Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

The starting poem of the abyss Seventh

After the seven-five burning moonlight

It was late at night when the warship of Silas's special force arrived over the Magic Academy. The moonless night made it seem difficult to sneak into the operation, but Walter didn't seem to pay attention to this problem. What he led was a carefully selected night combat force. It was a piece of cake to sneak into a college that never needed guards to guard the gate. The warship immediately landed on the plain outside the college. After inspecting the 30-person special team, Walter coughed seriously:

"Everyone! Even if it's just an ordinary infiltration operation, you can't be careless! You should understand that if a magician holds the magic wand, you, even veterans who have experienced many battles, will be in danger of life, because they are such a dangerous existence! So before the action is completely successful, you can't take it lightly because the other party is just a group of students! Deal with them like monsters! Answer me loudly when you understand!"

The soldiers shouted "understand" loudly, and Walter nodded with satisfaction, but there was a trace of sadness in his eyes:

"You are all my old subordinates, and I didn't need to say that to you... Everyone... If the operation fails, I can't send a soldier to save you, because I have to be responsible for the remaining soldiers, for the warships, and for the victory of the Silas army... At that time, I will never see you again. It's yours! So you must come back alive with the honor of victory! Answer me loudly when you understand!"

The soldiers shouted "understand" loudly again, and Walter waved his hand. After saluted together, the soldiers quickly moved in the direction of the college under the leadership of the leading captain. Walter saw their figures disappear in the night and turned around:

"The first team is responsible for the inspection, the second team is responsible for the support, and the third team is responsible for the preparation of evacuation! Our time is only one hour at most!"

"General... Isn't an hour too much? And those so-called magicians are just a bunch of hairy kids. Do you really deserve to be so cautious? I think as long as the troops don't move in, they will surrender immediately, right?

"Hmm! If the other party is just a group of ordinary soldiers like us, I may really think so. You haven't seen the horror of a magician, have you? Speaking of which, I might as well tell you a story. Although it was five years ago, I still feel cold when I think about it... Do you know I have a nickname?"

"Is it the 'Scythe of Death'?"

"That's it. It sounds terrible, doesn't it? But that doesn't mean how brave I am, but simply satirizes me. Five years ago, I was a small officer leading 500 soldiers as I am now. That time I was ordered to suppress the rebellion in the north. In a place called Galali, I met the magicians for the first time..."

"Galari? Is that the village north of Sierras? It is said that it has already turned into ruins?

"Yes, Galali was burned into ruins five years ago. At that time, my enemy was just a team of 50 people, so although it was a group of magicians, I didn't pay attention to them with my superior strength, and directly issued the order of the general attack. However... when I woke up, there was only a sea of fire left in front of me, and 500 soldiers had no life to live. Since then, I have had an extreme fear of magicians...haha! Do you understand? Why do I have such a nickname? It's because all the soldiers who follow me will die!"

Although he was still laughing "haha", Walter's voice was full of sadness. His subordinates also fell silent for a moment and didn't know how to comfort the brave but timid commander. Finally, Walter himself broke the atmosphere of the cemetery:

"Okay! It's useless to tell you this. After all, it was five years ago, and I don't want to demoralized everyone before the action begins. Guys, we are going back to Sierras with victory and honor this time!"

The soldiers responded with high morale and began to take charge of their work separately. Walter looked at the shadow of the distant college and sighed deeply:

"Come back alive... you guys!"

It is rumored that the undefined holy moonlight has no sign of guarding, because he is too confident in his magic? Or do you think you don't have to worry about being raided? In a word, it's really a group of arrogant guys who are extremely careless. The children of the nobles are all this kind of virtue, right? Do you think you can be invincible with the noble status of the family? The don't team laughed at the students fiercely in their hearts, and then quietly sneaked into the college with tense alert nerves.

From the gate to the student's dormitory, you must pass through Heregg Square, which is really too big... It's so big that there is almost no place to hide, which is really the worst situation for sneaking into the battle. Thirty soldiers suddenly found that there was no fear of the college without guards. This big square itself is an extremely perfect defense system. As long as someone passes by, they can feel any dark shadow in the distance... However, the so-called perfection must have a place to leak, because this defense system is too perfect, so On the contrary, it was difficult to attract the attention of the other party. The dong dong dui touched their bodies all the way to the statue of the college president and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, they are still amateurs! As long as one person passes by this square, we will expose our whereabouts, and the battle plan will fail completely... It seems that there is no need to worry about such a result. The rest of the work is to rush in one breath...

However, after observing the situation ahead, they suddenly found something strange: there were bright lights in the supposedly empty crystal forest, and many moving figures seemed to be holding some kind of banquet...

Those guys don't sleep in the dormitory, but party in the restaurant? What a disgusting aristocratic style! However, the battle plan will be temporarily changed. You must exert the power of thedongs and catch the opponent as fast as possible, while the opponent is a large group of magicians...

"If a magician holds the magic wand, even if you are veterans who have experienced many battles, you will be in danger of life..."

Walter, who is brave and good at fighting, warns that the so-called magician is by no means a group of forces that can be underestimated. Of course, this is because Sierras domestic magicians are not common and have a huge sense of mystery. In fact, it is also a reality that has scared Sierras since the beginning of history, especially Celine, who once destroyed the royal city of Sierras, which has changed their color. Although the current opponents are only a group of young magicians, once they hold the magic wand, they will become terrible demons... The soldiers wiped away the cold sweat on their foreheads and began to discuss new battle plans with gestures. Five minutes later, they crawled over again.

But what day is today that makes those noble disciples have an all-night banquet? I thought that only the fat-brained senior officials in Wangcheng could do this kind of thing. Unexpectedly, these young people who usually pretend to be decent have also got this bad habit... In the future, they will be worms who lose money on the country's finances, right? But it's none of our business. As long as they play a little trick when they are in a high mood, they can be scared to be obedient...

The captain reviewed the battle plan again in his heart, and then made a gesture of "solving the guard" to his subordinates. The guard standing at the door looks like a soldier sent by the royal city. Since he is not a magician, there is no need to be afraid. The two soldiers circled behind them with agility, and then the two guards who were stabbed fell silently.

"Well done!"

The captain made a gesture of approval, and then gathered around the door of the restaurant with the remaining soldiers. Listening to it, as expected, there were all kinds of noisy and messy sounds inside, and it seemed that some people screamed and roared because they collided with others drunk. After confirming that the atmosphere of the banquet had reached its peak, the captain issued an "attack" order. The long-term soldiers opened the door and rushed into the restaurant:

"Do not move! You have been..."

Even if the number of the other party is large, as long as one or two hostages are controlled immediately, they can be forced to comply... The soldiers rushed into the gate and prepared to implement this plan, but the scene in front of them stunned them:

What appeared in front of them was not a student at all, not even a human, but a group of dolls wearing all kinds of aristocratic clothes. They have also heard of this kind of doll. It is a wonderful magical creature that is endowed with magic to move freely like a human and imitate human movements and voice to the simplest extent. But on the other hand, these "Mlo" can still use the most basic magic and don't know what death is...


The captain shouted in despair.

Did those guys have long expected that we would take such an action? Is it useless to do anything now? But you can't just stay here and wait to die!

The soldier's instinct made him react most quickly, and the captain immediately ordered all members to retreat. The soldiers rushed to the gate and were surprised to find that the two guards who had just fallen also stood up and blocked them.

It turns out that they are also "Mlo"!

It is quite difficult to pass through the narrow passage blocked by them, and more importantly, the other party still doesn't know what pain and death is! But if there is any hesitation, those "noble Mlo" behind him will cast magic! Regardless of so many consequences, the captain pulled out his sword and rushed over first.

With a "dong", a "Mlow" was cut to the ground by the captain, but when he fell, he took the opportunity to hold the other party's feet, and the captain also fell to the ground. So the door was completely gambled to death, and the remaining soldiers were ready to step on his body and rush outside under the order of the captain "Don't mind me", but there was a loud sound from the restaurant:

"Put down your weapons! Otherwise, our magic wand will be waved down!"

With the sound, there are about 20 students standing in the corridor on the second floor of the restaurant, each holding a magic wand that has finished singing and shining with various colors. If you resist again, I'm afraid you will be bombarded into coke in the next moment, right? The soldiers hesitated for a moment, and the students' voices sounded again:

"Put down your weapons! We won't say it for the third time!"

The soldiers threw down their weapons helplessly under the command of the captain's "no need to resist anymore", and the "Mlo" in the hall then came forward mechanically with ropes. A few minutes later, the soldiers were tied tightly. However, because it is a masterpiece of a group of puppets, there are also a variety of ways to bind. Some soldiers are even tied into a ball, which makes them can't help complaining:

"Can't there be a decent binding method! This is very uncomfortable! You guys!"

"I'm sorry, this is the only way to treat those who want to hurt us when they enter the college."

The student team is led by Gerard, the "temporary acting captain document" of the swordsman regiment. As a commander, he made another contribution, which made him unable to help but be in full bloom. With his gesture, the captain was escorted up by a "Mlo":

"This warrior! Please tell us everything! About the purpose of your coming here!"

"Do you think I will tell you? Yellow-haired boy, you haven't examined my qualifications yet!"

The captain laughed fearlessly:

"And although I have been caught by you, I know very well the decree of your country. I will not be your prisoner, because you have no corresponding military rank at all..."

"Excuse me, I have that kind of thing! Next is Gerrard, the bronze knight of the second guard directly under the Queen of Heil Milan and the temporary acting captain of the Valkyrie Swords Regiment!"

After proudly reporting his name, the captain did show surprise, and Gerrard's face became more shining, but the captain's attitude was still quite decisive:

"Even so, I won't reveal a word to you! The glorious Silas soldiers will not bend their knees to surrender to the enemy! What's more, you are a kid! It just happened to catch us. Don't think you are so great!"

"Little kid? You bastard actually call me a kid..."

Furiated by the contemptuous attitude of the other party and felt that his identity had been extremely insulted, Gerard's body began to tremble:

"How dare you insult my noble origin and wisdom? Obviously, you are just a prisoner and dare to put on that arrogant posture... Yes, I am obviously handsome and have made great achievements and have been awarded the title of knight, but no girl has favored me, even that Such civilian knights will send love letters so desperately, and I received the so-called dessert just to let me remove the grass... But! But I also have noble blood and excellent talents! Why do I have to form such a huge contrast with those guys?"

"...what the hell are you talking about?"

I wanted to anger the young man in front of him to find a way out... And it did anger him, but I couldn't understand what he meant at all, and the captain was confused for a moment. The students in the corridor couldn't help showing an awkward look, but Gerrard continued to shout regardless of his image and completely fell into a frenzy:

"So why did I become like this! Why can't I be as lucky as those guys! Why do I have to endure the humiliation of a guy like you! You fleas on your lion! If you insult the noble me, you have to understand what price you have to pay..."

With a clatter, a large floor in front of the captain flew up because of the attack of a water bomb, and then burst into pieces in the air. The power and precision of the cannonball shocked the prisoners present, while the students in the corridor quickly grabbed Gerald's hand and dragged him down despite his roar. After staying for a while, the captain asked in disbelief:

"What was that just now?"

"It's water magic!"

Instead of Gerrard, the student standing in front of the team stared at him angrily:

"So are you going to answer our question or let your head fly like this? That guy is crazy now. If you want to be a warrior, you have to be prepared accordingly.

"All the way! I surrendered! That guy is so messy! How can you treat prisoners like this! Didn't your queen tell you these basic etiquette?

"You are the one! Where did the momentum just now go? You also claim to be a glorious Silas soldier!"

"Hey... I can't lose my life because of this... After all, I don't want to die in the hands of that kind of guy. Then ask whatever you want. All I can tell you will tell you the truth.

"Just the question just now, you answer us first!"

"Well... his next name is Lewin, who is a subordinate of General Walter of the Silas's Special Forces. He was ordered by the general to sneak into the college to take you hostage..."

"There is such a thing! Big stupid bear's guess is not right at all! So, what about your so-called special forces?

"We came here in two warships... That's right! I have to tell you that if we don't go back within an hour, General Walter will come to shell the academy by warship! Hello! In that case, we will also die! You have to find a way!"

"Take a warship to bombard? What a despicable--!"

Like a huge thunder falling from the sky, the students suddenly shouted and panicked. Levin tilted his eyes and stared at the farce in front of him and constantly responded to the ridiculing smile.

General Walter leaned anxiously on the railing of the deck and waited for the return of the detachment. Every ten minutes, the adjutant will report to him, and just now the adjutant has reported to him for the sixth time, which means that the one-hour deadline has passed and the task of the special forces has completely failed.

Although he can't believe that his subordinates will be subdued by a group of hairy kids, the reality still quite ruthlessly confirms that his original worries are not unnecessary troubles. Walter bit his lips, struggled for a moment, then made a decision, and turned to his subordinates:

"Depart! Retreat!"

"General! Lewin's team is still in the college. Aren't we going to save them?

"It's too late... Lewin actually lost to such a group of little ghosts, indicating that the other party was already prepared, and we did not receive the order of the shelling college, so we had to choose to retreat. As for Lewin... as a prisoner, he will not be hurt..."

"General! Are you afraid of those magicians that you can't save Captain Lewin? Even if the opponent is a magic academy, after all, it is just a group of laymen. Lewin must be careless..."

Walter turned around and slapped the adjutant in the face, and his facial muscles trembled violently with anger:

"Levin has followed me longer than you. What right do you have to criticize him unreasonably! And if I were afraid of those magicians, I wouldn't have commanded the warships to come here! Have you ever thought about why the experienced donating team lose to those students? If we rush over, we will definitely encounter each other's siege and fall into crisis! My duty is to bring you back safely! Your wife and children are waiting for you at home! I have lost an elite. Do I have to compensate you all to be a warrior?

"General... I'm really sorry..."

The adjutant bent down in shame, and Walter waved his hand hard:

"No matter how you think I'm good, now we have no choice but to retreat. Let's make plans after finding a suitable place to rest. I just think that I'm really unwilling. It should have been our first glory since the war to have failed at the beginning... Luck is really indescribably good. Laugh! Sail, retreat!"

The soldiers were ready to set sail in accordance with the order. Walter was preparing to return to the bridge when the soldiers in the tower suddenly shouted again:

"General Walter! Traces of the enemy were found ahead!"

Huh? Traces of the enemy?"

Yes! It seems to be a cavalry unit! The number is about 20!"

"Do 20 cavalry dare to chase us? Isn't this too much?"

The adjutant showed contemptuous look, but Walter did not look so relaxed:

"If they are not crazy, they must be fearless... What makes them so bold and confident? Or do they not know that we have warships as weapons? No! Things are not that simple! Load the ammunition immediately and get ready to fire!"

"I can't be a general! The enemy's march is facing the bow of our ship, and the guns on the side can't work at all! Our only way is to annihilate it with hand-to-hand combat and order the soldiers to prepare for hand-to-hand combat!"

"Did these guys know the docking position of our warship and deliberately chose this direction? It seems that the commander of the other party is really not a simple person... the whole army! Prepare for the battle!"

Even if the other party's commander is outstanding, the 20-person team is not enough to fight against their 500 soldiers, right? Why on earth did the other party have such confidence... Walter was thinking about something strange, and the other party's cavalry had stopped not far in front of him. Through the firelight, Walter faintly saw the other party's appearance:

"Is that uniform... a student of the college!"

The situation is not good! Walter was about to give a surprise order to the soldiers when there was a sudden burning pain in front of his eyes, and several fireballs were roaring at them. Walter shouted "down", but the warship had had a continuous explosion due to the fireball attack. The soldiers were hiding from the fire and smoke brought by magic, and the situation was embarrassing, let alone counterattack. Walter judged that a round of attack had passed. He just stood up to command the counterattack, but quickly fell down again.

Then there was a "whirlwind". Small tornadoes began to rage around on the warships, blowing up the side of the ship and breaking the mast. As a result, the deck was empty, and some unlucky soldiers were directly thrown out of the warship by the tornado. Then, another round of fireball rushed over...

The cooperation is really wonderful! Walter secretly praised in his heart. The students are divided into two rows of interactively using magic and covering the singing of their companions, so that there is no gap between each round of attacks that can be used as a counterattack. Although they have a powerful warship, they can only watch the other party destroy it arbitrarily...

The fear of the magician rose and spread from his heart again. As the blood spread to every nerve, Walter only felt that his whole body trembled unconsciously, which made his memory return to the battle that had been haunted by nightmares five years ago. When he woke up, the flames of the village and his subordinates The body... The tragic scene almost made him feel down, and then the deck gradually quieted down.

Has the magic attack stopped? The other party's magic has been exhausted, right? I'm afraid it's the only good opportunity to counterattack... Walter was ready to stand up and organize a counterattack, but suddenly put something cold on his neck:

"You are the commander, please stand up."

Has the enemy occupied the warship? What's going on with this demonic speed?

The general trend is gone, and Walter slowly stood up with a dead face. The two young people in front of him put away their weapons and smiled at the winner:

"What's your name, Commander?"

"Under the command of General Lagna of Sierras, Walter, the commander of the team. You two are..."

"The Bronze Knight of the Second Guard directly under the Queen of Haile Milan, the deputy captain of the Valkyri Swordsmen Regiment, and Kitke, the staff officer. General Walter, please order to surrender. Your fleet has lost its ability to fight.

Even if he doesn't turn his head, Walter can imagine what the warship is like now... But even so, he must retain the demeanor and glory of Seras soldiers. Walter sighed and handed over his sword after a military salute to the two:

"I express my surrender to you on behalf of my troops, hoping that you will comply with the agreement between the countries and give my subordinates the courtesy they deserve and preserve their dignity."

"Please rest assured."

The two young people smiled happily and stood high on the deck:

"What a beautiful victory. It seems that you have made great contributions again, Ferdinand. How will your queen reward you this time?

"That's all right. I'm just inexplicably excited. Because the future era will belong to us, this victory will become the glory of Haier Milan and go down in history together with our warships.