Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Exotic Mercenary 6

The day when six out of three becomes a maid

"Okay! Say it quickly! Tell us every detail truthfully!"

In the room of the hostel, the two girls surrounded Loide in the center angrily and asked what had happened before. Xilu even nailed the magic wand tightly in front of him. As soon as they looked at the shining cold gem, they could guess that Xilu's chest was at the critical point of the explosion...

But loyd's situation is not much better. After being beaten before, his face was full of claw marks left by the two girls, and his body was covered with bruises. He had almost lost most of his life. At this moment, he could only lie on the ground exhausted and be stunned. Lulu, who was beside *, almost burst into tears with laughter:

"What the hell is going on? Are you playing any games? And... I said, loyd, how did you become like this? When it comes to fighting, these two people are not your opponents, right?

"That's not because he did that kind of thing!"

Xilu's mouth seemed to erupt with anger... She kept tapping Loyd's head with a magic wand.

"Dirty things? Did he tamper with you? Oh, it's really surprising that you did it..."

"It's not like that! Just stay and listen! This guy... he actually... is with that kind of low-class woman..."

"With that kind of low-class woman?"

"It's just... the kind of woman who does that kind of thing!"

"Do...the woman who does that kind of thing?"

Lulu jumped up in surprise with an incredible look:

"That's the so-called 'proswoman'! Loed! How could you find such a woman?

"That's a misunderstanding... I just want to ask her for some information... Uh-oh...!"

"Don't make such a ridiculous excuse! You have to make a draft to lie!"

Xilu fiercely** his scarred body with her feet, and loyd fell into a coma in this tyranny. Although Lulu showed a look of dissatisfaction, she did not intend to stop it:

"It's not unreasonable to say so... When it comes to information, such a person is indeed the most suitable target."

"Which side are you standing on? Don't be fooled by his ridiculous reason! And we just saw it!"

"Oh? What did you... see?

Xilu's face turned red, but her mouth was open but she didn't say anything. Shirley hesitated for a moment before she summoned up the courage to answer the topic:

"That... that is to say... Mr. loyd stuffed his hand into the girl's chest! And the woman bit his ear and kissed his face intimately... Jane... can't say..."

"Ah? Is that so? Put his hand in his chest? Then bite his ear?"

Lulu asked while holding up loyd and repeating the same move... Xilu dragged loyd back angrily:

"Who... Who told you to do this kind of thing here! You, you... You want to take advantage of it, right?"

"If you are not convinced, you can do the same! It's not a skill that needs to be learned... Anyway, if you need such a service, just come to me directly, loyd, and I can also satisfy you..."

"Where did you learn this shameless 'skill'! Are you a teacher like this?"

"There are no teachers or students in front of the problem of love! And speaking... probably because you can't satisfy him, that's why he ran out to find that kind of woman? If it were me, I wouldn't let him think about these messy things at all..."

"You are an idiot! What's not full of satisfaction! He and I... don't need to do such a thing at all!"

"That means you can't actually do it? Then don't bluff here! Let me tell you one thing, men... all need constant stimulation to make him fall in love with the people around him! So if you can't do it, leave it to me! I will let you know how shallow and ignorant you are!"

"Who is shallow and ignorant! Things like this... I can do this kind of thing! As long as I get serious... even ten loyd will bow down in front of me! It won't be as exaggerated as you said!"

"Oh...then you can do it! I really want to see what you look like when you get serious!"

Xilu's face was sometimes red and sometimes white, like a strange little devil dance... She took a deep breath, as if she had made a century of determination, grabbed loyd's hand, and then suddenly found that it could not be stuffed into the chest of her laundry board... Lulu couldn't help laughing, Xilu He stared at her fiercely, and then put his face to Loide's ear angrily...

"Wow! That's enough, Miss Xilu! You really do this!"

Shirley pulled Xilu back like the end of the world... She woke up from the dream, Xilu almost buried her face on the floor, and Lulu was laughing out of breath:

"So you really did this... Ah ha ha... It's really childish... I thought you were just saying... Such a fact is..."

Xilu's head seemed to be hot... She laughed at Lulu, and she just responded with a "woo" voice. Shirley touched her head and stared at Lulu with a straight face:

"Miss Lulu, you are also true! It's too much to bully people like this! After all, Miss Xilu is also a nobleman! How does this make her feel ashamed..."

"Ah! You two seemed to be enemies just now! Why are you on a front now? That's the reason why wolves and sheep will form allies because of the crisis in front of them, right?

"It's not a wolf or a sheep! What you have done is really a little too much! And the most important thing now is to figure out what Mr. loyd was doing before..."

"Easy to say, did you have a chance to explain to him just now? Didn't you beat him half to death with Xilu? Who is going too far? Look at the injury on his body! You smashed those places with a pot, didn't you?

Shirley's face also turned red, and she lowered her head without saying a word:

"Really... How could I beat Mr. loyd like this... At that time, I must have been infected by Miss Xilu's bad temper..."

"Don't pass on your mistakes made by jealousy to others! And who would believe that loyd would really happen to such a woman? He must really want to collect some information, but he was asked by the other party to do that. You can't guess such a simple thing? Isn't it too pitiful for loyd to be tortured by you?

"Yes...that's right... Maybe it's really not good for us... But everyone will misunderstand that kind of thing!"

"You! Do you think you can ask for information by catching a random person on the street? Loyd is also working very hard, and it is common to come into contact with such incidents. At least you should ask clearly! Besides, didn't you say you caught him in the pub? He is a guy who will tremble with a kiss! Will you go to the pub to do this kind of thing in public?"

"He will tremble with a kiss... How do you know?"

Xilu spit out her deep words and slowly raised her head. The inexplicable murderous atmosphere flashed in her eyes. Lulu couldn't help feeling a cold behind her back and quickly pretended to be a relaxed smile:

"Well... I'm just guessing! A simple guy like this should be this type! And didn't you kiss him last time? Do you think so?"

" seems like!"

Xilu shook her head desperately:

"Now is not the time to say such a thing! What the hell should we do?"

"What else can I do! He has been injured like this. You need me to treat him first, and then let him rest for a day. And such a serious trauma still needs to be treated with medicine. Shirley, you can go out and help buy some injury medicine. Xilu will stay here to help me.

Shirley promised and hurried out, but Xilu's face was full of puzzlement:

"Do you want me to stay and help? But I don't know how to cure magic..."

"No, I just want you to apologize to him. After all, you made him so embarrassed, didn't you? If you don't even apologize, you can't say enough.

"Why should I do something like apologizing!'s his fault! He took the initiative to get in with such a person! As long as you listen to me as the master at the beginning, as long as I am alone in my eyes, I will..."

"You really won't give up! But do you think this will make him have a firmer love for you? After all, what violence can get is just a distrust based on violence. Even a knight who is loyal to you will have resistance after being treated like this by his master, and then resistance will turn into doubt and indifference. Eventually, you will go to the freezing point of love... If you don't accept it Don't face this fact, you will lose loyd sooner or later!"

It's like being hit by a frozen hammer... Xilu sat down by the bed in frustration:

"Really... will there really be such a result?"

"The first rule of the college code is that teachers and students can't cheat each other, right?"

"Say that... You seem to often violate this order..."

"At least not today, anyway... This is also for the sake of loyd's happiness, so I won't do that kind of deception. Although it makes people feel very unwilling... but for the time being... He really only has you in his heart! So I have to do something for him..."

"Even if you tell the truth... what should I do?"

"I have a good idea... How about exchanging identities?"

"Exchange of identity?"

"To be precise... it should be more appropriate to change your identity. Just today... you can take good care of him as a maid."


"To be a maid for a day to take care of him."

"What are you kidding! I'm Miss Xilu from the Lafard family..."

"You are no longer here during this period! Do you still want to go out to collect information under this name? From now on, we are just civilians, so it's not difficult for you to be a maid for a day!"

"So... that's really no problem, but why do you have to be his maid! Anyway, I'm also his master..."

Didn't you say that you are neither a noble nor a master now! And are you going to deny your mistakes?"

"I didn't say I didn't want to apologize! But why do you have to use this method? Why don't I apologize directly when he wakes up?"

"Of course you should do that, but that's not enough. My purpose is to make you understand loyd's mood! If you come to be a maid and make him the master, then you can stand in Loude's position and understand what kind of heart he will have when facing you, right? Understanding each other's mood caused by differences in positions is an effective way to make your relationship closer. Don't you want to have a try?

"That...that thing..."

Although she seemed hesitant, Xilu was still attracted by the picture depicted by Lulu and slowly stood up:

"Really... will it have that effect?"

"That depends on how you do it. But at least, you won't know the result if you don't try it. How about it? If you decide, I will change your clothes right away.

Lulu rummaged through the suitcase by the bed for a while, and sure enough, she found a set of maid uniforms that matched Xilu's size. Xilu almost jumped up:

"Hey? Are you even ready for your clothes? Shouldn't you have had such a plan for a long time?"

"What nonsense! This is for you! But I was going to hide your identity. If you think it's suitable, I'll give it to you. It's made of high-grade silk..."

"I don't want it! This kind of thing... How can you wear this kind of shameful thing!"

"Shame to death? You don't have to worry about that problem. I've dealt with your chest carefully. You don't have to worry about your figure. Well, time is waiting for people! If loyd wakes up, it will be troublesome! Hurry up and change your clothes!"

"Wow! What do you want to do! Don't do such a thing here--

Shirley hummed a pleasant country song and shouted "I'm back" and pushed the door open... Then she was shocked by the scene in front of her:

I don't know when and for some reason, Xilu changed into a senior maid with black and white lace-rim uniform and was standing in front of her awkwardly... After touching Shirley's scary eyes, Xilu turned around quickly with a red face and shouted angrily:

"Don't... don't stare at me like that, stupid country girl!"

"Hug...sorry...but what does that matter! I'm a girl too! It's you who make me feel strange! Why did you put on this dress?

"This...this is the clothes prepared to hide our identity! I just think... I think it's funny, so take it out and try it..."

"So... what is the towel in your hand for?"

" for wiping your face after makeup!"

"So... why is the towel in the direction of Mr. loyd?"

"That...that's because...he's sweaty..."

"Don't continue to argue! You just want to put on this dress to confuse Mr. loyd, right? I didn't expect you to use this kind of brain when I left. What an excessive sneak! Let me tell you, Miss Xilu... The maid uniform also depends on her figure! Especially the size of the chest and the scale of skin exposure! That's the place that can really attract men's attention! You don't have that talent at all! So this uniform is more suitable for me to wear than you! Please take it off and give it to me right away!"

Shirley couldn't help rushing up and pulling her uniform. Xilu panicked to avoid her attack, and then tripped her to the ground:

"What are you doing, country girl! Do you think I would like to wear this shameful dress? It's hard for me to make such a decision..."

"Make up your mind? What does this mean?

"Just... that is to say... just to exchange identities or something... In short, it's just to apologize to him! So I want to express it like this... It's a small comfort for him! The master should also be more tolerant of the knight occasionally! If you want to laugh, just laugh! I'm pissed off..."

Xi Lugu lost her temper. After staying for a moment, Shirley suddenly understood and laughed:

"I understand what you mean, the so-called exchange of identity, right? That is to say, you become a maid and let loyd be the master, and then you can understand his feelings as a knight through the exchange of positions, right?

"How do you... know this?"

"You can guess it by intuition! But this is still a simple idea! Because I don't think you can do that at all..."

What does it mean that you can't do that much!"

Xilu raised her eyebrows and protested unconvincedly. Shirley stood up and patted the dust, raised her index finger to make a "proverick" posture:

"That means you can't meet the qualified maid standards at all! Because after all, you are just a nobleman!"

"Don't underestimate people! I'm a genius! I'm Star Xilu! Like the maid's standard or something, I will be able to achieve the most perfect state immediately!"

"What does this have to do with Xingzhi Xilu... Since you are so confident, just walk around and say 'Mr. loyd' to me to have a try!"

"Why should you do that kind of thing to you!"

"He can't see or hear now! So I can give you some advice!"

"I don't need your advice..."

Although... but think about it carefully, Shirley, who is a servant and maid experience, is indeed an experts in this field... Xilu gritted her teeth and turned around according to the other party's request... As a result, before turning halfway, she screamed and fell to the ground because she stepped on the skirt... Shirley was in a Laughing at the same time:

"So I said you can't do it! You don't have that talent at all, Miss Xilu! So it's more appropriate for me to wear that dress!"

"Just...just now it was just a mistake... No! It's just practice! When I get serious, it's easy to turn around and greet each other! Just like I clean up those monsters..."

Xilu stood up, took a deep breath, turned around again, and then said "Mr. loyd" to Shirley with a nearly collapsed smiling face. Although she didn't fall down this time, and although her face was already blushing after spitting out those five words, Shirley still shook her head hard:

"It still doesn't work! And not at all! First of all, the skirt did not float!"

"Isn't the skirt floating?"

"Yes! The qualified maid, after turning around, the skirt will float up naturally! And it just floats a small angle, but it can immediately attract men's attention! This is just the basics!"

"What kind of indewd basic... actually attracts men to see their feet..."

"That's not the same thing! It's not for people to see your feet! In that case, won't it just make the whole skirt float up? We are not selling colors! It is to make people appreciate the beauty when the skirt floats up! That kind of natural beauty as light as running water!"

Xilu's head was shaken by her voice, and she covered her ears impatiently:

"Don't be so loud! I can hear it! And you really have the ability to describe that kind of perverted thing as beauty..."

"Whatever you say! And the second point! Can your smile be called a smile? It's just crying! And it's even worse than crying! Even if it's a fake smile, at least it should look like a smile!"

"It's so noisy! Why do you put on such a disgusting smile as you said? Ask the master to give his knight... I can't do such a thing!"

"If you can't do it, don't do it. Take off your clothes and give it to me! I will demonstrate it for you for free! To be honest, your childish method is unbearable at all! How can loyd feel your mood in this way!"

Xilu, who was still jumping, collapsed in the chair again and stared at the coma with watery eyes like a homeless puppy in a daze... Shirley was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt a little unbearable, so she stepped forward to tidy up her clothes:

"Well, don't be so awkward. In fact, I was just angry with you just now. After all... We are also opponents. I'm just jealous of your use of this means... In fact, I don't think loyd is the kind of person who only pays attention to appearance. All he needs is your real heart, as long as you take this A kind of heart conveys that he will definitely be very moved..."

"Convey the true feelings? Although I still don't understand... Is it really enough?"

"If it were me, I would definitely be moved to tears! The reason why you always have such problems with him is that you always like to believe in your intuitive judgment without understanding his feelings, so things like today will happen! So if he knows that you are willing to show your true feelings for him, all the contradictions will be solved immediately!"

Hearing the friendly advice, Xilu's heart surged ripples spread by the impact of friendship... However, in order to hide this gratitude in front of her rival, she deliberately pretended to be disdainful and turned her head:

"What you said is really easy... Who knows what you are thinking! And don't you have a share in beating him like this today? Why didn't you say this just now and just focus on doing it with me!"

"That...that's just because of temporary anger! You often make unnecessary mistakes when you are angry, don't you? I remember the first time we met, you beat me up because of a misunderstanding..."

"Hey! Why do you still remember this? I haven't apologized to you and you said you would forget it! And I didn't misunderstand you at all! You really like him, don't you? If I had known this, I should have beaten you a few more times..."

"Ah ha! In that case, Mr. loyd would not agree! But Miss Xilu... I'm very touched! Because I didn't expect to become friends with nobles... especially with you! What a miracle that I have never dreamed of in the past..."

Xilu's heart was soothed by the warm current. She stretched out her hand to hold Shirley's hand on her shoulder:

"Even if you say so, I won't be happy... But let you satisfy your vanity. Don't forget that we are still enemies... It won't be so easy to reconcile!"

"I know! We will not give in to each other on this issue, but other than that, I will never treat you with a hypocritical heart. I also hope to see your happy smile, Xilu!"

"You guys are really not frank enough... I hope I can leave him if I'm happy. What an annoying statement..."

"Ah ha... This is the only thing that can't easily promise you! By the way, what about Miss Lulu?

"After treating loyd, I went back to my room to rest..."

Does that mean that Mr. Roid has recovered? He slept so soundly..."

"Yes... He didn't wake up when we talked so loudly..."

Silo nailed her eyes to loyd... After a moment, she turned her back to the other:

"Hey loyd! I feel a little uncomfortable in this dress. Please help me relax..."

Loed, who should have been asleep, actually agreed to sit up from **... Then he suddenly found that the atmosphere had dropped to freezing point at this moment... A terrible murderous atmosphere appeared on the faces of the two girls:

"Did you hear what we said just now?"


"And those we just had... those... have you seen it?"

"Well... I didn't see anything about you learning from a maid..."

Xilu's shoulders began to tremble... It seemed to be futile... Just like at that time in the pub, no matter how much she defended, she could not escape Xilu's unjustified punishment...

Loide lay down with a smile, closed his eyes and waited for the coming storm in peace...