Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

The Return of the Knight Eight

Five Heroes

Although the royal city after the scuffle did not completely collapse into rubble, it can only be described as "a mess".

The conference hall was smashed by shells on almost one side of the wall. If it is hit twice, it may turn into a pile of ruins.

The big garden caught fire on all sides, and the flower garden carefully cultivated by the queen since she was a child disappeared, making her heartbroken as if she had lost her best friend.

Even the main door of the hall was bombarded... It took a lot of effort to clean up the gravel blocked at the door.

As for the outer wall, it is even more miserable, and most of the magic defense crystal wall has also collapsed. Rollinforth asked the craftsman to make a brief calculation and gave a repair period of "at least four months". He was strictly ordered by the queen to "must be within three months", and then began the restoration project immediately.

In a word, although the defense war was finally won, the royal city was still damaged beyond expectations. The two high priests and generals reflected in front of the queen and were rejected by the queen's words, "What is needed now is not to reflect on mistakes but to formulate a more complete defense strategy", which made them speechless and convinced.

If the Queen's action of "insistent on staying in the royal city until the last moment" had not inspired the morale of the soldiers, perhaps the royal city would have completely fallen before the arrival of the reinforcements. This alone is enough to make them express their obedience to any of the Queen's orders, even if they have always been Rollinfors, who likes to preach, also unusually did not show any intention of reproach.

Publicizing the Queen's heroic deeds to the people can undoubtedly achieve the ideal incentive effect... The high priest is more concerned about this. Politics is originally to make full use of all available factors to promote the country's move forward. It is not a crime to make small use of the Queen. .

"I'm really sorry that I can only meet you in such a place, but I can't find a more suitable place except here. After all, it's really a great shame for Haier Milan that Wangcheng has become like this."

Because the halls that can be used to receive the subjects have been damaged to an extent, for safety reasons, the Queen temporarily selected the meeting place in a back garden that has not been damaged, but this does not seem to affect the mood of both sides. Lulu and others, who participated in the rescue operation and were received by the queen, knelt down on one knee together:

"I'm really ashamed. Because we didn't arrive in time, Wangcheng was attacked to such an extent. I'm really grateful to be forgiven by your majesty..."

"What are you talking about, Miss Lulu, even my life was saved by everyone's efforts. What can this level of damage be regarded as? On the contrary, I can't express my gratitude for your contributions.

Sericia picked up Lulu and motioned the other students to stand up, and then hugged Xilu, who was standing aside:

"My closest friend, Silu Ferrinwen Lafard, I especially want to express my apologies to you. Because I once had a secret order out of personal selfishness that made you and your friends go to danger and encounter unimaginable danger in Heland, right? Now that you have returned safely and made such achievements to save the crisis of Wangcheng, I really don't know how to express my gratitude to you..."

"How can... It's my honor to serve Her Majesty. No matter how difficult the task is, even if it requires my life, I will be unreserved for Her Majesty..."

"I'm so happy to have a friend like you. You and your sister are so noble and holy, just like the constellation in the sky of my life, so that I won't easily lose my courage even if I encounter the most difficult road ahead. Please accept the sincere gratitude expressed to you as the queen of a country and as your friend..."

Sericia let go of her hand and saluted her skirt. Xilu held her in shock:

"Her Majesty! How should I face it if you do this? I am your majesty's courtier. No matter what kind of secret order is executed for you, please..."

"It is because I not only regard you as a minister, but also as my best friend that I express my gratitude to you as an ordinary friend. Please don't hesitate to accept it. In addition, I have a small wish that I hope you can promise me from the standpoint of a friend.

"Her Majesty's wish is..."

Sericia took Xilu's hand, as if holding the treasures of the world:

"As you know, as the queen of a country, I have few friends who can be trusted and discussed like Fei Linwen, so I hope you can help me as a female official like your sister."

"Become... Your Majesty's female official?"

Xilu couldn't help but be a little stunned, but Selysia's eyes showed extremely real expectations:

"I don't just need a simple force, because no matter what kind of power it is, if it can't lead in the right direction, it will definitely become a purely destructive force. I once almost fell into a desperate situation because of my shallow obsession, and also buried the lives of the two generals, all of which were caused by the fact that I knew that I was immature but blindly waved my scepter randomly. So I need a friend who can help me strengthen Haier Milan and work with me for the future of the kingdom..."

"Her Majesty..."

"We need the strength to win this war to win hope for Haier Milan and the future of the mainland, so no matter what sacrifices we make, I must lead Haier Milan to the other side of victory. It's too thin to rely on my personal strength to achieve this ideal, so I must..."

"Your Majesty, please allow me to say... Although your so-called strength is a necessary catalyst for Haier Milan to win, it is also an uneasy factor that can shake and tilt the balance of the mainland. Have you considered..."

"So that's why I need a friend like you, Xilu. Of course, I hope you can be the sword guarding me, but I hope you can become a mirror to let me see clearly what kind of expression I am facing the possible sacrifices after making certain decisions, so that I can more clearly recognize my mistakes, right? Xilu, would you like to be that excellent mirror as I said?

"You mean..."

After meditating for a long time, Xilu made up her mind and nodded:

"I would like to be the mirror you mentioned, but please forgive me for not being a female official around you, because I am still just an ordinary student in the college, and once I become close to you like my sister, I'm afraid I won't be able to tell you the real answers you really need for various reasons. Case, right? If the mirror is decorated too gorgeously, the face reflected in the mirror will only become blurred. I wonder if you agree with me?

"I know what you mean, Xilu, so I will give you time until you are no longer constrained and become close to me, and then give you everything I promise today. However, whether you accept my excessive request today or not, please perform your duties as you just promised. I will look forward to everything you bring me from today.

"I will obey your order."

Xilu bent down deeply to comply with the Queen's will. Selysia held her body and hugged her deeply again:

"I'm so glad that you can accept my extraordinary wish. It's really lucky to be your friend. Let's work together to make Haier Milan stronger and more prosperous, Xilu."

"It is the greatest honor in my life to receive your praise, Your Majesty."

Sericia smiled and did not immediately let go of her hands, but put her mouth to Xilu's ear:

"When the things here are over, please bring your knight to my room."

"Ah...I see."

Why do you have to meet loyd in private? Speaking of which, there is no him in the crowd standing here today. Is there really any indescribable relationship between him and the royal family that makes it so secretive and cautious no matter what he does?

On the day he first met loyd, he said, "My family name has been deprived", and to this day, he has not mentioned any reason.

Why? What kind of past is hidden in loyd's memory that makes him even keep the secret in it? No matter what merit he made, he could not get the reward he deserved by the royal family, or even the official knighthood?

There are so many puzzles around him... Xilu faintly felt that there may be some terrible shadow buried under these puzzles, and once exposed to the sun, it will burst...

Forget it, maybe we will know the answer later? Before that, no matter how I guessed, it was meaningless...

Sulu lowered her head and retreated, and Selysia came to Kik again and stretched out her hand:

"I also want to thank you this time, Mr. Kick. I am very grateful that you can assist the defense of Wangcheng regardless of your identity as a foreigner."

"I am scared to be praised by Her Majesty. Although this is not a noble move, at least I should contribute a little to the college and your country."

Kick first bent down, then took Selysia's hand and kissed her gently on the back of her hand... He, who had always been rude and reckless, actually showed such an elegant move, which made the students a little confused and strange. However, it is not incredible to think about it carefully. After all, he is also from a noble family, and these daily etiquette are just covered up by his usual actions. After saluteing him, Selysia took a small silver metal box from the servant behind her:

"This is what the distinguished Lord Raul sent to me a few days ago and asked me to hand it over to you. Since I have been busy with the war the day before yesterday, I will hand it over to you today. I think there must be my expectation and the glory you deserve.

"It's the old man... No, it's something from my father? It must be those things that I hate... Ah, it's rude to Her Majesty. Thank you very much for your kindness."

Sure enough, her nature was difficult to change, and she almost lost her temper in front of the queen... The students bit their lips and suppressed their smiles. Selysia seemed to know the big man's temper and smiled back carelessly:

"So, the person standing beside you is Mr. Gerard, the acting leader of the swordsmen's regiment, right?"

"It's Gerard, the temporary acting captain of Valkyrie!"

At the call of the Queen, Gerrard's heart was as fierce as the flower garden around him. In order to show his gratitude and respect, he reported his name loudly and repeated the kiss... Only after he let go of his hand, he found that the queen's soft palm turned red because of his excessive grip, which made him sweat coldly. Selea still didn't show any displeasure:

"You defeated Silas's conspiracy and captured the enemy's commander Levin in the college. Today, you led the Griffin team to save the crisis of the royal city. I will always remember your merits. Since I have to attend the next round of meetings immediately, I can't thank you one by one. First, please go to the restaurant for lunch, and I will send a servant to convey my heart.

"I really feel the kindness to the woman... Just... Would you like to have dinner with your majesty?"

"Although I also want to accompany you to spend lunch time and listen to your heroic deeds, now I must first kill the fear of hunger in an endless meeting, because there are still many people waiting for me to solve their food dilemma... So, please forgive me for being rude."

Sericia winks at Xilu, and then walked towards her bedroom surrounded by the attendants. The students shouted "Honor Your Majesty" behind them, and waited for the queen's figure to disappear at the corner of the garden before they came forward to surround Keke:

"Hey! Kik! What's in your box? It looks like it's made of silver. It should be very important, right?

"Silver is not silver. This is just the old man's inferior taste. In my eyes, silver is no different from wood. As for what's in it... I don't have to think about it. It's just the kind of thing that bothers me!"

What bothers you? What is that? Don't pretend to be, tell us quickly!"

"Medals, non-commissioned officer appointments, maybe family inheritance provisions and marriage agreements... What a disgusting old man! I don't need these things at all now. It's better to bring me a box of gold coins..."

With doubts and vague uneasiness, Xilu and loyd came to the queen's bedroom. After greetings, Selicia motioned the two to sit aside, and then ordered the attendants to leave the room and close the door, but she just sat by the bed without saying a word...

All kinds of seemingly abnormal actions, coupled with the strong uneasiness on loyd's face, made De Xilu's doubts more intense.

Time gradually stagnated in this silence. Xilu was restless because of the steel suffocation, and finally couldn't help standing up:

"Her Majesty..."

Sericia's body shrank as if it was burned by flames... The queen, who woke up quickly, nodded to Xilu with a reluctant smile and motioned her to sit down, and then stood up:

"Mr. loyd...please come to me."

Loide stood up speechlessly, stepped forward a few steps and stood in front of the queen but lowered his head. Xilu hurriedly gestured to him:

"loyd! It's too rude to be in front of the Queen..."

"It doesn't matter... Mr. loyd, I... thank you for everything you have done for my best friend Silu. In the days when you accompanied him, as a guardian knight, you have faithfully fulfilled your duties. You have not only protected Xilu's life many times, but also once guarded the fate and honor of Haier Milan. I, Selysia, would like to express my most sincere respect for what you have done..."

"Thank you for your praise, Your Majesty... I just did my duty. I also thank Xilu, who not only gave me the honor as a knight, but also gave me another life, so that I can find the meaning of survival for the first time based on my own will... For me, this is the most noble gift you have given me, and it will be the honor of my life to become the guardian knight of Xilu.

The affectionate words made Desi blush, and without saying a word, she just stared at loyd distracted... However, when she saw loyd retreat after saying this, and Selysia did not have the expected further expression, she stood up in shock:

"Your Majesty... Is this over?"

"End? Xilu, you mean..."

"I'm just curious. Don't you have any rewards for loyd?"

Sericia's face suddenly became embarrassed, and Loed, who had been expressionless, also rushed over and took her hand:

"I don't care about the so-called reward, Xilu, the Queen still has a meeting to attend..."

"Wait a minute!"

Xilu shook his hand hard, her eyes burned with an angry flame, and her thin chest fluctuated violently with excitement:

"I hope Her Majesty can tell me the reason! The last time we rescued Your Majesty in the monastery, and heard from Kick that the only one who was not rewarded was Loed, and this time the same result was repeated! I don't understand why you treat him like this? Is the credit made by Loyde really not worth mentioning?

The queen's face slowly faded away, and her slender fingers kept pestering each other:

"Silo... There are some things that you don't know and shouldn't know the reason. I'm sorry that I can't tell you the truth about all this now, but there is no doubt that my gratitude to Mr. loyd..."

"Is it just gratitude? Even as you said, there is no doubt... Your Majesty, I remember you just asked me to be a mirror beside you, do you remember?"

"How can I forget such a thing, but you tell me about this now..."

"Then... I will confirm whether what Your Majesty said to me is sincere... or just out of the vanity of the king."

Xilu took a deep breath... As soon as Selysia showed an puzzled look, she suddenly felt dizzy in front of her...

Xilu slapped her face hard.

As a noble princess since childhood, she has never been slapped by others since she was born. Xilu's blow, like lightning from the air, knocked her aside, just touching her cheek and was at a loss. Loyd on one side also showed a rare look of shock and rushed up with an arrow step:

"Xilu! Calm down..."

Sulu did not wave the second blow as he was worried, but knelt down in front of Selysia:

"I have indeed fulfilled the agreement with your majesty and put forward the most sincere advice to you as a mirror. Now I am willing to accept your majesty's punishment, whether it is deprivation of your name or beheading. Please order it directly. I will never escape the crime of beating the queen!"

After standing for a moment, Cericia suddenly smiled softly:

"It's really my indescribable luck to have a friend like you as my mirror. My intuition has never deceived me. You and Fei Linwen will become the most important constellation in my life... Please stand up, Xilu, I already understand your intention, but I hope you can be more directly with me. Words, not in such a fierce way, although I also understand your mood at this moment.

"It's a great honor to get your forgiveness."

Xi stood up calmly, as if what had just happened was a simple misunderstanding. Loide's hanging heart finally let go, but when he thought that she would take action against the queen because she didn't get a reward, the emotional impact surged like a runaway tide...

Xulu would make such a rude move to the queen for me, a civilian knight...

Even if I have accepted all the reality, she will still be so impulsive for me...

This is always wayward, unreasonable and jealous, but she is so gentle in her heart...

The touching heat wave is churning in my heart, and even my eyes are inexplicably wet...

"Mr. loyd, what's wrong with you?"

Sericia seemed to have noticed his subtle changes and asked with some concern. Leud quickly adjusted his disordered breathing and stood up straight:

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, I'm just surprised by Xilu's behavior just now..."

You're worried about her, right? Xilu is really a lucky person. Fortunately, I can't help but be a little jealous, because she has a knight like you guarding her, while my knight is in an unknown distance. If I had just ordered her to be imprisoned or beheaded, you would have been facing me, right?"

After meditating for a moment, loyd nodded:


Although it was an unexpected answer, Xilu's face bloomed with joy:

"Loed... If you do that, you will really be a fool!"

"It doesn't matter... because I'm a fool."

"Please don't say such embarrassing words..."

"I just don't know how to lie..."

Sericia coughed gently and interrupted their sweet words:

"Although it's a little rude... I will leave enough time for you. Since Xilu protested to me like that, Mr. loyd, please make a choice.

"The choice is made by loyd? What does this mean, Your Majesty?

"As a reward for royd, of course, I should give him his due honor and restore his knighthood and family name. However, in exchange, he will cancel the contract with you and no longer become your guardian knight, but serve in the court as a royal knight. So before that, I have to ask loyd's own will..."

"How could this happen!"

As if she had been drenched with a basin of ice water, Xilu stayed where she was:

"After restoring the knight's identity and family name, he is no longer my guardian knight... Can't even guard me? Why is this?"

"The reason is that you can't tell you the details until loyd regains his identity. Before that, Xilu, I understand your feelings, but you can't make a choice for him... Mr. loyd, please decide. If it's the former, please kneel in front of me. If it's the latter, you can take Xilu with you. Leave, but maybe you won't have a second chance."

Loed turned his eyes to Xilu... At this moment, Xilu clearly felt the pain ejected from his eyes, which made her heart sting involuntarily.

If it's out of selfishness, of course she wants loyd to choose the latter...

How can you endure the loneliness and even pain caused by separation from him? Without his company, not to mention that you will lose confidence in fighting against a strong enemy, I'm afraid that even eating and drinking water will be boring or even difficult to swallow, right? Without him by his side, once you wake up from your sleep, how can you relieve the loneliness that comes with the night wind?

I... can't live without this guy! Even if it's just an hour or even a minute... I've lost my love once, and I can't lose him anymore...

However... I don't know what efforts loyd has made to restore his position?

Although it is never clear what kind of inside story his family was deprived of its name or even surname, before becoming his knight, he must have made unimaginable sacrifices for the arrival of this day... If he forces the other party to choose the former today, is he too selfish, even It's cold!

The Queen's previous approach was correct... She must have considered my mood and refused to give any rewards to loyd regardless of the consequences of my misunderstanding. loyd must have understood this before she has been silently accepting all the reality. However...

I misunderstood Her Majesty, but my seemingly kind act forced all three of us into a desperate situation.

Loed... What should I do? What would you choose?

Xilu didn't dare to face his eyes again, but silently turned her head...

Choose, Loed... Choose the former and restore your position...

You have been guarding me all the time. Today is the time for me to repay you.

I, who has lost everything, will definitely be able to withstand another blow.

We can meet again in the future... as friends.

We won't forget each other... That's enough.

Tears began to stagger on her face, and Xilu cried silently. The uncontrollably ** shoulders stimulated loyd's eyes and nerves like flames...

Maybe it will be a once-in-a-lifetime choice?

After making a decision today, there will never be any change, right?

What has been done to restore the position can finally become a reality today...

But...the lonely figure...


Actually, I understand what I should do... isn't it?

Led took a deep breath and knelt down in front of the queen.