his body with your own eyes... No, at that time, I must turn this sadness into a memory of him forever, and I can't shed tears easily... Teacher, please go back to rest first, please be careful of the chill of the night wind."

Rollinforth stood up, saluted and exited the room. Selicia's thoughts immediately turned into tears and crossed her face.

Although I said it so resolutely just now, several people can remain calm after hearing such news! Even if she is a princess of a country and the future queen, she is now just a 16-year-old ordinary girl...

Sericia took out Lutvin's ring again and recalled the past... Then the more she thought about it, the more sad she became, but she swallowed her crying back to her throat in time at the moment she was about to collapse:

"Yes...whether you are really dead or not... Anyway, now is not the time for me to cry for you. Even if I see your body, I won't cry for you easily... Because I can't let my tears add to your pain, and it will only make your body colder... Whether you are in the sky or far away at this moment... Please look at me and protect me. Please remember that Selysia, the princess of Haier Milan, will always love you deeply... and will march towards the future with you.

Sericia clenched the ring in the palm of her hand and let her tears flow freely.