Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

The legacy of the sages

Five-Six Love Duet

The two magicians and Loyd kept a distance of 50 meters and stopped in front of a small stone obelisk for ten minutes to the northeast. Xilu looked around vigilantly and was ready to sing after confirming that there were no other latent dangers:

"It should be here, right? It's really not very eye-catching."

"But the more inconspicuous it is, the more likely it is to hide forces that we can't predict. The principle of nature is so simple.

After Lulu recited a spell, a blue shiny linear figure appeared above the oblique, which is the superior effect of using the water magic "source" to make the boundary appear in a specific form. Just after seeing the figure of this boundary, the two magicians exclaimed at the same time:

"What kind of boundary is this!"

The boundary seen in the past is nothing more than a simple shape such as triangle, quadrangle, pentagram, six-pointed star, etc., but now the boundary in front of it can't be said what shape it is. To put it bluntly, it is a complex shape built by polygons of more than two digits, which is simply dazzling. However, the interior of this combination is not messy or even collision with each other, but as if it is running regularly along the established path. After careful observation, Lulu couldn't help sighing heavily:

"It turned out to be the high boundary 'natural'!"

"Do you mean the ancient boundary that contains the laws of the operation of the universe and can breed infinite magic?"

"I really can't think of any boundary that can reach such a height except 'nature'. And the power that this boundary can maintain and the magic that can be nurtured can be equivalent to the ancient magic meteorite. Will there really be unexpected secrets hidden in the ruins protected by this boundary?

"For example, if there are any treasures hidden here, it must be unimaginable valuables?"

"That's how it should be. It seems that my intuition is not wrong. It's really a place worth exploring!"

"But the question now is, how can we lift this boundary? As you just said, this boundary has infinite magic. If it is forcibly lifted, we will be torn to pieces, right?

"If we force it, I'm afraid we will be swallowed up before we lift the boundary, but there is no other way. If we can cooperate to the extreme tip, we can minimize its destructive power while lifting the boundary. However, because I have never tried such a thing, I don't have much confidence..."

"Since there is a way, I don't know if it will work if I don't try."

"If we fail, not only us, but also loyd will die!"

"Don't say such unlucky words! If you don't want to do it, let's go back now. Anyway, we are not treasure hunters!"

"That won't work. Now that we have come here, it's a pity to give up halfway. And... this ancient mystery is so profound that it really attracts my interest like a fire that can sweep the sky..."

Lulu's face was burning with a blazing flame, and she seemed to be excited by this interesting but deadly dangerous challenge. She stretched her magic wand flat to the obelisk:

"Now test your knowledge as a teacher, Xilu, do you know what effect the elemental magic of different attributes will have when it hits each other?"

"Of course I know this, and I have tried it! Last time in the monastery, my 'zero' and Ferdinand's 'cyclone' combined to produce an 'ice tornado'!"

"Very true! So, do you know what ice and water produce?

"This... I don't know, and isn't ice a branch of water?"

"It's 'harmony'. To reconcile all the contradictions that exist naturally, even the ancient boundary where the magic is extremely powerful may be vulnerable. As long as we can reach this situation, we can completely destroy 'nature'!"

"In such a situation... can we do it?"

"How do you know if you don't try! And I didn't plan to try it. I'm going to succeed with one blow! Because I'm Lulu Anli, the witch of water! Now lift your magic wand, Star Xilu! That's the 'hot eyes' of the ancient heritage!"

"Even if you don't say so... I will do it!"

Xilu raised the "hot eyes" in her hand, and then called out an ice bomb the size of a round mirror, and then the ice bomb was surrounded by the water mist called out by Lulu.

The two magicians chanted spells at the same time. Because it is a completely different attribute, once a byte is confused during the chanting process, it will lead to the failure of magic, and the explosive power generated by failure will directly hurt the singer himself, which is the first "sage" mentioned by Lulu. As a result, the two completed their respective chants word by word, and the ice bomb and water mist melted with each other after a slow twist, and finally turned into a pearl-sized ice crystal.

"Next, let this little cutie enter the central part of 'nature' and remember that if it collides with those running tracks, it will be completely abandoned; if it is forcibly terminated, we will also die!"

"Don't harass me with such nonsense!"

Xilu was obviously nervous... The scene of being blown to pieces by failure frightened her just thinking about it. But after all, she is not the kind of person who is easy to retreat, and... loyd is still behind!

This knight will always guard in front of him regardless of his life... Now is the time to protect him! So I can never fail... Moreover, I will never fail!

Xilu closed her eyes and relied on her intuition to drive the ice crystals to move forward slowly.

It's just a few meters away... Time seems to have stagnated, and the ice crystal is almost nailed to the spot... Xilu took a deep breath and waved forward the "hot eyes" in her hand, and the ice crystal rushed into the center of the boundary unimpeded at a speed that the naked eye could not capture.

"Well done!"

Lulu then waved her magic wand, and the ice crystal in the center of the boundary quickly began to decompose, and the scattered arc wrapped tightly around the running polygon trajectory like a chain...

"Finally stopped... But now is the most dangerous beginning! Xilu! Get ready for defense!"

Even without Lulu's order, Xilu kept chanting spells. At the moment when the magic wand waved, the two were surrounded by an ice wall. This is exactly the defensive magic she once used in the trial fantasy of Lake Libita. However, Lulu showed an uneasy look:

"This effect is too weak! Can't you use a higher level of defensive magic?"

"Don't mention that unreasonable request! I'm not familiar with defensive magic at all! This is already my limit!"

"But 'natural' will not accept our explanation!"

Lulu called out a round water boundary to surround the two, but at this time, the "nature" that stopped working began to collapse... Although as Lulu said before, due to the effect of "harmony" the power of the outbreak was reduced to a minimum, this "minimum" is still in an instant. Break everything in front of them into dust. Xilu's ice wall disappeared after supporting for a few seconds, and the water boundary of Lulu also appeared cracks.

"No! Unexpectedly, they have come to the end..."

Lulu shouted in despair, and Xilu's eyes were filled with the bursting white light, and her mind was suddenly confused...

I'm dying...

I'm really going to die this time...

This step has been achieved... The result is still unsuccessful...

What to say about Xingzhi Xilu... What to say about protecting him... As a result, nothing can be done...


Xilu was psychologically ready to turn into dust... However, at the moment her eyes were opened, a familiar figure rushed to her and raised the sword in her hand...


Xilu shouted in horror and sadness:

"Don't die! Loyd——”

A few minutes of outbreak... It's like a long journey of several years, but it finally stopped...

Xilu moved her wrist... There was a faint pain in the joints...

Are you still alive? Didn't it turn into dust in the outbreak just now?

Xilu opened her eyes laboriously...

The surroundings have been razed to the ground by explosive forces, but it can still be seen that it is the original abandoned courtyard. It seems that I am still alive...

What about Lulu? What about loyd?

Xilu looked around in panic...

Lulu lay beside herself and opened her eyes and sat up. It seemed that she had not been hurt as much as herself; loyd lay in front of her, but no matter how she shouted and shook, she refused to open her eyes...

"No! Loyd!"

Xilu jumped into loyd's arms and cried loudly. Lulu bent down to probe his breath, and couldn't help changing her look:


"No! That absolutely won't work! Don't die like this! Didn't you say you would protect my life? If you are a guardian knight, stand up! No matter what magic or boundary, you can't leave me like this! Wake up, big fool!"


"unforgivable! This kind of irresponsible and untrustworthy thing is absolutely unforgivable! Is it just a lie to say that the guardian is? We made a vow to the statue of God! We finally met again! I don't allow you to be like this..."

"Listen to me, Xilu! Loyd is not dead at all! He is still breathing! If you continue to make trouble like this, he will really die!"

Xilu quickly got up to wipe away her tears, and then stepped aside and sat down:

"I'm sorry to trouble you with the treatment."

"Have you become serious all of a sudden? You really..."

Lulu sighed, sat down and began to sing:

"By the way... there are no scars... How on earth did you do it? If it were an ordinary person, it would have turned into dust long ago, right? Does my water boundary have such an unexpected effect?

"About this... I also feel like I'm dreaming..."

Loed opened his eyes and sat up laboriously:

"At that time... I felt that I would disappear immediately... But I still unconsciously stood in front of Xilu... At least I could become Xilu's shield..."

"I don't want you to be a shield! Stupid, stupid!"

Xilu ran to his side and pounded his chest:

"Who allowed you to do such a thing! Who allowed you to run up and die without permission! Are you still a knight like this? Who will protect me if you die!"

But we are still alive, aren't we? So should you thank me more?"

"Thank you or something... I won't thank you, idiot! Humph!"

Xilu spit out her tongue and turned her face aside. Loyd sighed helplessly, and Lulu came over curiously:

"But I'm still very strange. How did you do it?" Although the power generated by the natural outbreak has been reduced to the limit, it can still easily devour you, right? How did you survive?

"So I feel like I'm dreaming... My only action at that time was to subconsciously raise my sword..."

"Sword? Can you show me the sword?"

Loide handed over the sword, and after a careful look, Lulu showed a surprised look:

" No wonder you are so lucky! It's because of its credit! This is the legendary sword of loyalty 'Charilos'!"

The Sword of Loyalty? Sharilos?"

"I'll tell you the details when the matter is over. Now let's hurry up and look for the treasures hidden here! Shirley is still waiting for us outside! By the way, can you still stand up?"

"It's no problem to stand up... but you can't do it if you want to use magic again..."

Xilu shook her body and reluctantly stood up, and loyd held her by her side:

"At least I still have the strength to use the sword, maybe it's because I haven't been hurt."

"If you don't have this strength, we will be worried, and I can't use magic anymore. If there is an enemy at this time, it will be troublesome. But under the impact of the explosive force just now, even monsters will be eliminated..."

"If you think like that, it's really naive."

A familiar voice came to their ears, and the nerves of the three people immediately collapsed:

Who is it! Who is there?

"It's me, Frande Rivichel."

The figure flashing from the corner of the courtyard is indeed the terrible ancient ancestors...

Although I also predicted what kind of strong enemy would appear here, I didn't expect to kill this unimaginable enemy. The three people who had lost most of their strength couldn't help feeling suffocating... What's more, Farnde actually helped Shirley who had been unconscious!

"What...what did you do to Shirley? The act of taking hostages is really despicable, isn't it?

"Please rest assured that I didn't do anything to her, I just let her sleep for a moment. Although this is indeed an extremely despicable act, I will not care about the so-called reputation or righteousness in order to achieve the purpose. Please cherish the lives of your companions and give the 'burning eyes' to me. I can swear to the sages that I will never be your enemy.

Fland's face did not show any intention to be against them, but his hand beside Shirley emitted a faint white light. Obviously, if Xilu and others act rashly, Shirley's life will be in danger... In fact, the three of them can no longer take action at this moment, and no one can believe that they are physically In the case of exhaustion, he can still fight against this strong enemy.

Xilu clenched her lips... After carefully thinking about the current situation, she took out her magic wand:

"If that's the case... I can give it to you, but in exchange, you must tell me your purpose. Because even if I have fallen into a desperate situation, I can't give it to a person with evil intentions to save our lives.

Fland seems to show a look of embarrassment:

"Although I'm by no means for the so-called evil purpose,... I can't tell you that fact."

"Since it's not with evil intentions, why can't you be honest with us? After all, the 'hot eyes' in our hands and the Shirley in your hands are priceless to each other. Isn't it fair to exchange your intentions?

Lulu's words made France speechless for a moment.

"And the last time you left, a name 'Elipina' was mentioned. She should be your lover, right? You came to rob the 'hot eyes' for her, didn't you?

After a moment of silence, France nodded:

"Since you can guess these... then I can tell you something you want to know."

Fland stretched out his hand to his arms, and the three couldn't help holding the weapon in their hands... but the other party had no intention of attacking. On the palm of his hand, there is a small round mirror, a ring and a diamond crystal.

"These are the great heritage of ancient times, 'the jade of the source', 'the gate of red flame', and 'the mirror of disillusion'. Coupled with 'Burning Eyes' and 'Zero of Clear Sky', you can achieve my dream... You're right. Elifina is my lover, a lover who has never been forgotten in my heart in these 500 years..."

"Five hundred years? Even if you take ritrofen, you can't have such a long life, right? Only the legendary elves can live to this age!"

"It's true that even if it's Ricelofen, it's just a race with the same lifespan as you humans. The reason why I can live until now is that I have sealed my time. In other words, now I am actually just a puppet with thoughts and power..."

Is it the legendary ancient magic 'Gate of Time'? It can be used to stagnate your own time and obtain immortality, but the price is that you can no longer have feelings that are subordinate to yourself, and the taboo magic that will dissipate yourself after being lifted?

"It is true, but the simple 'Gate of Time' will make me lose my feelings for Elifina, so I also put a curse on myself and abandoned the noble Lycelofen's bloodline under the condition of retaining feelings and being dominated by the 'Gate of Time'... For our people, this is an absolute betrayal. It's the arrogance that even the soul can't get peace after death..."

"You... made such a sacrifice for Alifina?"

Xilu was deeply attracted by his words, and her eyes sparkled with tears.

"I also doubted whether my behavior had any real meaning... But now I at least understand that even if I have a little doubt in my heart, it is a great insult to Elifina... Elifina sacrificed to protect the powerless me at that time. From that day on, I have made up my mind, no matter No matter how much you pay, you have to pay for her life. No matter how much sacrifice you make, you can't make anyone die because of my powerlessness..."

"Elifina...did she die to protect you?"

"Yes... What a sad reality, in order to protect the weak me. At that time, I hated my existence so much. Why didn't I even have the courage to protect my lover as Riselopen..."

"So, what are you going to do after collecting these five ancient heritages?"

"Five ancient heritages are necessary objects to launch the 'change of souls' of ancient magic, and I will exchange my soul for Alyfina's awakening. That is my biggest and only wish to live until now. So I will fight against anyone for these estates... The damage to you before is also based on this reason, Miss Xilu.


Sulu bit her lips and was silent for a moment, and then handed the magic wand in her hand to Fland:

"Please accept it, Mr. Farnde."

Lulu and loyd showed a slight look of surprise, and a trace of doubt flashed on Fland's face:

"Miss Xilu... Are you serious?"

"There should be no need to deceive you. Instead of leaving the 'hot eyes' in my hands who can't exert all its power, it's better to give it to you. And..."

Xilu looked at loyd, with infinite affection in her eyes:

"And... there is a fool who has been guarding me at the cost of his life... Whether in Lake Libianta or in the face of the 'nature' that has just devoured everything, he did not hesitate to stand in front of me. Compared with you, I'm really extremely happy... If I die, you will do it like Fland, loyd?"

Loed nodded without hesitation, and Xilu and Lulu said the same sentence:

"Big fool!"


Fland took the "burning eyes" from Xilu's hand and then bent down deeply:

"I am really grateful for your kindness and kindness. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely repay you for today's kindness.

"We don't need you to make such a promise, Mr. Farnde. However, I also have something to say to you... 'change of soul' may be able to return the rebirth of Elfina, but... such a result may not be what she expects. As a woman, I can understand the true meaning in her heart. I hope you can carefully consider the sadness that will be hidden in such a result and don't let her suffer the same pain again..."

"Although the footsteps will not stop here... but the advice to Miss Lulu will be engraved in my heart. But... please allow me to ask you... What is the purpose of coming to this ancient relic?"

When asked like this, Lulu was a little embarrassed:

"Ah... how to put it... It's just because I'm interested in this place and want to come here to find out..."

"That is to say, do you want to find treasures? Although I deeply admire your strength to remove 'nature'... However, it may disappoint you. There is no result that will satisfy you in this relic.

It's like suddenly falling into a bottomless black hole... Lulu almost jumped up:

"And...that is to say, is there nothing here? In this case, why guard this place with such a powerful boundary?

"That's just an unnecessary obstacle set by our ancestors out of so-called 'dignity'. Based on the reason that 'nothing about Ricelofen can be fingered by humble human beings', it leaves behind this endlessly misleading legacy. Or, this is also the evidence deliberately left to show future generations the civilization and power of Rylofen. The treasure you can find is just a witness to this power.

"We... almost lost our lives for this reason..."

The two ladies collapsed on the ground with regret, and a wry smile appeared on Fland's face:

"I can only be deeply ashamed of the rudeness of my ancestors... If you really lost your lives because of this, you will also feel very sorry. However, I don't think you really got nothing. I'm afraid it's a very precious experience for you to be able to lift this powerful boundary. Perhaps you can think more about the crystallization of wisdom worth understanding..."

Farnde put aside the unconscious Shirley, saluted the three again, and then stepped on Griffin and broke through the air. Xilu, with her head hanging down, hummed for a while before staggering to stand up:

"It's really annoying... Why on earth did we come here? Almost lost your life? As a result, even my magic wand was lost! Lulu!"

"What's the use of telling me this! I didn't know this was just an empty and shabby yard! And you were also very happy to take the initiative to participate in the expedition just now! Don't try to put all the blame on me!"

Lulu rudely counterattacked Xilu's provocation, and the long-lost "lip-tongue sword" was unveiled again.

"That's just being temporarily enchanted by you! No wonder I felt dizzy before I came here! This is what the Water Witch is best at! You should change your job as an actor! With that mouth that talks about cattail as gold and that pair of exaggerated breasts, you can earn countless gold coins in a day!"

"Ah! Speaking of which, aren't these just your poorest places? Can that flat, mirror-like plain be called chest? I'm afraid it can't arouse each other's enthusiasm when you are held in your arms, right? How many women are proud of you? I really feel sorry for him..."

Before loyd came forward to dissuade him, the two ladies had torn together regardless of their image, and they didn't know where their strength came from at this moment... The only thing Loid can be sure of is that all he can do now is to stand aside and wait for the end of the farce.